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Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been   1   to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to   2   them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how   3   this method has been. We have set innumerable   4  , from simple wires to   5   machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to infect (感染) them with   6   developed germs. We’ve   7   tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the   8  .

So why can’t man manage to   9   a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a ‘mere’ animal; it is a very special kind of animal. An average rat   10  : wriggle through a hole no   11   than a $ 1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same   12  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away   13  ; and last but certainly not least,   14   so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!

  15   all these physical qualities, we also have the   16   that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to   17   when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve   18   it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to   19   a trap with no real difficulty.

One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to   20   these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

1.A.trying                   B.managing             C.coming               D.failing

2.A.solve                    B.drive                   C.kill                      D.murder


3.A.effective               B.efficient               C.explicit                D.extreme

4.A.troops                   B.tricks                  C.tyres                   D.traps

5.A.commercial           B.complicated         C.conventional        D.contemporary

6.A.secretly                 B.especially             C.specially              D.separately

7.A.ever                      B.never                  C.just                     D.even

8.A.competition           B.companion           C.battle                  D.challenge

9.A.overcome              B.hunt                    C.grasp                  D.interrupt

10.A.should                 B.can                     C.must                   D.may

11.A.larger                  B.smaller                C.less                     D.more

12.A.method               B.way                    C.means                 D.road

13.A.harmed               B.unharmed            C.brave                  D.clumsy

14.A.adopt                  B.grow                   C.multiply               D.accelerate

15.A.In spite of           B.Owing to             C.In addition to       D.At the mercy of

16.A.phenomenon        B.problem               C.principle              D.privilege

17.A.touch                  B.taste                    C.feel                     D.sense

18.A.after                   B.when                  C.since                   D.before

19.A.realize                 B.recognize             C.ruin                    D.rewind

20.A.win                        B.hit                   C.strike                      D.defeat

1—5 ACADB   6—10 CDCAB    11—15 ABBCC    16—20 BDDBD


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed.Since then, he has had to __31__ on his younger brother, who became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was totally unable to do __32__ else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often __33__. Finally, his younger brother went away and lived __34__, leaving him heartbroken and at a loss what to do.

    __35__, a misfortune befell(降临)a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, __36__ in a fire which took her hands away. Having decidedly __37__ her sister’s willingness to help her, she determined to be thoroughly __38__. At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. “I am lucky. Though my __39__ are broken, my heart can still fly.” she wrote in her blog.

    One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)__40__ programme. The boy told the television hostess about his __41__ future, whereas the girl was full of __42__ for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their __43__. The boy: My younger brother’s arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.

    They had both gone through the same ordeal(痛苦经历), but their different __44__ determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case, __45__ disasters can strike our life at any time. How you handle the __46__ when faced with it is the true __47__ of your character. If you choose to __48__ or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the __49__ will turn out to be a fortune on which new __50__will arise.

31.A.live           B.stand          C.rely           D.assist

32.A.something      B.everything      C.nothing        D.anything

33.A.quarrel        B.share          C.support        D.dislike

34.A.happily        B.lonely         C.separately      D.disappointedly

35.A.Unfortunately    B.Unexpectedly    C.Similarly       D.Naturally[来

36.A.leading        B.bringing        C.causing        D.resulting

37.A.turned to       B.turned down    C.turned off      D.turned against

38.A.alone          B.free           C.independent     D.successful

39.A.arms          B.wings         C.dreams        D.promises

40.A.interview       B.radio          C.sports         D.health

41.A.hopeful        B.uncertain       C.bright         D.miserable

42.A.calmness       B.enthusiasm     C.patience       D.excitement

43.A.hands         B.strength        C.toes          D.mouths

44.A.characters      B.desires        C.opinions       D.attitudes

45.A.unexpected     B.passive        C.rough         D.serious

46.A.emergency     B.misfortune      C.difficulty       D.accident

47.A.test           B.reflection       C.display        D.problem

48.A.ignore         B.resist          C.complain       D.suffer

49.A.problem       B.result         C.failure         D.hardship

50.A.solutions       B.ways          C.rewards       D.hopes


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届甘肃省甘谷一中高三第四次检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

(二)   66  Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of finger-prints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children, though nobody knows why this is the case.
The ridge (隆起) structure on a person's fingers does not change with growth and is not affected by surface injuries. Burns, cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by new one, which bears a reproduction of the original pattern.  67   Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own finger-prints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take.
Finger-prints can be made very easily with printer's ink. They can by be recorded easily.  68  Because of the simplicity and economy of this system, finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case. A suspected man may deny a charge but this may be in vain. 69  . When a suspect leaves finger-prints behind at the scene of a crime, they are difficult to detect with the naked eye.   70  Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained.

A.Special techniques are used to "develop" them.
B.A fingerprint is an impression of the friction ridges of all part of the finger.
C.It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be destroyed.
D.With special methods, identification can be achieved successfully within a short time.
E. A latent print is the chance reproduction of the friction ridges deposited on the surface of an item.
F. His finger-prints can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident.
G. Every human being has a unique arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been  21  to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to  22  them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how  23  this method has been. We have set innumerable  24  , from simple wires to  25  machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to inflect them with  26  developed germs. We’ve  27 tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the  28  .

So why can’t man manage to  29  a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a mere animal; It is a very special kind of animal. An average rat  30  : wriggle through a hole no  31  than a $1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same  32  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away  33  ; and last but certainly not least ,  34  so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!

35  all these phyical qualities, we also have the  36  that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to  37  when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve  38  it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to  39  a trap with no real difficulty.

One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to  40  these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

21. A. Trying 

B. managing

C. coming 

D. failing

22. A. solve

B. drive

C. kill

D. murder

23. A. effective

B. efficient 

C. explicit

D. extreme

24. A. troops

B. tricks

C. tires

D. traps

25. A. commercial 

B. complicated

C. conventional

D. contemporary

26. A. secretly 

B. especially

C. specially

D. separately

27. A. ever 

B. never

C. just 

D. even

28. A. competition 

B. companion 

C. battle

D. challenge

29. A. Overcome

B. hunt

C. grasp

D. interrupt

30. A. should

B. can 

C. must

D. may

31. A. larger

B. smaller 

C. less 

D. more

32. A. method 

B. way 

C. means

D. road

33. A. harmed 

B. unharmed

C. brave

D. clumsy

34. A. adopt

B. grow

C. multiply 

D. accelerate

35. A. In spite of

B. Owing to

C. In addition to

D. At the mercy of

36. A. phenomenon

B. problem

C. principle

D. privilege

37. A. touch

B. taste

C. feel 

D. sense

38. A. after 

B. when

C. since

D. before

39. A. realize

B. recognize 

C. ruin 

D. rewind

40. A. win

B. hit 

C. strike

D. defeat


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been  21  to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to  22  them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how  23  this method has been. We have set innumerable  24  , from simple wires to  25  machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to inflect them with  26  developed germs. We’ve  27 tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the  28  .

So why can’t man manage to  29  a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a mere animal; It is a very special kind of animal. An average rat  30  : wriggle through a hole no  31  than a $1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same  32  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away  33  ; and last but certainly not least ,  34  so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!

35  all these phyical qualities, we also have the  36  that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to  37  when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve  38  it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to  39  a trap with no real difficulty.

One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to  40  these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

21. A. Trying          B. managing         C. coming          D. failing

22. A. solve            B. drive            C. kill              D. murder

23. A. effective         B. efficent          C. explict           D. extreme

24. A. troops           B. tricks            C. tyres            D. traps

25. A.commercial       B. complictated      C. conventional      D. contemporary

26. A. secretly          B. especially        C. specially         D. separately

27. A. ever             B. never           C. just             D. even

28. A. competition       B. companion       C. battle           D. challenge

29. A. Overcome        B. hunt            C. grasp            D. interrupt

30. A. should           B. can             C. must            D. may

31. A. larger            B. smaller          C. less             D. more

32. A. method          B. way             C. means           D. road

33. A. harmed          B. unharmed        C. brave            D. clumsy

34. A. adopt            B. grow           C. multiply          D. accelerate

35. A. In spite of        B. Owing to        C. In addition to      D. At the mercy of

36. A. phenomenon      B. problem         C. principle         D. privilege

37. A. touch            B. taste            C. feel             D. sense

38. A. after             B. when           C. since            D. before

39. A. realize           B. recognize       C. ruin             D. rewind

40. A. win              B. hit             C. strike            D. defeat

