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 Mark had a(n) ________. He drove into a tree.

       A. disaster                    B. accident            C. legend        D. mission


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My mother was a household servant. Through her work, she observed that successful people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching television. She announced that my brother and I could only watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and write book reports. She would mark them up with check marks. Years later we realized her marks were a ruse. My mother had only received a third-grade education. Although we had no money, between the covers of those books, I could go anywhere, do anything and be anybody.

When I entered high school, I was an A-student, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to hang out with the guys. I went form being an A- student to a B- student to a C-student, but I didn’t care.

One night my mother came home and I complained about not having enough shirts. She said, “Okay, I’ll give you all the money I make this week cleaning floors and bathrooms, and you can buy the family food and pay the bills. With everything left over, you can have all the shirts you want.”

I was very pleased with that arrangement but once I got through allocating(分配) money, there was nothing left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to keep a roof over our heads and any kind of food on the table, much less buy clothes.

I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual(理智的) preparation. I went back to my studies and became an A-student again. I dreamed of becoming a doctor when I was just a kid. And now I have achieved my dream.

Over the years my mother’s changeless faith in God has inspired me, particularly when I found myself faced with my own medical illness. A few years ago I discovered I had a very serious cancer; I was told it might have spread to my spine(脊柱). My mother believed in God very much. She never worried. She said that God would never throw me away forever; there was no way that this was going to be a major problem. The abnormality in spine turned out to be not bad; I was able to have surgery and am cured.

My story is really my mother’s story -a woman little formal education or worldly goods who used her position as a parent to change the lives of her children.

The underlined word “ruse” in the first paragraph probably means           .

A. discovery  B. success  C. trick   D. pleasure

When the author asked his mother to buy him shirts, she           .

A. advised him to earn money by himself

B. asked him to try to manage their money

C. persuaded him not to buy them patiently

D. agreed to buy them for him immediately

What do we learn about the author?

A. He now works as a doctor.

B. He disliked watching TV as a kid.

C. He received little formal education.

D. He often did housework when young.

The underlined word “this” in the last but one paragraph refers to        .

A. God’s throwing me away

B. my own medical illness

C. the operation on my spine

D. my mother’s changeless faith in God

In writing the passage, the author mainly shows us         .

A. the happy relationships in his family

B. the benefits of reading for young children

C. the importance of formal education for adults

D. his mother’s great influence on his development


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省日照一中高三第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

We all have weaknesses and strengths, no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes it’s the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their money properly. Some people are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships.
Many people accept it as just bad luck, but not everyone. Some people facing huge limitations still manage to achieve surprising things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow them to limit their possibilities.
I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter(口吃) as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. Not only did he become successful, but he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly.
Lots of people face far more significant limitaions than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation you will always find people who have overcome it. Brett Eastburn has no arms or legs and yet is an inspirational speaker and also a very good wrestler. Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, came from a very poor background. He was constantly plagued with illness as a child and spent large amounts of time in hospital. Mark Inglis lost both of
his legs below the knees in a mountaineering accident, but has since climbed Mt Everest.
Most of us will never have to face the challenges these people faced. Yet most of us will never achieve to the degree that these people have either, unless we choose to. If Mark Inglis can climb the highest mountain in the world without legs, _________ ?
【小题1】What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? (Within 8 words.)
【小题2】Which sentence in the text is the cloest in meaning to the following one?
All of the people don’t think it unlucky to have weaknesses, although many may think so.
【小题3】List three people who rose above their weaknesses according to the text. (Within 8 words.)
①_________________  ②______________  ③________________
【小题4】Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words. (Within 6 words.)
【小题5】Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Things of Value

Our area was just a few miles from the largest wildfire in Colorado’s history. We were on “evacuation alert (疏散警报)”. If we got the   1  to evacuate, we would have to leave immediately.

We   2  suitcases with some clothes and set them by the door. We didn’t  3 these things were valuable, but time was. We moved the computers, with which I wrote for newspapers and made a   4 . We took family pictures off the   5  and packed them in boxes. These were truly valuable and could not be replaced.

Then we took a hard look at all that   6 . There was a lamp that belonged to my great grandmother. It was a   7  to my family. And there was the piano my wife   8  to play when she was a little girl. Not of great   9  in itself, but another family connection. It was impractical to move everything from our home and store them for an indefinite (无限的) time. Some important items would have to stay behind.

The thought of   10  something passed down from our families saddened me deeply,   11  I’d never been much attached to things. It’s about what they   12  —family and love. They each had a(n)   13  to tell, and some of them spoke in the   14  of our parents and grandparents.

The fire   15  reached our home. We were lucky. And though I felt grateful that all was   16 , I also realized just how fortunate I had been   17 . I saw just how rich my life had been.

Someone  18 said, “There are people so poor that the only thing they have is money.” And now I  19  I was indeed rich. I was rich in family, rich in memories, rich in everything that really  20 to me. I am wealthier than I ever believed possible.

It took a fire to teach me, I wonder if there is any other kind of wealth worth seeking.

1.                A.answer         B.task            C.chance   D.call


2.                A.packed         B.bought         C.searched D.sold


3.                A.worry          B.think           C.care D.doubt


4.                A.mark           B.sign            C.living D.plan


5.                A.albums         B.ceilings         C.windows  D.walls


6.                A.left            B.remained       C.burnt D.unmoved


7.                A.connection      B.present         C.symbol   D.treasure


8.                A.forgot          B.agreed         C.learned   D.refused


9.                A.quality         B.taste           C.sense    D.value


10.               A.knocking out     B.leaving behind   C.giving away D.picking out


11.               A.even though     B.unless          C.but   D.or


12.               A.contained       B.included        C.represented    D.gathered


13.               A.idea           B.lie             C.right  D.story


14.               A.sounds         B.speeds         C.voices D.feelings


15.               A.once          B.never          C.seldom    D.finally


16.               A.spared         B.returned       C.stopped   D.found


17.               A.at last          B.in return        C.in another way  D.at most


18.               A.curiously       B.accidentally     C.coldly D.wisely


19.               A.knew          B.promised       C.announced D.thanked


20.               A.affects         B.matters         C.helps D.desires




科目:高中英语 来源:09-10年福建省高二上学期期末考试 题型:短文填词



第一节  短文填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示 2)首字母提示 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整的写右边相对应的横线上,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确

Dear Sir,

I’m a senior high school student. I was caught _______(作弊)in          1________

the exam and got ________(惩罚).I know I was totally wrong                  2________

and now I f__________ so ashamed. To my teachers, I was once                            3________

an outstanding student. I did well ______ my school work most                     4________

of time. In __________, I worked hard in the student union.                                     5________

Before the exam, I had a strong d__________ to get a good                                     6________

mark to please my teachers. Now I regret ________ I have done,                7________

though I know the result can’t be __________(改变). Recently                8________

I’m t___________ by the disturbing problem. I just dare not tell                    9________

my parents about it and I’m worried about my ________(将来)      10_______

What should I do?



