精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
12.Learn a new language as quickly as possible
Learn like a spy!Be mistaken for a native.
Pimsleur courses help people who need to speak another language quickly.Our courses took 40 years to develop and are now used by the FBI,CIA,and business professionals everywhere.They're so effective; you have nothing to lose!
You will get:
•Language instruction that is proven to be effective
•No boring repetition,charts or meaningless formulas
•Eight fluency-focused lessons on four audio CDs
•Audio instruction with a 25-ye ar history of success
•Full 30-day money-back guarantee (just in case)
•Special offers on our more advanced courses
Reasons to learn using the Pimsleur Approach:
•Speak without an accent so that you sound like a native.
•Practice what's natural to you in English.
•Feel safe and confident.You'll know how to deal with any situation.
•Protect your busy life.30-minute lessons are perfect for your daily commuting,lunch break,or workout.
•Remember without trying.Material is scientifically arranged so that you learn without pain.
•Join 25 million people who have graduated with success since 1980.
The entire Pimsleur Approach is what language learning should be:quick,fun,and easy!Each lesson is the foundation for the next.You'll keep building on what you've learned.
60.What can prove Pimsleur courses to be successful?C
A.Full 30-day money-back guarantee
B.Eight fluency-focused lessons on four audio CDs
C.25 million people have graduated with success.
D.30-minute lessons are perfect for your daily commuting,lunch break,or workout.
61.According to the text,what does the course offer?A
A.Effective language instruction.
B.Language rules for you to recite.
C.Learning a new language by repeating many times
D.Opportunities to work with business professionals.
62 According to the text,which of the following is NOT a reason for choosing the Pimsleur Approach?D
A.It will correct your accent.
B.It will build your confidence.
C.It will help you remember things easily.
D.It will teach you how to control your balance.
63.It can be inferred that the text is a(n)B
A.report on a new language learning method
B.ad of a language training organization
C.notice of the opening of a new course
D.comment on a language training organization.

分析 本文属于广告类阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了一个教授我们如何快速学习一门新的语言的课程--Pimsleur课程,这门课程已经发展了40年,有2500万人成功的毕业,同时文章详细介绍了Pimsleur课程为人们提供的服务,以及我们可以学到的事情等.

解答 60.C  推理判断题,根据倒数第二段•Join 25 million people who have graduated with success since 1980.可知自从1980年之后Pimsleur课程中有2500万人毕业,由此可证明它是成功的,故选C.
61.A  细节理解题,根据第三段•Language instruction that is proven to be effective可知在这个课程中你可以得到被证明是有效的语言教学,故选A.
62.D  细节理解题,根据第九段•Speak without an accent so that you sound like a native.第十一段•Feel safe and confident.第十三段•Remember without trying.Material is scientifically arranged so that you learn without pain.可知人们选择Pimsleur方法的原因包括它会纠正你的口音,帮助你建立你的信心,并且可以很容易的记住一些事情,但是文中没有提到它会教你如何控制你的平衡,故选D.
63.B  文章出处题,通读全文可知本文主要介绍了Pimsleur课程,这个课程是教授我们如何快速的学习一门新的语言,因此本文可能是语言培训机构的广告,故选B.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The dentist was having difficulty persuading the stubborn old man to lie down and open his mouth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Hello everybody!May I have your attention?The library will soon be carrying out an update of the Internet system.(高分句型一)I would like everybody to know that between the dates of 1st May and 10th May,the reading room will be closed and the e-reading system will be temporarily stopped.You will only be able to take out and return books on Tuesdays and Fridays.Please pass on this message to those who are not here today.(高分句型二)Thank you all..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time or it(61)was considered(consider) an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties.But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming.Some think it may be a very (62)healthy(health) thing to do.Some researchers are finding that daydreaming may be important to mental health.Daydreaming,they tell us,(63)isa good means  of relaxation.But its benefits go(64)beyondthis.A number of psychologists have conducted experiments and have reached some(65)surprising(surprise) conclusion.
Dr.Joan T.Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes growth.It also improves(66)concentration(concentrate),attention span,and the ability to get along with others.Industrialist Henry J.Kaiser believed that much of his success was due(67)tothe positive use of daydreaming.Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse.The young Thomas Edison picture(68)dhimselfas an inventor.
For these notable achievers,it appears that their daydreams came(69)true.Dr Harry Emerson Fosdick offered this advice:"Hold a picture of yourself…in your mind's eye,and you will be drawn toward it.Picture yourself (70)vividly(vivid) as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.
Over the time I was there,I found s(76)something unpleasant.Therefore,
I'd like to voice my opinions,(77)which,I hope,would be of help for  you to (78)create(创造)a more comfortable place for readers.First,there are  few new books on the shelf.Second,most books are not sorted in p(79)proper order,making it difficult for readers to find (80)whatthey want quickly.Third,the librarians didn't offer good service.I(81)Instead,they were         chatting.In (82)addition,they took no notice of the fact that a light             wasn't (83)on.Leave this state of affairs to stay the same,and I'm        afraid there will be fewer and fewer (84)readers.So,I suggest your (85)changing (改变) all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.As the examination is just around the corner,every student is working hard in preparationfor it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.American Idol is a TV show and annual American singing competition,which began its first season on June 11,2002.It is based on the British show Pop Idol,in which thousands of young singers,aged 16-28,audition(试演)for the chance(16)to be chosen (choose) as the new singing idol.The program seeks to discover the (17)best (good) young singer in the country through (18)a series of nationwide auditions.
Auditions (19)are held(hold) in key cities around the country,with judges removing some contestants(选手),(20)until there are only 30left.These 30compete,on air,and the viewing public votes for (21)their three favorites each week,over the course of the next three weeks.Those nine contestants,along(22)with one"wild card"chosen by judges,continue on to the next stage of the competition,(23)whichtakes place over several weeks.The outcome of the latter stages of this competition is wholly determined by public voting.There are three judges assessing the contestants'
(24)performances(perform) in order to facilitate(推动) the voting.
Of these ten,two winners are chosen to appear in a live half-hour telecast(电视广播)the following evening to compete (25)for a top-dollar record deal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-Which would you like to have for breakfast,the hamburger or sandwich?
-__________ Either will do for me.(  )
A.Oh,really?B.It's up to you.C.What about you?D.It's your turn.

