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At the airport, I looked closely at the face of my son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France to a different life. It was a transitional(过渡期的)time in Daniel’s life. I wanted to leave him some words of . But nothing came from my and this was not the first time I had let such a moment .

When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He looked at me -- as he did now. “What is it going to be like, Dad? Will I be okay?” And then he walked up the of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus . And I had said nothing.

A decade or so later, a similar played itself out. I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words me.

Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?

My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always never hearing him put his into words and never having the memory of that moment. Now, I could feel my palms(手掌) and my throat tighten. Why is it so to tell a son something from the heart?

My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words . “Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you." That’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure he understood what I . Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished(消失), and there was just Daniel and me. He was saying something, my eyes misted(视线模糊)over, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. All I was of was the stubble(胡子茬)on his chin as his face pressed mine. And then, the moment ended. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy. It was nothing. And yet, it was .

1.A. experienceB. spendC. enjoyD. shape

2.A. consultationB. significanceC. necessityD. difference

3.A. headB. lipsC. thoughtsD. mind

4.A. flyB. remainC. passD. last

5.A. windowsB. chairsC. handlesD. steps

6.A. pulled upB. pulled downC. drove awayD. drove up

7.A. signB. sceneC. sceneryD. sight

8.A. interestB. opinionC. courageD. influence

9.A. failedB. discouragedC. struckD. troubled

10.A. valuableB. embarrassingC. obviousD. lost

11.A. wonderedB. regrettedC. triedD. minded

12.A. feelingsB. viewsC. actionsD. attitudes

13.A. freezeB. hurtC. sweatD. burn

14.A. importantB. essentialC. complexD. hard

15.A. approximatelyB. obviouslyC. clearlyD. carefully

16.A. countedB. meantC. valuedD. care

17.A. butB. andC. insteadD. so

18.A. sensitiveB. convincedC. awareD. tired

19.A. byB. againstC. onD. with

20.A. noneB. allC. anythingD. everything
























1.he would be flying to France to a different life儿子即将飞往法国经历不一样的生活,故选A。

2.I tried to think of something to say to give him 38 and confidence as he started this new life”可知,每次分别时,作者都想告诉儿子一些有意义的话,给他鼓励、加油,故选B。

3.But nothing came from my 33 但是作者终究还是没有说出一句话,话语是从嘴里说出来的,故选B。

4.this was not the first time I had let such a moment .这种说不出话的情况已经不是第一次了,根据后文可知,在送儿子第一天上幼儿园、上大学的时候,作者都是一时语塞,由此可知,作者又一次让表达爱意的机会溜走了,pass在这里指“让某一时刻过去”,故选C。

5.I took him to the school-bus stop”可知,作者带儿子去等校车,由此可知,“And then he walked up the of the bus and disappeared inside.”作者的儿子登上校车的台阶进了校车,故选D。

6.And the bus .等Daniel上车后,校车开走了,故选C。

7.I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words me.”可知,类似的情景在此出现,作者开车送儿子上大学,作者想趁儿子开始新生活之际,给他一些勇气和信心,故选B。

8.to give him and confidence as he started this new life作者想给上大学的儿子一些面对新生活的勇气和信心,故选C。

9.Again, words me.作者又一次没有说出口,就像送儿子第一天上幼儿园时的情景那样,故选A。

10.let such moments pass”可知,这里指的是作者想对儿子说心里话的机会全部失去了,故选D。

11.Yet, I always never hearing him put his into words作者和他的父亲互相爱着对方,然而,作者一直因未能regret doing sth遗憾做了某事;mind doing sth介意做某事,听到父亲对他说出关心的话语而感到遗憾,故选B。

12.put his into words作者的父亲没有把对作者的情感转化成言语,故选A。

13.I could feel my palms(手掌) and my throat tighten作者能够感觉到自己喉咙发紧,手心在冒汗,这是当作者要跟儿子说心里话时会莫名的紧张起来,故选C。

14.Why is it so to tell a son something from the heart?根据上文可知,作者没有能说出话来,他在想为什么告诉儿子一些真心话会那么困难呢?故选D。

15.“Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you."”可知,作者只能清晰地说出几个字,“如果可以选择,我还会选你做我的儿子”,故选C。

16.I wasn’t sure he understood what I .作者不确定儿子是否理解他说的话的意思,故选B。

17.my eyes misted(视线模糊)over,作者的儿子在跟他说话,但是他的耳朵模糊了,听不到他说的话,故选A。

18.All I was of was the stubble作者所能意识到的,是儿子下巴上的胡子碰到了作者,故选C。

19. 考查介词辨析。A通过; B反对,违反,紧靠; C在......上,关于; D和。his face pressed mine儿子的脸贴着作者的,故选B。

20.It was nothing. And yet, it was .儿子很直接地搂着作者,这时作者感觉到自己说的话显得太笨拙了,有点不值一提,但同时也包含了对儿子所有的爱,故选D。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北黄冈高三9月质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I found it was _____the kind of computer I had been dreaming of, so I ordered one online.

A. extremely B. exactly

C. actually D. sincerely



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省荆门市高二下期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is common that many parents choose to rent a house near schools to _______ their children during their school years.

A. accompany B. accumulate C. acknowledge D. alarm



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北浠水实验高级中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Of the estimated 42 million homeless people around the world, children again ______ one third.

A. make up B. take up

C. build up D. turn up



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北咸宁高三三校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you remember taking class notes in longhand(速记), there’s a good chance you also remember more about a variety of topics than today’s students do. A study investigated whether taking notes by hand helps you learn better than taking notes on a laptop. It was no contest.

Study authors and psychologists Pam A. Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California– Los Angeles conducted three separate experiments involving a total of 327 students. All students got the same lectures, but some used laptops, and others took notes by hand.

When it came to learning the concepts, the handwriters won. When it came to retrieving facts, the groups were comparable, except when given time to go home and look at their notes, at which point the handwriters did better.

“Even when allowed to review notes after a week’s delay, participants who had taken notes with laptops performed worse on tests of both factual content and conceptual(概念的)understanding,” the study states.

Learning suffered not because of “multitasking” or the distraction available to students using Wi-Fi– enabled laptops. In the lab, scientists allowed no extraneous(不相干的)activity. Students who paid attention and took deep notes on their laptop still didn’t learn as well—in fact, the study suggests the thoroughness of their notes contributes to the problem.

Laptop users tend to record long, verbatim quotes, which they type mindlessly. Handwriters are more selective. They “wrote significantly fewer words than those who typed,” according to the study. By processing and selecting the more important information, they studied more efficiently, said researchers.

Here’s what’s a bit frightening: When the laptop students were instructed to cut down or eliminate the verbatim note taking, they couldn’t. The study adds to a ton of evidence that for learning, writing is better and that the hand has a “unique relationship with the brain when it comes to composing thoughts and ideas.”

Of course, the chance of persuading students to put away their laptops is probably zero. Many of them can’t write longhand, a forgotten subject in many American schools, itself a source of controversy.

So are we stuck with traditional classrooms and learning techniques if we want the brightest pupils? Perhaps not: Another possibility, some have suggested, is apps that permit handwriting on tablets, a compromise that students might accept.

1.The reason why taking notes by hand is considerably better than taking notes on a laptop may be that_______.

A. longhand note takers engage in more processing than laptop note takers

B. students using laptops paid attention and took deep notes

C. handwriters have a tendency to use long verbatim quotes

D. laptop users are more selective when taking notes

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “verbatim”?

A. 板书的 B. 冗长的

C. 完全照字面的 D. 重要的

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The experiments show that there are advantages of longhand over laptop note taking.

B. In many American schools, longhand has always been popular with the students.

C. When allowed to review notes after a week’s delay, participants who had taken notes with laptops performed equivalently to longhand note takers.

D. There is a good chance that many students will put away their laptops and take class notes in longhand.

4.The passage is most likely to be taken from _____.

A. National Geography B. The Economist

C. Psychological Science D. Wall Street Journal



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北咸宁高三三校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I am _____ about the new model, and I firmly believe that there will be a good market for it.

A. concerned B. doubtful

C. confident D. particular



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省协作体高三第一次适应性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








I am glad to hear of you again. You want to know that everything is going in our school. In

Shortly, all has been improving since the school had began to carry on new policies. In the past,

teachers always keep on explaining the points in class. Our students just listened and took note.

But now we often discuss and try to solve the problems raising by the teachers or ourselves. Before class, we enjoy different kinds of activities instead of doing endless homework. For example, we can read what we are interested in. We can go to the library or surf Internet for various kinds of information. We are now masters of study, and we are happy.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省协作体高三第一次适应性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– When will the sports meeting be held?

– It has been suggested the sports meeting ______ till the smog is not so severe.

A. should put off B. be put off C. would put off D. is put off



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mo was waiting in the corridor outside her class. She was feeling sick. She had two exams that day and physics was first .She really hated physics. It was her worst subject. Terry Looked back at her from the front of the line, and then looked away quickly. Mo thought she looked guilty. She didn't have a problem with physics she didn't have a problem with anything ...Miss Perfect!

"Hi, Mo, it's your favorite exam today, "said Nima, laughing as she joined the line .Terry was looking at Mo again. “So what's wrong with her?” asked Nima."I thought you were friends." “Yes, so did I," said Mo." But she hasn't spoken to me for two weeks now. She promised to help me review for the physics exam too, but then she's ignored all my calls and texts .And when I rang her house, her mum just told me she was busy. She's forgotten who her friends are!" said Mo angrily. "Are you listening to me?" Mr. Reed was talking to the class and the other students were going into the exam room. Mo gave Nima a worried look and followed them.

Mo couldn't answer question number five. She looked up and saw Terry sitting two rows in front of her. Mo couldn't believe it! Terry was holding her phone on her knee under the table and reading from it. Is that how Terry always got such good grades? She felt really angry at Terry, but she didn't know what to do. She thought about telling the teacher, but what would everyone else think of her? "Stop writing and put your pens down" said Mr. Reed as he started to collect the exam papers. Oh no, Mo hadn't answered two of the questions. She was going to fail again!

Mo wanted to talk to Terry at lunch time, but she couldn't find her anywhere. The next exam was history. That was Mo's favourite subject but she wasn't feeling good. Mo went to the library to study, but she couldn't concentrate. She didn't know what to do about Terry. She thought about telling a teacher, but everyone would hate her if she did that. "It wasn't fair!” she thought. "Terry was getting good grades by cheating all that time.” thought Mo. Just then, Mr. Reed walked past her table. “Mr. Reed.”

Mo was sitting behind Terry again in the history exam that afternoon. Mo was feeling terrible. Why had she told Mr. Reed? But it was too late now. And anyway, Terry didn't want to be her friend! Mr. Reed wanted her to look at him and nod if she saw that Terry was cheating in the exam. She was working on the last question when she saw that Terry had her phone under the table. Without thinking, Mo looked up and nodded to Mr. Reed. Terry was too busy looking at her phone and she didn't hear him as he walked silently up to her table. Mr. Reed didn't say anything. He just picked up her exam paper, tore it in half and pointed to the door, to tell Terry to leave the room. Terry was crying as she walked to the door. Everyone was staring at her and Mo felt really guilty now. Why did she tell Mr. Reed?

Mo was walking towards the school gate, when she heard footsteps behind her. It was Terry. “Mo, please wait! I want to talk to you.” Mo could see that Terry had been crying, her face was pale and her eyes were red. Mo couldn't say a word. “Listen," said Terry. "I'm really sorry I haven't answered any of your calls, but we're having a terrible time at home. My dad had a heart attack two weeks ago and he's in hospital. He had a big heart operation today and I was very worried about him. I know it was stupid, but I was reading texts from my mum to see how the operation was going, but Mr. Reed caught me with my phone. He thought I was cheating. He believes me now, but I have to take the exam again. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was happening. I haven't forgotten that you're a good friend'. Will you forgive me? ”

1.At the beginning of the story Mo felt sick most probably because ______.

A. Terry was looking at her form the front of the line

B. she was worried that she would fail the physics exam

C. she had to take two different exams within one day

D. she had been waiting in the line for too long a time

2.Who does “Miss Perfect” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. MoB. NimaC. TerryD. Terry's mum

3.It can be inferred from the above passage that___________

A. students didn't like those who were not faithful to their friends

B. Mr. Reed was a strict teacher who never corrected his mistakes

C. The physics exam was much more difficult than the history exam

D. Mo was angry because Nima laughed at her relationship with Terry

4.Terry didn't help Mo review for the physics exam because_______________

A. she didn't consider Mo as a true friend

B. she herself was quite bad at physics

C. she had to look after her sick father

D. she was selfish and hated to waste time

5. At the end of the story Mo probably felt_______________

A. confident and optimisticB. glad and inspired

C. sad and angryD. regretful and guilt

6.What lesson can we learn from this passage?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. Friendship should be based on trust.

C. Old friends and old wines are the best.

D. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


