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删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Mr. Black,

We’re very gladly to have received your money and some reading materials. Thank you very much.

We had been studying hard since we came back to school. Under the help of our teachers and classmates, we have made great progress on our studies. So we often praised and encouraged by our teachers and parents. We have made up our minds to study hard than before to learn every subject well in order to be admitted to key university in the future.

We’re looking forward to see you, but we have no chance to go to the Nanjing ourselves. So we hope you can post us a photo of yours soon.

Best wishes!







【5】are often








【2】had-have 考查动词的时态。本文是一一般现在时为主的时态

【3】Under-With考查固定短语。固定词组with the help of的帮助之下

【4】on-in 考查介词。Make progress in 在某方面取得进步;

【5】are often 考查动词的时态。本句是一个被动语态,指我们被表扬


【7】university-universities 考查名词的复数形式。Key universities重点大学。

【8】see-seeing 考查固定短语。Look forward to 盼望 前面的to是介词,后面要接动名词doing的形式

【9】去the 考查冠词Hangzhou是一个专有名词,要单独使用,不需要冠词修饰。

【10】yours-you 考查代词。这是一个双重所有格的结构,后面加名词性物主代词。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】He ________________ us for our timely help.

【2】She ________________ finish law school.

【3】Can you ________________ the top shelf?

【4】She laughed and began to ________ me ________ a less crowded table.

【5】Terrorists bombed the police station ____________ for the arrests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】With help from a Mr.H, you can .

A. stop using batteries.

B. finish your homework on time.

C. remember your teacher’s instructions.

D. get your room tidied on your way home.

【2A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to .

A. repair your TV B. organize your homework

C. be a James Bond D. know what the weather is like

【3】You can get your Mr. H for .

A. $499 B. $299 C. $199 D. $99

【4Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?

A. On a notice board B. In a company brochure.

C. On a teenage website D. In a college newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读理解填词: (共10个空;每空1分,满分10分)


The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route(路线)between China and the Mediterranean(地中海). It began 【1】 (在……期间)the Western Han Dynasty and has been a b 【2】 between East and West for over 2,000 years.

The ancient road started from Chang’an(now Xi’an) and ended in Eastern 【3】 , near today’s Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 6,500 kilometers long and went across one-fourth of the planet.

The Silk Road got its name b 【4】 Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Silk, jade, ceramics and iron w 【5】 west to Rome. And from the west came glass, gems and food like carrots and sesame.

The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. It was 【6】 than an ancient international trade route. Besides trade, 【7】 about arts, science and literature, as well as crafts(工艺)and technologies was 【8】 (分享)across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures _【9】________ (发展)and influenced each other.

Today, along the Silk Road there’re many places of 【10】 , such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Now a new train line runs from Beijing across the Silk Road.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




提示词语: called, at first, finally, brave, difficulty, share


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




参观伦敦科学博物馆(London Science Museum),了解现代科技和发明,了解克隆多利羊的详细过程。


坐船观光泰晤士(the Thames)河沿岸数十个历史文化景点。


参观伦敦南部的环球剧场(Globe Theatre)。建于1599年,客家囤屋(Hakka circular house)形状,可容纳1600人,夏季晚上有一系列戏剧演出。





Dear Tom,

On hearing that you are planning to tour London this summer vacation. I’d like to recommend something you can’t miss over there.




Have a good trip and good luck!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 (其中有两项是多余的)

ADad, we were told to collect some information about Fuzhou Subway. 【1】

BSure. It’s reported that Subway Line 1 will have its test run at the end of this year.

AGreat! 【2】

BIt has a total length of 29.2 kilometers.

AHow many stations are there?

B 【3】 And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south.

AThen how about the ticket price?

BWell, it still remains unknown. 【4】

AHope not. 【5】


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




Simple Way to Boost Marital Happiness? Say ‘Thank You’.

Thank Yougoes a long way to keeping couples happy.


Dads Struggle to Find Work—Life Balance

Working dads say worklife balance is hard to find.


What Workers Want From Their Bosses...Besides Money

Money isnt everything,and they need recognition as well.


Bosses Say It Is, Indeed,Lonely at the Top

CEOs of public firms say they feel especially isolated.


Americans Say They are Healthy, But Not Wealthy

Americans are evaluating the health of their personal finances with the same rigor as they do their physical health.


Higher Housework Burden Stresses Women

Unequal employment and pay add to moms stressors,because they make her feel the need to do more housework.


【1】Work appears to be taking its toll on the relationship between dads and their families, a new study finds. CareerBuilders annual Fathers Day survey found that 22 percent of fathers say their work has negatively affected relationships with their children, while 26 percent believe their job has hurt relationships with significant others.

【2】U.S.workers are looking for a little pat on the back,according to a new study.The latest Globoforce Workforce Mood Tracker revealed that more than half of employees would leave their current job to go work for a company that recognized their efforts. The research shows a direct correlation between recognition and retention.

【3】Its lonely at tile top, and CEOs know that better than anyone, according to a new poll.While being a CEO may come with prestige and financial benefits.a study by RHR International, a global executive talent development firm, revealed that the high, ranking position is often accompanied by isolation.

【4】While women are doing less housework than they used to. they still take on the brunt of the household cleaning chores. New research indicates that this extra work stresses them out,and that stress worsens when there is salary orgender inequality present in the relationship. Though both men and women spend less time spent on domestic duties, women still take on a large amount of the work, studies show.

【5】Saying thank you may be a simple way to boost marital happiness,new research suggests. This cycle of appreciation may also make for longer-lasting relationships. Feeing appreciated by your partner influences how you act in your relationship, and how much you want to stay in that relationship,study researcher told Live Science.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】He was so angry that he could hardly__________________.

【2】The public _____________________food safety since the accidents happeneD.

【3】When he saw the beautiful girl at first sight, he _________________her.

【4】I wish he could ______________________with the other children.

【5】I’m sorry he’s out _________________.

【6】Mr.zhang is always helping us and all of my classmates think that he is __________ our teacher.

【7】He walked slowly ___________his bad leg.

【8】This novel____________the family history of the writer.

【9】He is always _________becoming astronaut like Yang Liwei.

【10】He is a determined person and never _________to any difficuty.

