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31._____________________ (不管谁是犯罪者) must have a stain on his or her clothes. (whoever)

32.The boy pretended____________________ (用功学习)when the teacher came in.(work)

33.By the time Jane gets home, her uncle_____________________ (已经动身去伦敦)to attend a meeting.(leave)

34.Only by keeping learning_____________________ (我们才能跟上)the advancement of modern science.(keep)

35.It was for this reason ____________________ (他才在那个村庄定居下来).(settle down)

36.Having seen a horrible film,the little girl,full of fear,went to bed _____________ (让灯开着).(on)

37.The young man_____________________  (冒着被撞倒的危险)to take the child on the busy road to safety.(risk)

38.There are many things we need to_____________________ (充分考虑)before we buy an expensive product.(consideration )

39.She is always doing everything for her son,which is_____________________ (她错误所在).(go )

40.Yesterday my friend_____________________ (遭遇扒手掏兜了)on her way to see her friend.


31.Whoever is guilty     32 to be working hard

33.will have left for  London      34.can we keep up with

35. that he settled down in the village   36. with the light on

37. risked being knocked down    38. take into full  consideration

39. where she goes wrong     40. had her pocket picked


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(四) 题型:其他题



31.Tom________________(被人控告行窃)in the supermarket and was sent to the prison.(accuse)

32.Henry,________________ (由姑妈抚养长大), turned out to be a great scientist.  (bring)

33.________________(被称作)as the Heaven in China is Hangzhou City. (refer)

34.________________ (已经失败了很多次) , the young scientists still kept on making his experiments in chemistry.  (fail)

35.________________(尽管天气很恶劣), the soldiers insisted on training every day.  (as)

36.________________(究竟是什么) Joe can't find in the bathroom?  (that)

37.If he________________(没有忙于做) with his experiment, he would have helped me with my English. (busy)

38.Water, ________________ (看似简单), makes life possible. (seem)

39.Polluted water is not allowed to be piped into rivers ________________(未经处理). (deal)

40.________________ (他一回来), he went straightly to the boss and beat him black and white.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(十) 题型:其他题



31.I'm afaid I won't be able to attend the meeting at 3:00 pm next Monday.I____________________(已经坐飞机到) New York long before then.(fly)

32. They found themselves on the back of the monster,_______________(这结果却是) a blue whale.(which)

33.____________________(我多么地感谢)for my teacher's priceless advice!(owe)

34.The judge ordered that___________________(他还我钱) within five days after the trial.(pay)

35.____________________(坐在一张椅子上),he was completely lost in a magazine.(seat)

36.Please__________________(保持房子的原样)now,because I like it this way and I will buy it tomorrow.(leave,as)

37.____________________(虽然你所说的话给我留下深刻印象),it fades next to what you have done in the struggle against SARS. ( as)

38.He spoke with me with ___________________(眼睛盯着另一位女孩)。(fix)

39.The new bridge is___________________(是老桥的5倍长) (length)

40.The students still can't understand what he said. He______________________ (可能没有表达清楚他的话) (get)



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(八) 题型:完成句子




31.____________________ (没必要) for you to come if you don't want to. (need)

32.The CCTV Tower, ____________________ (它的底层是一家电器设备商店), is frequently visited by travelers. (base, electrical)

33.How I wish I____________________(更小心一些). (careful)

34.In my mind,____________________(上那所名校) will be the only way to become a world-class writer.(attend)

35.He sent me the e-mail, ____________________(希望还获得一些信息) for his research. (further)

36.____________________(我决没有想到) he had failed in the exam. (occur)

37.____________________(为自己准备)with a higher education, more and more people begin to have an advantage over others in the tight job market. (equip)

38.Distant education is playing a more and more important role,_________________(使之成为可能) for people to be educated whatever they do. (it)

39.Messages which ____________________(我们不知道的)are usually the most powerful. (aware)

40.Just over 200 years ago,Kooris ____________________(占据人口的百分之百) (make)



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(三) 题型:完成句子




31._____________________ (不管谁是犯罪者) must have a stain on his or her clothes. (whoever)

32.The boy pretended____________________ (用功学习)when the teacher came in.(work)

33.By the time Jane gets home, her uncle_____________________ (已经动身去伦敦)to attend a meeting.(leave)

34.Only by keeping learning_____________________ (我们才能跟上)the advancement of modern science.(keep)

35.It was for this reason ____________________ (他才在那个村庄定居下来).(settle down)

36.Having seen a horrible film,the little girl,full of fear,went to bed _____________ (让灯开着).(on)

37.The young man_____________________  (冒着被撞倒的危险)to take the child on the busy road to safety.(risk)

38.There are many things we need to_____________________ (充分考虑)before we buy an expensive product.(consideration )

39.She is always doing everything for her son,which is_____________________ (她错误所在).(go )

40.Yesterday my friend_____________________ (遭遇扒手掏兜了)on her way to see her friend.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(一) 题型:其他题



31.Hardly ___________________(他一下火车)when he was met and surrounded by his fans.(get)

32.But for the warning message, more lives___________________(会失去) in the flood.(lose)

33.The telephone is considered___________________(发明) by Bell.(invent)

34.This is the explanation ___________________(提出的) by him.(put)

35.Betty___________________(明确表示) she would support Amy.(clear)

36.__________________(最令我惊讶的是) that he has ended up designing the whole car and putting it into production.( surprise)

37.All too often, global development means that rich people get richer ,___________________(而穷人更穷).(while)

38.We are said ___________________(正生活在)the Information Age, a time for great discoveries and changes.(live)

39.You have no idea ___________________(对我们来说有多重要)to take every chance to live life to the fullest.(how)

40. ___________________ (用完了所有的钱),they had no chance of surviving.(run)


