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【题目】The situation seemed hopeless.

From the day he started at my junior-high, Willard P. Franklin lived in his own world. He shut out his classmates and _______, his teacher. I tried to set up a friendly relationship with him, but almost failed. Even a “Good Morning, Willard” _______ only a very low grunt (咕哝). I could see that his classmates got on no better. Willard was completely a lonely boy who seemed to have no _______ to break his barrier (障碍) of silence.

Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, we received word of the Christmas collection of money for the poor people in our school area.

“Christmas is a season of _______,” I told my students. “There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season. By contributing() to our Christmas collection, you will _______ to buy food, clothes and toys for these needy people. We start the collection tomorrow.”

When I called for the contribution the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had _______ except Willard P. Franklin. The boy _______ deep into his trousers pockets as he walked up to my desk. Carefully, he dropped two coins into the small box.

“I don’t need any milk for lunch,” he said very quietly. For a moment, _______ a moment, he smiled. Then he _______ and walked back to his desk.

That night, after school, I took our small collections to the school master. I couldn’t help telling him what had happened during the day.

“I may be wrong, ________ I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him,” I told the master.

“Yes, I believe it sounds ________,” he nodded. “And I think we might do well to have him________ a bit of his world with us. I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection. Here, take a look at it.”

As I looked at it, I discovered Willard P. Franklin and his family were the top names on the list.





























考查代词辨析。句意:他把他的同学和我,他的老师关在他的世界外面。A. him 他;B. me 我;C. them 他们;D. us 我们。分析上下文,根据后文提到的我们之间的友善关系没有建成可知,此处他有拒绝了 “我” 。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使你说声“早上好,威拉德”,对方也只是一声很低的咕哝。A. found 发现;B. produced 生产;C. received 收到;D. recorded 记录。分析上下文,此处表示作者试图走进他,问他 “早上好” ,但是尽管如此我也只是 “收到” 了他的咕哝作为回应。故选C项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:威拉德是一个完全孤独的男孩,似乎没有必要打破他的沉默。A. time 时间;B. problem 问题;C. chance 机会;D. need 需要,必要。分析上下文,前句提到他是一个完全孤独的男孩,不愿让人走进他的世界。因此打破他的沉默是没有 “必要” 的。故选D项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:“圣诞节是一个给予的季节,”我告诉我的学生。A. giving 给予;B. eating 吃;C. playing 玩;D. relaxing 放松。分析上下文,下文提到 “圣诞募捐” 可知此处应表示 “给予,赠与” 。故选A项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过参加我们的圣诞募捐活动,你将帮助购买食物、衣服和玩具给那些有需要的人。A. help 帮助;B. prefer 更喜欢;C. decide 决定;D. choose 选择。分析上下文,根据前文提到了 “圣诞节是给予的季节” ,此处提到 “募捐活动” 可知,都是为了 “帮助” 购买衣服,食物和玩具。故选A项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,当我要求募捐时,我发现除了威拉德·P·富兰克林,几乎每个人都把这件事给忘了。A. arrived 到达;B. agreed 同意;C. forgotten 忘记;D. changed 改变。分析上下文, 下文提到 That night, after school, I took our small collections to the school master 可知,那天我们班募捐的很少是因为大多数 “忘记” 。故选C项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:那男孩边往裤子口袋里掏东西,边向我书桌走去。A. moved移动;B. cut割,剪切;C. run 经营,跑;D. dug 挖,掏。分析上下文,根据后文提到 “他小心地把两枚硬币投进小盒子里” 可知,他往口袋里头 “掏”东西。dig into 译为“挖掘”此处衍生为“掏,拿”。故选D项。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:有那么一会儿,就那么一会儿,他笑了。A. still 仍然;B. just刚刚,正好;C. even 甚至;D. also 也,同样。分析上下文,前文提到威拉德是一个完全孤独的男孩,不愿让人走进他的世界。此处表示强调,表示在此时他刚好笑了。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他转身走回他的位置。A. turned 转向;B. stopped停止;C. laughed 笑;D. waited 等待。分析上下文,and后提到他回到自己的位置,此处说明她先“转身”。故选A项。


考查连词词义辨析。句意:“也许我错了,但我相信威拉德可能正准备融入他周围的世界。”我告诉校长。A. and 并且;B. so 所以;C. or 否者,或者;D. but 但是。分析上下文,划线前提到 “也许我错了” 而划线后提到 “威拉德可能正准备融入他周围的世界” 。由此可知,此处前后转折。故选D项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:是的,我相信这听起来很有希望,”他点点头。A. successful成功的;B. hopeful有希望的;C. useful有用的;D. helpful 有益的。分析上下文,本句中的it指代前句提到 “准备融入周围世界” ,根据后文提到校长拿出的名单可知,威拉德和他的家人是最急需帮助人。但是他却是愿意捐款之人。由此可见,他很有希望准备融入周围的世界。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想我们最好让他和我们分享他的世界。A. enjoy 喜欢;B. build建立;C. share 分享;D. cover 覆盖 。分析上下文,威拉德和他家人本来是需要捐助的人,但是他缺愿意捐助别人准备融入他周围的世界。所以我们最好让他分享他的世界,让他融入世界。故选C项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Given the size of the country, the climate in Australia varies greatly from one zone to the next. Generally speaking, there are four seasons across most of the country while the Top End (including Darwin, Katherine, Kakadu and Arnhem Land), Broome, the Kimberley and Tropical North Queensland experience a ‘wet season’ ( November to April) and a ‘dry season’ (May to October).

It’s also important to remember that Australia’s seasons are at opposite times to those in the Northern Hemisphere (半球). So if you’re looking for an endless summer, just head Down Under as things start to cool off in the Northern Hemisphere.

Summer in Australia falls between December and February and is famous for sunny days with high temperatures. It’s the wet season in the tropical north (November to April), which is characterised by monsoonal (季风) rains. Many tourism operations are closed for the season, so are some national parks (such as Kakadu) due to flood risks. The same period is also the official hurricane season for areas around Cairns, although storms can also occur outside of this period.

For the ideal Australian summer, head to the southern parts of the country where you’ll find hot, sunny days to enjoy the unbelievable experiences on offer. The great weather encourages a steady flock of visitors to the country’s beautiful beaches to swim, surf or just relax. Celebrate the new year like a true Australian—with a beach barbecue—or visit Sydney for their internationally famous New Year’s Eve fireworks display. It’s a popular time for travel in Australia, both for local families and international visitors. Check the school holiday calendar for more information on break periods, and remember to book your accommodation in advance to avoid disappointment.

1Which month is considered as a dry season in Broome?



2What does the underlined part “Down Under” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.A club.B.An airport.

C.Australia.D.The Northern Hemisphere.

3What is the main characteristic in the northern Australia in summer?

A.Bad weather.B.The beach barbecue.

C.Fireworks.D.Beautiful beaches.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A remarkable variety of insects live on this planet. More species of insects exist than all other animal species together. Insects have survived on earth for more than 300 million yearsand may possess the ability to survive for millions more.

Insects can be found almost everywhere—on the highest mountains and on the bottom of rushing streams, in the cold South Pole and in bubbling hot springs. They dig through the ground, jump and sing in the trees, and run and dance in the air. They come in many different colors and various shapes. Insects are extremely useful to humans, pollinating (授粉) our crops as well as flowers in meadows, forests, deserts and other areas. But ticks and some insects, such as mosquitoes and fleas, can transmit disease.

There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their amazing ability to adapt permits them to live in extreme ranges of temperatures and environments. The one place they have not yet been found to any major extent is in the open oceans. Insects can survive on a wide range of natural and artificial foods—paint, pepper, glue, books, grain, cotton, other insects, plants and animals. Because they are small, they can hide in tiny spaces.

A strong, hard but flexible shell covers their soft organs and is resistant to chemicals, water and physical impact. Their wings give them the option of flying away from dangerous situations or toward food or mates. Also, insects have an enormous reproductive capacity: An African ant queen can lay as many as 43,000 eggs a day.

Another reason for their success is the strategy of protective color. An insect may be right before our eyes, but nearly invisible because it is cleverly disguised like a green leaf, lump of brown soil, gray lichen (青苔), a seed or some other natural object. Some insects use bright, bold colors to send warning signals that they taste bad, sting or are poisonous. Others have wing patterns that look like the eyes of a huge predator, confusing their enemies. Some insects also imitate bitter-tasting insects; hungry enemies are fooled into avoiding them.

1Insects protect themselves from chemicals by ______.

A.hiding in tiny spacesB.flying away when necessary

C.having a strong shellD.changing colors or shapes

2Some insects disguise like natural objects so as to ______.

A.avoid being discoveredB.frighten away their enemies

C.send warning signalsD.look bitter-tasting

3The passage is mainly about ______.

A.how insects survive in different placesB.why insects can survive so successfully

C.what insects can do to the environmentD.where insects can be found in quantity


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Failing ________ (keep) the chemical at the right temperature could lead to an explosion.

2Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap _____ can be to eat out.

3The unexpectedness of her father's death meant that his affairs were not _____ (entire) in order.

4It is bad ________ (manner) to stare at people for a long time.

5Recently, ______ European study showed that asthma (哮喘) symptoms were more pronounced in those who ate less fruit and had low blood levels of vitamin C.

6We went right round to the west coast _______ sea instead of driving across the continent.

7The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much the _______ (good).

8Let your child make some of the small decisions concerning his ________ (day) routine.

9Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like _______ working here.

10A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful _______ if we stop new progress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你校将组织在校师生本周六去游乐场(amusement park)游玩。请写封邮件邀请外教Bryan同去,内容包括:







Dear Bryan,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Which language does the man want to learn well?


2Why is the man concerned about his language level?

A.He wishes to talk with his relatives.

B.He hopes to get better grades in class.

C.He wants to get into a specific university.

3What does the man worry about?

A.His writing.B.His reading.C.His speaking.

4What does the woman advise the man to do at last?

A.Hire a family teacher.

B.Move to another country.

C.Join an online community.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did Shakespeare do during his school years?

A.He read a lot of books.

B.He worked hard at French grammar.

C.He learned many foreign languages.

2Why did Shakespeare leave school?

A.Because he married a farmer's daughter.

B.Because he had to help support his family.

C.Because he didn't get along well with his classmates.

3When did Shakespeare start to write plays?

A.At the age of seven.

B.After he became an actor.

C.As soon as he arrived in London.

4What do we know about Shakespeare?

A.He had a very happy family.

B.He received very good education.

C.His works were published after his death.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Lancaster Castle is open daily for guided tours, special events and group bookings. Visitors can enjoy the courtyard spaces, external (局部的) views of the historic building, two small exhibition spaces, and the gift shop without charge, but public access to the interiors(内部) of the castle buildings is for guided tours only.

Please note that dogs are not allowed inside the Castle, but assistance dogs are the exception to this rule. All areas are also smoke-free.


We are open 7 days a week (except for the Christmas/New Year period) from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with guided tours running throughout the day. Tours last about 60minutes.

Please note: While every effort is made to open these buildings up for public viewing, Lancaster Castle is still used as a Crown Court. If the Court is sitting, it may not be possible to view all rooms.


Adult: 8

Concessions(优惠) ( children, students and people aged over 65): 6.5

Family: 20 (Our family tickets are flexible(灵活的): two adults and two concessions, one adult and three concessions, or a group consisting of four concessions, all qualify)



Due to the fact that these rooms are still used as a working court, photography is not permitted anywhere in the Shire Hall/ Crown Court complex. Photography is permitted in those areas of the Castle not classified as court buildings.


For security reasons we are not able to store any luggage on site.


The gift shop closes at 4:30 p.m. Visitors can explore our gift shop and buy special souvenirs designed according to their own preference. The designs are done by professional designers without charge.


Unfortunately we’re unable to provide visitors parking on site. However, if you have a disability, please call 01524 64998 to arrange access to the Castle.

1What do we know about Lancaster Castle?

A.Admission to two small exhibition spaces is free.

B.Castle buildings are accessible to all visitors.

C.Smoking is allowed in the courtyard spaces.

D.Pet dogs are allowed into the Castle.

2How much will a couple and their 10-year-old twin sons save if they buy a family ticket?


3Which service does Lancaster Castle provide for its visitors?

A.Free professional photography.

B.Free souvenir designing.

C.Free luggage storage.

D.Free parking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 One summer night, the whole family of Irene was asleep with the windows open. It was very quiet when there was a loud noise from the stable(马厩).Irene woke up from her sweet dream,and the noise continued.Then she heard a horse running fast towards the house.The next thing she saw was her horse,Thunder,standing outside of her window,neighing(嘶叫) and shaking his head.She knew something was wrong.Irene quickly got everyone out of the house before the earthquake hit.Thunder saved her life.

As amazing as this story is,it is not as uncommon as you may hear of the story of Doris and her cat Maggie.One night,Doris was in a deep sleep when she was woken by her cat Maggie.Maggie was meowing wildly outside Doris's bedroom and throwing herself against the closed bedroom door.When Doris opened her eyes,she saw her bedroom full of smoke.As she escaped her house,she saw a fire was burning in her kitchen.Even though Maggie could have escaped the house through a cat door,she wouldn't leave Doris.

There are also stories of wild animals coming to the rescue of humans.Once,Lyndon was surfing with his friend when he was attacked by a four-meter shark.During the attack,a group of dolphins came to his rescue by forming protective ring around Lyndon until be could get safely to shore.Without the help of the dolphins,there is little chance that Lyndon could have escaped.

No one is sure why animals have so often come to our rescue.However,it is clear that most of us haven't realized their kindness.It is important that we care for them as much as we can.

1What was Irene doing before the earthquake hit?

A.She was sleeping soundly.

B.She was opening the windows.

C.She was visiting her neighbors.

D.She was getting her horse out of the stable.

2Why did Maggie throw herself against the door?

A.She was afraid of smoke.

B.She wanted to get out of the room.

C.She was trying to wake up her owner.

D.She felt bored and was playing by herself.

3What do we know about Maggie and Thunder?

A.They were shy and quiet.

B.They were brave and devoted.

C.They often made noise at night.

D.They saved their owners some times.

4What can we know from the article?

A.It is clear why animals often save humans.

B.Humans haven't realized animals' s kindness

C.Humans have a good relationship with animals.

D.Animals can often come to the rescue of humans.

