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10.The Premier says that bilateral relations will grow smoothly and steadily _____ both countries follow the principle contained in the joint documents.(  )
A.as far asB.thoughC.unlessD.as long as

分析 句意:总理说只要两国按照联合公告的原则办事,那么双边的关系就更顺利稳定地发展.

解答 答案:D.根据 bilateral relations will grow smoothly and steadily (双边的关系就更顺利稳定地发展)和both countries follow the principle contained in the joint documents(两国按照联合公告的原则办事)可知两句之间是条件关系,所以答案是D as long as"只要".其他小心地含义分别是A据…;就…;B尽管;C除非…;

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.He was just 12 years old when he died.But he brought courage and hope to people around the world.
Nkosi Johnson,who died last June,is remembered today as an AIDS fighter.This young boy challenged his government's AIDS policies and millions of South Africans in the fight against the disease.
Johnson was the longest survivor born with HIV.He survived with this deadly disease for 12 years before it claimed his life.
At first,Johnson was expected to live for nine months when his foster mother (养母),Gail Johnson took him in at the age of two.She now runs Nkosi's Haven in Melville.The Haven is home to 20 children living with HIV or AIDS,and 11 of their mothers.
Johnson attracted the world's attention and stole the hearts of thousands of people across the world at the 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in July 2000.He stood in front of a large audience including South African President Thabo Mbeki.He told them that he wanted AZT,a drug used to treat AIDS patients,to be given to HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent the disease being passed on to their unborn babies.He received a loud cheer at the end of his speech.
Johnson's speech was broadcast live across the world.With views beyond his age and even a sense of humor,Johnson soon became an international sign of the fight against AIDS and HIV.
51.The AIDS child gave the speech in order toC.
A.steal the hearts of thousands of people     
B.be an AIDS fighter
C.get more help from the world            
D.fight against the government
52.The underlined words"claimed his life"(Paragraph 3)meansB.
A.did harm to Johnson                     
B.caused the death of Johnson
C.helped Johnson to survive               
D.made Johnson weak
53.The main idea of Paragraphs 5 and 6 isA.
A.Johnson attracted the world's attention
B.Johnson stood in front of South African President Thabo Mbeki
C.Johnson wanted AZT to treat AIDS pregnant women
D.Johnson helped prevent the disease being passed on to an unborn baby
54.From the passage we can infer thatD.
A.no one lived longer than the boy
B.the government did nothing to help those with HIV positive
C.the boy's speech changed the government's policies
D.the government's AIDS policies have to be improved
55.The best title for this passage isA.
A.An AIDS Fighter in South Africa         
B.AIDS,a Deadly Disease
C.The Courage of a Child                  
D.The Sad Story of an AIDS Child.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.This was an ordinary day,nothing special.Mike was walking on the street when he turned to the shop on the corner.He stopped to look at the front row of shoes,and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there.He looked down at his old shoes,and he felt sorry for himself,because he wanted very much to own them for his coming birthday.
  Sadly,the boy walked away,deep in thought-how to tell his mother about it.He knew very well his mother had very little money.He decided not to go home at once,because he looked sad and his mother would notice it.So he went to the park and sat on the grass.There he saw a boy moving a wheelchair with his hands.Mike looked at him and was surprised to see that the boy had no feet.He looked at his own feet."It's much better to be without shoes than without feet."he thought.There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad.So he went away with a smile,thinking that he was much luckier and happier.
41.How did Mike pass the shop on the street corner?C
A.in a wheelchair       B.by bike          C.by bus          D.on foot
42.Why did Mike stop in front of the shop?A
A.To look at the shoes he liked            
B.To get something for his birthday party
C.To buy a present for his friend              
D.To buy the shoes
43.That pair of shoes Mike liked wasB.
 A.too large for him                            
B.not sold yet
 C.too cheap                            
D.not there
44.Why did Mike go to the park?C
A.Because many nice shoes were sold there
B.Because he wanted to see his disabled friend
C.Because he didn't want to make his mother worried
D.Because he wanted to play there for a while
45.What can we learn about Mike from the story?A
A.Mike loved his mother very much  
B.Mike had no feet
C.Mike didn't want to stay at home
D.Mike liked new shoes very much.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-What is 10% of 800,000,000?
-It is _____.(  )
A.eight millionB.eighty million
C.eight hundred millionD.eight billion


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-I'll call you ______ I arrive in Shenzhen.
-Thanks,and good luck.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Whoever does not have a mobile phone must borrow ____________ because you'll certainly need ___________ for the tour.(  )
A.one; itB.it; oneC.it; itD.that; this


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.The program'Heart with Yushu,Love Has No borders"to1d touching stories about rescue volunteers,whose brave deeds_____________ never be forgotten.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Directly across the street was our house from the clinic entrance of John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out-patients at the clinic.
One summer evening as I was fixing supper,there was a knock at the door.I opened it to see a truly awful looking man."Why,he's hardly taller than my eight-year-old,"I thought as I stared at the shriveled (皱缩的) body.But the shocking thing was his face-twisted from swelling,red and raw.
Yet his voice was pleasant as he said,"Good evening.I've come to see if you've a room for just one night.I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore,and there's no bus till morning."
He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success,no one seemed to have a room."I guess it's my face…,I know it looks terrible,but my doctor says with a few more treatments …"
I told him we would find him a bed,but to rest on the porch.I went inside and finished getting supper.When we were ready,I asked the old man if he would join us."No thank you,I have plenty."And he held up a brown paper bag.
When I had finished the dishes,I went out on the porch to talk with him a few minutes.It didn't take a long time to see that this old man had an oversized heart crowded into that tiny body.He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter,her five children,and her husband,who was hopelessly disabled from a back injury.
He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact,every other sentence began with a thanks to God for a blessing.He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease,which was apparently a form of skin cancer.He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.
At bedtime,we put a camp cot in the children's room for him.When I got up in the morning,the bed linens were neatly folded and the little man was out on the porch.
He refused breakfast,but just before he left for his bus,haltingly,as if asking a great favor,he said,"Could I please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment?I won't put you out a bit.I can sleep fine in a chair."He paused a moment and then added,"Your children made me feel at home.Grownups are bothered by my face,but children don't seem to mind."I told him he was welcome to come back again.
In the years he came to stay overnight with us,there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden.
Other times we received packages in the mail,always by special delivery; fish and oysters packed in a box of fresh young spinach or kale,every leaf carefully washed.Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these,and knowing how little money he had made the gifts doubly precious.
When I received these little gifts,I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first morning.
"Did you keep that awful looking man last night?I turned him away.You can lose roomers by accommodating such people!"
Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice.But oh!If only they could have known him,perhaps their illnesses would have been easier to bear.
I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude to God.

58.The first time I met the man,B.
A.he had an eight-year-old son       
B.he was looking for a place to stay overnight
C.he frightened my kid            
D.he was in need of something to eat
59.The next-door neighbor refused the man becauseC.
A.he had no spare room          
B.the man didn't bring him gifts
C.he might lose roomers         
D.the man was bad-tempered
60.Which of the following is NOT true about the man?D
A.He developed skin cancer
B.He didn't complain about his sufferings.
C.He fished to support a large family
D.God helped him to get over his disease.
61.What attitude did the man have toward life?B
62.What message is conveyed in the passage?A
A.Give others a hand            
B.Accept good and bad with gratitude
C.Be the architect of life    
D Never judge a book by its cover.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.We all know that _____ carefully dealt with,the situation will get worse.(  )

