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12.Nobody but doctors,nurses or those ______ by Dr.Hu ______ to enter the patient's room.(  )
A.invited; are allowedB.are invited; are allowed
C.are invited; is allowedD.invited; is allowed

分析 除了医生、护士和那些收到胡教授邀请的人外,谁也不允许进入病房.

解答 答案是B.本题考查被主谓一致和过去分词做定语.根据句意和结构判断,but doctors,nurses or those_____ by Dr.Hu 是介词短语,句中的主语是Nobody,谓语动词be allowed 应该用单数形式is allowed,所以排除A和B; ____ by Dr Hu 充当those的定语,谓语动词不能做定语,故排除B和C;由此判断答案选择D.

点评 本题考查主谓一致和过去分词做定语;首先根据结构判断谓语还是非谓语,然后找准主语判断动词单复数的选用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Culture and Cuisine
The United States is known for jazz and blue jeans.But travel to Paris and ask your average French citizen about American cuisine (烹饪) and he's likely to answer,"McDonalds."Ask the same thing of any American citizen on any American street and I'm afraid you'd get the same answer,or something close to it.
Hamburgers and hotdogs and fries are all fine,but with American malls and other outlets standardizing everything from clothing to food,the sad truth is that American cuisine is becoming more homogeneous (同样的)-all the same-no matter where you live.True,many Americans are eating more varied foods these days,but these are largely the cuisines of immigrant groups,and they are quite likely to be affected by homogenization of American cuisine.
Grits and Gravy
So what exactly is American cuisine?Well,to some extent it is a reflection of our melting pot culture,meaning that Europeans made huge contributions in the form of wheat,dairy products,pork,beef and poultry.But American cuisine also includes products that once were known only to the New World,including potatoes,corn,pumpkin,sweet potatoes,and peanuts.
The one region of the country where you still find all these things in daily use is the Deep South.The South lost the Civil War,but children of the southerners are winning the battle to preserve and advance their cooking traditions-and in this case one of the few cuisines can truly be called American,which is why we're pleased to have Low Country cuisine in this issue of food creation.That's right,grits and gravy are back in a big way in cities like Charleston and Savannah.Truth is,they never really left,but up until a decade ago Low Country cuisine was more common at home than in restaurants.
In fact,a large number of tourists now go to the lower Atlantic region in order to experience this extraordinary cuisine for themselves.Time will tell whether Low Country cuisine becomes popular in other regions of the country in the way that,say,Italian cuisine has,but it's amazing and inspiring to see one of our true cultural treasures enjoying renewed popularity in these increasingly homogeneous times.

32.According to the passage,American cuisine impresses people as beingA.
A.dull and changeless
B.rich and various
C.popular and delicious
D.disagreeable and unpleasant
33.It can be seen that the writer feels regretful thatB.
A.cuisines of other countries play a more important role in America
B.American cuisine has become increasingly lacking in variety
C.American cuisine tends to vary because of immigration
D.American cuisine is being changed by foreign cuisines
34.From the passage,we know that grits and gravyB.
A.were cooked with new materials after the Civil War
B.are gaining popularity in the south of America
C.were more popular over ten years ago
D.are seldom served in restaurants
35.What's the writer's attitude towards the renewal of Low Country cuisine in America?C
A.Concerned and cautious.
B.Hopeless and doubtful.
C.Positive and supportive.
D.Critical and disapproving.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.--Which of the two drivers is to blame for the accident?
--______.It's the cyclist's fault.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Many of us mistakenly believe thai it's wrong to think we have any good qualities.We may spend a lot of time blaming ourselves for our negative qualities,thinking that self criticism is the key to improvirtg our pcrformance.However,a constallt focus on our supposed shortcomings can stop our efforts to make friends with other people.How can we believe that others could like  us if we believe our inner being is flawed?
 If someone seems to dislike you,the reason for that dislike might have little or nothing to do with you.The person who doesn't like you miglit be fearful,or shallow.or busy or shy.Perhaps you and that person are simply a mismatch for each other at this particular time.
Don't take yourself out of the game by deciding that your flaws are bigger than your good qualities.In fact,some of the very qualities you consider to be flaws may be irresistible to someone else.Aliliough some factors that migllt cause one person to reject you,there are at least many factors that will work in your favor.
You might be thirty pounds over your ideal weight,but you may have a wonderful laugh and a real enthusiasm for life.There are many people who don't mind your extra pounds.You may drive a shabby car,but you might be a great dancer and a loyal friend.There are people out there  looking for loyalty,or fun,or sweetness,or wisdom,and the package it comes in is not important.If you are worried that you are not beautiful enough to attract friends,keep in mind that not everyone is looking.for physical beauty in their friends.You can decide to feel inferior because you don't have much money and you don't drive a nice car.You can believe that this is the reason  that you don't have many friends in your life.On the other hand,if you are very wealthy you may  be suspicious that everyone is after V our money and that nobody really likes you as a person.
 The point is that you can focus on just about anything and believe it's the reason you do  not have friends and cannot make any.

46.According to the passageDplays an important role in making friends.
A.admitting your shortcomings
B.self criticism
47.If you are not liked  by a person,C.
A.you should find the reason in yourself
B.you'd better talk with the person face to face
C.you may not be the one to be blamed
D.you and that person misunderstand each other
48.We can leam from the third paragraph thatB
A.your good qualities may make you earn more money
B.your weakness may also be y our strengths in some way
C.your negative qualities may cause you to lose friends
D.you'II have few friends if you don't like playing games
49.Which of the following is true according to the author?C
A.It is important to lose weight.
B.It is easier for a wealthy person to make friends.
C.Inner qualities are more important than physical appearance.
D.Ifyou are not beautifu!enough,try to improve your physical beauty.
50.What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?A
A.How to find your good qualities.
B.How to make friends.
C.How to make self criticism.
D.How to keep slim.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.         you turn off all the lights when you leave the classroom.(  )
A.Making sureB.To make sureC.Being sureD.Make sure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.This Mother's Day will be the 8th year I have spent without my own mother.She passed away less than a month before Mother's Day in the year 2000.She had been ill for almost two years,and I didn't cry when she died,or at her funeral,but on that first Mother's Day without her.On that day,I realized that this person I loved and depended on was gone forever.
She still lives in family memories,in the thoughts of her friends and co-workers,in the values she had instilled(灌输) in her children,and in the lovely flower gardens that she had so carefully tended.
She loved her gladioli and irises.Each fall she would dig the bulbs out of the soil and carefully wrap them in paper.The bulbs would be stored until the following spring when they would be replanted.It seemed like a lot of effort to me,but each year her flower garden was more glorious than the year before.She put the same hard work into caring for her family,instilling in her children a sense of justice and fair play,compassion,and strong moral values so that we blossomed.
Share anecdotes about your mother's life at your Mother's Day party.Too often,we avoid speaking of those loved ones who have passed away,fearful that we will unearth sad feelings.It doesn't have to be that way.Sharing fond memories and stories of the life we shared with her can be a healing process that binds(捆绑)the family together.
My mother passed away when her oldest grandchild was only eight years old.Children will enjoy sharing pictures and stories of the grandmother they may have never known or have little memory of.Sharing anecdotes to pass on to the next generation will give children a feeling of family history and continuity,and may be one of the best ways to honor our mothers and grandmothers who have gone before us.

66.What does the underlined words"passed away"( in Paragraph 1)mean?A
A.died        B.continued       C.started       D.lasted
67.On the first Mother's Day after mum died the author realizedC.
A.mum had been dead for a long time    B.mum had suffered a lot from the illness
C.it was true that mum had been dead   D.it was impossible to depend on mum
68.From the third paragraph we can infer that mumD.
A.loved her gladioli and irises            B.showed kindness to all her children
C.taught the children to plant patiently   D.had a good influence on the author
69.At the Mother's Day party people don't mention their lost mums only becauseA.
A.they are simply afraid of causing sad feelings
B.they have forgotten their mums completely
C.they don't love their mums any longer
D.they think their mums have passed away
70.In order to show honor to our mothers and grandmothers we canB.
A.spend the Mother's Day with our children
B.share the stories of them with the children
C.hold the Mother's Day party every year
D.plant beautiful flowers in the family garden.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The Chinese government        to find the missing MH370 plane since it was reported to have disappeared.(  )
A.is tryingB.triedC.has been tryingD.had tried


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.I arrived late one night on a business trip,so I decided to have dinner in the hotel I stayed in.As I was finishing my meal,an elderly couple came in.They were holding hands and had lovely smiles on their faces.They sat three tables from me.I was amazed at the love they showed for each other.It stuck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.
My waiter was also their waiter.As I paid my bill,I asked what their bill was.He told me,and I gave him $40 to pay their bill.He asked if I knew them and I told him"No,I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other,"and then I left.
The next day I entered the restaurant again.After I had been seated,the waiter who served me the night before told me that the strangest thing happened after I left the restaurant.When the elderly couple went to pay for their meal,they were told that it had been paid.The waiter just told them what I said.They were amazed.They looked around,asked for the bill of two young couples who were seated together,paid their bill and left.
I smiled and ordered my meal.About 45 minutes later,I finished my meal and was about to head out,but my waiter was nowhere to be found.I explained to the hostess that I needed to pay for my meal and hurry to the airport.She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay,because she felt she should pay for my bill because of the joy brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.
When I told her that they didn't have to do that,she said with a smile"Love creates Love."
56.From the first paragraph we know the writer must feelC.
A.pleased          B.worried          C.sad          D.nervous
57.The elderly couple paid the bill of the two young couples because theyB.
A.knew the two young couples
B.were happy to pass the love they got
C.were always ready to help poor people
D.wanted to invite the young people to the meal
58.The writer's purpose of writing the passage is toD.
A.suggest true love never dies
B.share an interesting experience
C.encourage us to help people in need
D.prove a show of love really makes a difference.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.If you go into the forest with friends,stay with them.If you don't,you may get lost.If you get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don't try to find your friends-let them find you.You can help them find you by staying in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you.You can shout or whistle(吹口哨) three times.Stop.Then shout or whistle three times again.Any signal given three times is a call for help.
Keep up shouting or whistling.Always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal.They will give you two shouts or two whistles.When a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help.
If you don't think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a little house with branches(树枝).Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.
When you need some water,you have to leave your little branch house to look for it.Don't just walk away.Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to go back again easily. When you are lost,the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.
71.If you get lost in the forest,you shouldB.
A.try to find your friends in no time     
B.stay in one place and give signals
C.walk around the forest                  
D.shout as loudly as possible
72.Which signal is a call for help?D
A.Crying twice.
B.Shouting here and there.
C.Whistling everywhere in the forest.
D.Shouting or whistling three times together.
73.When you hear two shouts or two whistles,you know thatD.
A.someone needs your help             
B.something terrible will happen
C.people will come to help you            
D.someone is afraid of an animal
74.What's the meaning of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?D
A.Use branches to make a bed.
B.Drop branches to look for water.
C.Pick off branches to build another house.
D.Leave branches to help you find your way back.
75.The main idea of the passage isD.
A.how to travel in the forest
B.how to spend the night in the forest
C.what you should do if you are lost in the forest
D.what you should do if you want to get some water.

