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1A young man was made manager of the team, which surprised everyone.(改写成用it做形式主语的句子)


2After coming back to life, he found that he was in the middle of the desert. (用动词+宾语+宾语补足语的形式改为简单句)


3My parents are not fond of the film. I am not fond of it, either. (neither…nor …合并句子)


4The candidate said to the manager, “Please give me five minutes for preparation.” (改为间接引语)


5Right now the researchers are developing the new product in the laboratory. (改为被动语态)



1It surprised everyone that a young man was made manager of the team.

2After coming back to life, he found himself in the middle of the desert.

3Neither my parents nor I am fond of the film.

4The candidate asked the manager to give him/her five minutes for preparation.

5Right now the new product is being developed by the researchers in the laboratory.


11. It surprised everyone that a young man was made manager of the team.


2After coming back to life, he found himself in the middle of the desert.

本题考查非谓语作宾语补足语。he found that he was in the middle of the desert.=found himself in the middle of the desert原来宾语从句中的主语变成了find的宾语himself,in the middle of the desert 原来是用以说明主语的状态,现在变成了补充说明宾语的状态,即宾语补足语

3Neither my parents nor I am fond of the film.

从句意看我父母不喜欢这部电影。我也不喜欢它。可以把两个单句用neither…nor …合并句子为我父母和我都不喜欢这部电影。“Neither my parents nor I am fond of the film. ”

4The candidate asked the manager to give him/her five minutes for preparation.

考查直接引语改为间接引语。直接引语的say to 要改为tell/ask/order等词,引号里的祈使句要变成tell/ask/order等的动词不定式。所以改为The candidate asked the manager to give him/her five minutes for preparation.

5Right now the new product is being developed by the researchers in the laboratory

考查主动语态变为被动语态。主动语态变成被动语态时要把主动语态中的宾语变成被动语态中的主语,主动语态中的主语则变成被动语态中介词by 的宾语。要把主动语态中的谓语动词由主动形式变成被动语态中的被动形。本句中的be doing 要改为being done,全句为Right now the new product is being developed by the researchers in the laboratory。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Dad,

I love you so much.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Happiness depends upon ourselves

I stared at the word “Happiness”, my creative-writing assignment (作业) about emotion, on my blank(空白的) paper. No format(格式) at all.

It was not the lack of structure (结构)______ the word “happiness” that was ______ me. Anything else I could have ______ well, say, jealousy (嫉妒) or pain. But I was ______to write about happiness.

There was a ______ at my bedroom door. “Hey, Sarah?” asked a small voice. “Can I come in?” “Rachie.” I said to my five-year-old sister. “I’m ______ now.”

“But this is important.”

I ______. “Okay, then.” Rachie came in. “Um, I caught my favourite butterfly. It’s ______ pretty. But I let it go because Mommy said it would die.” “So, what’s the ______?” I asked. “Well,” she whispered ______ she were about to share a deep ______. “When I set it free, I was ______. Does that make me a mean person?” I ______. “Of course not. You were just happy it was free.” I gave her a ______ . “Now I have work to do.” “What work?” she asked. I ______ my blank paper. “I have to write about happiness.” “Oh, that’s easy.” “What’s your happiness?” I asked. She thought a few seconds. “Butterflies,” she said ______ and left.

Butterflies! I thought about our ______. She was happy to catch the butterfly and happy to see it go. Maybe she was right. Butterflies ______ nothing but happiness. Maybe butterflies aren’t exactly the ______ to happiness, but there is something to be said about the simple things in ______ . And with that, I started to write.

1A. or B. but C. and D. nor

2A. bothering B. inspiring C. surprising D. attracting

3A. analyzed B. explained C. handled D. adjusted

4A. reminded B. supposed C. persuaded D. prepared

5A. knock B. call C. push D. beat

6A. annoyed B. dizzy C. puzzled D. busy

7A. begged B. sighed C. urged D. refused

8A. equally B. hardly C. really D. slightly

9A. effect B. result C. decision D. problem

10A. as if B. only if C. so that D. in case

11A. sorrow B. secret C. feeling D. pain

12A. awful B. excited C. glad D. disappointed

13A. argued B. nodded C. added D. smiled

14A. hug B. tip C. look D. hand

15A. read through B. glanced at C. set down D. turned over

16A. angrily B. blindly C. anxiously D. simply

17A. conversation B. conclusion C. debate D. interview[

18A. discover B. bring C. benefit D. expect

19A. barrier B. introduction C. key D. limit

20A. need B. return C. work D. life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Are you having difficulty falling asleep? Try drinking a glass of warm milk. If that doesn’t work, listen to some soft, beautiful music. Still no luck? Try think about sheep jumping over a fence. If you are still awake, take a sleeping pill. People who take pills often become dependent on the drugs. So you lie awake knowing that the new workday will soon arrive. If you have been in such condition for at least one month, you may have primary insomnia(失眠症).

A new study has found that you might fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer if you try “cerebral hypothermia.” It is not a complex medical process. It just means cooling down your brain. Eric Nofzinger and Naniel Buysse from the University of Pittsburgh Medical School led the study. They examined twelve people who had sleeping problems. Twelve others had no sleeping problems. Each of them wore a soft plastic cap on their head at bedtime.

The caps had tubes inside filled with water. The researchers moved the water through the tubes and then changed the temperature of the water. Other studies showed that people who had sleeping problems often had more chemical reactions in the front of their brain. The researchers thought cooling down the brain might help.

On the first two nights of testing, the patients wore caps with no water. On the next two nights, the caps were worn, but the water was not cooled. Then the researchers cooled the water a little for another two nights. On the final two nights of the study, the temperature of the water was made much cooler. The researchers found that the water caps didn’ t help the patients until the temperature was about 14. Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their head.

Dr Nfzinger and Dr. Buysse noted that this was only the beginning of the brain temperature study. But they believed they had discovered something important that needed more research.

1The first paragraph is written to _________.

A. put forward the topic of the passage.

B. explain how serious insomnia is

C. tell us the causes of sleeping problems.

D. tell us the danger of having sleeping problems.

2From the passage we know that “cerebral hypothermia” is actually _________.

A. a complex medical process.

B. a psychological treatment.

C. a simple physical treatment.

D. a difficult scientific theory.

3In the study, researchers helped people fall asleep faster through _________.

A. increasing chemical reactions in the front of their brain.

B. making them feel safe with a cap on their head

C. asking them to drink water to cool down

D. lowering the temperature of their brain

4What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The cause of the study.

B. The function of the caps.

C. People’s reactions to the study.

D. Some details of the study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Chinese language __________ Western languages __________ , instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or ideas.

A. differs from; in which B. is different from; in that

C. differs from; in what D. is different from; in where


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Few buildings s_________the earthquake.

2He was in s________of an old friend.

3She was a________at how calm she felt after the accident.

4The experiment is d_________to test the new drug.

5Don’t f________that you can succeed without hard work.

6We d________the house with some pictures.

7We took an a_____ part in our school art festival.

8They agree to the plan in _____(原则上).

9This new model is of high _______(质量)and is not expensive either.

10He worked hard but without much ______(报酬).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Parties and social gatherings no longer excite us the same way they once did. This is not due to a lack of desire to socialize, but the smartphone.

At parties, more people are on their smartphones than on their drinks. According to a recent International Data Corporation study, well over half of all Americans have a smartphone and reach for it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. In addition, too many people in society are using smartphones while driving and as a result, they get into car crashes. 34 percent of teenagers admit to texting while driving, and they confirm that text messaging is their number one driving interruption. People's attachment to their smartphones is unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of themselves and others.

Just as drivers dismiss the importance of focusing while on the road, many people also fail to recognize the significance of human interaction. When with their friends, some people pointlessly check or send text messages in the presence of a friend, which sends a message to that friend: the person I am texting is more important than you. In addition, relying on our smartphones to make friends does not give us the same advantage as being able to make new friendships in the real world. Facetoface conversations will give us much stronger communication skills in the long run.

As many people risk their lives and the lives of people around them just to send a text or mindlessly check their messages, smartphones are in many ways more dangerous to people. The quality of this technology is preventing societal achievements and weakening the value of communication. Not only is the smartphone affecting our desire to interact (交流) facetoface, but it is also lowering society's ability to communicate.

【1】The purpose of this text is to ________.

A.call for an end to use the smartphone while driving

B.appeal to us to pay attention to communication skills

C.express a concern about the overuse of the smartphone

D.advise us to be cautious about the addiction to the smartphone

【2】The second paragraph is developed by ________.

A.giving examples B.listing figures

C.comparing facts D.analyzing the effects

【3】The author advocates us to make new friends ________.

A.by using smartphones

B.in a facetoface way

C.in different ways

D.under a free circumstance

【4】Overdependence on the smartphone leads to the fact that ________.

A.parties and gatherings limit their social circle

B.people are more and more narrowminded

C.people's communication skills are weakened

D.facetoface communication becomes less important


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



At the very beginning, the settlers couldn't ________ ________ ________ ________ the native.


We should ________ ________ ________ ________ the recycled materials.


Everyone ________ ________ ________ ________ the activity.


________ ________ ________, bicycles have many ________.


The family ________ ________ ________ ________ move into the new house.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Scientists recently found three animal species living two miles below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, where the super-salty waters don’t have oxygen(). They’re multicellular(多细胞的), which means their bodies have many cells. They each are as small as a large grain of sand. But they are animals.

The most exciting thing about these creatures, say the scientists, is that they obviously don’t need oxygen to live. What biologists know about life so far is that only single-celled living things can live in places that have no oxygen, and that multicellular organisms(有机物) can visit these places, but not live there. These newly found creatures could change that idea.

Finding animals down there was so surprising that the scientists couldn’t believe it. At first, “we thought they were dead bodies,” Roberto Danovaro, a scientist at the Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona, Italy, told Science News. To find out whether the animals could actually live there Danovaro and his colleagues brought up more samples(样本) from the ocean floor. Studying the animals in the new samples showed that they appeared to be alive.

The researchers did more tests, and found that some of the animals had eggs—which suggests they were reproducing(繁殖). Also in the samples were old skins, suggesting that the animals had lived there long enough to grow. Finally, pictures taken showed that the insides of the animals appear to be adapted to live in an environment that has no oxygen.

These clues suggest the animals don’t need oxygen, but the evidence(证据) is indirect, which means that scientists still have not observed how the animals live without oxygen. This means more studies are needed, but the scientists think they’re on the right track. And if they’re right, biologists will need to rethink what they know about where animals live.

【1】What excited the scientists most is that ______.

A.they found three animal species visit the salty water under the Mediterranean Sea

B.single-celled animals can live in super-salty waters

C.the tiny animals have many cells

D.three kinds of animals can live in places that have no oxygen

【2】The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 means the scientists could think _____.

A.only single-celled creatures don’t need oxygen to live

B.multicellular animals can visit the super-salty waters

C.the newly found creatures can’t live in the super-salty waters

D.multicellular animals also can live without oxygen besides single-celled ones

【3】Which of the following CAN’T be used to prove the newly found creatures can live in super-salty waters?

A.Their dead bodies are found there.

B.Some in the samples have eggs.

C.Some old skins are found in the samples.

D.The pictures of their insides have been taken.

【4】More studies are needed to prove_____.

A.where single-celled animals can live

B.how the newly found animals live without oxygen

C.whether the multicellular creatures can live underwater

D.why the super-salty waters have no oxygen

