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I always reflect on what happened in my life. I think this is important—to appreciate our wins, losses, new passions, insights, etc.       1.       Here are some tips for you on reflection.

1. Focus on the process and not the outcome.

This thought was beautifully summed up by Srikumar Rao. He explains how we fail because

we focus our energies on the outcome rather than the- process itself. When a child learns to walk, she never focuses on the outcome but on the process.

2. Failure is a lead not a stop sign.

When you hit a wall and things don’t turn up the way they are intended, no one is saying to you, “This is where you stop because you failed”. If you do, you are reading the wrong information. Failure tells us, “       2.       Try another method.”

3. Happiness is not the destination but the journey.

We think that happiness is a result that comes after having acquired or achieved something we don’t have. This is not quite right.       3.       It’s about stepping back and enjoying the ride rather than expecting it at your destination point.

4. Wisdom comes from the balance between your knowledge and your heart.

Let your heart talk more; it’s wiser than you think. You can be as knowledgeable and clever as one can be.       4.      Wisdom is really having reached a stage where you balance all your knowledge with your heart.

5. Gratitude is the energy-drink of the soul.

Say thank you to the universe every morning. Appreciation can lift your soul from anxiety which weighs you down. Try it out.       5.       It will help you appreciate life with more depth and perspective.

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. Happiness is when we accept and enjoy everything as it is.

C. This method and the intended result do not match.

D. Be thankful to at least one thing in your day.

E. Not reflecting on our lives and experiences is a wasted chance for growth.

F. Happiness means achieving your goals and getting what you want.

G. But if your mind doesn’t go with your heart, you are losing energy in internal conflicts.











1.E 上下文句子的衔接。文章第一段的意思是:我们要对生活中发生的事情认真的反思和思考,我们要去欣赏我们所赢得的,又要考虑我们所失反的,__________,下面就是在反思上的一些要点。


2. C上下句的理解。由下文Try another method..试试其它的方法可知,失败的时候所用的方法与预期的结果是不相配的,这时才会出现下文,试试其它的方法。

3.B段落中心的理解。中心标题Happiness is not the destination but the journey.的意思是:快乐不是我们的目的而是过程才是我们应该享受的,和这个中心相呼应的应为B,意思是:快乐是我们接受或享受事物自身过程的时候所获得的。

4.G对段落中心的理解。第四点Wisdom comes from the balance between your knowledge and your heart.意思为:智慧来自于你的知识和内心的结合,(即二者之间的平衡)可知G合适。G的意思是:如果你的想法和内心不一致的话,在内部的冲突中你就会失去很多的精力。

5.D对上下文的理解。第五点的大意为:要怀有感恩之心,每天早晨都要去感谢我们周围的一切。最后一句它能够有助于你更深的去欣赏生活,所以Be thankful to at least one thing in your day.合适,每天都要感谢至少一种东西(一个人,一件事等)




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The factory is l__________ (坐落于) in the west of the city .                  1. ____________

P_________ (贫穷) prevented the boy from continuing his education .          2. ____________

Careful examination of the ruins showed new e________ (证据) .             3 ______________

I look down upon anyone who always r_______(依靠,依赖) on others .        4. _____________

F_________(幸运地), the passengers escaped being injured in the accident .     5. _____________

He survived the plane c__________(飞机失事) only to die in the desert .        6. ____________

He had to r_____ (辞职) his position as manager of the company owing to his illness . 7. _________

No smoking will be allowed within a future city’s l_________ (范围,限制) .    8. ____________

Come to see me whenever it is c________ (方便的) to you .                   9. ___________

You can take these apples as many as you like because they are free of c____(免费). 10.__________


科目:高中英语 来源:2010~2011学年甘肃省武威五中高一下学期三月月考英语卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】 The doctor said that you are o_________, so you’d better have a healthy diet and try your best to lose
your weight.            
【小题2】 We must l______ the expense to what we can afford.    
【小题3】. Hearing that songs always r_____ me of my childhood.  
【小题4】 I will c_____ my teacher about the problem.         
【小题5】I am _________ ( 盼望着 )seeing you again.    
【小题6】 She set up the charitable funds _________(纪念) her father.  
【小题7】The naughty boy loves _________(恶作剧) others.  
【小题8】You should ______(删减) what you wrote in your paper to 3,000 words.  
【小题9】 She was deeply _______.(负债)       
【小题10】 My father knows clearly that smoking is bad for his health, but he just cannot______(戒除,远离)it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江临海白云高级中学高一上第二次阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.G_________________ from a key university is always an advantage in finding a job.

2.Online friends are not r__________________. They may cheat you.

3.She has o_________________ three parties with her partner in the past two weeks.

4.His d _______________ look suggests that he won’t change his mind at all.

5.Come on! You’ve changed your hair again. I hardly r_______________ you at the first sight.

6.When people use words and e_________________ different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.

7.Tens of thousands of people were killed. It was one of the most serious e______________ in the world.

8.Meredith, who is from America, can also speak f_______________ French.

9.During the national holiday, we made a j_______________ to Kuocang Mountain. Gosh!

10.My grandpa was successfully operated on in Taizhou Hospital last week and now he is r_________________.



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省六市2010届高三下学期第一次联合考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


As school fl,tats again,there’s SO much mole for an American parent to nag(唠叨)about,like

homework,bedtime and lost hours on the Intemet.But in the age of digital childhood,Jacky Long-well,45,of McLean,Virginia,often text—messages(发短信)what she OnCe told her children bymouth_"Be nice to your brother;walk the dog;remember your reading.

This is the world of the modem family,in which even reminding children to do something has

become electronic.

There  are changes in how parents nag and in what they nag about and in the frequency of their


With technology,“you nag more,and you are a little bit more:precise with your nagging.’’said

Reginald  Black,46,of Woodbridge,Virginia.

For many young people,electronic nagging is part of the experience of growing up.Charles Flowers,17,131.$enior at St.John“College High School in Washington.says his mothel-reminds him about everything from laundry,being Oil time to baseball practice and mowing the lawn by text.

When she uses capitals he knows she is serious:GET HOME!

Some say technology has made nagging less annoying.

Jaeky Longwell thinks texts ale less emotional than spoken messages and less likely to be resisted by teenagers.

It’s not as painful for them to hear it by text.It becomes grouped with the friendly communication,”she said.“They can’t hear the nagging.”

She thinks a good way to do it is to mix friendliness with nagging.A parent Call always start by

saying hello.

Not all parents like the new electronic r,agging.Joyce Bouehard,51,a mother of four in Fairfax,Virginia,texts her 14一year—old son but says that for many  things — chores,homework— the

old—fashioned way works better.Nagging by text has risks,she notes:I always think,if you are texting them something and they are with their friends,they ale getting a big laugh out of it.’’

68.We can conclude from the first two paragraphs that————————.

A.American children often stay up late studying

B.Jacky Long'well had a happy aigital childhood

C.American parents pay too much attention to their children’s studies

D.American parents think a lot about their children’s characters

69.The example of Reginald Black is used to show readers————————.

A.that her nagging is thoughtful

B.how the amount and kind of nagging have changed with the arrival of the digital age

C.the kind of skills a parent needs to nag effectively

D.that she likes nagging her children very much

70.We can infer that—————————.

A.It’S better for parents to nag in a friendly,way

B.whether、nagging is e]ectronic or not,it is annoying

C.American parents generally don’t like to nag

D.American parents like to llse capital letters in messages

7 1.The main idea of the article is———————一.

A.the subjects American parents like to nag about

B.the reaSOliS American parents like to nag their children

C.that electronic nagging is becoming commoll in the U.S

D.how American parents began to nag their children by text messages



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:其他题


阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示; 2)首字母提示;3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确。


I am writing to you to c     __ about the quality of the computer1.     

that I     __ (买)from your online store on October 5, 2011.    2.        

The computer occasionally switches i      off automatically(自动地).3.         

ten minutes        it has been powered up. This has already    4.         

happened three        since I got it home. I have taken good     5.         

       of it. I always leave it on my desk and I have never had   6.         

any other problems with it. I am very d_______ by this fault.     7.         

I have       (决定) to return it to you and get my money back.   8.         

I really hope that you will take this matter        (认真).      9.       

I am looking forward to your early r      .                   10.       

Yours sincerely,

                                Li Ping


