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Project Management Assistant


1.      Provide service for the project in Chongqing.

2.      Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work.

3.      Responsible for file management, customer service for students & parents.


4.      College degree and above.

5.      Good English and computer skill.

6.      Related working experience in an international organization.

7.      Patient, careful, supportive. Have strong team work spirit.

English Teacher


8.      Conduct English teaching according to British education system.


9.      University degree and above in English major or normal English.

10.  Eager to learn and open-minded with creativity.

11.  With deep understanding for different cultures.

(Warmly welcome the fresh graduates to apply for this position.)

Marketing Assistant


12.  Responsible for the local management of marketing & sales activities according to the instructions from the head office.

13.  Collect related information to the head office.

14.  Develop relationship with local media and customers.


15.  College degree and above with good English (speaking & writing).

16.  With basic idea of sales and marketing, related experience is preferred.

17.  Working experience in the international organizations is a must.

18.  Good communication and presentation skills



19.  Accountant work for Chongqing office and project.

20.  Perform the finance management locally according to the rules & policy of the company.


21.  College degree and above in finance area.

22.  Good English and good computer skill.

23.  Have sense of finance management.

24.  At least 2 years’ experience as an accountant in an international organization is a must.

25.  Self-management, hardworking, independent and able to deal with pressure.

You can go to http:// www. 51job.com for more information.

Please mail or fax your resume (both in English & Chinese), diploma, training certificates and expected salary to the following address within two weeks. No personal visit or telephone call before that. Your materials will be kept in ACE files.

Add: Room 1806 Plaza Building Yuzhong District Chongqing 40010

Fax No: 023- 63728428

Email: acercq @ cta.cq.cn

62. If you have just graduated from a university, you should apply for the position as _______.

   A. a project management assistant                 B. an accountant

   C. a marketing assistant                                  D. an English teacher

63. If you want to get the position as the project management assistant, in your resume you’d better say ___________.

   A. you always have new ideas and can’t wait to see them realized

   B. you can decide everything for yourself and have your plan carried out

   C. you are good at persuading others to follow you and becoming a good leader

   D. you are always ready to listen and help carry out good decisions

64. If you want to apply for a position, you can _________.

   A. go to the company or make a telephone call at any time

   B. tell the company how much money you want for your position

   C.go to acercq @ cta.cq.cn for the information about the employment

   D. write about yourself either in English or in Chinese



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届江西省重点中学高三下学期模拟考试(一) 题型:阅读理解

Girls really do prefer pink and boys prefer blue, recent research shows.
The reasons could have its origins in the hunt for food on the African savannah(稀树草原) thousands of years ago. Evolution may have developed women’s preference for pink, perhaps because it helped them to find ripe fruit and healthy men with reddish faces, while both men and women have a natural desire for blue, according to scientists at Newcastle University.
“Everyone in today’s western culture, from parents to toy manufactures, seems to assume that little girls like pink.” Said Prof. Anya Hulbert, who wanted to find out whether the reason was cultural or to do with biology.
A love of salmon, fuchsia and coral does seem to be rooted into females, rather than picked up from their mothers.
The participants in the study were Chinese and British. The Chinese students showed a marked preference for red. “Culture may contribute to this natural female preference.” Said Pro. Hulbert.
In her experiments, 208 young adult men and women were asked to select, as rapidly as possible, their preferred color. Hulbert and her colleague Dr. Yazhu Ling marked the results and found that while men preferred blue, women tended to choose pink.
Hulbert said she could only infer about the preference for blue: “Here again, I would favor evolutionary arguments. Going back to our savannah’s days, we would have a natural preference for a clear blue sky, because it signaled good weather. Clear blue also signals a good water source.”
60.The passage mentions “the African savannah” to show that____.
A.the ancient Africa was a beautiful place.
B.human beings lived in African at first.
C.women and men have different color preferences.
D.Color preference has its historical origins.
61.It can be inferred that the underlined word “fuchsia”_____.
A.is probably a kind of toy
B.is probably pink in color
C.can be only found in Africa
D.hardly causes men’s interest
62.By saying “The Chinese students… for red.” in paragraph 5, the writer means______.
A.red is the Chinese student’s favorite color
B.the Chinese prefer red more than the British
C.culture influences people’s color preferences
D.the study was carried out by two nations
63.What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Hulbert thinks evolution explains why people prefer blue
B.Hulbert has a strong desire for “savannah” days
C.Blue is a natural signal of many good things
D.While boys like blue, girls like pink.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省淄博市2010届高三下学期第一次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING  March l ( Reuters)  - China hailed its best ever Winter Olympics on Mon- day, crediting technology, foreign coaches and even improved language skills for the winning five gold,  two silver and four bronze medals in 'Vancouver.
Only eight years after skater Yang Yang (A) won the  country's first Winter gold at Salt Lake City, a sweep of the women' s short track speed skating and a first figure skating  title helped China to joint seventh place in the medals table.
"Cold Standard" read the banner headline on the front  page China Daily, while the People' s Daily led its sports page with "Vancouver historical breakthrough " .
"We have made an important breakthrough at these Games" Xiao Tian, deputy chef de mission of China' s largest ever Winter Games delegation, told the Xinhua news agency.
" Actually the five - gold finish was within my expectation before we set off for the Games,but I couldn't say that at that time because I would not want to put any pressure on the ath- letes.Now I can speak out."
Xiao was quick to retun to the earlier subject of conversation to pessirrustic(悲观)  type,  however, when discussing the future, emphasizing the huge task the Winter Sports adnunistra-   tion faced to close the gap on their Summer counterparts, who topped the table at the 2008 Bei- jing Olympics.
"Despite the good results at these Games, we still have a long way to go in the develop-ment of China's winter sports," he said.
"It' s impossible for us to reach the same -level as we have done in Summer sports,  but we will try to minimize the gap as much as we can."
Xiao said that progress would come not through a vast expansion of the Winter sports pro- gramme but by using the best coaches, wherever they came from, and technology.
71.China regarded the Vancouver Winter Olympics as a breakthrough because___________
A.China gained-seventh place in the medals table
B. many people were crazy about the Vancouver.Games
C.'Yang Yang (A) won the country's first Winter gold
D.People's Daily thought it a historical breakthrough
72.Which contribution to China's success is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Technology.B.Foreign coaches.C.Language skills.D.Hardworking.
73.The reason why Xiao Tian didn't speak out the five - gold finish before setting off for the Games is that___________
A.he wanted to give us a big surprise at Vancouver
B.he didn't want to put any stress on the athletes
C.he didn't have an optimistic attitude to the athletes
D. he  thought the five - gold finish was a huge task
74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The headline of China Daily is "Vancouver historical breakthrough"
B.The results in Winter Olympic8 are as good as those in Summer Olympics:
C.We will try to narrow the gap between the Winter and Summer Sports.
D.It's easy for us to reach the same level as we have done in Summer sports.
75.What' s the main idea of this passage?
A.China hails Winter Games 'breakthrough  at Vancouver.
B.A first figure skating title helped China succeed.
C.Cluna swept the women's short track speed skating.
D.Using the best coaches is important for China Winter Games.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届宁夏银川一中高三上学期第一次月考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

According to researchers.money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else.
Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly bring you happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found.
Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably(适度地) happier when they spent money on others--even if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.
"We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn," said Elizabeth Dunn, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia.
They asked their 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness, report their annual income and detail their monthly spending including bills, gifts for themselves, gifts for others and donations to charity.
"Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not," Dunn said in a statement.
Dunn's team also surveyed 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they received an annual profit-sharing bonus(奖金) of between $3,000 and $8,000.
"Employees who devoted more of their bonus to pro-social spending experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus, and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself," they wrote in their report, published in the journal Science.
They gave their volunteers $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on how to spend it.Those who spent the money on someone or something else reported feeling happier about it.
"These findings suggest that very minor alterations(改动) in spending allocations(分配) - as little as $5 - may be enough to produce real gains in happiness on a given day," Dunn said.
【小题1】According to the passage,_____________.

A.the more money you spend on others, the happier you are
B.spending money on others can bring you happiness
C.Elizabeth Dunn is a psychologist from Harvest Business School
D.six hundred volunteers took part in the experiment
【小题2】The 16 employees mentioned in the passage _________.
A.were given clear instructions on how to spend the bonus
B.had more happiness than the size of the bonus itself
C.experienced greater happiness after receiving their bonus
D.felt happier after they contributed much of the bonus of charities
【小题3】Dunn’s statement suggested that ______________.
A.those who spent money on others felt happier no matter how much they earned
B.those who spent more money on themselves felt happier
C.people thought spending money could make themselves happier
D.the money spent was as important as the money earned
【小题4】The best title of this passage is ___________.
A.Experiment on Money Spending
B.Spending Money on Others Makes One Happier
C.Devoting Your Money to Charities
D.Bonus and Pro-social Spending


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省赣州市六校高三上学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Davey wanted to play baseball. But fifty years ago, in his small town, he couldn’t find enough players for two full teams or an empty lot big enough for a field. And when he played ball in his back yard, he just broke windows and got into trouble. So Davey began playing with a plastic golf ball and a broom handle for a bat.
When his dad, David Mullaney, a former semi-pro baseball pitcher(投手), realized his son was hurting his arm trying to throw curves with the little plastic ball, he decided to find a better solution. Mullaney got a bunch of hollow plastic spheres from a local factory, sat down at his kitchen table and began cutting different size holes in the balls with a razor knife. He thought maybe the holes would alter the ball’s flight and help his son throw curves and sliders without hurting his arm.
All the balls failed—except the one with the eight oblong(长椭圆形的) holes cut into one of the hemispheres. This ball curved naturally and sharply without a violent snap of the wrist. In fact, Davey was now striking out so many batters; he called his new ball a “wiffle ball”. A year later, Mullaney borrowed $20,000 from family and friends and started producing Wiffle Balls in his little suburban town of Shelton, Connecticut.
“I didn’t want investors.” He said, “I wanted to control my own company.” This was the beginning of one of the hottest fads(时尚) of the fifties and a perennial(长久的) best seller well known all around the world. Since then millions of boys and girls have enjoyed countless hours of safe, wholesome fun playing with a Wiffle ball and bat. Esquire Magazine has even called the Wiffle Ball “a national treasure”. By producing a high quality product at an affordable price, three generations of Mullany’s have enjoyed the satisfaction and benefits of running a successful and profitable family business.
Over the years, they’ve had plenty of offers to buy them out, but they’re still working out of a small factory in Shelton, making a new Wiffle Ball every couple of seconds. Creativity and persistence are two of the important sources for wealth. If he gave up his attempts at trying new things, Mullany would not have invented the wiffle ball, nor would he have made such a big fortune.
1.From the passage we can know that           .          

AMullaney made the invention of Wiffle ball with the help of his son

Bfifty years ago people didn’t like playing baseball very much

CMullaney’s attempts to help Davey better enjoy ball-playing led to the invention of Wiffle ball

Dplaying balls would hurt one’s arm before the Wiffle ball’s appearance

2.All the following are true EXCEPT         .

ADavey was a good ballplayer after the Wiffle ball came into existence

BDavid Mullaney wanted to run the family business on his own

CMullaney’s family made a big fortune through the production of Wiffle balls

DMullaney’s business was nearly bought out but they worked hard to keep it

3.The underlined word “spheres” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to         .

Aballs? Bbottles? Cbags? Dboxes

4.The two important factors for Mullaney’s successful family business are         .

Atime and fortune ? Bpersistence and creativity

Cquality and fame   Dcooperation and efforts

5.The passage mainly tells us something about         .

ADavey, a famous baseball player????????????? Ba popular ball game in the 1950’s

Cthe birth of Wiffle ball      ????????????? Dthe success of a family business



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年宁夏高三上学期第一次月考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

According to researchers.money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else.

Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly bring you happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found.

Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably(适度地) happier when they spent money on others--even if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.

"We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn," said Elizabeth Dunn, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia.

They asked their 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness, report their annual income and detail their monthly spending including bills, gifts for themselves, gifts for others and donations to charity.

"Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not," Dunn said in a statement.

Dunn's team also surveyed 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they received an annual profit-sharing bonus(奖金) of between $3,000 and $8,000.

"Employees who devoted more of their bonus to pro-social spending experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus, and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself," they wrote in their report, published in the journal Science.

They gave their volunteers $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on how to spend it.Those who spent the money on someone or something else reported feeling happier about it.

"These findings suggest that very minor alterations(改动) in spending allocations(分配) - as little as $5 - may be enough to produce real gains in happiness on a given day," Dunn said.

1.According to the passage,_____________.

    A.the more money you spend on others, the happier you are

    B.spending money on others can bring you happiness

    C.Elizabeth Dunn is a psychologist from Harvest Business School

    D.six hundred volunteers took part in the experiment

2.The 16 employees mentioned in the passage _________.

    A.were given clear instructions on how to spend the bonus

    B.had more happiness than the size of the bonus itself

    C.experienced greater happiness after receiving their bonus

    D.felt happier after they contributed much of the bonus of charities

3.Dunn’s statement suggested that ______________.

    A.those who spent money on others felt happier no matter how much they earned

    B.those who spent more money on themselves felt happier

    C.people thought spending money could make themselves happier

    D.the money spent was as important as the money earned

4.The best title of this passage is ___________.

    A.Experiment on Money Spending

    B.Spending Money on Others Makes One Happier

    C.Devoting Your Money to Charities

    D.Bonus and Pro-social Spending


