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. John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work __________has made him what he is today.

     A. why            B. when           C. which           D. that



考查强调句型。题干为强调句型,被强调部分为years of hard work,故选D项。


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市丁堰中学2010-2011学年高二学情抽测英语试题 题型:050


  John HJohnson was born in a black family in Arkansas City in 1918His father died in an accident when John was sixHe was reaching the high school age, but his hometown offered no high school for blacks

  Fortunately he had a strong-willed caring motherJohn remembered that his mother told him many times,Son, you can be anything you really want to be if you just believe.”She told him not to depend on others, including his mother.“You have to earn success,she said.“All the people who work hard don't succeed, but the only people who do succeed are those who work hard.”

  These words came from a woman with less than a third grade educationShe also knew that believing and hard work don't mean everythingSo she worked hard as a cook for two years to save enough to take her son, who was then 15, to Chicago

  Chicago in 1933 was not the promised land that black southerners were looking forJohn's mother and stepfather could not find workBut here John could go to school, and here he learned the power of words-as an editor of the newspaper and yearbook at Du Sable High SchoolHis wish was to publish a magazine for blacks

  While others discouraged him, John's mother offered him more words to live by:“Nothing beats a failure but a try.”She also let him pawn(典当)her furniture to get the 500 he needed to start the Negro magazine for blacks

  It is natural that difficulties and failures followed John closely until he became very successfulHe always keeps his mother's words in mind:“Son, failure is not in your vocabulary!

  Now John HJohnson is one of the 400 richest people in Americaworth 150 million


John's mother decided to move to Chicago because ________

[  ]


his father died when John was very young


life was too hard for them to stay on in their hometown


John needed more education badly


there were no school for Negroes in their hometown


John's mother ________

[  ]


didn't believe in or depend on others


thought one could be whatever one wanted to be


believed one would succeed without working hard


thought no one could succeed without working hard


The sentenceNothing beats a failure but a trymeans ________

[  ]


if you try, you would succeed


a failure is difficult to beat, even if you try


a try is always followed by a failure


no failure can be beaten unless you try


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Fear plays no part in this latest problem. “ I’m not afraid I’ll lose my children. I won’t lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing, ” she repeats, her voice rising when speaking to John’s lawyer, “ will stop me from being with my children. A law? Yeah, right. Don’t disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. He’s their father ---- I want them to see him! However, his visit in his present condition will disturb the children’s stable(稳定的) life.”

John, who has spent much of his time in California recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. “ If he’d like to stick to a regular life, I’d be more than happy to do that, ” Jane says. “ The best thing for any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our children’s lives more stable.”

While matters of money and care won’t be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week the ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other moms. Jane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series of Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventures. It’s a rest for Jane, who insists that she needs her new, busy life to provide for her family. “ I have to lead such a life, and I’m thankful that I’ve built it to the top where now I can support my children, ” she says.

And whether a bellicose (好斗的) dance judge or a bellicose former wife, Jane plans to keep on facing attacks on her. “ Some people try to knock me down --- only to make me more fierce, more protective, more determined to do better, ” she says. “ Go ahead, take me on. This will just make me stronger. ”

According to Jane in the first paragraph, the law ______.

   A. can’t take her children away from her

   B. can’t do anything with the case

   C. will best settle the problem

   D. will disturb her children

What does “ to do that ” refer to in the second paragraph?

   A. To live with John.

   B. To hire a house for John.

   C. To allow John to see the children.

   D. To ask John to set up a regular life.

What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?

   A. Jane’s life is very difficult.

   B. Jane continues to live as usual.

   C. Jane almost can’t control her life.

   D. Jane works very hard to live a happy life.

Which word can best describe Jane?

   A. Proud.        B. Fierce.          C. Determined.        D. Independent.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(7) 题型:阅读理解

The thing is, my luck’s always been ruined. Just look at my name: Jean. Not Jean Marie, or Jeanine, or Jeanette, or even Jeanne. Just Jean. Did you know in France, they name boys Jean? It’s French for John. And okay, I don’t live in France. But still, I’m basically a girl named John. If I lived in France, anyway.
This is the kind of luck I’ve had since before Mom even filled out my birth certificate. So it wasn’t any big surprise to me when the cab driver didn’t help me with my suitcase. I’d already had to tolerate arriving at the airport to find no one there to greet me, and then got no answer to my many phone calls, asking where my aunt and uncle were. Did they not want me after all? Had they changed their minds? Had they heard about my bad luck—all the way from Iowa—and decided they didn’t want any of it to rub off on them?
So when the cab driver, instead of getting out and helping me with my bags, just pushed a little button so that the trunk (汽车后备箱) popped open a few inches, it wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened to me. It wasn’t even the worst thing that had happened to me that day.
According to my mom, most brownstones in New York City were originally single-family homes when they were built way back in the 1800s. But now they’ve been divided up into apartments, so that there’s one—or sometimes even two or more families—per floor.
Not Mom’s sister Evelyn’s brownstone, though. Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted Gardiner own all four floors of their brownstone. That’s practically one floor per person, since Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted only have three kids, my cousins Tory, Teddy, and Alice.
Back home, we just have two floors, but there are seven people living on them. And only one bathroom. Not that I’m complaining. Still, ever since my sister Courtney discovered blow-outs, it’s been pretty frightful at home.
But as tall as my aunt and uncle’s house was, it was really narrow—just three windows across. Still, it was a very pretty townhouse, painted gray. The door was a bright, cheerful yellow. There were yellow flower boxes along the base of each window, flower boxes from which bright red—and obviously newly planted, since it was only the middle of April, and not quite warm enough for them.
It was nice to know that, even in a sophisticated (世故的) city like New York, people still realized how homey and welcoming a box of flowers could be. The sight of those flowers cheered me up a little.
Like maybe Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted just forgot I was arriving today, and hadn’t deliberately failed to meet me at the airport because they’d changed their minds about letting me come to stay.
Like everything was going to be all right, after all.
Yeah. With my luck, probably not.
I started up the steps to the front door of 326 East Sixty-Ninth Street, then realized I couldn’t make it with both bags and my violin. Leaving one bag on the sidewalk, I dragged the other up the steps with me. Maybe I took the steps a little too fast, since I nearly tripped and fell flat on my face on the sidewalk. I managed to catch myself at the last moment by grabbing some of the fence the gardeners had put up…
67. Why did the author go to New York?
A. She intended to go sightseeing there.
B. She meant to stay with her aunt’s family.
C. She was homeless and adopted by her aunt.
D. She wanted to try her luck and find a job there.
68. According to the author, some facts account for her bad luck EXCEPT that ________.
A. she was given a boy’s name in French
B. the cab driver didn’t help her with her bags
C. her sister Courtney discovered blow-outs  
D. nobody had come to meet her at the airport
69. The underlined phrase “rub off on” in Paragraph 3 probably means _________.
A. have an effect on    B. play tricks on     C. put pressure on      D. throw doubt on
70. From the passage, we can know that _________.
A. the author left home without informing her mother
B. the author arrived in New York in a very warm season
C. her aunt’s family lived a much better life than her own
D. her aunt and uncle were likely to forget about her arrival


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省嘉兴市高三上学期基础测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One morning in Philadelphia, the sun shone bright through all the thick jungles and the tall churches. John, 6, wearing the worn-out clothes, walked from afar, his dark small hands holding a piece of stolen bread.

John stopped for a moment at the entrance to the sacred church and then left tightlyholding the bread,      

He was an orphan(弧儿), whose parents were killed in World War Illeaving him alonein the orphanage for five years, Like many children in the orphanage, he had a lot of free time. Mostly no one took care of them, so they had to learn how to steal those they wanted.             

John believed the existence of God, so every Sunday morning in any case be would go to the cburch to have a look and listen to those people singing inside or reciting the Bible.He felt only at this moment he was the child of God and so close to God. But he couldn'tenter because his clothes were so dirty. John himself knew it.

John was quietly counting. This was his 45th Sunday at the entrance to the church. He stood on tiptoe for a while and walked away.

As time passed, the pastor(牧师) noticed John and learned from others that he was thesmall boy who liked stealing things in the orphanages.

On the 46th Sunday, the sun was shining and John came still holding a piece of bread with his dark small hands. When he just stood there, the pastor came out. He felt like running away, but he was carried by the pastor's friendly smile.

The pastor walked up to his side, clearly seeing John's small hands tremble.

"Are you John?"

John didn't answer, but looked at the pastor and nodded.

"Do you believe in God?" the pastor petted John on his head stained with dust.

"Yes,l do!" This time John told him loudly.

"So you believe in yourself?"

John looked at the pastor, without a word.

The pastor went on saying, "At the first sight of you, I find you're different from other  kids because you have a good heart."

His face tunung red, John said timidly, "In fact, I'm a thief." With that, he loweredhis head.

The pastor didn't speak, but held John's dark small hands, slowly opened them andput them against his wrinkled face.

"Ah:" Just at the same time, John shouted and was about to take out his dark smallhands. Yet the pastor tightly held his small hands and spread them out in the sun.

"Do you see, John?"


"You're cupping the sunshine in your hands."

John blankly looked at his hands: when did they become so beautiful?

"In God's eyes, all cluldren are the same. When they are willing to spread out their hands to greet the sun, the sun will naturally shine on them. And you have two things more than they do. First is courage and the second is kindness." With that, the pastor led him into the church.      It was the first time that John went into this sacred place, and at this moment he  didn't feel inferior, but the unspeakable warmth.

On that morning embracing the sunshine, John found himself again, along with the  confidence, satisfaction, happiness, dreams he had never had.

Twenty years have passed. Now the boy who ever tightly held the bread with his dirt hands has been the most famous chefin Philadelphia and made many popular dishes.

Every Sunday morning, he would personally send the bread he baked to the orphanage. Those children who greeted him with cheers were used to consciously spreading their palms before they got the bread.

Because they all knew when we are willing to spread out our hands to greet thesunshine, the sun will naturally shine on us.

1.The method the writer uses to develop Paragraph lis      

A.presenting contrasts                     B.showing causes

C.offering analyses                        D.providing explanations

2.Why didn't John go inside whenever he went to the church?

A.He was frightened to be recognized by the pastor

B.He was not welcomed by those singing in the church.

C.He was ashamed of his dirty clothes and identity as a thief.

D.He was left alone in the orphanage and nobody cared for him.

3.John felt     when the pastor walked up to him.

A.excited           B.nervous           C.satisfied           D.angry

4.Which of the following questions did John respond to firmly?

A.6'Are you John?"                       B."Do you see, John?"

C."So you believe in yourself?"               D."Do you believe in God?"

5.Which of the following can best reflect the pastor's great influence on John?

A.John became a famous chef.

B.John admitted his bad behavior.

C.John believed the existence of God.

D.John spread warmth to other orphans.

6.According to the passage, the sunshine cupped in hands can bring

A. cheers and confidence    B, dreams and imagination

C. courage and lindness     D. orgiveness and satisfaction



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The thing is, my luck’s always been ruined. Just look at my name: Jean. Not Jean Marie, or Jeanine, or Jeanette, or even Jeanne. Just Jean. Did you know in France, they name boys Jean? It’s French for John. And okay, I don’t live in France. But still, I’m basically a girl named John. If I lived in France, anyway.

This is the kind of luck I’ve had since before Mom even filled out my birth certificate. So it wasn’t any big surprise to me when the cab driver didn’t help me with my suitcase. I’d already had to tolerate arriving at the airport to find no one there to greet me, and then got no answer to my many phone calls, asking where my aunt and uncle were. Did they not want me after all? Had they changed their minds? Had they heard about my bad luck—all the way from Iowa—and decided they didn’t want any of it to rub off on them?

So when the cab driver, instead of getting out and helping me with my bags, just pushed a little button so that the trunk (汽车后备箱) popped open a few inches, it wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened to me. It wasn’t even the worst thing that had happened to me that day.

According to my mom, most brownstones in New York City were originally single-family homes when they were built way back in the 1800s. But now they’ve been divided up into apartments, so that there’s one—or sometimes even two or more families—per floor.

Not Mom’s sister Evelyn’s brownstone, though. Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted Gardiner own all four floors of their brownstone. That’s practically one floor per person, since Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted only have three kids, my cousins Tory, Teddy, and Alice.

Back home, we just have two floors, but there are seven people living on them. And only one bathroom. Not that I’m complaining. Still, ever since my sister Courtney discovered blow-outs, it’s been pretty frightful at home.

But as tall as my aunt and uncle’s house was, it was really narrow—just three windows across. Still, it was a very pretty townhouse, painted gray. The door was a bright, cheerful yellow. There were yellow flower boxes along the base of each window, flower boxes from which bright red—and obviously newly planted, since it was only the middle of April, and not quite warm enough for them.

It was nice to know that, even in a sophisticated (世故的) city like New York, people still realized how homey and welcoming a box of flowers could be. The sight of those flowers cheered me up a little.

Like maybe Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted just forgot I was arriving today, and hadn’t deliberately failed to meet me at the airport because they’d changed their minds about letting me come to stay.

Like everything was going to be all right, after all.

Yeah. With my luck, probably not.

I started up the steps to the front door of 326 East Sixty-Ninth Street, then realized I couldn’t make it with both bags and my violin. Leaving one bag on the sidewalk, I dragged the other up the steps with me. Maybe I took the steps a little too fast, since I nearly tripped and fell flat on my face on the sidewalk. I managed to catch myself at the last moment by grabbing some of the fence the gardeners had put up…

67. Why did the author go to New York?

A. She intended to go sightseeing there.

B. She meant to stay with her aunt’s family.

C. She was homeless and adopted by her aunt.

D. She wanted to try her luck and find a job there.

68. According to the author, some facts account for her bad luck EXCEPT that ________.

A. she was given a boy’s name in French

B. the cab driver didn’t help her with her bags

C. her sister Courtney discovered blow-outs  

D. nobody had come to meet her at the airport

69. The underlined phrase “rub off on” in Paragraph 3 probably means _________.

A. have an effect on    B. play tricks on     C. put pressure on       D. throw doubt on

70. From the passage, we can know that _________.

A. the author left home without informing her mother

B. the author arrived in New York in a very warm season

C. her aunt’s family lived a much better life than her own

D. her aunt and uncle were likely to forget about her arrival

