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第一节:完形填牵(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

            I recently started using a parenting expression that

I never thought would come out of my mouth: “Don't make me tell Daddy." Once upon a time I was a calmer mom. But now things are 41. have three kids — ages7.5,and 15 months — which is only part of the 42 The bigger part: My husband and I used to 43children together. Then about a month after our third child was bom,he 44 a sales job that required longer hours,leaving me with the lion's share of 45 .

           Without him around to 46,keeping the children in check has been more 47 and the don't make me tell Daddy thing started. My five-year-old was the first to 48 those five words. She’d do 49 like kicking her old,brother repeatedly and when I asked her to 50 , she'd say, "You' re not going to tell Daddy,are you?”I never indulged(纵容) her Then one day my keds were climbing on the snow banks in our driveway,51 to get into the car for school and when I started to get mad my daughter mentioned "Daddy" again. So I said 52 , "Don't make me tell Daddy!" What 53me was worked.

            The more I 54 those five words,the more I suspected it was wrong and,it turned out that I was 55 .“When a mom says, ‘Don’t make me tell Daddy,the child concludes that the 56 is the source of power," Laura Markham a child psychologist, told me later. “You’re 57 your kids that their father is to be 58 and their mother is not.in charge."

             This is not 59 for Mom and not fair to Dad. And I dont want to lose my 60 to kids whose shoes I still tie.

41. A. wrong   B. obvious   C. different   D. same

42. A. plan   B.message   C. problem   D. advice

43. A. look at   B. look after   C.for   D. look into

44. A. lost   B. needed   C. offered   D. took

45. A. working   B. attention   C. parenting   D. treasure

46. A. help   B. talk   C. guard   D. share

47. A. relaxing   B. interesting   C. important   D. difficult

48. A. repeat   B. break up   C. remember   D. bring up

49. A. something   B. everything   C. anything   D. nothing

50. A. wait   B. continue  C.   stop   D. choose

51. A. regretting   B. refusing   C. pretending   D. struggling

52. A. calmly   B. nervously  C. angrily   D. gently

53. A. confused   B. amused   C. surprised   D. disappointed

54. A. said    B. heard   C. created   D. practiced

55. A. real   B. right   C. normal   D. strange

56. A. public   B. father   C. expert   D. brother

57. A. answering   B. fooling   C. promising   D. teaching

58. A. ignored   B. praised   C. feared   D. respected

59. A. easy   B. useful    C. good   D. polite

60. A. honor   B. power   C. support   D. heart

41. C 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. C 51.B 52. C 53.C 54.A 55.B 56.B 57.D 58.C 59.C 60.B



41. C. 由But —词的转折可知,作者以前是一位非常冷静的妈妈,但现在一切都 变得“不同(different) ” 了。

42. C. 由下文作者在照顾孩子时遇到的困 难可知,有三个孩子只是作者如今面临 的部分“问题(problem) ”。

43. B. 

44. D. 

45. C. 由 together 和 leaving me的对比以及下文作者在照顾 孩子方面出现的问题可知,以前作者是 和丈夫一起“照顾(look after) ”孩子,但自从丈夫“从事(took)”销售工作后,她不得不独自承担“教育孩子(parenting)”的大部分责任。

46. A. 由于丈夫工作时间长,因此不能“帮助(help) ”作者照顾孩子。

47. D. 由下文作者描述孩子的淘气可知,管教孩子变得越来越 “(difficult) ”。

48. D. 由第一段的 I never thought would CQme out of my mouth: “Don’t make me tell Daddy." 以及下文的 my daughter mentioned “Daddy” again 可知,“别让我 告诉爸爸”这句话最先是由作者五岁的女儿“提出(bring up) ”。

49. A. 

50. C. 由 I never indulged her 可知, 淘气的女儿会做一些诸如踢哥哥的“事(something) ”,作为母亲自然是让女儿停止(stop) ”这样做。       51 . B.由上文的 climbing on the snow banks可知,玩闹的孩子们“拒绝(reflising) ”上车去学校。

52. C.由上文的 I started to get mad 可知,作者“生气地(angrily) ”对孩子们说“别让我告诉爸爸”。

53. C.由it worked可知,提至!l爸爸,孩子们竟然听话了,这令作者“惊讶(surprised)”。

54. A.“别让我告诉爸爸”是作者“说(said)” 给孩子们听的。

55. B.由上文的 I suspected it was wrong 以及下文儿童心理学家告诉作者的话可 知,'作者对“别让我告诉爸爸”这句话的 怀疑被证明是“对的(right) ”。

56. B.当妈妈说“别让我告诉爸爸”,孩子会得出“爸爸(father) ”是权力源泉的结论。

57. D.

58. C.由上文的 the child concludes .... the source of power 可知,

心理学家指出“别让我告诉爸爸”这句 话是“教(teaching) ”孩子们认为爸爸是 “令人害怕的(feared) ”,而妈妈并不管事。

59. C.由上文的 their mother is not in charge可知,“别让我告诉爸爸”这句话对妈妈不“好(good)”,对爸爸也不公平。

60. B.由上文的the source of power 和 mother is not in charge可知,作者不想失去管孩子的“权力(power)”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第32期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           Well,I finally decided to enter the digital (数字的) age. My kids have been annoying me; my book group made fun of me; and the last straw was when my car broke down,and I was stuck on the highway for an hour before someone stopped to help. But when I went to the cell phone store,I almost changed my mind. The phones are so small that I can't see the numbers. They all have cameras,computers and a Global Positioning System that's supposed to spot me from space. All I want to do is to be able to talk to my grand- kids!And the rate plans (资费套餐) !They were complex,confusing,and expensive!I'd almost given up when a friend told me about her new Jitterbug phone.

           Sometimes I think the people who designed this phone and the rate plans had me in mind. The phone fits easily in my pocket,but when it opens it reaches from my mouth to my ear. The display is large,so I can actually see who is calling. With a push of a button I can control the vo/wwe (音量) ,and if I don't know a number,I can simply push one for a friendly,helpful operator that will look it up and even dial it for me. The Jitterbug also reduces background noise,making the sound loud and clear. Theres even a dial tone,so I know the phone is ready to use.

          Call now and get a FREE GIFT — $24 in value!Try the Jitterbug for 30 days and if you don't love it,just return it. The phone comes preprogrammed with your favorite numbers,and if you aren't as happy with it as I am,you can return it for a refund(退款) of the purchase price.

21. Why did the authors book group make fun of him?

   A. His car always broke down.

   B. He was famous for his meanness.

   C. He didnt keep up with the times.

   D. His grandkids lost touch with him.

22. The author finally got a Jitterbug phone .

   A. because of its free gift

   B. because of its convenience

   C. because his friend sent it as a gift

   D. because its numbers were his favorite

23. What's the main purpose of this text? .

   A. To advertise the Jitterbug phone.

   B. To introduce how to enter the digital age.

   C. To describe the authors personal experi?ence.

   D. To show users how to use the Global Positioning System.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



             For more than a century it was thought that a beautifol face was appealing because it was a co ection of average features. Using his computer system,Dr David Perrett of the University of St Andrews has challenged the theory. In a key experiment,photographs of women were ranked tor their attractiveness by a number of volunteers Two composite pictures were then created;

one,tile average of all the pictures,the other made lrom those rated most attractive. Although the faces looked very similar at first sight,most people said they preferred the composite of most attractive faces.

            “The conclusion I reached," said Dr Perrett was that the most attractive face was not average. If you look at famous film stars and supermodels,most of them have Wefl/ (理想的) features 一 larger than normal eyes,higher arched eyebrows,slightly smaller noses,and higher cheekbones  Even popular cartoon characters such as Betty Boop,Yasmin from Aladdin and Bambi have big eyes,small tumed-up noses,big mouths and small chins. And if these features are exaggerated,the attractiveness rating goes up even more. Julia Roberts is a good example of this." 

            But what do scientists make of mens faces? Do men with large eyes,high cheekbones and a small chin have the same appeal? Researchers were a bit shocked at the top-ranking male face. They expected it to have the classic square jaw and strong cheekbones,but instead,women seem to prefer men with gentle faces.

            Dr Perrett puts forward a reason to explain why so many women now go for baby-faced stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Jude Law. Women like a man with (女性化的) face because he is more likely to make a kinder and more trustworthy husband and father.

           But do these ideals of beauty manage to cross cultural boundaries? Are the same features considered to be attractive all over the world? A worldwide study carried out by Professor Cunningham of the University of Louisville,Kentucky concluded that there were only very subtle differences between different cultures. In other words,although there might be a little truth in the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder,by and large,we all seem to be attracted to the same things.

6. Dr Perrett reached his conclusion mainly by.

   A. telling true stories

   A. making comparisons

   B. setting down general rules

   C. following the order of importance

7. According to Dr Perrett's theoiy,Julia Roberts is considered very.

   A. appealing   B.intelligent   C. successful   D. trustworthy

8.Which of the following features of men is most attractive to women?

   A. Large eyes. B. Baby faces

   C. Big mouths. D. High cheekbones.

9. According to the author,people from different cultures.

   A. seem little attention to their differences

   B. have completely different views about beauty

   C. have managed to cross cultural boundaries

   D. seem to have the similar standard of beauty 

10. What does the text mainly discuss?

   A. Is beauty everywhere?

   B. Is beauty only skin-deep?

   C. Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

   D. Does beauty only belong to great women?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


★favour作名词时,可意为“帮助,恩惠”,常用于以下结构:do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙(句1) ,ask sb. a favour求某人帮个忙(句2);也可意为“喜爱,赞同”(句3、句4)。

★favour作动词时,意为:① (句5);②赞成(句6);③便于,有利于(句7)。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            An 18-year-old who just finished high school has developed a revolutionary device(装置) which allows visually impaired or blind people to be more mobile — after coming up with the idea when he was 12.

           “To be considered is a real honor. It means the work we’re doing is really valuable,”Alex Deans said.

            The teen,from Ontario in Canada,began creating the tool after becoming curious while helping a visually impaired lady cross the street one day.

           “She told me that all existing devices only let users see in one direction so they can't know whats going on around them,w he toki GOOD magazine,after seeing she only had a stick and guide dog — two things that are hard to come by.

            The device,known as iAid,uses GPS (Global Positioning System) and ultrasonic(超声波的) technology to help visually impaired people get around safely.

            The belt-like tool comes with a control handle and works by using sound waves to discover objects in the users’ path and show how close things are to them. The iAid works much like a bat uses sonar(声呐) .

             The teen's invention has been attracting attention and it won the 2015 Weston Youth Innovation Award in May for which Alex was awarded $2,000 at a ceremony at the Ontario Science Centre last month.

            “The entire group of judges was impressed by Alexs creativity,motivation and dedication (奉献) to building his design over a four-year period. We look forward to seeing future inventions from this outstanding young inventor,said Hooley McLaughlin,chief science officer at the Ontario Science Centre.

             Alex is now working closely with the team at the science centre to hold an exhibition for his invention. He was also given the opportunity to give a presentation at We Day 一 stadium-sized events where speakers lecture about global issues across the US,Canada,and the UK.

             Alex will be starting at Montreal's McGill University in the autumn,but hopes the iAid will be approved for US and Canadian rights so that,one day,the device will be available for those who really need it across the world.

6. What purpose does Alex’s  invention serve?

   A. To encourage the blind to live independently.

   B. To provide blind people with mobile phones.

   C. To make blind people's  life more colorful.

   D. To help the blind move around easily.

7.How did Alex come up with his idea?

   A. He got the idea from a magazine.

   B. He was inspired by a blind woman.

   C. He found it hard to use a guide dog.

   D. He noticed existing tools weaknesses.

8.The bat probably uses sonar to .

   A. keep its balance in flight

   B. block harmful sound waves

   C. communicate with other bats

   D. find out the position of objects

9.Which of the following is expressed in McLaughlin's words?

   A. Doubt. B. Surprise. C. Praise. D. Puzzle.

10.What is Alex preparing for at oresent?

   A. A show of his iAid.

   B. His college studies.

   C. An awards ceremony.

   D. The speech at We Day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          cut out 

1 . Hey,you guys,cut it out — Mom's  trying to get some sleep.

2. Billy showed me the article he’d cut out of the


3. The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out alcohol.

4. You can cut out the unimportant details.

5. The affected tissue was cut out from his leg.

a.切去   b.删掉,省略   c.停止

d.剪下来,裁剪   e.戒掉,不吃 

[自我归纳]通过观察上面的句子,我们可以知道cut out 的意思分别为;

1 →; 2 ; 3  ; 4 ; 5


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. What are you doing out of bed? You  (应该) be asleep.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. She can still copie downstairs with (协助) but she's very weak.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. It seems quite a to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.

