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【题目】One morning, Ann’s neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog. Ann said that she could watch it only for the day.

Tracy took photos of the dog and printed off 400 FOUND fliers (传单), and put them in mailboxes. Meanwhile, Ann went to the dollar store and bought some pet supplies, warning her two sons not to fall in love with the dog. At the time, Ann’s son Thomas was 10 years old, and Jack, who was recovering from a heart operation, was 21 years old.

Four days later Ann was still looking after the dog, whom they had started to call Riley. When she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the screen door and barked madly at her. As soon as she opened the door, Riley dashed into the boys’ room where Ann found Jack suffering from a heart attack. Riley ran over to Jack, but as soon as Ann bent over to help him the dog went silent.

“If it hadn’t come to get me, the doctor said Jack would have died,” Ann reported to a local newspaper. At this point, no one had called to claim the dog, so Ann decided to keep it.

The next morning Tracy got a call. A man named Peter recognized his lost dog and called the number on the flier. Tracy started crying, and told him, “That dog saved my friend’s son.” Peter drove to Ann’s house to pick up his dog, and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window. After a few moments Peter said, “Maybe Odie was supposed to find you, maybe you should keep it.”

1What did Tracy do after finding the dog?

A. She looked for its owner B. She gave it to Ann as a gift.

C. She sold it to the dollar store. D. She bought some food for it.

2How did the dog help save Jack?

A. By breaking the door for Ann. B. By leading Ann to Jack’s room.

C. By dragging Jack out of the room. D. By attending Jack when Ann was out.

3What was Ann’s attitude to the dog according to Paragraph 4?

A. Sympathetic B. Doubtful

C. Tolerant D. Grateful

4For what purpose did Peter call Tracy?

A. To help her friend’s son. B. To interview Tracy

C. To take back his dog. D. To return the flier to her.

5What can we infer about the dog from the last paragraph?

A. It would be given to Odie. B. It would be kept by Ann5 family.

C. It would be returned to Peter. D. It would be taken away by Tracy.








1A考查细节理解。根据第二段开头句子“Tracy took photos of the dog and printed off 400 FOUND fliers…”可知,Tracy照了狗的照片,印了400张传单。这都是为了找到狗的主人。故选A

2B考查判断推理。根据第三段句子“When she arrived home…where Ann found Jack…”可以推断,狗Riley是通过向Ann狂叫并领Ann进入Jack的房间让Ann发现Jack犯了心脏病从而及时救了Jack的。故选B

3D考查判断推理。根据第四段Ann跟报社说的话,“If it hadn’t …”,如果不是狗领着Ann找到JackJack可能就死了。也就是狗救了Jack的命,所以可以推断Ann对狗很感激,感激它救了她儿子的命。故选D

4C考查细节理解。根据第五段句子“A man named Peter recognized his lost dog…”可知,PeterTracy打电话的目的是为了领回他丢失的狗。故选C

5B考查判断推理。根据最后一段PeterAnn家里领回他的狗时看到的场景“saw Thomas and Jack crying…”及他说说的话“Maybe … you should keep it.”可以推断,狗最终是留着了Ann家里。故选B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My mother is a kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard. Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us. My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. She treats them with patience and teaches them well.
Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself.
Often she says to us, “Work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be a happy person. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society". What a piece of good advice this is! This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.
A. She enjoys listening to classic music.
B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.
C. She loves her students and cares for them.
D. She often buys expensive and high quality clothes for us.
E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.
F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.
G. Can you tell us something about your mother?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

For some time, I had been thinking that I wanted to do something to make strangers smile. I decided that I (leave) small notes around shops and other public places with positive sayings or kind words for strangers (find).
A friend on Facebook posted that she had received a lot of beautiful paper from an artist friend and was wondering what to do with it. I told her about my idea, and she (immediate) said that this must be what her paper was meant for.
So two friends on opposite (side) of the world started leaving these random notes of kindness. I leave my notes without (expect) any particular result. It doesn't matter whether they are readthrown away. The main thing is that I did this act.
I now carry around a notebook in I write down lovely and inspiring phrases that I find. And I buy packs of Post its to write notes on whenever I see opportunity to make a stranger smile. I only leave the notes when I am feeling in a (happily) mood, as I don't want to pass any negative energy on to someone else.
I sign them all (say) that this note is left for you by a stranger to make you smile. Then, I add a heart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1). 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2). 只允许修改10处
Today is Sunday. The sky is full of sunshine,so does my life. At about 9:00 a.m.,I go to the bookstore with my friends,there was a lot of new books,I didn't know which one to buy,because these books were all use to me. At last,I chose two. At 10:00,we went to the cinema,the film calling Titanic was very popular. It took us about 3 hours to see. Having seen the film,and everyone was deeply moved. Some friends even burst out tears. From the story,I understand that love is noble and valuable. That's a really wonderful film. It is very worth seeing again.
What a happy day!I hope tomorrow I will be even happy!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Mr. Allen,
I'm Li Hua, your student assistant.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

What Is Emotional Eating?
Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of satisfying hunger.Have you ever finished a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downed cookie after cookie while preparing for a big test? But when done a lot — especially without realizing it — emotional eating can affect weight, health, and overallwell-being.
Not many of us make the connection between eating and ourfeelings.
One of the biggest myths about emotionaleating is that it’s caused by negative feelings.Yes, peopleoften turn to food when they’re stressed out, lonely, sad, anxious, or bored.But emotionaleating can be linked to positive feelings too, like the romance of sharingdessert on Valentine’s Day or the celebration of a holiday feast.Sometimesemotional eating is tied to major life events, like a death or a divorce.
Emotional eating patterns can be learned: A child who is givencandy after a big achievement may grow up using candy as a reward for a jobwell done. It’s not easy to “unlearn” patterns ofemotional eating.But it ispossible.And it startswith an awareness of what’s going on.
We’re all emotional eaters to a degree.But for somepeople emotional eating can be a real problem, causing serious weight gain orother problems.The troublewith emotional eating is that once the pleasure of eating is gone, the feelingsthat cause it remain. That’s why it helps to know the differencebetween physical hunger and emotional hunger.
Next time you reach for a snack, wait and think about which typeof hunger is driving it.
A.Believe it ornot, we’ve all been there.
B.If a cryingboy gets some cookies, he may link cookies with comfort.
C.One studyfound that people who eat food like pizza become happy afterwards.
D.And you oftenmay feel worse about eating the amount or type of food you like.
E.Understandingwhat drives emotional eating can help people take steps to change it.
F.Boys seem toprefer hot, homemade comfort meals, while girls go for chocolate and ice cream.
G.More often,though, it’s the countless little daily stresses that cause someone to seekcomfort in food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In Britain, it’s bottoms up from the week before Christmas tillthe last firework explodes in the sky announcing the new year. The last Fridaybefore Christmas, popularly known as ‘Mad Friday’, is one of the busiestperiods for the country’s pubs and clubs.
But it’s not just the bars that get busy. Ambulances and A&Edepartments around Britain get packed out too. Head injuries, cuts, falls…it’seasy to end up hurting yourself or others when self-control disappear and yourhead is spinning due to alcoho1 revelers have been warned by the healthauthorities about the dangers of deadly drinking but drinking crazily seems tobe part of the festivities for some.
The charity Alcohol Concern is running a campaign of restrictionby encouraging people to have a dry January.
Jackie Ballard, the charity’s Chief Executive, believes thecampaign has been successful in recent years. She says, “More than two-thirdsof people even six months later are drinking at reduced levels having had amonth off drink. But also a study has shown the impact it has on people’shealth reducing their blood pressure and blood sugar levels.”
The study by the University of Sussex followed up nearly 900participants in Alcohol Concern’s Dry January campaign and found out that 72%of them hadkept harmful drinking sessions down and 4%were still notdrinking.
Moderation (适度) seems to bethe key to everything. The official recommendation for women is not toregularly drink more than 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day. The limit for men is 3to 4 units of alcohol — no more than a pint of 5.2%ABV lager,beer or cider.
(1)The last Friday before Christmas is called ‘Mad Friday’ because _____.
A.people stay up too late
B.people go out and drink a lot
C.firework explodes in the sky
D.people go shopping madly
(2)What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The atmosphere of the bars.
B.The effect of drinking too much.
C.The customs of the festivities.
D.The importance of the health authorities.
(3)The result of dry January campaign is that _____.
A.many people stop drinking
B.people drink more than before
C.people’s blood pressure increases
D.people can improve their health
(4)What is the official suggestion of drinking alcohol?
A.Women shouldn’t drink any alcohol.
B.People should stay away from alcohol.
C.Moderate alcohol drinking can be accepted.
D.Men may drink 3 to 4 units of alcohol at least.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Drunk driving, a major concern currently, is not a funny thing, has killed many people and ruined the lives of many others. At present, traffic accidents become "the world's first harm".
Two months ago, after (drink) a lot of alcohol, my friend's uncle drove his car home. He was(heavy) drunk, but he still drove home by . On the road near his home, an old lady was going across the road, his uncle didn't notice her and he was still moving on under the influence of alcohol. And the old lady didn't see his uncle, either. In the end, the lady died.
it not been for his uncle's drunkenness, the terrible accident would not have happened. If the lady hadn't died, she live a happy life with her daughters and sons. And his uncle's home was also destroyed by his uncle. Therefore, two (family) were destroyed.
I wish more people (can) realize the seriousness of drunk driving and obey the traffic regulations faithfully. Always remember: refuse (drink) and drive, and give a safe world to you and me!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。
My brother Donald didn’t do well in math. When the day of theexam comes, Donald sat next to Brian, which was always good at math. Donaldcareful copied Brian’s answers. At end of the exam, the teacher collected thepapers and graded it. Then she decided to give a prize to the student who gotthe high grade. But it was a bit of difficult for her to make a decision,because Donald and Brian got the same grade. The teacher thought about that andmade on her mind to give the prize to Brian. Donald said it was unfair. “That’strue,” the teacher said. “Therefore, Brian’s answer to Question 18 was ‘I don’tknow’. Your was ‘Neither do I’.”

