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—Who has taken my pen away?

—__________. He was here a moment ago.  

A. It must be Li Ping           B. It is Li Ping take

C. Li Ping is                   D. Li Ping must take





科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省中山市实验高级中学高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

Reply letter A
Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We have decided to show the Chinese character along with the Hanyu Pinyin for names of Chinese personages, places and specific things as from the next issue.
Reply letter B
Thank you for your suggestions. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. One of our staff reporters has just returned from Xinjiang and written a long article about her trip. Next year, we will have even more coverage of Xinjiang.
Reply letter C
Other readers have asked us for similar information and we have so far answered them individually. In this issue, we will print an open reply. We discovered after making a survey that there are few books to be found on China printed in English. Most are published by the Foreign Languages Press and China International press, from where it is possible to buy books directly.
Reply letter D
A majority of Chinese tourists travel abroad in order to see different landscapes and various cultures, to appreciate an exotic atmosphere and to get to know local customs. Some Chinese tourists nevertheless go to China towns, because they can eat Chinese food there. For those who don’t know English or the native language of the country they visit, it is convenient to go shopping or find entertainment in a Chinatown.
Reply letter E
We have taken on your suggestions to start a column on personalities. There are kinds of reports, such as movie stars, directors, businessmen, singers and so on. Our reports not only introduce their achievements, but also report their inner world. We hope you will enjoy it.
Reply letter F
Thanks for your appreciation of our magazine. We have mailed your letter and your e-mail address to Tingting. Since both of her two letters were sent by ordinary mail and did not give her e-mail address or telephone number. We could not get in touch with her any other way.
Letter A
I have just started reading your magazine regularly and enjoy the articles very much. I have one comment to make. Can you include the Chinese characters for the names of people, places, etc that you mention with the Hanyu Pinyin of Romanized phonetic system that you use? For example, what is “Emei” or “Qitaihe”or “Shaoxing” in Chinese? It’s also helpful for those of us who are learning Chinese.
Letter B.
It was interesting to read the magazine. I wonder if you could start a column which introduces the Chinese elites of art, business, sports, politics, especially directors, actors, anchors(主持人)and singers. I believe readers will also appreciate a livelier style.
Letter C
I am a civil servant in Xinjiang, a region relatively underdeveloped in comparison with other provinces. But this does not mean it belong to another world. Xinjiang could benefit from overseas exchanges as well as contact with people living in other regions. Could you include articles about Xinjiang and its people? I suggest magazines report more about the western regions, especially exotic and charming Xinjiang.
Letter D
I am an avid(热衷的)reader of your magazine and it has helped me to introduce China to foreign friends. Thank you for great efforts to bring New China to the world. Next month, I may get the opportunity to go to Nigeria, so I must learn more about China’s history and culture. Could you kindly recommend a suitable book in English?
Letter E
It was interesting to read “Chinese Travelers Step out”. It seems a large percentage of Chinese tourists visit the West. In Indonesia, Chinese New Year is an official holiday. How would you assess the level of interest Chinese tourists have in Indonesia? Would they like to visit Chinatowns or other unique attractions in Indonesia?
信函                                         回函
【小题1】LetterA                                  A. Reply letter A
【小题2】LetterB                                  B. Reply letter B
【小题3】LetterC                                  C. reply letter C
【小题4】LetterD                                   D. Reply letter D
【小题5】LetterE                                  E. Reply letter E


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

He is a real turtle(海龟).

         Someone who always moves very slowly.

         She is such a sheep.

         A follower; someone who can’t think for him or herself.

         He’s being an ostrich(鸵鸟).

         Someone who hides his/her head in the sand and refuses to face problems or reality.

         He’s a lamb.

         A gentle, patient, understanding person. Nice and considerate.

         What a crab(蟹) he is!

         A grouchy(发牢骚的) person; someone who is often angry and in a bad mood.

1.In which of the following situations are the people acting like sheep?

A. A teenager tells a small child to stop bothering an animal.

B. A young man is driving fast because all his friends do.

C. Someone runs for monitor of the senior class in the school.

D. People are walking and singing together along the road.

2.If a person is like a turtle, which of these is most likely to be a problem to him or her?

A. Keeping the house clean.               B. Learning a new language.

C. Getting to school on time.               D. Saving money for future use.

3.Buddy hates to wake up on Monday morning. He doesn’t speak to his wife or children, and he often shouts at the other drivers on his way to work. Everybody stays out of his way at least until noon time. After that he’s all right. Buddy’s boss says, “ Buddy is a good guy, but on Monday morning, he’s an absolute _________.”

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. turtle                                D. ostrich

4.Jerry has not been well for weeks. He knows he has a problem but he is afraid to see a doctor .If he is sick, he doesn’t want to know about it. His wife says, “ Jerry, don’t be a(n) __________. Go to the doctor. She can help you get of your illness.

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. sheep                               D. ostrich



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

He is a real turtle(海龟).

         Someone who always moves very slowly.

         She is such a sheep.

         A follower; someone who can’t think for him or herself.

         He’s being an ostrich(鸵鸟).

         Someone who hides his/her head in the sand and refuses to face problems or reality.

         He’s a lamb.

         A gentle, patient, understanding person. Nice and considerate.

         What a crab(蟹) he is!

         A grouchy(发牢骚的) person; someone who is often angry and in a bad mood.

1.In which of the following situations are the people acting like sheep?

A. A teenager tells a small child to stop bothering an animal.

B. A young man is driving fast because all his friends do.

C. Someone runs for monitor of the senior class in the school.

D. People are walking and singing together along the road.

2.If a person is like a turtle, which of these is most likely to be a problem to him or her?

A. Keeping the house clean.               B. Learning a new language.

C. Getting to school on time.               D. Saving money for future use.

3.Buddy hates to wake up on Monday morning. He doesn’t speak to his wife or children, and he often shouts at the other drivers on his way to work. Everybody stays out of his way at least until noon time. After that he’s all right. Buddy’s boss says, “ Buddy is a good guy, but on Monday morning, he’s an absolute _________.”

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. turtle                                D. ostrich

4.Jerry has not been well for weeks. He knows he has a problem but he is afraid to see a doctor .If he is sick, he doesn’t want to know about it. His wife says, “ Jerry, don’t be a(n) __________. Go to the doctor. She can help you get of your illness.

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. sheep                               D. ostrich



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南安阳一中高一下期第二次阶段测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Glaucoma(青光眼)is a major cause of blindness around the world, especially in developing countries. The World Health Organization says glaucoma is a greater public health challenge than cataracts(白内障), because the blindness caused by the latter can be cured after operations.

Glaucoma is a disease that makes people around the world lose their sight, and they usually don’t even know they have the disease until it has permanently destroyed at least 40 percent of their sight. The process is usually so painless and subtle(不明显的), so people don't notice it. Actually, the simplest medical test can discover it.

“It is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. In Hispanics and in African-Americans, it’s the second leading cause of blindness and so is the case in the Chinese and Indians.” said Dr. Alan Robin, a specialist in treating glaucoma. “The glaucoma we see in sub-Saharan Africa is a much more aggressive blinding disease than the glaucoma we see in Americans or even African- Americans in-the United States.” he said.     .

Dr. Eric Fleischer also sees these differences at Medstar Washington Hospital Center. “Pretty much anybody who has ancestors in Africa has an increased chance of developing glaucoma.” Age is another thing that may lead to glaucoma, although people of all ages can get it.

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that commonly produce pressure in the eye. An eye is sort of like a watch. And behind the face of the watch, liquid is made. It goes through your pupil(瞳孔)and into the front of the watch between the face and the crystal.There's an area around the edge of the watch that drains(使排出)the liquid. When that drain is blocked, the liquid can't leave the eye as fast as it is produced. The rising pressure within the eye damages and eventually kills the optic(视觉的) nerve. The result is blindness.

Fortunately, if caught early, glaucoma can be controlled. Glaucoma is not curable. But as  researchers worldwide lean more about it, they grow more hopeful that glaucoma can one day be cured or even prevented.

1.In which country is glaucoma the biggest danger to people’s sight?

A.In China           B.In India           C.In the USA         D.In Japan

2.What do the underlined words “these differences”(in Para 4 )refer to?

A.The differences in regions(地区)         B.The cultural differences

C.The differences in age                    D.The physical differences

3.From the passage, we can learn that,            .

A.It is hard for medical tests to discover glaucoma

B.People in developed countries hardly develop glaucoma

C.Glaucoma only causes blindness among old people

D.The research on glaucoma is still going on worldwide



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏涟水中学高一第三次模块检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were no girls in the school) were   16  expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long, through the door came a tall ordinary-looking man  17  about 40. He said shyly,  “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” His  18 had a surprising tone (语气) of respect, almost  19  he were addressing (向---讲话)the Supreme Court (最高法院)20   a group of youngsters. He wrote his  21  on the blackboard---Wilmer T. Stone-- ,and  22  sat on the front of his desk.. “Gentlemen,” he began, “We are now this  23   ---your last---to continue your study of 24  . I know we shall  25  learning with and from one another. We are going to learn  26  about journalism and how to write your weekly school paper. And   27 we are going to try to  28  the joy of good literature (文学). Maybe some of us will be really   29   in reading and writing. A man who reads 30 a happy life. A man who doesn’t read  31  on the earth with a blindfold(眼罩). If I have to put all my  32  into a single word, it would be: ‘browse(广泛浏览)’”. Mr. Stone went on like that,  33 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 34  of the class came much too soon. And we boys had to 35  the classroom with an unexpected feeling of excitement.

1.A waiting  B. looking       C. asking     D. calling

2.                A.for            B.of             C.at   D.on


3.                A.sound          B.voice           C.appearance   D.look


4.                A.as             B.if              C.as if  D.after


5.                A.beside         B.except for       C.instead   D.instead of


6.                A.addres         B.telephone       C.name    D.word


7.                A.then           B.but            C.so   D.suddenly


8.                A.feel           B.season         C.year D.term


9.A. math    B. chemistry     C English       D. physics

10.               A.begin          B.enjoy          C.practice   D.suggest


11.               A.something      B.anything        C.nothing   D.all


12.               A.Really          B.Especially       C.Truly  D.Possibly


13.               A.feel           B.write          C.memorize D.accept


14.               A.moved         B.excited         C.interested D.used


15.               A.knows         B.says           C.has   D.lives


16.               A.runs           B.visits           C.walks D.chooses


17.               A.praise          B.trust           C.advice D.promise


18.               A.speaking        B.singing         C.telling D.shouting


19.               A.beginning       B.end           C.middle    D.time


20.               A.keep          B.enter          C.leave D.reach



