精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
A. Develop lasting personal relationships
B. Always stay positive
C. Educate yourself
D. Stay in shape
E. Live below your means
F. Work towards a dream
     We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive dinner, or take out a
loan for the car we can't afford.It might feel great at the time but hasty (匆忙的) spending hurts a lot later
on.Enjoy life's simple pleasures and save as much as you can. Expensive things don't create lasting
Careful spending will bring you greater enjoyment in the long run.
     To be happy we need continuous growth. The best way to grow is lifelong education. This doesn' t
mean you need to pursue a doctorate or spend 2 hours reading every day. Self education can be anything
that takes you out of your comfort zone. The important part is keeping an open mind and searching for
fresh ideas.
     Suppose you had everything you wanted. Would you be happy without anyone to share it with?
The personal relationships we develop with friends and family members are the greatest source of
happiness in our lives. Don't forget about them.Taking the time to develop and enjoy personal relationships
is important to longterm happiness.
     Even if your life isn't perfect, you can always build towards a goal. The best way to do this is working
towards a goal. We can't control everything about our lives, but working towards a goal gives us something positive to focus on and lays the foundation for future success.No matter what your passion is, get out there and start doing something.
     You only get one body. Once it's been ruined there isn’t much you can do about it. Exercise to keep
the body working well. Avoid eating too much of damaging substances and unhealthy foods. It may feel
terrible at the time but enjoying good health in your later years is worth the sacrifice.

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

John always tries to _____ people who are useful to him professionally.

A. develop B. provoke C. correspond  D. cultivate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A water bearer in India had two large pots;  each hung on the ends of a pole. The water bearer often  carried the pole __36__ his neck. One of the pots had a crack(裂缝) in it, __37__ the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house,  the cracked pot __38__ only half full. For a full two years,  this went on __39__,  with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.

Of course,  the perfect pot was __40__ of its advantages. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection,  and __41__ that it was able to __42__ only half of what it had been made to do.  __43__ two years of what  sensed to be a bitter __44__,  it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself,  and I want to __45__ to you. I have been able to  __46__ only half my load because this crack  in my side __47__ water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my __48__,  you have to do a lot of this work,  and you don't get full value from your __49__,”  the pot said.

 The bearer said to the pot,  “Did you __50__ that there were flowers only on your side of the path,  __51__ not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always __52__ your fault,  and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path,  and every day while we walk back,  you've __53__ them.

For two years I have been able to __54__ these  beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the __55__ you are,  there would not be this beauty to grace the house.”

36.A.above    B.over     C.across     D.through

37.A.as                        B.while                  C.when                    D.so

38.A.arrived                 B.realized            C. made                 D.concluded

39.A.weekly          B.daily                        C.monthly                    D.yearly

40.A.ashamed                B.proud        C.happy              D.disappointed

41.A.sad                             B.pleased                   C.comfortable                D.safe

42.A.admit      B.achieve      C.reduce         D.attract

43.A.Before                  B. Since                      C.After                     D.By

44.A.failure                  B.success                 C.excitement            D.satisfaction

45.A.apologize                  B. talk                         C.admit                    D.apply

46.A.develop         B.permit     C.depend           D.deliver

47.A.takes                    B.causes                   C.makes                   D.reminds

48.A.fault              B.success                 C.kindness                D.sorrow

49.A.effects                 B.efforts                   C.operation                      D.attempt

50.A.look                            B.pay                       C.notice                   D.watch

51.A.but                             B.and                              C.since                     D.after

52. A.known about  B.told about C.worried about       D.come about

53.A.cared                   B.watered              C.planted                  D.pulled

54.A.pick     B.buy               C.sell         D.borrow

55.A.attitude                B.way                          C.measure            D.appearance


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省南阳一中09-10学年度高二下学期第一次调研考试 题型:完型填空

A famous scientist was asked why he was able to be so much more   36  than the average person. What set him so far apart from others?
He  37  that it all came from a (n)  38   that occurred when he was three. He was trying to  39  a bottle of milk from refrigerator when he lost told of the bottle. spilling its  40   all over the kitchen floor.
Instead of   41   at him, his mother said,“       Robert, what a wonderful  42  you have made! I have  43  seen such a huge puddle (水坑) of milk, Since the  44  is done, would you like to get down and play in the milk for a while  45 cleaning it up?”
Indeed, he did. “Robert, 46    you make a mess like this, 47  you have to clean it up and restore everything to its 48   order,” And then together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother then said.” Robert, that is a   49   experiment in how to  50   carry a big milk bottle. Let’s go out to the yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can  51   a way to carry a bottle of water without dropping it.
The scientist remarked he learned from that moment that mistakes were just 52  for learning something new, which is  53    scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment “doesn’t work”, we usually learn something  54   from it.
Wouldn’t it be great if all  55    would respond like Robert’s mother?
36.  A.hard-working     B. creative             C. popular             D. outstanding
37.  A. responded           B. acknowledged    C. assumed            D. declared
38.  A. experiment                B. coincidence          C. experience     D. conflict
39.  A. deliver                    B. return           C. move                D. remove
40.  A. mixture                   B. water            C. liquid            D. contents
41.  A. yelling                    B. coming             C. nodding            D. laughing
42.  A. mistake                   B. mess                 C. trick            D. treasure
43.  A. always                    B. often             C. rarely            D. ever
44.  A. damage                   B. business            C. favor            D. harm
45.  A. before                        B. after             C. with                  D. without
46.  A. whatever             B. however            C. wherever           D. whenever
47.  A. especially            B. eventually     C. respectively          D.immediately
48.  A. opposite              B. particular      C. proper           D. natural
49.  A. failed                  B. forbidden      C. demanded          D. deserved
50.  A. absolutely           B. comfortably       C. confidentially    D. effectively
51.  A. develop                   B. grasp            C. invent           D. discover
52.  A. choices                   B. opportunities   C. qualities        D. procedures
53.  A. that                    B. where           C. what                 D. which
54.  A. right                   B. valuable            C. practical        D. accessible
55.  A. managers            B. directors        C. parents              D. Relatives


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省安师大附中09-10学年度高二第二学期期中考试(英语) 题型:完型填空

Nearly thirty years ago, I went rock climbing for the first time with a group in New Mexico. It sounded exciting and  31  ! Anyone who has ever climbed knows that you can easily  32  where there is no place to go, or so. It seems you’re stuck. But    33  is not an option. You cannot just stand there and feel  34  for yourself. You cannot go back down, so you are  35  to become solution minded.
I held on for dear life that day, on my first climb,   36  about three quarters of the way to the top. It seemed that there was no place to go, and  37  to put my hands or feet so that I could  38  upward. But after a few minutes had passed I realized that I had to do  39  . I began to look again for a(n)  40  . I then noticed a   41  sticking out, which I might be able to grab with my hands and  42  myself up to where I could have a small foothold. I called to the instructor at the top and asked him if that rock would hold my  43  if I pulled myself up. I can  44  remember his answer, “I don’t know. Why don’t you try it and see?”
In life we many times feel “stuck”. We wonder how we got into the  45  that we are presently in. It is in those times that we need to be careful about how we define(定义)it. Have we failed,   46  is it just a setback?
Setbacks, adversity(逆境), or being stuck is never an indication that you are a   47  unless you decide that those things define your life as a failure. For people looking for a(n)  48  to be a failure, there are always plenty to choose from. But if you want your life to be successful, setbacks, adversity and being stuck are   49  stepping-stones to your success. Success minded people  50  those kinds of things for what they really are. They know that for them, they are only temporary.
31. A. amusing              B. challenging               C. boring               D. surprising
32. A. put away             B. take up                     C. end up                     D. lead to
33. A. searching            B. regretting                 C. refusing            D. quitting
34. A. sorry                  B. free                         C. amazed             D. surprised
35. A. unlikely                 B. forced                      C. asked                D. bound
36. A. shocked                 B. stuck                        C. suffered            D. struck
37. A. nowhere             B. somewhere               C. anywhere          D. wherever
38. A. continue             B. improve                   C. promote            D. enjoy
39. A. everything          B. something                C. anything            D. nothing
40. A. attention             B. appreciation              C. solution             D. expectation
41. A. track                  B. sign                         C. tree                   D. rock
42. A. turn                    B. push                        C. pull                  D. build
43. A. quantity                 B. feet                          C. weight                     D. burden
44. A. still                    B. never                       C. hardly               D. ever
45. A. destination          B. situation                   C. location             D. occasion
46. A. however             B. otherwise                 C. or                     D. yet
47. A. learner                B. failure                      C. thinker                 D. winner
48. A. signal                 B. excuse                      C. comment           D. imagine
49. A. easily                 B. hardly                      C. simply                     D. nearly
50. A. develop                     B. deserve                    C. promise             D. accept


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2009-----2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


The next great land area that man hopes to control is the moon. In size it is nearly equal to the area of North and South America. However, it presents a hostile (不友好的) environment. Temperatures range +120 to -150 degrees Centigrade (摄氏). There is no air, and no water.

Today there is considerable scientific speculation (思索) about living on the moon. When man will begin life on the moon surface is still not determined. But experts believe that settlement will take place in three steps. First, there will be increasing periods of exploration with temporary shelters (临时住所). These periods will be followed by longer stays with housing under the surface of the moon and daily necessities brought by the settlers themselves from the earth. Finally, settlements that are self-supporting will be founded.

The main job of the early settlers will be to stay alive. They will have to plant crops under huge domes (圆顶屋) to produce food and oxygen and find water sources. After this is done, the settlers will have time to explore the possibilities of commercial (商业的) development and to make discoveries important to science. The characteristics of the moon that make it bad for human staying alive may make it ideal for certain kinds of manufacturing (制造业). Operations requiring a vacuum (真空) or extreme cold are examples. Therefore, industrial diamonds might be produced on the moon.

64. The area of the moon is _________.

A. about the same as that of North and South America

B. larger than that of North and South America

C. hardly equal to that of North and South America

D. far smaller than that of North and South America

65. According to this passage, the settlement of the moon ________.

A.will soon be realized

B.can be done under the moon surface

C.is being experimented by many scientists

D. sounds entirely impossible

66. To stay alive on the moon, the early settlers must first of all be able to ________.

A. develop commerce

B. get enough food, oxygen and water

C. make discoveries important

D. explore the possibilities of industrial development

67. Though the environment on the moon is bad for human staying alive, it is very good for ________.

A. making such things as industrial diamonds  

B. all kinds of manufactured goods

C. medical operations                     

D. commercial development  


