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. Our success       whether everyone works hard or not.

A.lies down

B.leads to

C.depends on

D.results in







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

To our surprise, the painting considered______ should have won the prize.

  1. A.
    being copied
  2. B.
    having been copied
  3. C.
    to have copied
  4. D.
    to have been copied


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When my father died, one of the tasks that fell to me was to sort through and decide which objects to save and which to throw away. Now I look at the   51   of my life as if I were dead,   52   what my children will do with the human skull(骷髅) that   53   on the bookcase next to my desk. I couldn’t   54   them if they threw it out. They’ve been wanting to do that for some years,   55   will they know how much can be learned from   56   with a skull? And what about my books?   57   they can find some place in their   58   for ten thousand books. However, I know they will look at the white, plastic head of a horse on my desk and   59   it into a Glad trash bag without any   60  , never knowing that it is the only place   61   from the first chess set (棋子)I owned.

How many boxes of mine will my children   62  ? Can I trust my children with my   63   ? Every object of our lives is a   64   , and emotion swirls(旋动) around it like fog, hiding and   65   a tiny truth of the heart.

I look at these objects that are mine and know, too, that they are   66   of how alone I am, how alone each of us is,   67   no one knows what any object means except he or she who   68    it. I have the memory of taking it home   69   one of my newly-born children from the hospital; only I have the memory of what it looked like when I lived in that apartment and where it sat in that house. I look at the objects that are mine, and the memories are   70   and permeated(渗透着)with love. I look at the objects that are mine and know that I’m going to miss me very much.

A. tasks                 B. objects                  C. books            D. pictures

A. wondering         B. designing       C. concluding        D. weaving

A. cries                B. sleeps             C. sits             D. smiles

A. educate              B. understand         C. blame           D. strike

A. and               B. so               C. or              D. but

A. helping       B. living             C. playing          D. speaking

A. Honestly           B. Luckily         C. Naturally       D. Surely

A. desks                B. bags            C. apartments        D. hearts

A. drag              B. take            C. move                   D. throw

A. hesitation          B. love            C. care              D. worry

A. casting           B. expanding      C. remaining        D. shining

A. enjoy            B. reserve           C. find           D. prepare

A. life             B. passion           C. respect          D. heart

A. mark              B. pleasure         C. belief                   D. memory

A. preventing        B. spreading       C. protecting        D. encouraging

A. symbols         B. phenomena        C. measures        D. tracks

A. when            B. once           C. unless            D. as

A. prefers           B. repairs                  C. owns            D. remembers

A. like             B. for              C. with           D. to

A. strange          B. warm          C. new           D. bitter


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


















参考词汇:差距 gap; 相关法律 relevant laws

The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world. How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet.                                        








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


In every cultivated language there are two greet classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words   1   which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we   2   ,that is to say, from the    3   of our own family and from our familiar associates, and   4   we should know and use we could not read or write. They    5   the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who    6   the language. Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people    7    and are not the exclusive of a limited class. On the other hand, our language   9    a multitude of words which are comparatively used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little    10    to use them at home or in the market-place. Our    11    acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's or from the talk of our school-mates, from books that we read, lectures that we    12    ,or the more    13    conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular    14   in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual of everyday life. Such words are called “learned”, and the    15    between them and the “popular” words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.

A.at       B.with      C.by         D.through

A.study    B.imitate      C.stimulate   D.learn

A.mates     B.relatives    C.members   D.fellows

A.which    B.that         C.those       D.ones

A.mind     B.concern    C.care       D.involve

A.hire      B.apply     C.adopt     D.use

A.in public       B.at most     C.at large     D.at best

A.consists  B.comprises C.constitutes D. composes

A.seldom   B.much     C.never     D.often

A.prospect B.way       C.reason      D. necessity

A.primary B.first       C.principal   D.prior

A.hear of   B.attend       C.hear from D.listen

A.former   B.formula    C.formal      D. formative

A.theme    B.topic        C.idea        D.point

A.diversionB.distinctionC.diversity   D.similarity


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

burn...to the ground, make one's way, glance through, vary from... to, make an effort, compare with, shoot at, be in a panic, be anx ious about, make an appointment
1. I had to start work, so I ____the morning paper.
2. In the game he _____ the basket 11 times but had only 5 succes ses.
3. Should I ____with you for the next two days?
4. Young people ____ to beautify our city.
5.____the past libraries, today's libraries are equipped much better.
6. The ages of the kids in the kindergarten_____2 years old ____6 years old.
7. The 1666 London fire____ many important buildings____.
8. Don't _____,boys;there's no danger.
9. I'm ____her safety.
10. My leg got hurt, but I____ home.

