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In China ,more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before. 1. because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers and some by their parents. Also2. .They are not careful enough while they do their homework, 3. .Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up very late. Some student have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike. 4. Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, we should make best use of our time. 5._,we will find it much better for both our study and health.

A. Some homework is too difficult

B. Most students sleep less than nine hours every night.

C. When we have enough time for sleeping

D. It can be a long way from home to school

E. so it takes them a lot of time

F. Some students don’t know how to save time.

G. Some students like to stay up late







试题分析: 本文分析了造成中学生睡眠不足的原因及解决这一问题的对策。

1. 根据下一句内容可知,大多数学生睡眠时间不足9个小时的原因是因为他们有许多作业要做。

2. 根据下一句内容可知,有些学生写作业时心不在焉,由此,可推断他们不知道如何合理使用时间。故选F.

3. 根据上文,可以推断学生写作业往往花费很多时间。故选E.

4. 根据上文,学生每天为了按时到校,不得不早起乘公交车或骑自行车上学,为此,可以推断他们家距离学校很远。故选D.

5. 根据上下句可知,学生有充足的睡眠时间既有利于提高学生的学习成绩,又有利于改善学生的身体素质。故选C.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I’m sure Andrew will come out first in this speech competition.

—I think so. He ______ for it for months.

A. is preparing B. has been preparing

C. had been preparing D. was preparing


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江第一高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

I was walking around in a shop, when I saw a cashier (收银员) saying to a boy who was 5 or 6 years old, “I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough money for this doll.”

The little boy still stood there, sadly, holding the .

I walked toward him and asked who he wished to give this to.

“My sister wanted the doll so much for Christmas. She was that Santa Claus would bring it to her.”

“Maybe Santa Claus will bring it to her. Don’t be .”

But he replied , “No, Santa Claus can’t bring it to her now. I have to give the doll to my so she can give it to my sister when she goes there. My sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going there very soon too, I think she can take it to my sister.”

My heart stopped.

The boy continued, “I asked Mommy not to go until I from the shop.”

Then he showed me a nice photo of him, “I want Mommy to take my picture with her, so she won’t me.”

I quickly my wallet (钱包) and said, “Let’s again. Perhaps you do have enough for the doll?”

“OK,” he said. I some money without him seeing and we started to it. There was enough for the doll and even some money.

The boy said, “Thank God! I asked God last night to make sure I had enough money for the doll. He me! I also wanted to buy a white rose for Mum, because Mum loves white roses. But I didn’t to ask God for too much. He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. How it is!”

The that the little boy had for his mother and his sister me greatly.

1.A. bag B. money C. basket D. hands

2.A. doll B. shop C. sweet D. model

3.A. sure B. shocked C. excited D. proud

4.A. calm B. surprised C. amazed D. worried

5.A. easily B. angrily C. sadly D. happily

6.A. cousin B. friend C. mommy D. neighbor

7.A. but B. so C. or D. though

8.A. quicklyB. clearly C. simply D. nearly

9.A. held backB. looked aroundC. came back D. came around

10.A. changeB. forget C. need D. influence

11.A. picked upB. took away C. sent off D. reached for

12.A. cover B. beg C. check D. watch

13.A. addedB. borrowed C. returned D. connected

14.A. repeatB. count C. report D. show

15.A. uselessB. special C. spare D. unnecessary

16.A. heard B. understood C. followed D. recognized

17.A. dare B. expect C. agree D. stop

18.A. funnyB. strange C. dangerous D. wonderful

19.A. respectB. love C. patience D. suffering

20.A. upset B. puzzled C. troubled D. moved


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东中山杨仙逸中学高二上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.Glass can _________ steel in many ways in life.

2.I __________ a book and didn’t hear your call.

3.Don’t _____ so ________ money.

4.__________ she had lived a happy life.

5.He _______ his car after escaping from the prison.

6.Who __________the spoiled child?

7.Exhausted, I _______ bed and fell asleep.

8.How did John _______ the waste paper?

9.__________, I have won the prize.

10.Some doctors were sent to the front when medical workers were ___________.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东中山杨仙逸中学高二上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

When the boys reached home, it was seven o’clock. It was dark outside 1. ____there was a light inside their home and the door was open. They could see a man inside.

“Who can it be?” said Peter, “Mother and Father 2. __________(go) out to do some shopping. They won’t be home 3.______eight o’clock.”

When the man saw Peter, he looked 4. _________ (fright). Then he smiled and said. “Come in! You don’t know me, but I’m 5. __ friend of your father’s.” The man didn’t see John.

Peter went inside and began talking to the man but John didn’t. He quickly but quietly ran off.

He soon found a policeman and brought him back to their home. The man was still there, but 6. _____he saw the policeman, he tried to run off. The policeman caught him 7. ___ the arm. Just then the boys’ parents returned.

“Is the man your friend?” The policeman asked Mr. Turner.

“No, I don’t know 8.____at all.”

Then the man 9.________(take) away by the policeman. Mr. Turner praised his sons for their courage and 10.______ (clever).


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威第六中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


John has been alone on the road visiting clients(客户) for more than three weeks. He couldn’t wait to back to London to see his family. Mother’s Day was , and on Mother’s Day he managed to go back home on time in the past, but this year he was just too . While he was in a small town just outside of Little Rock, he drove by a shop. He said to himself, “I know I will do; I will send my some roses.”

He went into the small and saw a young man talking to the clerk. “How many roses can I get six dollars, madam?” the boy . The clerk was trying to explain that roses were . Maybe the young man would be happy with some other flowers.

“No. I to buy roses.” he said. “My mom was sick so much last year and I didn’t get to much time with her. I want to get something . It has to be red because that’s her favorite.”

The clerk looked up at John and was just shaking her head. Something inside of John was by the boy’s voice. He looked at the clerk and said secretly that he would for the boy’s roses. The clerk looked at the man and said, “OK, I’ll give you twelve red roses for your six dollars.” The young man almost up. He took the flowers and ran away from the store. It was worth the money that John gave. And he felt very .

1.A. look B. take C. go D. give

2.A. climbing B. putting C. going D. coming

3.A. never B. seldom C. usually D. hardly

4.A. crazy B. clever C. happy D. tired

5.A. cloth B. bread C.flower D. shoe

6.A. that B. what C. how D. where

7.A. children B. father C. mother D. wife

8.A. pool B. field C.shop D. school

9.A. on B. in C. at D. for

10.A. asked B. answered C. noticed D. begged

11.A. cheap B. expensive C. pretty D. essential

12.A. used B. have C. go D. dare

13.A. spend B. cost C. share D. waste

14.A. colorful B. special C. tidy D. single

15.A. roses B. cloth C. paper D. shoes

16.A. covered B. offered C. moved D. tired

17.A. pay B. ask C. hunt D. look

18.A. young B. smart C. honest D. handsome

19.A. fell B. sat C. walked D. jumped

20.A. unhappy B.happy C. bored D. sorry


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威第六中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It took me over two hours to _____ Robert to change his mind, because he was too stubborn.

A. advise B. suggest

C. persuade D. let


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建莆田第八中学高一上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My suggestion is that he _________to see a doctor at once.

A. goes B. go C. will D. is going


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建宁德五校教学联合体高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



Hold the bandage __________ __________ with tape.

2.此外, 他还发现伦敦另一个地区有两个死亡病例都与宽街暴发的霍乱有关。

__________ __________, he found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.


England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is __________ roughly

___________ three parts.


Have you ever had a case where somebody _________ your reporters ________ getting the wrong end of the stick?


I still cannot believe that I am _________ _________ my prize that was won last year.

