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9.Being kept in prison for over 25years is a miserable memory for Nelson Mandela,but he never regrets it.(keep)

分析 关在监狱里25年对曼德拉来说是个悲惨的回忆,但是他从不后悔.

解答 答案:Being kept in prison
解析:根据中文"(被)关在监狱"提示可知,本题考查be kept in prison"被关在监狱"这一固定短语;另外分析英文句子结构可知原句缺少主语,故应该使用该动词短语的动名词形式作主语.综上,本题答案为:Being kept in prison.

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Though the next 5 billion people who connect to the Internet will experience a better quality of life and improve society,technological advances can also"empower some terrorists",Eric Schmidt,leader of Google,said on Tuesday.
Co-author of the recently published The New Digital Age,Schmidt explored the promise and the hidden trouble of a completely connected world."The terrorists can get phones,too,"he said."But terrorists will make mistakes,and it'll be possible to track them down"
He cited the Boston Marathon bombing investigation,which got quick results by broadcasting and sharing photos of the suspects.In another case,police also said the victim left his cell phone on,which allowed them to track the suspect's vehicle and arrest the suspect at last.
Jared Cohen,founder of Google Ideas and Schmidt's co-author,said,"It's going to be difficult for criminals and terrorists to operate off the Internet.When individuals that do criminal activity are using technology,the room for error goes up."
"The biggest thing that Google and other companies can offer is the mobile device you carry,which you'll become even more dependent upon,"Schmidt predicted."It can remember things …and make suggestions that surprise you."
"Privacy and security are the ultimate shared responsibility between companies,government,and the people who are actually using the tools,"Cohen,The New Digital Age co-author,said."More connectivity doesn't remove the importance of human judgment in the future."
He predicted that parents are going to have to educate their children about online privacy and security perhaps years before having"the talk"about the sex education.
"It'll be a long time before the machines take over the world,"Schmidt said."The main problem in society is not that the machines are taking over the world,but rather,automated machines are taking over some low-skilled jobs."
"The answer to that,of course,is education,"he added.

71.According to the passage,The New Digital AgeC.
A.was written for children
B.is an official report from Google
C.has more than one author
D.is very popular recently
72.What can we know about the future of mobile devices according to what Schmidt said?C
A.Mobile devices will probably become more portable.
B.Mobile devices will greet you every morning.
C.Mobile devices can offer us some good advice.
D.Mobile devices can help us find information quickly.
73.Which of the following is Cohen likely to agree with?A
A.Human judgment will still be important in the future of Internet.
B.More connection to the Internet will help education develop.
C.Most people are not making the most of the Internet.
D.Children should be stopped from using the Internet too often.
74.It can be inferred form the passage thatC.
A.the development of technology is facing a great obstacle
B.criminals escape from the police taking advantage of high-tech
C.criminals making use of technology are easy to be tracked
D.criminals and terrorists seldom operate on the Internet
75.The passage is mainly toB.
A.tell readers how police can clear up a case by technology
B.show the benefits and risks of a largely-connected world
C.explain why privacy and security are important on Internet
D.introduce what advantage the Internet will bring us in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.After  graduatingfrom university,you have to make a choice about getting a further study or a job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Frick's home and garden is so beautiful that it is worth _____ visit and really ______ surprise to me.(  )
A.不填; aB.a; aC.a;  不填D.不填; 不填


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

I don't knowwhether/if he is looking forward to (receiving ) my letter.
whether/if he is looking forward to hearing from me.
whether/if he looks forward to hearing from me..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Wolves are highly social animalswhose success depends on cooperation.(depend)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.However,even on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way ______ people speak.(  )
A.thatB.in which
C./D.all of the above


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Web logs-"blogs"for short-are very popular among young people.Blogs are used to post thoughts,opinions,photos,and other materials on the web for the online community to read.Some bloggers have their own websites; others post their blogs on one of many blog-hosting sites.Blogs,a source of news,however,are not fixed communications.Postings can be added and replied to on a continuing basis.
    While children may enjoy"blogging",it can be dangerous.Online predators who search blog-hosting sites for potential targets,can learn personal information about the children who post blogs.Furthermore,predators are always able to contact the child who posted the blog by sending a message through the website.
    Parents should be careful that their children don't get into any danger.To protect them,they can do the following things:
◇Warn children of the possible danger of blogs.Don't allow your children to post a blog.Explain to them that blogs can often be viewed even by people whom they should not trust.
◇Make sure your children know never to let out personal information on the Internet,whether through a blog,chat room,or e-mail.Even seeminglyinnocuousinformation-such as the mascot (吉祥物) of their school-can help strangers determine where they live.
◇Consider equipping monitoring software that will enable you to monitor how the computer is being used and what your child is doing on it.
◇Remind your children that they should not contact anyone online whom they don't know in person,even if the person has a blog that looks interesting to them.If your child has posted a blog on the Internet,check the content regularly.
◇Always get to know your children's online friends with whom they are communicating.
43.Which one is not the reason why blogs are popular among young people?D
A.Because they can post their photos.
B.Because they provide communication.
C.Because they are a source of news.
D.Because they provide the most reliable news.
44.The underlined word"innocuous"in the fifth paragraph probably means"C".
A.harmless     B.valuable C.useless D.harmful
45.Blogs are dangerous for children becauseA.
A.children are easily interested by the outside world
B.the information posted on blogs can be viewed by anyone
C.parents have difficulty monitoring children on the Internet
D.children have a strong sense of protecting themselves  
46.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To warn people of the possible dangers that blogs may cause.
B.To persuade parents to keep their children from dangerous blogs.
C.To advise parents to watch their children whenever they use blogs.
D.To advise parents on how to protect children from the dangers of blogs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-Sorry,I forgot to post the letter for you.
-Never mind,I ______ it myself.(  )
A.postB.am going to post
C.was postingD.will post

