精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】As a boy I was always small for my age. I was five years junior to one of my brothers and seven years junior to the other.______, I often felt left out when their friends came over to ______. I was too ______ for whatever they were doing and they didn’t want me to listen to their conversations either Usually I found myself outside playing alone and feeling ______.

I remember one spring afternoon I felt especially ______ as I sat in the yard behind our house. We lived miles from town and I ______ saw my own friends outside of school I ______ my brothers laughing from ______ the house and felt a single tear coming down my face. At that moment I saw a large brown dog ______ me. He was wagging () his tail ______. He greeted me like a long lost ______, licking () my hand and sitting beside me on the spring grass,______ he didn’t know me. I petted and ______ this four-legged angel. He let me pour out ail my troubles and ______ my deepest thoughts before he kissed me goodbye. I went back inside feeling happy, knowing that no matter what ______ might hold I was loved. I ______ that the dog was sent in that moment of ______ to remind me just how much I was loved.

In truth, nothing brings us greater ______ than knowing we arc loved. Knowing we are loved gives us the ______ to love others as well. It also helps us to be the people the world meant for us to be. Remember how much the world loves you and share your ______ with the world.

1A. For example B. As a result C. In fact D. At the beginning

2A. discuss B. fight C. play D. work

3A. young B. eager C. concerned D. noisy

4A. tired B. forgotten C. happy D. hopeful

5A. relaxed B. anxious C. frightened D. lonely

6A. regularly B. frequently C. hardly D. always

7A. heard B. found C. looked D. imagined

8A. behind B. over C. outside D. inside

9A. walking to B. shouting at C. passing by D. keeping off

10A. quietly B. happily C. slightly D. naturally

11A. child B. friend C. toy D. guest

12A. because B. as if C. but D. even though

13A. talked to B. thought of C. learned from D. picked up

14A. form B. record C. share D. have

15A. time B. mind C. spirit D. life

16A. decide B. prove C. believe D. explain

17A. sadness B. happiness C. madness D. tiredness

18A. changes B. honor C. ideas D. joy

19A. pride B. freedom C. strength D. possibility

20A. thanks B. love C. faith D. growth
























考查词组。A. For example例如 B. As a result 结果; C. In fact 事实上; D. At the beginning在开始我比我兄弟中的一个小五岁,比另一个小七岁。结果,当他们的朋友过来玩的时候,我经常感到被冷落。故选B。


考查动词。A. discuss 讨论; B. fight 战斗; C. play ; D. work工作结果,当他们的朋友过来玩的时候,我经常感到被冷落。故选C。


考查形容词。A. young 年轻的; B. eager渴望的 C. concerned 关心的,牵挂的; D. noisy吵闹的他们做的事情对我来说年龄太小,并且他们也不愿意让我听到他们的谈话。故选A。


考查形容词。A. tired疲倦的 B. forgotten 被忘记的; C. happy 高兴的; D. hopeful充满希望的根据playing alone可知感觉被忘记。故选B。


考查形容词。A. relaxed 放松的; B. anxious焦虑的 C. frightened感到害怕的 D. lonely孤独的,荒凉的。我记得一年春天的下午我感到特别的孤独。故选D。


考查副词。A. regularly 有规律地; B. frequently 频繁地; C. hardly几乎不 D. always总是我们住的离城镇远在校外我几乎看不见我自己的朋友。故选C。


考查动词。A. heard听见 B. found 发现; C. looked D. imagined想象我听见哥哥们来自屋里的笑声。故选A。


考查介词。A. behind ---后面; B. over ---之上; C. outside ---外面; D. inside---里面。我听见哥哥们来自屋里的笑声。故选D。


考查动词词组。A. walking to---走去; B. shouting at ---大喊; C. passing by 经过; D. keeping off让开在那时我看见一条大的棕色的狗向我走来。故选A。


考查副词。A. quietly 安静地; B. happily 高兴地; C. slightly轻微地 D. naturally自然地根据下文的greeted可知他高兴地摇头摆尾。故选B。


考查名词。A. child 孩子; B. friend 朋友; C. toy 玩具; D. guest客人他问候我,就像一个丢了很长时间的朋友。故选B。


考查连词。A. because因为 B. as if 好像; C. but 但是; D. even though即使他舔我的手,坐在我旁边的草地上,即使他不认识我。故选D。


考查动词词组。A. talked to ---谈论; B. thought of 想出; C. learned from ---学习; D. picked up捡起,获得。我爱抚他,和这四条腿的朋友谈话。故选A。


考查动词。A. form构成 B. record 记录; C. share 分享; D. have前文提到作者孤独,所以这条狗让作者排解了烦恼,并分享了作者最深出的想法。故选C。


考查名词。A. time 时间; B. mind 思想; C. spirit 精神; D. life生活我高兴地回到屋里我知道无论生活如何,我都被爱着。故选D。


考查动词。A. decide 决定; B. prove 证明; C. believe相信 D. explain解释我相信那条狗在那悲伤的时刻被送来提醒我我有多么被爱。故选C。


考查名词。A. sadness伤心 B. happiness 幸福; C. madness 疯狂; D. tiredness疲劳我相信那条狗在那悲伤的时刻被送来提醒我我有多么被爱。故选A。


考查名词。A. changes改变 B. honor 荣誉; C. ideas 主意; D. joy高兴没有什么比知道被爱更高兴的了。故选D。


考查名词。A. pride 自豪; B. freedom自由 C. strength力气 D. possibility可能性知道有人爱着我们也给我们力量去爱别人。故选C。


考查名词。A. thanks 感谢; B. love ; C. faith信念 D. growth生长记得世界有多么的爱你,和世界分享你的爱。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Esquire Magazine

Price: $38.00

Esquire Magazine is a lifestyle magazine aimed at professional men. The goal of the editors is to provide a broad choice of information on business, health, fashion, sports, fiction, entertainment, family life, and arts.

http://www. magazine line. com/ magazineline/ esquire. htm

Boys’ Life magazine

Price: $24.00

Boys’ Life magazine is a general-interest magazine published in three types for boys from first grade through high school. It includes a mix of news, nature, sports, history, fiction, science, entertainment, and comics.

http:// www. ocscouts. org/ scoutsource/ Media/ FactSheets/ 00-bl90. aspx

Nick Magazine

Price: $29.00

Nick Magazine is filled with wonderful entertainment for children aged 6 to 14. It is wholesome (有益健康的), imaginative, and truly from a child’s point of view. Share the award-winning entertainment and humor magazine from Nickelodeon with your kids.

http :// www. magazineline/ nickmagazine. htm

Seventeen Magazine

Price: $36.00

Seventeen is the world’s most popular magazine for today’s young women. Every issue brings you everything you need to know—about everything that’s important to you. Seventeen covers everything from high school to Hollywood! In every issue you’ll get the latest information on style, friends, guys, college, careers, love, as well as hot tips on beauty, fashion, fitness, entertainment, and relationships.

http://www. magazine pricesearch. com/ detail/ seventeen. html

1If Mr. Smith, a business man, wants to buy a magazine about his career, he may pay .

A. $24.00

B. $29.99

C. $36.00

D. $38.00

2For Nick Magazine what is special is that it .

A. has three types

B. has many jokes for children

C. sees the world in a child’s eye

D. involves many professional areas

3What information is contained in all of the magazines?

A. Entertainment.

B. Sports.

C. News.

D. Fashion.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What’s the woman?

A. She is a junior student. B. She is a professor. C. She is a teaching assistant.

2What is the man’s first response to the woman’s request?

A. He does not intend to give the course.

B. He does not think the course will interest her.

C. He thinks the course will be too difficult for her.

3What does the woman say to persuade the man?

A. That she is really well prepared.

B. That she is just a junior.

C. That she found Berman’s course boring.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I enjoy color, whether it’s my clean clothes or the shining light of my alarm clock. Like some great ______ of winning an award, I stare at my closet, my source of ______. “Okay, school-bus yellow is darker than lemon yellow,” I tell myself as I ______ rearrange my colorful clothes. As I look at my shirt selection, I feel proud of the colors and expressions,______, you see, my everyday life is ______, gray and full of stress.______ the bus at 6:35 and helping my mom cook, budget and ______ every cent—these are the realities of life. It’s not ______, but it’s difficult for a child.

Looking at my closet, which is in fact a ______ of my happy and active personality, one would notice that I own ______ black shirts. That would be boring— the opposite of everything I represent. I need a positive attitude; I need inspiration; I need ______. White, red and green clothes are smiling at me every day. Each color ______ my message.

Though I am not afraid to wear anything, I do have a ______ shirt that totally represents who I am: a light green T-shirt with strips (条纹). It is not fashionable but it’s ______ worn. The T-shirt is bright and sunny. I love noticeable color; I love to ______. I wear whatever I like. It is not just making a pleasant, wonderful work of art for the eye or getting the colors just ______. It is an emotional longing, a joyful enthusiasm and a constant ______.

Color is not just color; it’s the fuel that ______ my bones. I don’t want to be black and white. I want to be very noticeable; I want to ______. I want to be the colors that ___the world.

1A. expression B. achievement C. congratulation D. reorganization

2A. pride B. attack C. surprise D. freedom

3A. carelessly B. formally C. carefully D. wildly

4A. if B. because C. before D. whether

5A. attractive B. bright C. colorful D. colorless

6A. Catching B. Missing C. Watching D. Choosing

7A. spend B. waste C. make D. save

8A. normal B. unfair C. lucky D. curious

9A. test B. search C. reflection D. realization

10A. few B. many C. enough D. some

11A. rest B. interest C. scenery D. energy

12A. turns to B. contributes to C. lies to D. belongs to

13A. magical B. similar C. favorite D. simple

14A. frequently B. hardly C. never D. forever

15A. keep back B. turn around C. lie down D. stand out

16A. wrong B. right C. funny D. happy

17A. addition B. balance C. lifestyle D. custom

18A. burns B. kills C. washes D. brushes

19A. appear B. hide C. break D. shine

20A. limit B. light C. measure D. seek


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Justin Foster, a high school student, was last seen Friday night. That evening at 8 p.m. Justin went to play baseball with two friends,1 both say Justin went home after the game.2 (witness) also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10.45 p.m. Justin’s sister, Kelly,3 (age) nine, says she heard her brother return home at about 11 p. m. ‘I didn’t see him, but I heard him put 4 his favourite CD.’ Kelly said. ‘I went to bed, and 5 (wake) up by a bright light outside my window.’

At first, the young girl thought it was the light of the full moon,6 then she realized that it was moving and coming closer.

‘I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship 7 (fly) outside. It had blue lights and there were many windows. Standing inside 8 (be) lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes. I was frightened!’

Kelly said that the spaceship moved towards her brother’s bedroom. ‘There was9 flash of light and I heard Justin shout, and then the UFO just disappeared. I 10 (see) Justin since.’


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Are you happy? If you aren’t you need to move near friends who are happy. A new study shows that happiness is infectious (易传染的) and can flow through social groups. And the closer you are to someone happy, the happier you’ll be.

The study was carried out by the Harvard Medical School. The researchers discovered that a person’s happiness depends on the happiness of those around them. They collected data on 5,000 adults between 1971 and 2003. Participants were asked to identify their relatives, close friends, place of residence and place of work. They were also asked questions about whether they enjoyed life, and whether they felt hopeful about the future.

The results were very interesting. The researchers found that those who had happy partners had an 8% higher chance of being happy too. And for those with happy children, this increases to 14%. And finally, those with a happy friend who lives less than half a kilometre away are 42% more likely to be happy. “Most important from our perspective is the recognition that people are m social networks, and that the health and well-being of one person affects the health and well-being of others,” one of the researchers explained. “It makes sense that if people around you are happy, that might have an impact on your own happiness.” So, in conclusion, the best thing is to have a happy friend who lives less than a kilometer away from you. Do you have one?

1How did researchers get their findings?

A. By comparing results. B. By asking questions.

C. By listing figures. D. By giving examples.

2According to the study, who may have the greatest effect on your happiness?

A. Your partner. B. Your children.

C. Your close friends. D. Your parents.

3What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph Three refer to .

A. the interesting result. B. the happy life.

C. the health of the family. D. the chance of happiness.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. Happiness and family. B. Happiness and health.

C. Friendship and happiness. D. Friendship and health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Q___________ matters more than quantity.

2Finally we got some _________(证据) of his innocence(无罪).

3The test was not easy; even Tom _________(属于) to the top students failed.

4Your teacher can give you _________(指导) on choosing a career and writing a job application.

5He gave the boy a r__________of $ 10 for bringing back the lost dog.

6London is full of homeless __________(乞讨) in the streets.

7__________(忠诚的) to its master, the dog would not leave him, even when he was dead.

8The clothes sold in his store are specially _________(设计) for fat people.

9The kids watched as the coin __________(下沉) to the bottom of the pool.

10We spent all the weekend ________(装修) our new apartment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why does the speaker give the talk?

A. To announce some changes.

B. To apologize for an accident.

C. To inform passengers of leaving.

2From which platform will the train to London leave?

A. 3. B. 6. C. 9.

3When will the train to Bristol leave?

A. At 10:15 am. B. At 10:55 am. C. At 12:20 pm.

4What do we know about Mr.Green?

A. He is traveling to London. B. He works in the luggage office.

C. He lost his computer at the railway station.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】随着近年来城市发展速度的加快,很多反映城市历史风貌的古建筑屡遭破坏。就这个问题请你以How to Protect the Ancient Buildings 为题向某英语报社投稿。


2. 呼吁拯救这些古建筑

3. 希望有合理的解决方法。




