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【题目】More than 30,000 people went to the White House on Monday for the 136th Easter Egg Roll (复活节滚彩蛋). President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama held the event by inviting thousands of kids to color and look for eggs. The theme(主题) of the day was “Hop Into Healthy, Swing Into Shape.” It was part of the First Lady s“Let' s Move!”program to reduce obesity rates (肥胖率) among American kids. Mrs. Obama spoke to young reporters about her goal(目标) to get children to eat right and keep moving.

“We are working to make sure that kids born today grow up healthy, learn how to have balanced meals, and get more physical activity into their lives,” she said.

Mrs. Obama said she wants children across the nation to understand that "exercise isn't just hard work, it' s play. If you're running around with your dog, you're getting exercise. If you walk up the stairs, that's exercise. But if you're sitting in front of the TV or on a computer game, you're not exercising.”

The First Lady said that for kids who have balanced meals most of the time, having a special snack, like chocolate, will not hurt. "And if you are active, you can splurge (挥霍) a little more," she said. Mrs. Obama’s favorite "splurge food" is French fries. But she balances her splurging by exercising almost every day. She loves to play tennis and she practices yoga.

“A lot of kids look up to(敬仰) athletes, and I think it's important for athletes to share their good habits,” Mrs. Obama said. "Kids aren' t just going to wake up and be LeBron James. He's practicing and eating right and working out and training. Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them they can say to kids, If you really want to be like me, then you really do need to eat your vegetables.’”

【1】The purpose of the “Let’s Move!” program is to ________.

A. help kids keep healthy

B. train more young reporters

C. encourage kids to eat more eggs

D. invite kids to visit the White House

【2】In Mrs. Obama’s opinion, exercise ________.

A. can be fun to do

B. means hard work

C. should be done outdoors

D. requires special equipment

【3】“Splurge food” is allowed to be eaten when ________.

A. you don' t hurt yourself

B. you have a special snack

C. you never eat French fries

D. you eat right and stay active

【4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. All kids want to be LeBron James.

B. It is very easy to form good habits.

C. Athletes can set a good example for kids.

D. Kids like the messages the athletes give them.








【1】A 推理判断题。根据第一段中It was part of the First Lady’s “Let’s Move!” program to reduce obesity rates (肥胖率) among American kids”可知,“Let’s Move!”计划旨在减少美国孩子的肥胖率,即帮助孩子们保持健康,故选A。

【2】A 推理判断题。根据第三段中exercise isn't just hard work, it's play.可知,总统夫人认为身体锻炼不是什么难事,对孩子们来说,锻炼身体的过程也是玩耍的过程,说明总统夫人认为锻炼身体是有趣的,故选A。

【3】D 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句kids who have balanced meals most of the time, having a special snack, like chocolate, will not hurt."And if you are active, you can splurge (挥霍) a little more”可知,能够平衡饮食的孩子可以吃一点像巧克力这样的零食而不会给身体带来伤害,而且,如果积极进行锻炼的话,还可以多吃一点,说明拥有合理的饮食习惯和保持活跃的孩子可以吃零食,故选D。

【4】C 段落大意题。A lot of kids look up to(敬仰) athletes, and I think it's important for athletes to share their good habits,...Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them”可知,总统夫人认为孩子们所敬仰的运动员可以成为孩子们很好的榜样,故选C。



1.段落中出现表转折的词语(如however, but, in fact, actually, while, on the contrary, in contrast等)时,其后的句子很可能是主题句。



4.表示总结或结论的话常有therefore,thus, in short,conclude, conclusion等。

【4】C段落大意题。A lot of kids look up to(敬仰) athletes, and I think it's important for athletes to share their good habits,...Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them”可知,总统夫人认为孩子们所敬仰的运动员可以成为孩子们很好的榜样,故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】Please accept this gift in a of all you’ve done for us.

【2】Plants (吸收) carbon dioxide from the air.

【3】He sank into the chair, (mourn) his son’s death and couldn't believe it was true.

【4】A series of movies will be shown (commemorate) the 30th anniversary of his death.

【5】Harry Potter is one of the most (impress) novels I've read in recent years.

【6】The plan will be submitted to the committee for official (approve).

【7】 (press) by the deadline, Linda has to stay up late to finish her project.

【8】The Opening C in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has left a deep impression on the world.

【9】Early Christmas in Europe (采纳) many of the practices of the older, pagan religious.

【10】Whether we should officially accept the decision of marriage in the same sex is a highly (有争议的)topic in many countries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】最近,你校不吃早餐的人越来越多,请你以“Do not skip our breakfast”为题给校报英语专栏写一篇短文,呼吁大家改动这一不良习惯。

Do not skip our breakfast

Recently, the number of the students in our school who skip breakfast has increased greatly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Dear Grandma,

It was nice seeing you at Christmas.You looked so happy!

After losing two grandparents within the past year, I have taken some time to reflect on what is most important.I want to let you know what a positive influence you have been on me.I am the person I am because of you.

I remember being on your farm a lot when I was younger.I remember the projects you planned for us.We painted rocks to represent our family members.We made doll clothes out of colorful socks.We made many "playhouses" in the woods.

We learned that if you left a bucket of soybeans in the rain, you would soon have a bucket of growing beans.We learned that if we helped pick the strawberries in the morning, we'd have them on our ice cream in the afternoon.We learned that some plants have funny names, like the elephant ear plant.We learned that you could make do with what you had.We learned that making things out of paper and cardboard was more fun than what came inside the packaging.We learned it was OK to get dirty, but Grandma would wash us up before Mom came.

You once made models of everyone's houses, which made me want to be an architect.Another time, you made quilts for all of the grandkids.I still use mine every night.The edge has worn out.

But you taught me how to fix it.

I love and respect you.You are always patient, with a quiet determination.

Grandma, thank you for everything you have taught me.I hope that I am able to pass on all these memories and skills to my children and grandchildren.

Love always,


【1】After losing two grandparents, the author began to _____.

A.realize her grandma's influence on her

B.become a person like her grandma

C.write to her grandma regularly

D.like her grandma very much

【2】On her grandma's farm, Kelly learned to ______.

A.make strawberry ice cream

B.name different funny plants

C.mend the worn-out edge of her quilt

D.use cupboards to make models of houses

【3】Kelly's grandma ______.

A.was willing to help others

B.was skilled in making things

C.wanted Kelly to be an architect

D.disliked the kids' bad behaviors

【4】Kelly wrote this letter mainly to ______.

A.send her grandma best wishes for Christmas

B.show love and respect for her grandma

C.recall her happy life on the farm

D.ask her grandma for help


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Lucy,

I’m glad to hear that you are interesting in my city. As you read online, great changes have been taken place in our country. It is more convenient to live in the city than before. Private cars were everywhere now. Lots of people shop on Internet, that is especially popular among young people. What’s more, people are paying more attention on their health. You can find more people in the park or in their neighborhood, doing exercises. Even young people are paying lots of attention to their diet. All in all, our city looks very differently. I hope that they will be able to visit my city this summer holiday. I’m looking forward to show you around our city. Best wishes!


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 上课不能迟到。

2. 教室要保持(keep)干净和安静。

3. 见到老师要问好。(greet)

4. 不允许在教室里吃东西。

5. 不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。

6. 不要损害花草树木。(pick flowers; climb trees)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


It is unnecessary for the journalists to take a camera __【1】___ they have ___2_____( 专业的) photographers with them .The journalists should be curious and they must have a good “nose” for a story and use research to inform themselves __3____the missing parts of the story. They know __4___ to acquire the information they need ,and they will not be rude while ___5__(采访).They will listen to the interviewee____6__(careful) rather than talk too much themselves .They have to listen for ___7__(detail) facts and prepare the next question depending on __8__ the person says. ___9____ the interviewee agrees, they can use a recorder to get the facts straight so as to support ___【10_ stories .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone’s life. _【1】_ is very difficult to find a better definition(定义) of friendship. A true friend is the person __【2】__ can share all our sadness and double all our happiness. In time of trial(尝试), he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort. Knowing how __【3】__ (value) friendship is, we should be very careful with our choice of a friend. We should choose those people with a good character __【4】___ our friends, but we must try to avoid ___【5】__ (make) friends with a bad man. Besides, we should forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible.

A true friend can always ___6】__ (trust), loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she won’t tell __【7】__. Friends share their joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are ___8】__ trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. ___【9】__ most important thing is that a friend always understands you.

In conclusion, ___【10】__ you have made a good friend, don’t forget him or her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The London Underground is one of the best transport networks in the world with around 24 million journeys made each day, so it is important that everything runs smoothly. Remember the following to travel like a Londoner.

Keep right on escalator(自动梯)

London Underground asks that you stand on the right when using the escalators and leave the left free for others to walk down. If you are traveling in a big group, or with lots of shopping bags, stand and stay right and let others pass you---it will speed up the process and be a more pleasant journey for everyone!

Remember the “rush hour”

The tube network is very busy during the rush hour. You can expect the trains and stations to be overcrowded between 7:30 and 9:30 in the morning and between 17:00 and 19:00 in the evening.

Move down the platform to find more space

As you enter the station platform, you will often find more room if you walk down to the end of the platform. Here, the train carriages are usually the emptiest as well.

Carry a bottle of water in warmer moths

The London Underground is over 150 years old and although the trains have been modernized, many still lack air conditioning and cooling units. Make sure you take a bottle of water with you, especially in the summer, as the long tube journeys can get very hot.

Keep your personal belongings safe

Like any large city be cautions of pickpockets operating in the busy stations and tubes. Carry a bag with zips and keep your personal belongings and valuable items in it to avoid becoming the victims of theft.

Plan your journey on the London Underground in advance with a free tube map. Click here to download.

【1】What can we know about the London Underground from the text?

A. It is used by about 24 million people every week

B. Its rush hour is around 10:00 am on weekends

C. It has a history of more than one and a half centuries.

D. It is enjoyable for people to travel on it all year round..

【2】What should we do when taking the London Underground?

A. Avoid taking water along with the ride.

B. Standing on the right when using the escalators

C. Avoid taking a large number of shopping bags

D. Walk to the middle of the platform to find more space.

【3】In order not to be stolen, you are advised to__________.

A. avoid traveling in a big group

B. avoid traveling during the rush hour

C. keep your valuables in a zipped bag.

D. stay away from busy stations and tubes

【4】Where would you be most likely to find the text?

A. On a website. B. On a city map.

C. On a notice board. D. In a business report.

