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Li Hui, my friend in high school, has dreamed becoming a cartoon artist since she was young. To her disappointed, her parents don’t agree with her decision at first. Therefore, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hardly to perfect her skills. Just before he finished high school, the chance came: the famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winner would be given a scholarship to study drawing there. Li Hui told herself not to missing the chance. She readily entered the competition and came second. She is now a student in that school and I feel it certain that her dream will come true.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东实验中学高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Which of the following sentences is not correct?

A.I find it worthwhile to take part in the anti-smoking campaign.

B.The new house really didn’t worth so much money.

C.His suggestion is worthy of consideration.

D.He is a gentleman worthy to be respected.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山西太原五中高一入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:对话填空


(At 3:00 pm, Tom and Amy are in the classroom.)

Tom: Hi, Amy.

Amy: Hi, Tom. 1. What’s wrong with you?

Tom: I have a stomachache.

Amy: What did you eat for lunch?

Tom: 2.

Amy: I see. Maybe it is caused by them.

Tom: 3.

Amy: Do you often just have snacks for lunch?

Tom: Yes, very often.

Amy: Oh! 4. Snacks are bad for health.

Tom: I know that. 5. But I really enjoy them.

Amy: Anyway, you should try to eat less.

Tom: You are right. I’ll try from now on.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山西太原五中高一入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Thousands of foreigners ________ the World Internet Conference in Wu Town.

A. attended B. accepted C. attracted


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东东营胜利一中高考模拟最后一卷英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Characters in novels don’t always do what the writer wants them to do. Sometimes they cause trouble, take on lives of their own, or even work against the writer. It’s not just a problem for inexperienced authors: famed children’s novelist Roald Dahl said he got the main character in his book Matilda so “wrong”that when he’d finished his first version, he threw it away and started again.

Of course it’s not the characters’ fault. The problem lies with the author. Take Stephen King, who admitted that writing working-class characters is more difficult nowadays because his own circumstances have changed. “It is definitely harder,”King said.“When I wrote Carrie many years ago, I was one step away from physical labour.”

This is also true for characters’ ages, added King.“When you have small children, it is easy to write young characters because you observe them and you have them in your life all the time. But your kids grow up, it’s been harder for me to write about this little 12-year-old girl in my new book because my models are gone.”

For other authors, such as Karen Fowler, there’s one quality that can stop a character in its tracks: boredom.“I had particular problems with the main character in my historical novel Sister Noon,”she says.“She had attitudes about race and religion that seemed appropriate to me for her time and class, but they were not attitudes I liked. Eventually I grew quite bored with her. You can write a book about a character you dislike or a character you disagree with, but I don’t think you can write a book about a character who bores you.”

According to Neel Mukherjee, it was Adinath, a character in The Lives of Others, who made him work the hardest.“I think I struggled because it’s difficult to write a character whose most prominent personal feature is weakness, as Adinath’s is, without making that feature define him,”Mukherjee says. But a troublesome character is far from an unwelcome guest, he continues, arguing that “when characters work against the author they come alive and become unpredictable”.

“That is a fantastic thing to happen,”Mukherjee says.“I celebrate it. It is one of the great, lucky gifts given to a writer.”

1.What can we infer about Stephen King’s book Carrie?

A.It was his most difficult book to write.

B.It was the first successful novel King wrote.

C.There were few children featured in the story.

D.Some of its main characters were working class.

2.Why did Karen Fowler have trouble writing the main character in her novel Sister Noon?

A.She disagreed with the character’s attitudes.

B.The age difference between the two was too large.

C.She found the character very uninteresting.

D.The historical setting made accuracy difficult.

3.What does Neel Mukherjee think of his difficult-to-write characters?

A.They are a sign that the story is not realistic.

B.They are often the most interesting.

C.They should be praised by all authors.

D.They need to be researched more thoroughly.

4.In which part of the newspaper would you expect to find the passage?

A. Careers. B. Culture.

C. Entertainment. D. Lifestyle.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖北襄阳四中高三八月第一周考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The other day when I was passing a clothing store, I fell in love with a skirt. I knew it would suit me best at first sight. But when I looked at the price tag (标签), I knew I had to give it up.

The love for beautiful clothes has been planted in my heart the day when I was born to be a woman. Several years ago I read an article in a magazine. The article stated that when a woman is at her best time, she is usually poor or tasteless, so she can’t get the right clothes; when she can afford to buy the clothes she likes, she often finds that they do not suit her anymore.

On the way home, I was quite disturbed by such thoughts. It was just a pity, like many other pities. I thought to myself this way. But when I was about to enter the building where I was living, I saw the big mirror placed in the entrance. I saw a girl in it who was in cheap but cleanly washed sweater and jeans. She was rather young, healthy and energetic. For quite a while I was touched by what I had seen in the mirror.

Then I almost forgot the tale: A person without shoes cried until he saw a man without feet. Being young without good clothes is like the person without shoes. I should have felt grateful that I haven’t lost my feet.

1.How did the author feel when she decided not to buy the skirt?

A. Embarrassed. B. Wise.

C. Relieved. D. Regretful.

2.The underlined word “She” in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.

A. the author’s friend B. the author

C. the author’s roommate D. a stranger

3.Why was the author touched by what she saw in the mirror?

A. She didn’t feel at ease when looking into a mirror.

B. She was reminded of her devotion to beauty.

C. She came to realize what she really possessed.

D. She never thought over the other side of a person.

4.We can learn from the text that the author considered her love for beautiful clothes as ________.

A. natural B. funny C. silly D. simple


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江哈尔滨六中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I must decline because the conditions you offered are not ________.

A. accessibleB. availableC. comfortableD. acceptable


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届宁夏高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

A tourist bus wound its way into a mountain area. On the way, two passengers—a couple of young lovers—were very attracted by the beautiful scenery that they called on a stop to get off the bus. They were left behind and the bus went on. Suddenly, they heard a loud boom ahead of the road. There was a huge rock rolled down a hill that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley. The lovers were greatly shocked by the news that no passengers on board were survived. When they calmed down they sighed and expressed their feelings in a few words.

The above story was told by a women guide when we were riding a tourist bus to scenic mountain. She asked us to guess that the lovers said immediately after the disaster that they had narrow escaped.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016湖南麓山国际实验学校新高二第一次暑假作业卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

While astronauts in space get to do many exciting things, they miss out on ordinary things that we all take for granted—being able to walk on firm ground, hanging out with family and digging into a slice of hot steaming pizza. Though not much can be done about the first two things, there may soon be a solution to the third one, thanks to this cool 3-D pizza printer!

About a year ago, NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor, a 3-D technology expert, to build a device that would allow astronauts to make pizza on demand. The mechanical engineer promised that his invention would produce pies in large quantities that looked, tasted and even smelled like pizza made in common ovens.

Late last year, the engineer presented a video of his first prototype (原型) that begins by creating a single slice of dough (面团) that is cooked and printed at the same time. Then comes the tomato “sauce”—a mix of tomato powder, oil and water and finally, a protein slice that resembles cheese. While the video doesn’t show the baking process, the inventor says that once the pizza is printed, it can be ready to be consumed (消耗) in 7 seconds.

While the pie in the video looks delicious enough to attract any pizza lover, Anjan Contractor is far from ready for astronauts. That’s because he still has to find a solution to make the food container in the printer last for 30 years. Though that may sound unrealistic, actually it is not. Anjan Contractor believes that the only way that is possible is that the water is removed from all the ingredients and then they are reduced to the powder form. This, as you can imagine, will not be so easy. But, while the printer may not be ready for space, it certainly looks ready enough for people on earth. Hopefully, NASA and Contractor will consider selling it to those not fortunate enough to go to Mars!

1.Why does the author mention the things that astronauts in space cannot do?

A. To ask us not to take common things for granted.

B. To show they live a difficult life there.

C. To show their life is boring in space.

D. To introduce the topic of the text.

2.NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor mainly to ________.

A. create some new type of 3-D printer

B. attract more companies to work for NASA

C. help astronauts in space enjoy fresh pizza one day

D. produce pizza in large quantities to earn great profits

3.The biggest challenge that Anjan Contractor is faced with now is probably that ________.

A. he has no money left to go on with his research

B. the pizza doesn’t seem appetizing to pizza lovers

C. he has no way to make pizza that can last for thirty years

D. he cannot make the food container last for decades

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. NASA is trying its best to help astronauts eat better.

B. Astronauts may soon be able to enjoy steaming hot pizza.

C. NASA is working on making pizza for common people.

D. A 3-D pizza printer has been used to make pizza.

