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9.-John,I saw you were talking with our manager.What happened?
-I was complaining to him because I felt I _________ fairly.(  )
A.don't treatB.didn't treatC.am not treatedD.wasn't treated

分析 -John,我看你在和经理说话.怎么了?

解答 答案选D.考查一般过去时的被动语态.在答句中主句为"I was complaining to him",because引导原因状语从句.在because从句中"I felt+(宾语从句)".宾语从句的时态要与其主句"I felt(一般过去时)"保持一致,故空格处为一般过去时,排除A和C.又因空格前主语"I"与其谓语"treat(对待)"为被动关系,我被对待,用被动语态be+动词的过去分词.故选D.

点评 考查时态与语态的题型,根据时间或其他谓语确定时态,根据动作与其对象的关系,确定语态.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.____Mark Zuckerberg runs the world's biggest social network-Facebook,he is a very private person(  )
A.Now thatB.Even thoughC.So long asD.In case


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Doctors'moonlighting is becoming popular in hospitals around China.It has not only raised a lot of heated discussions in the media,but also caught the attention of the central government in Beijing.
On December 26,a spokesman of the Ministry of Health stressed that the ministry was firmly against doctors'moonlighting,while strict regulations should be applied to doctors taking part-time jobs,the Xinhua News Agency reported.
Last year,the Ministry sent out a notice to a variety of health organizations to speed up the reform of their personnel (人事) system.According to the notice,medical organizations can hire medical experts as part-time doctors but such activities should take place under the hospital's management and regulations(规定).
As for moonlighting--meaning that the doctor provides medical service without the permission of the original hospital--such activity goes against China's Practicing Doctor Law,Xinhua reported.
In China,doctors used to be controlled by hospitals and they could work for only one hospital.However,as China's medical personnel system reform developed,it has been recognized that medical human resources,just like human resources in other areas,should be shared by the whole society.But on the other hand,doctors'taking part-time jobs should follow the relative regulations applied in the medical field.
First of all,they should follow relative government laws and regulations.They should also follow the rules and regulations set by the medical organizations they work for.In addition,they should pay taxes for their income from the part-time jobs.What matters most is that they should first finish their regular jobs as required and be responsible for patients to ensure qualified and safe medical treatment.
67.What is the greatest difference between moonlighting and taking part-time jobs?C
A.Doctors can earn more money by moonlighting than by taking part-time jobs.
B.Doctors pay fewer taxes for the money made by moonlighting than by taking
part-time jobs.
C.Taking part-time jobs is permitted by hospitals while moonlighting is-against
the present regulations.
D.Doctor's part-time jobs,instead of moonlighting,are encouraged by health organizations.
68.From this passage we know that doctors are allowed to  nowadays.B
A.only work for one hospital        
B.work for more than one hospital
C.work any time when they are free   
D.be out of control of hospitals
69.The passage is taken most probably fromD.
A.a notice sent out by the Ministry of Health 
B.regulations made by health organizations
C.China's Practicing Doctor Law
D.a magazine or a newspaper
70.According to the passage,we have got to know thatC.
A.all doctors around China prefer moonlighting to part-time jobs
B.moonlighting has been permitted by China's practicing Doctor Law
C.taxes should be paid for the money doctors get from their part-time jobs
D.strict management policies have been adopted to direct the moonlighting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.-Incredible!There are no evening classes,no homework,but everyone works so hard to achieve their goals.
-Exactly.That is what I like______ the new school.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.I'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting so long,but it'll still be some time _________ Tony gets back.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Tom kept quiet about the accident         lose his job.(  )
A.so not as toB.so as not toC.so as to notD.not so as to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.The building,which ______ to last for 50,collapsed on April 4in Fenghua.(  )
A.has designedB.had designedC.is designedD.was designed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.Reportedly some farmers do not like to sell grain to the State.It remains to be seen how the government will ____ this challenge.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.You mean the boy is only 12years old?He seems much taller ______ his age.(  )

