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-- Did you tell him the news?

-- Yes, I told him ________ I saw him.

[  ]

A.as long as

句意:我一看见他就把那个消息告诉他了。故用immediately. as long as只要,表示条件,不符合题意。


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高一英语(下) 题型:001



1.What subject is Charlie weak in?

[  ]




2.Why does the soup taste terrible?

[  ]

A.Because the girl put much cooking oil in it.

B.Because the girl put some vinegar in it.

C.Because the girl put some castor oil in it.

3.What do they plant trees for in spring?

[  ]

A.They need much wood to build houses.

B.They hope to stop the wind blowing the earth away.

C.They hope to pick more fruit in future.

4.How did the girl's brother go abroad?

[  ]

A.By plane.

B.By ship.

C.In a car.

5.When is Miss King preparing breakfast?

[  ]

A.After she got up this morning.

B.Before she has supper.

C.After she had supper today.



6.Where's the man now?

[  ]

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a shop.

C.In a market.

7.How long did the woman have the fish?

[  ]

A.For seven days.

B.For six days.

C.For five days.

8.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The man is talking the fish.

B.The fish isn't fresh at all.

C.The fish is very delicious.


9.Where can some blood be seen?

[  ]

A.On Mick's jacket.

B.On Mick's trousers.

C.On Jack's trousers.

10.What does the boy probably often do?

[  ]

A.He often helps others.

B.He often playa with a knife.

C.He often fights with others.

11.What do you think the boy did this afternoon?

[  ]

A.He fought with somebody.

B.He learned to do some cooking.

C.He did some housework.


12.Why couldn't the W y speak at first?

[  ]

A.Because something was wrong with him.

B.Because he wouldn't talk with stranger.

C.Because he was too hungry to speak.

13.Where's the boy from?

[  ]

A.He's from San Francisco.

B.He's from Florida.

C.He's from Tangsa.

14.Who did the boy go to see his grandpa with?

[  ]


B.His father.

C.His mother.


15.When did the girl do the experiments?

[  ]

A.Yesterday afternoon.

B.This afternoon.

C.This rooming.

16.Where's the book now?

[  ]

A.In the biology lab.

B.In the chemistry lab.

C.In the classroom.

17.How many students did the experiments?

[  ]


B.Only one.

C.Two .


18.What were Paul's parents?

[  ]

A.They were driven.

B.They were teachers.

C.They were farmers.

19.How many people were them. in Paul's family?

[  ]




20.Why did Paul feel afraid?

[  ]

A.Because it was dark in the room.

B.Because only he was in the dark house.

C.Because he heard some animals howling outside .


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高一英语(上) 题型:050


  Years ago while lying in my hammock(吊床) and drinking JD from the bottle, I noticed my dog dragging something under the fence. Upon looking at it carefully, to my disappointment, I realized it was the next door neighbor's 10-year-old daughter's rabbit. For years I had watched her come home from school and head straight out to its cage, free it and play with it in the yard. I knew today would be not different and feared for our dog, I had to think fast.

  The rabbit was quite dirty, as if it had put up quite a struggle, so I washed it off with the plastic pipe, combed it with the dog brush and blew it dry with the leaf blower. Upon finishing its grooming(修饰,打扮), I jumped over the fence and replaced it back in its cage hoping its death would be written as“natural causes”.

  Back to the hammock and JD. Within the hour the neighbor's Benz pulled in as usual and out popped the little girl, and as usual she headed straight for the cage. Only this time did she stop about six feet away and screamed:“D-A-D-D-Y!!!”

  Her father, panic stricken, stood looking at the cage. Being the good neighbor that I rushed to the fence and asked if there was anything I could do.

Her father less than calmly shouted, “What kind of sick person would dig up a little girl's dead rabbit and put it back in its cage?”

1.What the writer did to the rabbit was just ________.

[  ]

A.for the little girl

B.to make the rabbit die naturally

C.that he loved the rabbit as well

D.because it would be thought that he had nothing to do with the rabbit

2.The little girl was shocked ________.

[  ]

A.at the rabbit's death

B.because of such a clean rabbit

C.that the rabbit was in the cage, dead

D.when she saw her rabbit was still in the cage

3.According to the story, which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.The girl came home in a car.

B.The dead rabbit was cleaned.

C.The writer pretended not to know the rabbit had died.

D.The father appeared very calm.

4.We can infer from the story that ________.

[  ]

A.the writer was shocked to see her neighbor shocked at the death of the rabbit

B.the writer made a mistake

C.the father and daughter were unhappy to see their rabbit again

D.the father loved his daughter very much


科目:高中英语 来源:学习·探究·诊断  高二英语(下) 题型:051


  When I was about 15, we had our first serious campout(野营). By “serious” I mean we actually brought food to cook-not food to open.

  I was a pretty normal kid growing up-I loved to camp. My only problem was I watched too many Rambo movies(兰博影片), so a small gaggle of Rambonites and myself went out on the weekend to “rough it”. (Twinkies and Vienna sausages are bare essentials, I swear.) Actually we didn't usually set out to rough it; it's just that we always forgot most of our equipment, and no one wanted to go all the way back home just to retrieve(重新获得) the salad forks. We learned the hard way how to compensate(补偿) for essential items that were left in the closet. Most of the time our ideas wouldn't work, but every once in a while the stars would align just right and something actually succeeded. Here are some of those ideas that kept us young survivalists happy campers. We thought of everything; steaks, potatoes, spices, etc., enough for a couple of well-rounded meals. We forgot the pans.

    Clean water was the hardest part to accomplish. First we tried to filter the water using a sock filled with charcoal. Since we only brought one pair of socks each, the pair on our feet, the idea didn't go over too well. Our second ingenious idea was to carve a bowl in which we could put water to boil and somehow not catch on fire. After we broke two or three of our “survival” knives and our bowls still resembled a tree, we decided that our oak dining set wasn't going to happen. Finally someone recalled it's possible to boil water in a paper cup, and I realize now the guts it took to say that because I know I wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of the looks we gave him. We went though many pieces of paper and a myriad of designs (my buddy Bryon can make one fancy paper swan!) before we finally hit on one that worked. It turned out to look like a small casserole dish. We built it by taking the paper and folding it like we were gift-wrapping half a package. A small lip around the top of the “dish” kept the triangle flaps in place. The heat from the fire put condensation on the outside of the paper to keep it from burning.

   After that small victory we thought cooking the steaks would be a simple task. Our idea was to cook them like marshmallows. After sacrificing(牺牲) a couple of perfectly good steaks to the fire-gods (because the end of our sticks burned off), we realized the error of our ways. Luckily some parts of Missouri have clay for soil and we happened to be in one of those areas. So we took forked branches and made a twig latticework over the Y. All we did was pack the fork with clay, hold it over the fire for a hit, and we had ourselves custom Earthenware.

  The potatoes were even easier after we discovered the power of clay. We packed clay around those 'taters and tossed them to the side of the fire ring. After about 30 to 45 minutes (depends on the size of the potato and the size of the fire), we cracked those puppies open and had ourselves a pretty good meat-and-potatoes meal…that we had to eat with our hands, of course.

  Another camping mishap(灾祸) happened about two years later, and if you think we learned our lesson on being prepared, then you are sadly mistaken. On this incident we forgot an…umm, very important hygiene tissue(卫生纸). And, as much as we would have liked to be “roughing it,” we just happened to schedule our trip the same time as a big poison ivy convention. Once again notebook paper saved our behinds (no pun intended). We found that if we took a couple of pieces, folded them flat and put them between our flattened(平的) hands, we could rub(磨擦) our hands together and it broke down the stiffness of the notebook paper to an almost tissue-like substance. You just had to remember to plan ahead about 5 minutes.

  On one small hunting excursion(远足) as a much older and wiser person, I went with my cousin to northern Missouri. We were so excited to go that we forget all fire-making equipment. (Unfortunately, unprepared ness is genetic.) So we were out in the middle of nowhere, in a cabin, in the middle of November. Our only savior is that we drove. The cigarette lighter was out of the question. My cousin had just bought a new GPS unit so we tossed that easy fire-builder. Our first thought, of course, was to use the gas from the truck. We both decided however, that we looked better with eyebrows, so we canned that idea. (plus, I think we were almost out of fuel). After a couple of minutes we came across an idea. We put jumper cables on the battery, then we quickly and lightly tapped the other ends together to produce sparks over a small pile of twigs and fuzz-sticks. It's important not to hold the two terminals together long because they will weld themselves together. And, if you don't get them apart, your battery will explode. I know this isn't the best way to treat your battery, but if you're in serious need of a fire, then you do what you must to stay warm. The damage to the battery from arcing is minimal and the battery will still work fine.


1.According to the author what they should do to get clean water?  

2.How do they cook potatoes during the camp?




科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:050


  For more than two days in September 1974, the People of Honduras shut their windows,locked their doors and covered in their homes.Fifi was outside.and they were frightened.

  By the time Fifi had left,8000 people were dead.Fifi wasn’t a pet dog as the name suggests.It was a hurricane(飓风),one of the most destructivenatural phenomena(现象)in the world.

  Why did we give human names to storms and hurricanes?

  We didn’t always.Two hundred years ago,many hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the saint’s(基督教徒的)day on which the storm occurred.Later,storms were known by the name of the city where they came ashore.

  Meteorologists(气象学家)then tried naming storms after the latitude(纬度)and longitude(经度)where they occurred.

  Finally,in 1953,hurricanes started getting people’s names-specifically,female names.Male names were added in 1979.

  There are six sets of names for what the experts call “Atlantic tropical cyclones”(热带风暴).

  Each list is used every six years and consists of 2l names,starting with every letter but Q, U, X, Y and Z.The names alternate between male and female.

  A storm won’t get a name until its winds reach 39 mph or about 62.4 kph,at which point it becomes a tropical storm.At 74 mph or 118.4 kph it’s declared a hurricane.

  The 126 names on the list are used only for storms that form off the Atlantic coast of the US.There are separate lists for the Pacific.

  So what happens if a hurricane should cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific?It’s happened before.The storm just gets a new name and sometimes a new sex.

  Max Mayfield is the director of the National Hurricane Centre,headquartered in Miami,Florida.He’s in charge of(负责)picking new names for storms off the Atlantic coast.

  He doesn’t do it alone, though.His counterparts in two dozen other countries in Caribbean, Central America and North America vote on what names will replace retired names.


From the first paragraph we can find that ________.

[  ]


Honduras is a country which was destroyed by Fifi


Honduras is a country which has no mountains


Honduras is a country which faces the ocean


Honduras is a country which lies at high latitudes


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


There were no hurricanes two centuries ago.


The Caribbean is a state of the United stales.


The Caribbean is a place where hurricanes occur often.


Fifi was formed off the Pacific.


The names for storms and hurricanes off the Atlantic coast, as this passage shows, ________.

[  ]


are set for use


are all from American English


are difficult to spell


are easy to fix


The underlined word “counterparts” in the last paragraph means ________.

[  ]


citizens holding the same opinion


people with a similar position or function


passengers traveling by sea


assistants working abroad


Which list could be used to name the five storms from the Atlantic in a year?

[  ]


David, Helen, Jack, Mike, Lucy.


Lucy, Mary, Owen, Tina, Peter.


Sam, Tina, Victor, Victoria, Jean.


Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day, Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场)house in a large valley. 36 seemed to be all right, yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds 37 across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did. 38 , the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly 39 Raul. The thunder(雷声)was so loud that he buried his 40 in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he heard it. Hoofbeats(蹄声). He 41 . There before him stood a tall, white 42 . An old man stared down at him from its back.

“Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul. “My name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered 43 . “Come with me.”

Raul followed on his horse. A 44 feeling came over him. All 45 them the rain was pouring down, 46 not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be 47 back toward Raul’s home. Raul lost track of time. Then all at once he found 48 at the ranch gate. The old man turned his horse, 49 his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were 50 .

Raul’s father ran out across the yard to 51 him. “We have been 52 about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Let’s get in out of the 53 .”

“Wait”, said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”

“Can’t say I…wait. I 54 my great-grandfather used to tell stories about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was 55 by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?”

36.A.Something    B.Everything     C.Anything     D.Nothing

37.A.dropped     B.fell        C.rolled      D.covered

38.A. Suddenly    B.Strongly      C.Quickly     D.Hardly

39.A.beating     B.blinding     C.burning     D.touching

40.A.nose      B.hair         C.neck      D.head

41.A.looked up    B.woke up       C.lay down     D.sat down

42.A.tiger      B.horse        C.lion       D.elephant

43.A.lazily      B.angrily        C.coldly      D.slowly

44.A.natural     B.common       C.strange     D.bad

45.A.around     B.beside         C.through     D.above

46.A.yet       B.for         C.so       D.or

47.A.walking     B.leading        C.heading     D.returning

48.A.them      B.themselves       C.him       D.himself

49.A.shook     B.waved        C.held       D.took

50.A.gone      B.left          C.followed     D.lost

51.A.see      B.meet         C.beat       D.ask

52.A.waited     B.thought        C.worried      D.excited

53.A.yard      B.wind         C.grass       D.rain

54.A.believe     B.consider       C.doubt      D.forget

55.A.defeated    B.caught       C.damaged     D.struck

