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          The playground game of hg (捉人游戏) was temporarily banned at a Washington elementary school,but the ban was met by parent protests at a time when school recess (休息) is considered by many educators as one of the keys to better test scores.

          Parents,at Lakeridge Elementary School protested when they learned that the school's new “hands off’policy designed to reduce injuries during recess — also forbade tag. 

         “While at play,especially during recess and unstructured time,students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The reason behind this is to^ ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students,Mary Grady of the Mercer Island School District said.

          Many Mercer Island parents protested that an exciting recess game of chase and touch was not only safe,but also healthy. ”Our kids need some unstructured playtime,” a concerned mother Kdsey Joyce said. “I totally survived tag."

          After further pushback,the school district finally gave up the ban and announced tag was back. Many schools tried to improve standardized test scores  by cutting recess time several years ago,but elementary principals(校长) reafized that playtime had actually helped students’ test performance. More than 80 percent of principals said recess improved academic achievement,according to a survey.

         Rather than banning tag,a non-profit organization called Playworks suggests using the game to teach conflict resolution,or even just for fun. u\ think a game like tag is wonderful/' Playworks Director Jonathan Blasher said. “It's important for kids to have that free-range play.^ Playworks was started in 1996 to prevent fights at recess that led to the ban on tag at Lakeridge Elementary School. Rather than forbid eertain;games,the group places coaches in schools during recess to suggest new ones. The idea was to both free teachers from breaking up fights and help children return to class

refreshed and with a few life skills.

9. Why was tag banned at the elementary school?

   A. It led to kids’ unhealthy habits.

   B. It was considered dangerous.

   C. It met with parent protests.

   D. It made the school noisy.

10. The underlined word “pushback” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. resistance   B. discussion

   C. research     D. development

11. What did most elementary principals agree with?

   A. Recess time should be shortened.

   B. Playtime helps improve test scores.

   C. Standardized tests are difficult for students.

   D. Students,academic achievement has improved.

12. What can we learn about Playworks?

   A. It promotes playground games at recess.

   B. It offers teachers free lessons on life skills.

   C. It was started by Lakeridge Elementary School.

   D. It trains teachers to solve conflicts between kids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        Looking for a book to read? Here is a list of books you can choose from.

Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs 

        Breakfast Served Anytime is a must read. Gloria lives in Kentucky,recently lost her beloved grandma,and has to spend the summer before her senior year at a camp for gifted and talented kids. There,she meets a boy named Mason and some other new friends. Gloria and her new friends develop relationships,plan on their futures,and face childhood demons (恶魔) during one Kentucky summer.

How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford 

       Beatrice and Jonah are two strange ducks at a Baltimore private school. They make a connection with each other that they can't seem to make with anyone else. When Jonah discovers a family secret,Beatrice helps him deal with it. When Beatrice's home life starts to fall apart,Jonah is there for her. While not a romantic love story,this novel is all about love. The bond between Beatrice and Jonah is beautifully described.

Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker

       Set in the tiny town of Sticks,Louisiana,it follows a teenage girl named Sterling whose brother Phineas disappears into the mysterious local swamp that all the townspeople fear. Not long after,a young woman named Lenora May appears and claims to be Sterling's sister. The only trouble is,Sterling is the only one confused by the story and the only one who can remember Phineas.

OCD (强迫性精神错乱)Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu

       The novel follows Bea and Beck. When the two meet at a support group for teenagers with OC   D. romance begins. But how will they fall in love when they have to use so much energy to fight off their cowpw&zo/is (强迫性冲动) ?Haydu handles the tricky topic cleverly and delivers a hopeful ending.

13. What is the book Breakfast Served Anytime mainly about?

   A. A girl's love for her grandma.

   B. Tips on developing new friendships.

   C. Problems some students have to face.

   D. A girl's time with others at a summer camp.

14. How to Say Goodbye in Robot would most probably attract those who want to read a story about .

   A. detection    B. adventure

   C. friendship   D. romantic love

15. Which book sounds full of mystery?

   A. OCD Love Story.

   B. Beware the Wild.

   C. Breakfast Served Anytime.

   D. How to Say Goodbye in Robot.

16. Whose book is a love story about two people with a rare disease?

   A. Natalie Standiford’ s.  B. Sarah Combs’.

   C. Natalie C. Parker's.     D. Corey Ann Haydu's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                     Camp Programs for 2016 

Handwork Day Camp 

       Let your creativity run wild!Imagine your child spending,her day in the care of warm and loving (夏令营负责人) sewing the day away by hand and machine to make the most lovely creations. Our camps will encourage your child's  creativity and inspire her imagination. Our goal is to teach these wonderful skills in a space where they have ftin and are allowed to express themselves. Every week,join us for a different series of amazing crq/hs (手工) .Whether improving old skills or learning new ones,our camp is sure to be a delight. Join in the fim!All materials and supplies are included. Pricing and daily schedules may change according to locations.

Glamorize(美化) Your Doll Camp 

      This program is designed for campers that have always had the desire to create fashionable clothes and accesoney (配饰) for their dolls. Fun and skilled counselors will teach techniques like sewing and other skills to enable each camper to craft their own unique creations for their dolls. Camp provides all materials from sewing machines,to fabric Just bring your own doll.and imagination!

Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp 

     In this award-winning program,imaginative fashion designers will spend three weeks learning to finish a collection. From drawing roughly to sewing and modeling,watch your fashion dreams come to life!Campers will gain real-life experience by going on a fabric buying field trip. Also,campers will have the opportunity to model their designs for friends and family. Additional expense for the shopping field trip is about $100. 

1. Handwork Day Camp is designed for .

   A. adults who want a fun camp

   B. boys who love amazing crafts

   C. little girls who want to learn sewing 

   D. teenagers who have an interest in dolls

2. What should you do if you take part in Glamorize Your Doll Camp?

   A. Prepare some fabric.

   B. Bring some accessories.

   C. Take your doll with you.

   D. Wear fashionable clothes.

3. What do we know about Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp?

   A. The camp will last about 15 days. 

   B. The losers can get an award for their participation.

   C. The campers will have a shopping field trip for free.

   D. The campers will have a chance to model their designs.

4. The text is meant to .

   A. encourage kids to learn skills

   B. introduce some amazing crafts   

   C. recommend some tourist spots

   D. advertise three camp programs


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            Ragtime (雷格泰姆音乐) is a unique f American music. Characterized both by its African--American syncopation (切分音) and European classical structure,ragtime,in its golden age from 1900 to 1918,was enjoyed by people of all races and backgrounds.

            Ragtime was first popular in the late 19th century. A

“rag” can have varied instrumentation,but usually it is written for piano. Earlier than recorded mug He was spread almost completely as sheet music which was performed by amateur pianists in cafes around the country. Public performances by ragtime composers were in short supply,but high demand. The first official ragtime hit was Scott Joplin,s Maple Leaf Rag,published in 1899. America was fascinated by this unique Composition.

            Today,Joplin is the most famous figurf in ragtime

I a smnreir.iate his compositions for the creative combination of folk rhythms and classical harmonies. He first showed great musical potential at a young age,and when his family moved to a new home in Texas,his mother worked long hours to earn enough money to buy a piano for him. His abilities were noticed by a German piano teacher who gave Joplin free lessons and taught him good classical techniques. Soon enough,Joplin became a skilled musician and began studying music composition at George Smith College in Sedalia,Missouri. After some years as a traveling musician,he eventually settled back in Sedalia and became a pianist at several popular men's clubs. It was during this period of his career that he composed his Maple Leaf Rag,the piano piece that brought him and ragtime itself national fame. .

             Ragtime has given way to jazz by the 1920s.Audio(声音的) recording was becoming popular at the same time. The piano was no longer required and jazz albums began playing in living rooms across the country. Like all folk music,though,jazz pays respect to ragtime by borrowing its style,rhythm,and mood.

5. What do we learn about ragtime?

   A. It is a kind of modem music. 

   B. It is mainly played on the piano.

   C. It was enjoyed in the form of recorded music.

   D. It was played by professional instrumentalists.

6. During his early years,Scott Joplin.

   A. moved from America to Germany

   B. received good musical education

   C. got little support from his family

   D. taught at George Smith College

7. Scott Joplin 's Maple Leaf Rag was created when.

   A. he worked as a pianist in Sedalia

   B. he became a traveling musician

   C. ragtime was in its golden age

   D. he first won national fame

8. We learn from the text that jazz .

   A. went into decline because of audio recording

   B. became popular thanks to live performances

   C. was replaced by ragtime in the 1920s

   D. was greatly influenced by ragtime


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


            Several years ago,my wife and I spent a few days in Berlin,staying at the Park Inn in Alexanderplatz,where we got an unusual surprise.

            We arrived in the afternoon,tired from our early flight,and were checked in by a rather formal young man. We decided to have a lie down for ten minutes before exploring the city. As I lay down with my eyes half shut,I saw a shadow pass the window.,aProbably a seagull

            I thought. Then the same thing happened again,but this time there was a cry coming through the balcony doors.

I got up,opened the sliding doors and went out onto the balcony to investigate — just in time to see a human body screaming past me towards the square below before safely (变慢) just a few meters from the ground. I found out it's a sport called base jumping (高处跳伞).

            Once we knew what was happening,we got used to. it. It went on for a short time each day,and it was only the people that laughed loudly as they went down that disturbed me. (I tried to persuade my wife to have a go,but she said no!)

           On our last day,we checked out and the same rnsenW (寡言少语的) young man served us. “I hope that you enjoyed your stay,” he said.

           “Actually,” I replied, “it would have been nice to have been warned when we checked in about the base jumpers falling past our balcony."

            He paused and considered for a moment,ay/zckr (闪 现) of a smile appearing on one side of his mouth. “Yeah,” he said. “Perhaps we should warn people in the fliture." I knew that he wouldn,t. It was their little joke. Berliners,believe it or not,have a famous sense of humor.

9. What did the author plan to do first with his wife after they were checked in?

   A. Visit the city.    B. Take a hot bath.

   C. Have a short rest. D. Take some photos.

10. What did the author see when he stepped onto the balcony?

   A. His wife.      B. A seagull.

   C. A base jumper. D. The formal young man.

11. What the author said in Paragraph 6 shows that .

   A. he was quite satisfied with the service

   B. he wanted to be a base jumper as well

   C. he thought the base jumpers were brave enough

   D. he should have been told about base jumping before

12. What did the author mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

   A. Berliners were friendly.

   B. Berliners were reserved.

   C. He didn't trust the young man.

   D. He enjoyed the young man's humor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Remember the good old days before smartphones? No,we don't mean the days without mobile phones. We’ re talking the old school days. We’ re talking the era of flip phones (翻盖手机) .One teenager named Janey Litvin is looking to bring those days back.

          It started when Litvin dropped her iPhone and heard “crrmrrrack ,” the sound every iPhone owner knows and fears. At first,Litvin was frightened W see her iPhone break into pieces on the floor,but she eventually considered it a good thing.

          “Although I wouldn’t  have admitted it,I was totally addicted to my iPhone,w Litvin wrote in a post,describing it as her full-time job. If she didn't check it at all moments of the day,something,whether it be a Facebook notification (通知) or a message from a friend,would fall through the cracks.“A broken iPhone changed everything. Suddenly,there was no pressure to respond or stay updated with vveveryone's latest move,and it was nice,” she said.

          When others broke their phones and enjoyed a day Or two of freedom from cyberspace,they would get their phones fixed,and then jump right back into the world of network. But Litvin chose not to replace her smartphone. The teen instead ordered a purple Motorola flip phone that “gets the job done." It's a i*ar cry from a wonderful smartphone,but it's all Litvin wanted.

          At first,Litvin experienced uneasiness,even missing out on important conversations and plans. Eventually,she settled into the smartphone-less life,which turned out to be a good thing for her friendships. As Litvin has learned at a summer camp where mobile phones are banned,being disconnected can help “develop incredibly strong friendships."

          For those of us who have not yet tried to brave the world without an iPhone,Litvin offers the following advice.

5. What does the underlined part “fall through the cracks”

in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Be checked. B. Be ignored.

   C. Break up.   D. Show up.

6. What did Litvin do after her iPhone broke?

   A. She had it repaired.

   B. She got another iPhone.

   C. She stopped using a mobile phone.

   D. She bought a less advanced phone.

7. We learn from the text that now Litvin.

   A. lives a very busy life

   B. has fewer friends than before

   C. experiences uneasiness sometimes

   D. has got used to life without a smartphone

8. The text is probably followed by a paragraph about.

   A. Litvin's present life

   B. a story about friendship

   C. some tips given by Litvin

   D. some benefits of an iPhone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. A group of boys were setting off fireworks in the street.

2. JeiTy and I set off on foot for the beach.

3. Smoke from a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.

a.动身,出发      b.燃放(鞭炮等) ,使(炸弹等) 爆炸


[自我归纳]set off在以上各句中的意思分别为:

1 →;2 ;3


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. He is a (n)  (energy) boy; he enjoys sports.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



   Most buildings are built to stand up straight,but these look as if they might fall over!

The church tower of Suurhusen 

      Built in 1450,the 27-metre-high church tower lies in Suurhusen,Germany. It was built in wet land on foundations of oak tree (树千) .When the land was drained(排水) later,the wood broke down,causing one side of the tower to be a little lower than the other. In 1975,the tower became a real hazard and people were not allowed to enter until the foundations were made strong again. The /eaw (倾斜) of the tower is now about five degrees.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

     The work of building the tower began in 1173,and was finally completed in 1372. In fact,it began to lean after just a couple of floors were built. And this condition continued in the centuries after its completion. The tower was finally closed to the public in 1990 after people fajled to stabilize(使稳固) its foundations. In 2001,it was reopened after engineers repioved soil from underneath its raised side. Now it leans just an angle of 3. 97 degrees.

Capital Gate of Abu Dhabi

   Completed in 2011,the Capital Gate tower in Abu Dhabi was designed to lean eighteen degrees. The building stands next to the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre and contains,among other things,a fine hotel with wonderful views of the harbour. Also known as the leaning tower of Abu Dhabi,the tower is one of the tallest buildings in the city.

Big Ben of London

 T   he building leans 0. 26 degrees to the northwest. This was mainly caused by the engineering projects(项目) that have been carried out in the ground below it since the late 1800s. The tower,which has been continuously open since it was completed in 1858,has nowhere near the lean of the Tower of Pisa and is still completely safe to enter.

32. The underlined word “hazard” in Paragraph 2

probably me?ns “”.

   A. danger        B. church

    C. castle        D. treasure

33. What can we learn about the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

   A. It didnn't lean until ten years after its completion.

   B. It took almost two hundred years to complete.

    C. It was built on foundations of oak tree trunks.

   D. It has been open since it was completed.

34. Which of the following towers leans the most according to the text?

   A. The church tower of Suurhusen.

   B. The Leaning Tower of Pisa,

    C. Capital Gate of Abu Dhabi.

   D. Big Ben of London.

35. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The history of towers

   B. The art of building a tower

    C. The leaning towers of the world  

    D. Top four tallest towers in Europe

