精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】On his 67th birthday, Dad had a heart attack. He was ______—he survived. But something ______him had died. His passion for life was gone. He refused the doctor’s ______, and his bitter attitude made every visitor ______. Dad was left alone.

I asked Dad to come and live on our small farm, ______the fresh air would do him good. A week later, I ______the invitation. He criticized everything here. Frustrated, I decided something had to be done.

One day I read an article saying several depressed patients’ attitudes had ______dramatically (显著地)when given dogs. That afternoon I drove to the animal shelter, where a pointer’s eyes caught my attention. They watched me ______

A staff member said: “He’s been here for two weeks with nothing heard. His time is ______tomorrow.”

I turned to the man in horror. “You mean to ______him?”

“Madam, he said coldly. “We don’t have ______for every unclaimed dog. The pointer’s calm brown eyes ______my decision. “I’ll take him, ”I said.

On arriving home, I took the dog to Dad’s room. “Look what I got you! ”I said ______.

Dad frowned and murmured. “I don’t want it”. Then, suddenly, the pointer ______from my grasp. He sat down in front of Dad.

Dad’s anger ______, and soon he was hugging the animal.

It was the beginning of a ______Dad named the pointer Cheyenne. Together they spent long hours walking down country roads and relaxing on the banks of streams.

Dad’s ______faded, and he and Cheyenne befriended each other. Then, one night two years later, Cheyenne rushed into my bedroom as if telling something. Running into Dad’s room, I found he had ______.

Two days later, my grief ______when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad’s bed. While burying him near their favorite stream, I silently ______the dog for restoring Dad’s peace of mind.

1A. helpless B. dangerous C. lucky D. unusual

2A. about B. for C. inside D. around

3A. orders B. descriptions C. designs D. ideas

4A. pitiful B. upset C. concerned D. sympathetic

5A. imagining B. guessing C. hoping D. supposing

6A. forgot B. regretted C. admitted D. opposed

7A. improved B. differed C. grew D. transformed

8A. anxiously B. seriously C. restlessly D. calmly

9A. up B. over C. off D. out

10A. release B. adopt C. kill D. reject

11A. time B. room C. worry D. patience

12A. refused B. doubted C. expected D. challenged

13A. patiently B. suddenly C. carefully D. excitedly

14A. pulled free B. set back C. kept off D. slipped away

15A. stayed B. melted C. continued D. strengthened.

16A. long patience B. painful adoption C. lonely separation D. warm friendship

17A. bitterness B. sympathy C. regret D. worry

18A. left home B. gone out C. turned up D. passed away

19A. weakened B. deepened C. stopped D. closed

20A. praised B. apologized C. begged D. thanked























1C考查形容词。由he survived.可知他得救了,非常幸运。helpless 无助的, dangerous危险的, lucky幸运的,unusual不寻常的。

2C 考查语义理解。由His passion for life was gone. 可知他内部的一些东西消逝了。about 关于,for为了,inside ……之内, around四处。

3A 考查名词。他拒绝医生的命令。orders命令,descriptions 说明,designs 设计, ideas观点。

4B 考查形容词。由Dad was left alone.可知他尖刻的态度令每位拜访者都很心烦。pitiful 可怜的,upset 心烦的, concerned关心的, sympathetic同情的。

5C 考查动词。我让父亲来我们的小农场生活,希望新鲜的空气对他有好处。imagining 想象,guessing猜测, hoping 希望,supposing猜想。

6B 考查动词。由He criticized everything here.可知我后悔了这个邀请。forgot忘记,regretted 后悔,admitted 承认, opposed反对。

7A 考查动词。一天,我读了一篇文章,文章上说通过养狗,几个沮丧的病人的态度显著的改善。improved改善,differed 不同, grew成长, transformed转换。

8D 考查副词。在下文内容The pointer’s calm brown eyes ___12___my decision. 中捕捉到关键词calm ,可知它们安静地看着我。anxiously 忧虑地, seriously 认真地, restlessly 不安地,calmly冷静地。

9A 考查固定用法。由I turned to the man in horror. “You mean to ___10___him?”可知这里意思是它的时间到了。time is up时间到了,时间已到,是固定用法。

10C 考查动词。由“Madam, he said coldly. “We don’t have ___11___for every unclaimed dog.可知这里意思是你的意思是要杀了它?release释放, adopt 收养,kill杀死,reject拒绝。

11B 考查名词。我们没有空间来收容每只无人认领的狗。time 时间, room 空间,worry 担心, patience耐心。

12C 考查动词。这只狗棕色的安静的眼神期待着我的决定。refused 拒绝, doubted怀疑, expected期待, challenged挑战。

13D 考查副词。“看我给你带来了什么?”我激动地说。Patiently耐心地, suddenly 突然地,carefully 小心地,excitedly激动地。

14A 考查动词短语。由He sat down in front of Dad.可知这只狗从我的牵拉中挣脱。pulled free摆脱set back 推迟kept off 不接近slipped away溜走,悄悄离开。

15B 考查动词。由and soon he was hugging the animal.可知父亲的生气融化了。stayed 停留,melted 融化,continued 继续, strengthened加强。

16D 考查语义理解。由Together they spent long hours walking down country roads and relaxing on the banks of streams.可知这是父亲和这只小狗温暖友谊的开始。warm friendship温暖的友谊。

17A 考查名词。由and his bitter attitude made every visitor ___4___.可知是父亲的怨恨消失了。bitterness怨恨,sympathy同情,regret 后悔,worry担心。

18D 考查固定短语。由Two days later, my grief ___19___when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad’s bed.可知作者发现自己的父亲去世了。 left home离开家,gone out 出去,turned up 出现,passed away去世。

19B 考查动词。由when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad’s bed. 可知小狗在父亲的床边死了,这加深了作者的悲痛。weakened 变弱, deepened 加深,stoped 停止,closed关。

20D 考查动词。我默默地感谢这只小狗让父亲的思想恢复了平静。praised 表扬,apologized 道歉, begged乞求,thanked感谢。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I recommend the government__________ Real Cine for urban planning since it is cheaper and practical, the way most urban planning is done today.
A.uses; compared to
B.use; compared with
C.use; comparing to
D.uses; comparing with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

例:___was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament, (delight)
答案:What delighted the fans/made the fans delighted
(1)The community college has to cut down on staff. (save)
为了省钱 , 那所社区学院只好裁员。
(2)So far the well-known journalistmore than 4,000 interviews with famous people, (accumulate)
(3)Sometimesto use examples to explain abstract concepts, (helpful)
(4)The police will rewarduseful information to catch the robber, (provide)
(5)He's the only student in the classto take part in the Model United Nations conference, (select)
(6)No other technological development has had as the growth of electronics on so many aspects of social, economic,and cultural development, (impact)
没有哪项技术的发展像电子技术这样,对我们的社会、经济以及文化等诸多 方面产生过如此重要的影响
(7)You the meeting to tell me that; you could have come to tell me afterwards,(interrupt)
(8)This novel was once thebook in high schools in the United States, (read)
(9)The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. many stone sculptures of famous historical figures, (stand)
(10)It was several minuteswhat he was saying, (take)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








流利地fluently ; 背诵recite

Dear my schoolmates,








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My name is Wang Kun. Since middle school, my sister and I 1 (dream) about 2 (take) a great bike trip. When we graduated from college, we finally got the chance to do it. It 3 my sister 4 first had the idea to cycle along 5 Mekong River from 6 it begins to where it ends. The Dai live near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that 7 (call) the Mekong River in other countries. She insisted that we 8 (find)the source of the river. I reminded her of the hard weather there but she gave me a 9 (determine) look. Once She has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give 10.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪
Hi Worried,
I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Would you like to explore the oceans? Do you want to find 1than we imagine there? For Jacques Cousteau, the answer was “yes”. His career was a lifelong dream, and he is 2 (probable) the most famous ocean scientist in recent times,

Cousteau was born in France in 1910, Even 3a child, he loved water, Cousteau was bright, 4he got bored with school and began to cause trouble, His parents sent him to a strict boarding school. There, Cousteau finally 5 (challenge). He studied hard and did well in all his courses. In 1933, he served as a general officer in the French Navy. He also began to explore the life under the water. He worked 6a breathing machine to stay under water longer. It was finished in 1943.

In 1948, Cousteau became a captain, and he had new duties, Even so, he continued to explore the oceans. Two years later, he became the president of the French Oceanographic Campaigns. He also bought a ship 7 (help) with his dives. But he 8 (need) a way to get money for his trips. To do that, he produced many films and published a number of books, His films include The Silent World (1956) and World Without

Sun (1996). One of his books is The Living Sea (1963),

In 1974, he founded the Cousteau Society, 9function was to further oceanic research and encourage people to help protect the oceans and the life within them;

Cousteau won many honors for his work, 10 (include) the Presidential Medal of Freedom and membership in the French Academy in 1989.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A. Time can run out.
B. Tomorrow won't be better.
C. Ideas need time to develop.
D. Your professor will be impatient.
E. You blow off your chances for help.
F. You are probably overestimating (高估)the pain.

Never Put off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
Want to put off studying for the physics test? Or writing that thirty-five-page research paper on future uses of biotechnology? Sure you do? And who wouldn't? But it's still a silly idea to put off doing something until a future time. Here is why ....
. The task will be still the same. It won't be any more fun and you still won't want to do it. As the deadline gets closer and closer, the task seems to become larger and larger if you haven't started the work. And the stress increases. Now not only do you have to write that paper, you have to do it under great pressure.
. Before you start, it seems that the task is unlikely to be accomplished. But you know what? You're probably miscalculating. Get started -------- maybe on a small piece ------ And you will discover that you have more resources and know more about the subject than you thought. Result? You won't experience nearly as much suffering as you expected to. Things are guaranteed ------ 100 percent ------- to get better.
. If you leave your work before the night before it's due, you give up the possibility of getting input from your professor. Professors regularly give advice ----- or at least a few useful tips ---- during office hours. Unfortunately though, they don't usually hold office hours at midnight, so you will be out of luck when you discover the night before the midterm that you have no idea how to do the questions that will count for two-thirds of your grade.
Ever wonder why the professor assigns the papers two weeks before it's due? It's because he or she expects you to be thinking about the issue, or doing the research, for two weeks. No, not every waking moment, but at least some of the time. After all, the professor could just as easily have given the assignment one week before it was due if he or she expected less thinking. When you throw together a paper or a report at the last minute, your ideas are half-baked. And your professor will know it.
. If you put things off at the last minute, you might find that you haven't budgeted enough minutes to finish the necessary tasks. It's the easiest thing in the world to miscalculate how long it will take to do all the work especially when new issues arise ------ like illness, family problems, computer breakdowns, trouble at work, and all the other things ------- as you are thinking through your paper argument or preparing yourself for the coming test. If you keep delaying, you don't allow yourself time for those various life events that have an adverse(不利的) effect on your ability to complete your assignment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1At that time wolves always ________ (袭击)sheep and horses at night.

2The lake, with green trees and brown mountains ________ (包围)it, looks like a big mirror.

3She is e________(不同寻常地)devoted to her career, as she has been working in the forest for over ten years.

4Please tell me when the Great Wall came into ________(存在).

5The detective is ________ (热情的)about looking into unexplained cases.

6Dublin, one of Europe’s most popular tourist ________(目的地)for city breaks, has rocked up the charts.

7The literature of a period can be a r________(反映)of its values and tastes.

8You’d better go to the doctor to have your eyes e________ since you can’t see the blackboard very well.

9He won’t take part in the football match next Saturday because his leg has got i________.

10If the children feel u________ with strangers, parents should encourage them to speak up.

11The construction workers wore safety helmets for p________.

12The old tend to talk e________, but we should listen to them with great patience.

13English is one of the o________ languages of the United Nations.

14There was a p________ look on her face, so I repeated the question.

15At the beginning of every term, the school s________ its students with a list of books that they are expected to read.

16A Nobel Prize was a________ to Mo Yan in 2012.

17The boss said to the man angrily, “If you are late for work once again, you’ll be d________.”

18Nowadays, with a spirit of a________, many young people travel to places which have seldom been explored before.

19As a matter of fact, everyone has his or her s________ and weaknesses.

20I didn’t feel that this was an a________ time to discuss the problem. Let’s make it another time.

