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  Today, we complete our story about the influential English writer William Shakespeare.He wrote plays and poems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remain very popular today.

  During earlier times, people would probably have learned several ancient Roman and Greek plays.It was not unusual for writers to produce more current versions of these works.For example, in Shakespeare's play“The Comedy of Errors”Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus.For his play“Macbeth”, Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information.Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays his own.While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.

  Shakespeare was also influenced by the world around him.He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays.His works include observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and the popular language of the city's tradesmen.Shakespeare's knowledge of the English countryside is also clear.His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.

  It would be impossible to list all of the ways in which Shakespeare's works have influenced the world culture.But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language.During his time, the English language was changing.Many new words from other languages were being added.Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poetic inventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones.For example, he created the noun forms of“critic”,“mountaineer”and“eyeball”.Many common expressions in English come from his plays, including“pomp and circumstance(装腔作势)”from“Othello”,“full circle(绕圈子地)”from“King Lear”, etc.The list of cultural creations influenced by Shakespeare is almost endless.From paintings to television to music and dance, Shakespeare was well represented.Shakespeare's plays have been translated into every major language in the world.

  Shakespeare became a well-known writer during a golden age of theater.His years of hard work paid off.


What can we infer from the passage?

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Many of Shakespeare's works were influenced by earlier writings.


Shakespeare was hard-working when he was a student.


The experience of living in London helped a lot with Shakespeare's works.


Shakespeare became rich later because of the popularity of his works.


Shakespeare might have learnt some information from ancient Roman works in ________.

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“King Lear”


“The Comedy of Errors”






Why could Shakespeare's works survive his time?

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Because there were so few people writing plays in his time.


Because he produced too many works that nobody else could do.


Because he was a rich and influential person of his time.


Because his works were rich in imagination and language.


Shakespeare's greatest influence should be on ________.

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the English language






music and dance


The passage is mainly about ________.

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an introduction to Shakespeare's life and his works


the main features and styles of Shakespeare's plays


how culture influenced Shakespeare and he influenced culture.


Shakespeare's greatest influence on the world culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省枣庄市2010届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  April 22,2010 will be the 18th celebration of the annual Take Our Daugluers to Work Day(TOD), a project the National Ms.Foundation for Women of America(NFW)developed to expose girls to expanding opportunities for women in the workplace.

  The program offers, millions of girls a first - hand view of the many career opportunities available in their futures.Now that women make up 46 peroent of the U.S.workforce, girls can find role models in every occupational field-from politics to molecular biology to professional athletics, to name just a few.TOD encourages girls to focus on their abilities and opportunities, not just their appearance.

  The NFW developed the project more than a decade ago to address the self-esteem problems that many girls experience when they enter adolescence.At school, boys often receive more encouragement in the classroom, especially in math.science and computer science, the academic fields that tend to lead to the highest salaries.Women receive on average only 73 cents for every dollar that men are paid.and remain vastly underrepresented(数量不足)in top executive positions and technology fields.TOD aims to give girls the confidence and inspiration they need to develop successful careers, particularly in non-traditional fields.

  Perhaps because the program had become so widespread and successful, TOD had been criticized for excluding boys.and it was expanded in 2003to include boys.The program's official website states that the program was changed in order to provide both boys and girls with opportunities to explore careers at an age when they are more flexible in tenns of gender stereotyped roles."We should also show boys that becoming a child care provider is as acceptable a choice as becoming a police officer or CEO," added Sara K.Gould.executive director of the NFW.


The purpose for having a Take Our Daughters to Work Day is ________

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to encourage girls to get top paying jobs


to let girls spend more time with their mothers


to show girls possibilities for work and careers


to give girls a chance to visit their mothers' offices


Why are women underrepresented in some fields such as technology?

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They are not interested in these fields.


They are not encouraged to work in these fields.


They are not paid the same as men in these fields.


They are not allowed to be educated in these fields.


TOD was criticized because some people ________.

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thought it was not fair to boys


did not like having children at work


did not have daughters to take to work


would rather have their daughters stay at home


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

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Boys are now included on Take Our Daughters to Work Day.


Women and men have always been treated equally at work.


Homemaking and raising children are jobs for girls only.


Girls grow up receiving more attention than boys.


What can we learn from Sara K.Gould's words?

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Boys are sometimes more careful and responsible than girls.


It is most suitable for women to look after children at home.


Aboy's life ambition should be to become an officer or CEO.


It is also acceptable for boys to do what girls are supposed to.

