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19.Not long ago,I faced an enjoyable yet formidable(难以对付的) challenge.I was returning to my old neighborhood in the South Bronx to speak the students of my old school,Morris High.As we drove down streets where my friend Gene Norman and I used to race bicycles,I thought of the problems awaiting the kids living here,the drugs,the temptations,and the crime.What could I say to encourage them?
As we passed the hamburger place that I used to haunt,I remembered my growing-up years here,the joys,the sorrows,and the choices.Even then kids faced choices.There were drugs in my neighbourhood and a youngster could gain easy access to them if tempted.But in my family,the decision was simple:You just didn't do it.We knew it was stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you.
At age of 17 I found a summer job in a local soft-drink bottling plant at 90 cents an hour.I was thrilled.On my first day of work,having joined the ranks of other newly hired teenagers,I was full of enthusiasm.The bottling machines caught my eye,but only the white boys worked there.I was hired as a porter and the foreman handed me a mop(拖把).I decided to be the best mop user there ever was.Right to left,left to right.
As our car rolled on,our driver's voice broke my thought."We are here,General."I looked up at my old school; it hadn't changed much.As I walked up its familiar stone steps I remembered racing up them to beat the bell.The setting for my talk to the student body was the gymnasium.
"I remember this place",I told the students."I remember it all.I remember running through Van Cortland Park with the track team,the victory I used to take each day from my home to Kelly Street to school."
"I also remember,upon occasions,experiencing the feeling‘you can't make it'",I continued."But you can.When I was coming up,opportunities were limited.But now the opportunities are there to be anything you want to be.But wanting to be isn't enough,dreaming about it isn't enough.You've got to study for it,work for it,fight for it with all your heart energy and soul so that nothing will be denied you.
I wanted them to make the right choices,to work hard and not lose sight of a dream.And I wanted them to know that someone is always watching.
41.Why does the author say that he faced an enjoyable yet formidale challenge?BecauseC
A.he was very much afraid of returning to his old neighborhood
B.his old neighborhood is problematic with drugs,temptation and crimes
C.he was going to make a speech to schoolboys and schoolgirls of Morris High
D.there are problems on the road his car was driven on and this worried him
42.The author thinks it wasDfor kids to face choices when he was young.
A.very exciting                       
B.only natural
C.very easy                          
D.really a sad thing
43.According to the author,the stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you isC.
A.to get easy access to choices           
B.to hang around the hamburger place
C.to get addicted to drugs               
D.to resist the temptation of drugs
44.Which statement is TRUE according to the article?A
A.The author went back to his old school as a general
B.The author was the best mop user there ever was
C.The author was very excited about his first job
D.The author believed that you can become anything you want.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者作为一位将军回到了母校为学生们发表讲话,作者鼓励学生们抵制毒品的诱惑,在人生中要做出正确的选择,不要失去自我.

解答 41.C.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"I was returning to my old neighborhood in the South Bronx to speak the students of my old school,Morris High"我要回我的老邻居在南布朗克斯讲我的老学校对学生,可知我觉得愉快有挑战是因为要去母校给学生作讲话了;故选C.
42.D.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"We knew it was stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you"可知作者认为只能让孩子去做决定这是一件令人难过的是;故选D.
43.C.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"There were drugs in my neighbourhood and a youngster could gain easy access to them if tempted…We knew it was stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you"可知作者认为你可以用上帝给你的生活所能做的最愚蠢和最具自我毁灭性的事情是吸毒成瘾;故选C.
44.A.推理判断题.根据文章第四段"our driver's voice broke my thought."We are here,General."I looked up at my old school"我们的司机的声音打破了我的想法,"我们在这里,将军"我看着我的老学校;可知作者作为一位将军回到了母校;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Not until I left my parents for further study abroad ______ how much they loved me.(  )
A.I realizedB.I had realizedC.had I realizedD.did I realize


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.wander(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.shade(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.play a part in在…中起作用,在…中扮演某角色.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Be careful about the news on red fire ants-         measures to prevent the possible spread of them.(  )
A.takeB.to takeC.takenD.taking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.When I was about ten years old,I was walking down the street with my mother.She stopped to speak to Mr.Lee.I knew I could see Mr.Lee any time around the neighborhood,so I didn't pay any attention to him.After we passed Mr.Lee,my mother stopped me and said something that has stuck with me from that day until now.She said seriously,"You let that be the last time you've ever walked by somebody and not opened up your mouth to speak,because even a dog will wag its tail when it passes you on the street."Mother's words sound simple,but it's been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am.
It's not just something I believe in; it's a way of life.I believe that every person deserves to feel someone acknowledge their presence,no matter how humble (卑微) they may be.
At work,I always said hello to the founder of the company and ask him how our business was doing.But I also spoke to the people who cleaned the buildings and asked how their children were doing.After a few years of greeting the founder,I had the courage to ask him for a meeting.We had a great talk.At a certain point I asked him how far he thought I could go in his company.He said,"If you want to,you can get all the way to this seat."
I've become vice president,but it hasn't changed the way I approach people.I still follow my mother's advice.I speak to everyone I see,no matter where I am.I've learned that speaking to people creates a pathway into their world,and it allows them to come into mine,too.

21.What did the author do when he met Mr.Lee?D
A.He talked with somebody else.
B.He was attracted by a dog.
C.He greeted him politely.
D.He ignored him.
22.What kind of person is the author's mother?C
A.Optimistic. B.Kind-hearted. C.Strict. D.Open-minded.
23.How did the company founder reply to the author?A
A.He inspired him.
B.He played a joke.
C.He invited him to coffee.
D.He gave him the seat.
24.What does the author think of saying hello to people?B
A.It's a way to show sympathy to people.
B.It can build connections with others.
C.It's a must to become a president.
D.It can bring him what he wants.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

You must try your best tomake up for the classes you missed last week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.我们都知道明天Mary要举行一个生日聚会.(It is known that…)
It is known that Mary will hold a birthday party tomorrow..

