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2.The extraordinary Eastgate Building in Harare,Zimbabwe's capital city,is said to be the only one in the world to use the same cooling and heating principles as the termite mound (白蚁堆).
Architect Mick Pearce used precisely the same strategy when designing the Eastgate Building,which has no air-conditioning and almost no heating.The building-the country's largest commercial and shopping complex-uses less than 10% of the energy of a conventional building of its size.The Eastgate's owners saved 3.5millionona36 million building because an air-conditioning plant didn't have to be imported.
The complex is actually two buildings linked by bridges across a shady,glass-roofed atrium (天井) open to the air.Fans suck fresh air in from the atrium,blow it upstairs through hollow spaces under the floors and from there into each office through baseboard vents (通风口).As it rises and warms,it is drawn out via ceiling vents and finally exists through forty-eight brick chimneys.
During summer's cool nights,big fans blow air through the building seven times an hour to cool the empty floors.By day,smaller fans blow two changes of air an hour through the building,to circulate the air which has been in contact with the cool floors.For winter days,there are small heaters in the vents.
This is all possible only because Harare is 1600 feet above sea level,has cloudless skies,little dampness and rapid temperature swings-days as warm as 31℃commonly drop to 14℃at night."You couldn't do this in New York,with its fantastically hot summers and fantastically cold winters,"Pearce said.
The engineering firm of Ove Arup & Partners monitors daily temperatures.It is found that the temperature of the building has generally stayed between 23℃and 25℃,with the exception of the annual hot period just before the summer rains in October and three days in November,when a doorkeeper accidentally switched off the fans at night.And the air is fresh-far more so than in air-conditioned buildings,where up to 30% of the air is recycled.
47.Why was Eastgate cheaper to be built than a conventional building?B
A.It was designed in a smaller size.
B.No air conditioners were fixed in.
C.Its heating system was less advanced.
D.It used rather different building materials.
48.What does the underlined"it"in Paragraph 3 refer to?A
A.Fresh air from outside.B.Heat in the building.
C.Hollow space.D.Baseboard vent.
49.Why wouldn't a building like Eastgate work efficiently in New York?D
A.New York has less clear skies as Harare.
B.Its dampness affects the circulation of air.
C.New York covers a larger area than Harare.
D.Its temperature changes seasonally rather than daily.
50.The data in the last paragraph suggests Eastgate's temperature control systemB
A.allows a wide range of temperatures
B.functions well for most of the year
C.can recycle up to 30% of the air
D.works better in hot seasons.

分析 本文是科普说明文,讲新型的建筑东门大厦在哈拉雷,津巴布韦的首都,据说是世界上唯一一个使用与白蚁堆相同原理的制冷和制热的建筑.它不需要装空调,几乎没有加热系统,而是利用天井和风扇把外面新鲜空气吸到办公室里面,这样空气即新鲜又经济.这一切之所以可能是因为哈拉雷特定的气候和环境,在纽约不能做到这一点.

解答 47.B.细节题:从第二段的句子:The Eastgate's owners saved 3.5millionona36 million building because an air-conditioning equipment didn't have to be imported.可知Eastgate比传统的建筑便宜,因为它不需要装空调,所以选B.
48.A.指代题.从第三段的句子:Fans suck fresh air in from the atrium,blow it upstairs through hollow spaces under the floors and from there into each office through baseboard vents(通风口).可知风扇把新鲜空气天井吸入,把它(新鲜空气)从地板下的中空的空间往上吹;最后从通风口送进办公室,所以这里的it指"新鲜空气",答案选A.
49.D.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段提到这种建造的一个条件是"…rapid temperature swings-days as warm as 31℃commonly drop to 14℃at night.(快速的气温变化--白天的气温31度而夜晚气温14度)";但是"You couldn't do this in New York,with its fantastically hot summers and fantastically cold winters,在纽约你无法这么做,因为纽约夏天很热冬天很冷,即纽约的天气是季节变化而不是每天变化"得知答案选D
50.B.细节理解题.根据最后一段提到It is found that the temperature of the building has generally stayed between 23℃and 25℃,with the exception of ( 除了) the annual hot period just before the summer rains in October and three days in November,得知建筑物内的温度保持在23到25度,除10月与11月之外.所以这个系统一年的大部分时间都能用,因此答案选B.

点评 科普文通常学术性较强,结构严谨,且每段的第一句话大多是主旨句.如果抓住了科普文的首尾和每段的第一句话,那么整篇文章的中心思想便了然于心.在做"给文章拟标题"或"作者写作意图"类的主旨大意题时便不易受干扰项的影响.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.As I sat beside the window that afternoon,my heart began to sink further with each passing car.This was a day I'd looked forward to for weeks:Miss Pace's end-of-the-year party.I had (21)Avolunteered my mother when Miss Pace
requested(22)Cvolunteers.By two o'clock other mother had come with their offerings,but there was no (23)Bof her.As the noisy party went on,I wouldn't(24)C the window,watching outside and holding out hope that Mum would come soon.The three o'clock bell soon woke me from my thoughts and I took my book bag and(25)D out of the door for home.
On the walk home,I planned my revenge(报复).I would shut the front door angrily upon entering,(26)Bto return her hug when she rushed over to me,and vow(发誓) (27)A to speak to her again.The house was (28)Cwhen I arrived.I was lying face-down on my bed,shaking with a mixture of heartbreak and(29)D.
When she returned,entered my room and sat beside me,I didn't(30)B but instead stared into my pilliow refusing to accept her presence."I'm so sorry,honey,"she said."I just(31)C.I got busy and forgot."I still didn't move."Don't (32)Aher,"I told myself."She forgot you.Make her(33)B."Then my mother did something completely(34)A.She began to laugh.I rolled over and faced her,(35)Ato let her see the anger and disappointment in my(36)D.But soon I found my mother wasn't laughing at all,actually."I'm so sorry,"she said,in tears,"I let my little boy(37)B."she sank down on the bed and began to cry like a little girl.I was shocked (38)D I had never seen my mother cry.To my understanding,mothers weren't supposed to."It's okay,Mom,"I said,"we didn't even(39)Dthose cookies.Don't cry.It's all right.Really."My words made my mother sit up.She (40)Cher  eyes,and a slight smile appeared.I smiled back awkwardly(局促不安),and she pulled me th her.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.Maggie,I think you should change your attitude _________ your work,otherwise you won't make any progress.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Louisa May Alcott was born in Pennsylvania in 1832.She was the second of four daughters.Her father was an educator and social reformer.The Alcotts did not have much money.Louisa worked to help support her family.She tried teaching,sewing,and taking care of children.She did not like any of these jobs.
Louisa liked writing and thought of herself as a writer.At the age of sixteen,she wrote her first book.It was called Flower Fables.She decided to sell what she wrote.She wrote many kinds of poems,stories,and plays.Her stories were exciting,but unrealistic.She sold them to newspapers and magazines for small amounts of money.
In 1868,an American publisher asked the struggling young writer,Louisa May Alcott,to write a book for girls.At first,she was not sure she wanted to do it.She said she never liked girls.And she never knew many,except her sisters.
Louisa decided to write the book anyway.She thought her family's activities and experiences might be interesting to others.She told about her experiences growing up in the northeastern United States during the middle of the nineteenth century.Her book proved to be more than interesting.Little Women became one of the most popular children's books in American literature.It has been published in more than fifty languages.
21.How many daughters did the Alcotts have?C
22.Which of the following jobs did Louisa like?C
A.Teaching.B.Sewing.C.Writing.D.Caring for children.
23.Why did Louisa decide to write a book for girls?D
A.She knew many girls and she liked girls very much.
B.She wanted to make money from the book.
C.She wrote many kinds of interesting stories.
D.She thought her family's story might be interesting to others.
24.Which statement about Little Women is not true?B
A.It proved to be very popular and interesting.
B.It was the first book Louisa May Alcott wrote.
C.It became one of the most popular children's books in American literature.
D.It has been published in more than fifty languages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.What a beautiful picture!
It's years ______ I painted a picture as beautiful as this one.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Tom was called off to dress for Sunday-school.
Mary gave him a tin basin of water and a piece of soap,and he went outside the door and set the basin on a little bench there; then he dipped the soap in the water and laid it down; turned up his sleeves; poured out the water on the ground,gently,and then entered the kitchen and began to wipe his face diligently on the towel behind the door.But Mary removed the towel and said:
"Now aren't you ashamed,Tom.You mustn't be so bad.Water won't hurt you."
Tom was a little unsettled.The basin was refilled,and this time he stood over it,took in a big breath and began.When he entered the kitchen presently,with both eyes shut and feeling for the towel with his hands,an honorable testimony of bubbles and water was dripping from his face.But when he came out from the towel,he was not yet satisfactory,for the clean territory stopped short at his chin and his jaws,like a mask; below and beyond this line there was a dark expanse of unirrigated soil that spread downward in front and backward around his neck.Mary took him in hand,and his flooded hair was neatly brushed,and its short curls formed into an elegant and regular general effect.Then Mary got out a suit of his clothing that had been used only on Sundays during two years--they were simply called his"other clothes"--and so by that we know the size of his wardrobe.After he had dressed himself,Mary checked over and over again.Now he looked extraordinarily improved but uncomfortable.He was fully as uncomfortable as he looked; for there was a self-control about whole clothes and cleanliness that annoyed him.When Mary brought out the shoes,he lost his temper and said he was always being made to do everything he didn't want to do.But Mary said,persuasively:
"Please,Tom-that's a good boy."
     So he got into the shoes howling.Mary was soon ready,and the two children set out for Sunday-school--a place that Tom hated with his whole heart; but Mary was fond of it.
56.The first time Tom washed his face,heC
A.dipped his face in the water                                      
B.poured water on his face
C.wiped his face on the towel                                      
D.moved the towel on his face
57.Mary refilled the basin for Tom to wash his face,and heB.
A.washed his hair as well                                              
B.didn't wash his neck
C.brushed his teeth as well                                           
D.didn't use the soap
58.It can be inferred that Tom's other clothes wereB.
A.measured to his wardrobe                                        
B.formed into general effect 
C.called his best clothes                                                
D.put to use at Festivals
59.When Mary said"That's a good boy",she really meant"A good boyA".
A.always dresses himself properly and neatly     
B.never has curled hair.
C.always washes his face with water                      
D.never loses his temper.
60.What will we read about next?D
A.How Tom hated the school
B.How Mary loved the school.
C.What annoyed Tom at the school
D.What happened at the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.________ the train arrived,some people were waiting inside the station________ others were heading for the platform.(  )
A.While; whileB.While; whenC.When; whenD.When; while


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.With the apples ________ good,the old man sold them out soon.(  )
A.to tasteB.tasteC.tastingD.tasted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.It was 1969 ___________the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.(  )
A.thatB.whenC.on whichD.which

