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65. Two dogs ______ a bone, and a third runs away with it.

A.fight back B.fight withC.fight againstD.fight for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Submit your photos and videos to You Witness News to have them considered for use on Reuters.com, Yahoo!, and the Reuters professional picture service, used by thousands of news organizations worldwide.

When you send images to pics@ reuters.com, please provide the following so that we can review and post them:

·Your full name

·Your email address or phone number

·A brief description of the event you shot with the place and date that it occurred.

The next images shown across the world’s newspapers, television channels, and news sites could be yours.Share your take with the world.

What makes a good news photograph?

As you’re thinking about taking news photographs, think about what makes up a good picture.

Most importantly, it will be of interest to a wide audience.It may describe an event in the news: a train crash, a clash in the streets, crazily happy fans the moment the big game is won.

Uniqueness is eye-catching.A picture that no one else took has much more news value than one taken alongside a rank of other photographers.A good news picture will tell a story without words.It will have context by showing the surrounding scene, or show the emotion on the faces of the people in the picture.

Timeliness is critical.Whatever the content, a news picture can lose its value in a short space of time.News events move quickly, and the shot of a mini tornado you took last week may have been destined for the front page when you took it, but of no interest to a newspaper or a website a week later.

Control is important.Please remember, absolutely no photo is worth bothering others, putting yourself or others in danger, or getting in trouble with the law.

       We’re looking forward to seeing your pictures.

64.The following are the features of a good news photograph except that         .

       A.it is unique             B.it is timely

       C.it respects others’ privacy and the law    D.it can arouse specialists’ interest

65.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

       A.You Witness News is a popular column of a website.

       B.The photos or videos you take are only shared by Yahoo! and Reuters.com.

       C.Attach a brief description of yourself when submitting your photos and videos.

       D.Any photo or video you take will be accepted by You Witness News.

66.The purpose of the passage is          .

       A.to teach you how to take photos

       B.to tell people what makes a good news photo

       C.to encourage you to share the take

       D.to remind people not to disturb others while taking photos

67.Which of the following is a good news photograph?

       A.A bird escapes from the cage.                          

       B.A policeman is robbed in the street.

       C.Two dogs fight in the park.                      

       D.An old couple quarrel at home.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河南南乐县实验高级中学高二下期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get out of control. Sometimes a single unimportant event may cause a number of things to happen. Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and this causes your troubles to begin. While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the tablecloth off the table, destroying your half-prepared meal. You hang up hurriedly and attend to your baby. Meanwhile, the meal gets burnt. As if this is not enough to bring you to tears, your husband arrives home, unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner.

Things can also go wrong on the road. During rush hour one evening two cars collided and the drivers began to argue. The woman driver behind the two cars happened to be a learner. She got into a panic and stopped her car. This forced the driver following her to stop suddenly. This driver’s wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake, and as she was thrown forward, the cake went right through the window and landed on the road. A truck driver seeing a cake flying through the air slammed on the brakes. The truck was carrying empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the truck onto the road, causing a terrible traffic jam. It took the police an hour to get the traffic on the move again. In the meantime, the truck driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles. Only two dogs were enjoying themselves, for they were happily having what was left of the cake.

1.If you want to answer the phone without any trouble, you’d better ___________ .

A.pull out the telephone line when you are with your baby

B.put your baby on the bed and keep an eye on him / her

C.not hurry to answer the phone

D.make sure your baby is not near the table

2.Who is responsible for the accidents that happened on the road?  

A.The two drivers who were arguing.

B.It wasn’t mentioned in the passage.

C.The woman driver.

D.The truck driver.

3.From this story we learn that ________.  

A.there are many road accidents every day

B.the accidents mentioned in the passage are very strange

C.no one knows why this kind of accident happens

D.the accidents mentioned in the passage are very common

4.The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to ___________.  

A.remind us not to answer the phone when we are busy

B.tell us driving is dangerous every day

C.remind us not to be nervous when we meet an accident

D.remind us not to carry a cake when we are sitting in a car

5.The main idea of this passage is that ________.

A.troubles always come in groups

B.accidents may happen anywhere at anytime

C.a telephone call may cause great trouble

D.anyone may have trouble on their way home



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届高考二轮复习必备词汇及应用训练系列:介词 题型:单项填空

65. Two dogs ______ a bone, and a third runs away with it.

A.fight back

B.fight with

C.fight against

D.fight for



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011广西北海合浦县教育局高一下学期期末英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Neighbors rescued a woman from her burning home early Monday morning,and three firefighters were hurt putting out the flames in Green Bay.

The fire was discovered around 4 o'clock at a three-story home in the South Quincy Street on the city's east side. Investigators(调查者) say 68-year-old Mary Taylor lives there with her two dogs.

“I got out of bed and went to the front window and could hear somebody was yelling(叫喊),‘Fire!’” Curt Dworak said.When he realized what was happening, he threw on some clothes and ran to help. “I was just hoping Mary wasn't in there,but her car was in the driveway,so I just reacted,” he said, “I just broke the glass and then went in through the window.”

Dworak yelled for Mary but got no response. As he searched,the fire grew and debris(碎片) started falling around him. I didn't know what to do. I yelled for her a couple more times,and then I heard her. Disoriented(分不清方向的)and unable to move, Mary was sprawling(趴) on the floor in the back of her house,so Dworak picked her up and carried her to safety.

Dworak, who has been hailed as a hero by Green Bay Fire Department but shrugged of the praise,said,“They would have done the same thing. Mary is a nice lady,and how could you live with yourself if you didn't do something like that?”

Mary was up and talking before she was taken to the hospital to be checked out. Dworak escaped without a thin cut.


 As soon as Dworak realized there was a big fire,he         .

    A. went to his front window and stood watching

    B. put on his clothes quickly and rushed there

    C. searched for Mary's crying in her room

D. put away his clothes and jumped off his house


 The sentence “ but her car was in the driveway” in Paragraph 3 implies(暗指) that


   A. Mary was just in the house.          B. Mary's car was in Dworak's way.

   C. Mary's car was broken.          D. Mary's car was in good condition.


The underlined Word “ hailed” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “          ”.

A. named         B. checked              C. praised              D. trained


What can we learn from the passage?

   A. It was Dworak who found the fire first.

 B. Dworak was badly injured by the fire.

   C. Mary lost consciousness in the flames. 

D. Mary is friendly to her neighborhood.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年辽宁省抚顺市六校联合体高一下期末考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Blair: Blair was the first to appear in movies in history. In 1905, Blair appeared in the movie Rescued by Rover (义犬救主). It is a British film that a baby is kidnapped by an old woman, but the faithful family dog Rover saves the baby at last.

Though Rover is a common name, it became popular because of the dog hero in the movie.

Lassie: lassie used to be the most famous dog in the world. She is a character who has starred (扮演) in many movies, TV shows and books over the years.

Lassie was created by Eric Knight and made her way into a short story in a newspaper in 1913 and into a novel in 1940.

Laika: Laika is the first animal that has orbited the earth. On November  3, 1957, Laika was sent to space in the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 2.(苏联人造地球卫星2号). The Soviets admitted soon after the launch that the spacecraft would not return. It meant that the poor animal would die. People argued a lot about Laika’s death. Several countries issued stamps in memory of Laika. She became the first animal to give her life for the exploration of space.

Rin Tin Tin: Rin Tin Tin is the first American dog movie star. He first appeared in WhereThe North Begins in 1925. Rin Tin Tin went on to make 25 movies, he even signed his own contracts with paw prints(爪印). During his best time, he earned about 5 million dollars for those people who worked for him.

Snoopy: snoopy may be the most famous cartoon dog in the world. As a hunting beagle (猎犬) from Charles Schultz’ popular newspaper comic strip (连环漫画), Peanuts, snoopy first appeared in 1950. Though snoopy was at first a minor figure, he grew to become the strip’s best-known character. He is famous for always sleeping on top of his doghouse and sometimes dressing up and pretending himself as a World War I airplane pilot. Snoopy appeared in the Peanuts comic strips until Schultz’s retirement ( and death ) in February of 2000.

1.According to the passage how many dogs starred in movies?

A. 2          B. 3         C.4           D.5

2.Two dogs created by artists are_.

A. Rin Tin Tin and Snoopy    B. Blair and Lassie   C. Rin Tin Tin and Lassie

D. Snoopy and Lassie

3.Which dog is most worth respecting?

A. Laika.  B. Snoopy   C. Lassie.   D. Rin Tin Tin.

4. Which of the following is the most reasonable?

A. Blair- the first dog movie star; Laika-the greatest dog; Snoopy-No.1 cartoon dog star.

B. Rin Tin Tin- the first dog movie star; Laika-the most disappointing dog; Snoopy-No.1 cartoon dog star.

C. Rin Tin Tin- a dog millionaire; Blair- the first dog movie star; Laika-the most well-known cartoon dog.

D. Laika-the greatest dog; Rin Tin Tin- the first dog movie star; Laika-the most well-known cartoon dog.


