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Things to Keep in Mind before Moving to New York City
So, reading up on New York's history, facts, statistics, facilities, etc, is always a good idea. Learn about the culture, how to deal with people, taxi drivers, manners, or lack of manners that is exhibited there, and so on. It is always best to know what exactly you are getting into rather than landing there and getting a complete shock.
Before you buy your clothes or shoes, you always try them out first, right? In the same way, before you move to New York, you need to visit it for a couple of days, just do that you can see what the city is like.
The best and worst thing about New York is that this city is controlled by money. Then, you need to set aside (留出) an amount for emergencies only. If you are moving to New York with a job, or are planning to get a job once you are in the city, then you need to make sure that your salary covers up all your expenses and the amount that you would set aside for emergencies.
Finding a neighbourhood in New York is the key to actually enjoying your stay there. If you are moving to the city due to work, then look for living accommodations close to your workplace. Do you see yourself living in a place that is quiet, like the Upper West Side or East Side, or do you want noisy setups, like the East Village, Lower East Side, or West Village?
Give the city a chance, make some good memories, and enjoy your stay there. Be safe wherever you go, and don't worry too much.

A. The easiest way to survive in New York is to have a friend who knows this city really well.
B. Once you are in New York, you would never want to leave it.
C. Before you move to any city, it is always best to know a little about the city.
D. To start with, you will need to make a budget.
E. You need to decide what kind of neighborhood you want.
F. Take a tour of the city and try to imagine yourself living there.
G. The experience of moving to New York depends on how the city treats you and what you make of the city.

⑤B 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:无论你走到哪儿,你都要注意安全,不要担心太多。所以这里选B(一旦你在纽约,你就不想离开了。)与上下文一致。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We all agreed that the plan should be immediately.
As with many other twins, they a lot.
You are supposed to carelessness.
we come across, we should hold an optimistic view.
The truck quantities of goods passed by my house just now.
When I get home, my wife will probably TV.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据下列内容以A Simple Man of Great Achievement为题写一篇介绍爱因斯坦的短文。
姓名:爱因斯坦 出生年月:1879.3.14 出生地:德国
A Simple Man of Great Achievement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Last August, I traveled with a group of volunteers to Tres de mayo, a small community near Tela, Honduras to help renovate(整修) a community centre. During my stay there, I learned many things and I also had plenty of opportunity to interact(互动) and work with local children, and I often could not help but think about the hardships they faced day to day, all factors considered to place children at-risk for problems later in life.
One young boy in particular, Javier, 16, stood out for me. Javier's father had left a year earlier for the U.S, and the family had not heard from him since. This put his mother in a difficult position, stay in Tres de Mayo with no job and no source of income. In the end she decided to move to another province to find work. Javier with his little brother had to stay to live with their grandfather in a small house. Many of the children we met in Tres de Mayo were in similar situations.
As our last day approached, I remember the look in Javier's eyes, as they welled up(涌出)with tears when we told him we were leaving. One of the volunteers held him close, but it did little to console him. He had already experienced so much loss, his father abandoning him, his mother leaving to find work, and it was hard to realize that our departure(离开)was adding to the list.
As I looked beyond Javier, I could see the many men and women whom Javier looked up to, depended on, and gathered strength from. I did know that without parents to raise him, he was not left alone. Instead, the adults in the community took responsibility for the care of their collective young.
(1)Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.Javier established good relationship with the author and his team.
B.Javier faced a number of challenges that put him at some risks.
C.Javier shared the same sufferings with other kids in Tres de Mayo.
D.Javier had to learn to be independent even since he was a little boy.
(2)We can replace the underlined word “console ” in the third paragraph with ___________.
(3)According to the author, what plays an important part in the growth of Javier?
A.The united effort from the whole global village.
B.The good quality from the foreign volunteers.
C.The great care from the adults in his community.
D.The positive support from some of his family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华,你的英国网友Forbes打算抽空到中国学习太极(Tai Chi),他写信向你求助,请你根据下列要点给对方写一封回信:

1.介绍学太极好处; 2.负责联系学习地点和老师;



Dear Forbes,









Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It wasn’t until the 2010 CCTV Spring Festival Gala(央视春晚)________.
A.did the former pop band Little Tiger reunite
B.that the former pop band Little Tiger reunited
C.then did the former pop band Little Tiger reunite
D.when the former pop band Little Tiger reunited


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much about Her except for that she was strang . she didn’t talk many .her hair was black and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in the summer .she was ,infact, rather attractively, and she never seemed care what the rest if us thought about her .like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t really want to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry projiect together that I begin to uanderstand why christine dressed the way she did .



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Dictionaries are not closed books. There is still plenty of room for more words in these great vocabulary authorities.

Dictionaries are not closed books. There is still plenty of room for more words in these great vocabulary authorities. New words are continually being created and added to our language. And many of today's word experts can credit a famous mathematician with the creation of the method by which they develop many new words. The mathematician was an Englishman named Charles L. Dodgson. In addition to working with figures, Dodgson wrote books. His imaginative stories and poems have made Dodgson beloved to generations of readers. We know him, however, not by the name of Dodgson but by his pen name, Lewis Carroll.

Lewis Carroll has delighted countless readers, young and old, with Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, and numerous poems. In these works, Carroll developed dozens of nonsensical words such as "chortle" and "galumph". Many of these words are combined naturally with more common words in the English language. Carroll referred to his made-up words as "portmanteau" words, named after a kind of leather suitcase that opens into two compartments. The name was well suited, because most of Carroll's words had two compartments. Rather than being entirely fabricated(虚构), they were usually made from the combined parts of two different words. A "snark", for example, clearly came from a snake and a shark.

Although Carroll died long ago, his technique continues to be used today. We clearly see his influence in such words as smog, brunch, and guesstimate.

1What does the underlined sentence probably mean according to the passage?

A. Dictionaries are open to the public.

B. Dictionaries are helpful to the public.

C. Dictionaries are ready to welcome new words.

D. The vocabularies in dictionaries are limited.

2Dodgson's made-up words ________.

A. are based on different words

B. are borrowed from other languages

C. all come from his poems

D. are still widely used

3This passage is mainly about ________.

A. how Dodgson wrote his works

B. how English words are created

C. how a dictionary is written

D. how Dodgson created new words


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Patients trust health professionals as a source of advice on behavior change. However, many health professionals dodge giving advice on that. They find traditional behavior change strategies (方法) time-consuming to explain. Besides, it’s difficult for the patient to achieve. Furthermore, even when patients successfully start the recommended changes,the gains are often short-lived because few of the traditional behavior change strategies have built-in mecha-nisms for maintenance (保持).

Meanwhile, brief advice is usually based on advising patients on what to change and why (for example, reducing fat intake lo reduce the risk of heart attack). Psychologically, such advice can be followed only if conscious motivation is engaged. However, the effects are typically short-Jived because motivation and attention will decline. Brief advice on how to change, engaging automatic processes, may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term influence— habit.

Within psychology, we define “habits” as actions that are caused automatically in response to reminders. These reminders have been associated with performances. For example, automatically washing hands after using the toilet. Decades of psychological research consistently show that mere repetition of a simple action in a consistent context leads to the action being activated upon .following exposure to those contextual cues (环境暗示). Once starting of the action goes to outside reminders, dependence on conscious attention or motivational processes is reduced. Therefore habits are likely to remain even after conscious motivation or interest disappears.

1Which word can best replace the underlined word “dodge” in Paragraph 1?

A. Risk. B. Avoid.

C. Appreciate. D. Admit.

2What plays the key role in patients’ taking advice?

A. Reasons to change. B. Ways to change.

C. Increasing attention. D. Intended motivation.

3What may help to keep habits after interest disappears?

A. Outside reminders. B. Mere repetition.

C. Conscious attention. D. Brief advice.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. Motivation to form habits. B. Conflicts between patients and professionals.

C. Habits to change behavior. D. Advice from professionals to patients.

