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His lost eyesight was       by his ever sharpening sense of hearing.

A.made of

B.made use of

C.made up of

D.made up for







科目:高中英语 来源:2013届广东省惠州市高三4月模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago. At any other time and place, this lowly origin would have dictated his future, but in Lincoln’s case, his self-determination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his country's history. He has become a role model in the self-made America.
If you want to learn about somebody who didn’t quit, look no further. Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures failed, and the second one made him bankrupt, so he had to spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt. He also lost 8 different elections. It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time: the first time he ran for state legislature for Congress, for land officer, for Senate, all of these failed, and the first time he sought the vice-presidential nomination, he got less than 100 votes nationally. But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission. Then later in 1860, on such a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying, “Always bear in mind that your own determination to success is more important than any other.”
He could have quit many times-—-but he didn’t and because he didn’t quit,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. One important way Lincoln influences present society is that we look back on his lifeas a role model for future generations. Lincoln’s high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set. A major influence Lincoln has on the united States today is simply through the good example he set when it came to honesty, persistence and leadership.
【小题1】According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is true?

A. Lincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
B. Like Lincoln, a poor origin leads to a bright future.
C. America is considered self-made because of Lincoln.
D. Self-determination and will contributed to Lincoln’s success.
【小题2】What is Paragraph Two mainly about?
A. How Lincoln made his way to the White House.
B. Lincoln suffered various failures.
C. Lincoln was a man who never quit.
D. Lincoln once lost two business ventures.
【小题3】Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?
a. He was paying off his debt.  b. He failed in the run for land officer,
c. He got less than 100 votes nationally. d. he stuck to his mission, e. He went bankrupt.
【小题4】What’s the function of Lincoln’s famous saying in Paragraph Two?
A. To tell us that determination is the most important to success.
B. To attract readers1 attention.
C. To show why Lincoln was able to carry on in hard times.
D. To summarize Lincoln’s story.
【小题5】Why does the writer consider Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America?
A. Because he still influences America as a role model.
B. Because he set a good example to the present politicians.
C. Because of his great personalities.
D. Because he went through diverse difficulties.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省沙市高一下学期第二次周练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:填空题

Mark Twain,an American writer, published more than 30 books, hundreds of

short stories and essays and gave lectures around the world throughout his career. 

Mark Twain left school when he was twelve. He had little school education. Thou

gh he had little school education, he became the most famous writer of his time

. He made millions of dollars by writing. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Cl

emens, but he is better known all over the world as MarkTwain, his penname. 

Mark Twain was born in 1835 and he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not

expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother's tender care,

he managed to survive. As a boy, he causedmuch trouble for his parents. He use

d to play jokes on all of his friends and neighbors. He didn't like to go to sc

hool, and he constantly ran away from home. He always went in the direction of

the nearby Mississippi. He was nearly drowned nine times. After his father's d

eath in 1847, Mark twain began to work for a printer, who only provided him wit

h food and clothing. Then, he worked as  a river-boat pilot (领航

员)and later joinedthe army. But shortly after that he became a miner. During t

his period, he started to write short stories. Afterwards he became a full-time


In 1870, Mark Twain got married. In the years that followed he wrote many books

including Tom Sawyer in 1876, and Huckleberry Finn in 1884, which made him fam

ous, and brought him a great fortune. Unfortunately, Mark Twain got into debts

in bad investments(投资) and he had to write

large numbers of stories to pay these debts. In 1904, his wife died and then on

e of their childrenpassed away.At the age of 70, his hair was completely white.

He bought many white suits and neckties. Hewore nothing but white from head to

foot until his death on April 21, 1910.

1. When Mark Twain was a little baby,          .

A.his mother thought he would die

B.he was as active as other boys

C.he was not strong enough

D.he was always in hospital

2. In his childhood,        .

A.Mark Twain learned a lot at school

B.Mark Twain often went swimming with other boys

C.Mark Twain often played games with other boys

D.Mark Twain’s mother often worried about his safety

3. In order to make a living, Mark Twain       .

A.often ran away from home.

B.first worked for a printer.

C.wrote stories in the beginning.

D.joined the army after he worked in a mine.

4. In the later years of his life, Mark Twain      .

A.continued writing until his death.

B.wrote many stories and earned a lot of money.

C.must have been very sad because he lost his wife and one of his children.

D.lent too much money to others.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省惠州市高三4月模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago. At any other time and place, this lowly origin would have dictated his future, but in Lincoln’s case, his self-determination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his country's history. He has become a role model in the self-made America.

If you want to learn about somebody who didn’t quit, look no further. Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures failed, and the second one made him bankrupt, so he had to spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt. He also lost 8 different elections. It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time: the first time he ran for state legislature for Congress, for land officer, for Senate, all of these failed, and the first time he sought the vice-presidential nomination, he got less than 100 votes nationally. But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission. Then later in 1860, on such a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying, “Always bear in mind that your own determination to success is more important than any other.”

He could have quit many times-—-but he didn’t and because he didn’t quit,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. One important way Lincoln influences present society is that we look back on his lifeas a role model for future generations. Lincoln’s high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set. A major influence Lincoln has on the united States today is simply through the good example he set when it came to honesty, persistence and leadership.

1.According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is true?

A. Lincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

B. Like Lincoln, a poor origin leads to a bright future.

C. America is considered self-made because of Lincoln.

D. Self-determination and will contributed to Lincoln’s success.

2.What is Paragraph Two mainly about?

A. How Lincoln made his way to the White House.

B. Lincoln suffered various failures.

C. Lincoln was a man who never quit.

D. Lincoln once lost two business ventures.

3.Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?

a. He was paying off his debt.  b. He failed in the run for land officer,

c. He got less than 100 votes nationally. d. he stuck to his mission, e. He went bankrupt.

A.b-c-c-d-a          B.e-a-b-c-d          C.e-c-a-b-d          D.d-c-a-b-c

4.What’s the function of Lincoln’s famous saying in Paragraph Two?

A. To tell us that determination is the most important to success.

B. To attract readers1 attention.

C. To show why Lincoln was able to carry on in hard times.

D. To summarize Lincoln’s story.

5.Why does the writer consider Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America?

A. Because he still influences America as a role model.

B. Because he set a good example to the present politicians.

C. Because of his great personalities.

D. Because he went through diverse difficulties.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago. At any other time and place, this lowly origin would have dictated his future, but in Lincoln’s case, his self-determination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his country's history. He has become a role model in the self-made America.
If you want to learn about somebody who didn’t quit, look no further. Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures failed, and the second one made him bankrupt, so he had to spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt. He also lost 8 different elections. It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time: the first time he ran for state legislature for Congress, for land officer, for Senate, all of these failed, and the first time he sought the vice-presidential nomination, he got less than 100 votes nationally. But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission. Then later in 1860, on such a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying, “Always bear in mind that your own determination to success is more important than any other.”
He could have quit many times-—-but he didn’t and because he didn’t quit,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. One important way Lincoln influences present society is that we look back on his lifeas a role model for future generations. Lincoln’s high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set. A major influence Lincoln has on the united States today is simply through the good example he set when it came to honesty, persistence and leadership

  1. 1.

    According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is true?

    1. A.
      Lincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth
    2. B.
      Like Lincoln, a poor origin leads to a bright future
    3. C.
      America is considered self-made because of Lincoln
    4. D.
      Self-determination and will contributed to Lincoln’s success
  2. 2.

    What is Paragraph Two mainly about?

    1. A.
      How Lincoln made his way to the White House
    2. B.
      Lincoln suffered various failures
    3. C.
      Lincoln was a man who never quit
    4. D.
      Lincoln once lost two business ventures
  3. 3.

    Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?
    a. He was paying off his debt.

    b. He failed in the run for land officer.
    c. He got less than 100 votes nationally.

    d. he stuck to his mission, e. He went bankrupt

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What’s the function of Lincoln’s famous saying in Paragraph Two?

    1. A.
      To tell us that determination is the most important to success
    2. B.
      To attract readers1 attention
    3. C.
      To show why Lincoln was able to carry on in hard times
    4. D.
      To summarize Lincoln’s story
  5. 5.

    Why does the writer consider Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America?

    1. A.
      Because he still influences America as a role model
    2. B.
      Because he set a good example to the present politicians
    3. C.
      Because of his great personalities
    4. D.
      Because he went through diverse difficulties


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏同步题 题型:完形填空

     On a cold winter day in Denver, I waited in line to see one of my heroes, Jack Canfield, the author
of The Success Principles.
     During his talk, Jack __1__for his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, "Who wants
this?" __2__ shot up in the audience; people leaned forward to see whom Jack would __3__.But I
jumped up, ran up the __4__ to the stage, and grabbed the bill from his hand.As I was launching myself
in the air, thoughts__5__through my mind-was I about to be humiliated(羞辱) in front of 800 people?
Would they __6__security and take me from the stage? __7__my desire for bold action was louder
than any __8__ voice.
     As I got the bill from his hand, he turned to me and said, "Yes, that's it! We can't wait around for
the __9__ to come to us.We must take action to __10__what we want!"
     After his talk, I managed to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his __11__ e-mail address.
Over the next several months, I sent him long e-mails __12__my vision and dreams with him.He kindly
e-mailed back lots of encouragement.But my life got __13__ with other things.I stopped emailing
A year later, my dreams had  worn away.I thought Jack would inspire me into action, like a giant _14_
that would show me the way.
     I emailed him, and then emailed him again-but got no __15__.As I sat down at my computer to
check my emails, I __16__ woke up.What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd,
most __17__ desiring that hundred-dollar bill, while they sat __18__ to their chairs.
     We all have a "Jack" for whom we wait--whether it's a person, a place or a thing.We __19__believe
the gifts of life are just around the corner; and that everything will come in an__20__way if we have
patience. So we don't try.We give up.
     My inspiration came back.I stopped waiting and started things.
(     )1. A. stretched  
(     )2. A. Cheers
(     )3. A. offer  
(     )4. A. path    
(     )5. A. raced    
(     )6. A. ask    
(     )7. A. And    
(     )8. A. careful  
(     )9. A. opportunities  
(     )10. A. attract      
(     )11. A. professional  
(     )12. A. disclosing  
(     )13. A. quick    
(     )14. A. arrow    
(     )15. A. news    
(     )16. A. gradually  
(     )17. A. likely    
(     )18. A. lost  
(     )19. A. sincerely  
(     )20. A. easy  
B. reached  
B. Shouts    
B. greet    
B. road      
B. started     
B. call     
B. So       
B. doubtful    
B. times        
B. accept  
B. secret      
B. describing  
B. busy      
B. gate    
B. notice  
B. suddenly  
B. hopeful  
B. glued  
B. honestly    
B. impressive  
C. stuck  
C. Heads  
C. like    
C. steps  
C. appeared
C. demand  
C. But     
C. meaningful  
C. results    
C. restore  
C. public    
C. presenting  
C. full  
C. symbol  
C. response  
C. immediately  
C. willing  
C. opposed  
C. falsely  
C. early  
D. felt          
D. Hands          
D. choose        
D. route          
D. existed        
D. order          
D. Or            
D. helpful        
D. aims          
D. create        
D. personal      
D. sharing        
D. loose          
D. entrance      
D. reaction      
D. slowly        
D. dearly        
D. devoted        
D. correctly      
D. automatic      

