精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】One year my children came home from school asking where we were going on your summer vacation. It seemed that all the other kids were______ where they were spending the summer. I couldn’t ______to take them anywhere but I didn’t want to tell them that so I just said, “It’s a surprise!” They were_______ That bought me a little more ________.

I called several amusement ______to see if there was a half-price event during the summer but no such _____ . I tried everything, with no success, so I called some of the other moms to find that most were in the same______that I was. We decided to ______something fun for our kids to do. We had a meeting, all five of us, and_____ what is now called a “playcation”.

One mother was a _____ , so on Mondays the kids would all go to her house. They would play games using plants and ______. They also planted vegetables and_______them grow over the summer.

Another mother had Bible_______on Tuesdays. She asked some questions about Bible. The kid who answered ______got a penny, which they all turned in at the end to buy their goodie bags(礼品袋).

At our house on Wednesdays, I made an outdoor ______training with my spare tires. The kids also walked a balance beam and raced through large cardboard boxes taped together.

On _____they had arts and crafts across the street. Fridays were______by a wonderful single dad with a metal detector(金属探测器)who took everyone out treasure_____ .

The summer was a big ______ . Okay, it wasn’t Disney World,_______the kids didn’t miss anything. My son actually asked me, “Can we do this again next year?”

1A. rejecting B. discussing C. learning D. reporting

2A. sacrifice B. offer C. select D. afford

3A. disappointed B. satisfied C. shocked D. delighted

4A. time B. money C. confidence D. patience

5A. schools B. shops C. parks D. libraries

6A. hope B. luck C. attitude D. hobby

7A. situation B. gap C. direction D. process

8A. come up with B. face up to C. look forward to D. step away from

9A. discovered B. enjoyed C. created D. controlled

10A. teacher B. doctor C. gardener D. grocer

11A. books B. vegetables C. sweets D. toys

12A. guessed B. watched C. affected D. felt

13A. debates B. readings C. explanations D. contests

14A. easily B. patiently C. correctly D. hurriedly

15A. computer B. obstacle C. painting D. speech

16A. Thursdays B. Saturdays C. Sundays D. Mondays

17A. hosted B. forced C. avoided D. forbidden

18A. hiding B. making C. hunting D. donating

19A. failure B. challenge C. business D. success

20A. and B. so C. or D. but























1B考查动词。看起来其他的孩子们都在讨论他们将去哪里度过暑假这个问题。rejecting 拒绝, discussing讨论,learning学习,reporting报告。

2D 考查动词。由下文内容I called several amusement ___5___to see if there was a half-price event during the summer可以判断出作者生活很拮据,所以这里意思是我负担不起带他们去任何地方玩儿。sacrifice 牺牲,offer提供,select 挑选,afford负担得起。

3D 考查形容词。but I didn’t want to tell them that so I just said, “It’s a surprise!” 孩子们听到暑假会有惊喜,自然很开心。disappointed 失望的, satisfied满意的,shocked 震惊的,delighted高兴的。

4A 考查名词。由下文内容I tried everything, with no success, so I called some of the other moms to find that most were in the same___7___that I was.可知作者想要实现给孩子们的这个惊喜,颇费周折,花了挺多时间。time 时间, money金钱,confidence信心,patience耐心。

5C 考查名词。由if there was a half-price event during the summer可判断出作者是给游乐公园打电话询问优惠事宜。Schools学校, shops商店,parks公园, libraries图书馆。

6B 考查名词。I tried everything, with no success我尽力了,但是没有成功 ,所以判断出作者运气不好。hope希望,luck运气, attitude态度,hobby业余爱好。

7A 考查名词。由We decided to ___8___something fun for our kids to do. 可判断出我给其他几位母亲打电话,发现我们处境相同。Situation情况,gap差距, direction 方向, process过程。

8A 考查动词短语。我们决定为我们的孩子想出一些有趣的事情去做。come up with 想出,face up to勇敢地面对, look forward to期待,step away from远离。

9C 考查动词。我们创造了一个被称为“playcation” 的活动。discovered 发现, enjoyed 享受, created 创造,controlled控制。

10C 考查名词。由They would play games using plants and ___11___. They also planted vegetables and___12___them grow over the summer. 可推断出这位母亲是一位园丁。

teacher 教师,doctor 医生, gardener园丁, grocer食品商。

11B 考查名词。由They also planted vegetables and___12___them grow over the summer.可知他们也用植物花卉和蔬菜作游戏。books 书,vegetables 蔬菜,sweets 糖果,toys玩具。

12B 考查动词。他们也种植蔬菜,并且在整个夏天观察它们的生长。guessed 猜测, watched 观察, affected影响,felt感觉。

13D 考查名词。由She asked some questions about Bible. The kid who answered ___14___got a penny, which they all turned in at the end to buy their goodie bags(礼品袋).可知另外一位母亲在星期二举办圣经竞赛debates 争论,readings阅读材料, explanations 解释,contests竞赛。

14C 考查副词。由got a penny 可知答对的小孩会获得一美分的奖励。easily 容易地, patiently 耐心地,correctly正确地, hurriedly匆忙地。

15B 考查名词。由The kids also walked a balance beam and raced through large cardboard boxes taped together.可推断出作者用备用轮胎对孩子们进行了户外障碍物训练。computer电脑,obstacle障碍物 painting 绘画, speech演讲。

16A 考查副词。上文依次介绍了星期一,星期二,星期三,孩子们的活动安排,所以接下来会介绍星期四孩子们的活动。Thursdays 每星期四,Saturdays每星期六, Sundays 每星期日,Mondays每星期一。

17A考查动词。每周星期五由一位单身父亲举办这次活动。 hosted 主持, forced 强迫, avoided 避免, frbidden禁止。

18C 考查动词。这位单身父亲用一个金属探测器,带着孩子们外出去寻找宝物。hiding 隐藏,making 制作, hunting寻找,donating捐赠。

19D 考查名词。由Okay, it wasn’t Disney World,___20___the kids didn’t miss anything. My son actually asked me, “Can we do this again next year?”可推断出这个暑假非常成功。failure 失败, challenge挑战,business 生意, success成功。

20D 考查连词。它不是迪士尼世界,但是孩子们没有错过任何东西。and 而且,so所以,or 或者, but但是。






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

If you are a recent social science graduate who has had to listen to jokes about unemployment from your computer major classmates, you may have had the last laugh. There are many advantages for the social science major because this high-tech "Information Age" demands people who are flexible (灵活) and who have good communication skills.
There are many social science majors in large companies who fill important positions. For example, a number of research studies found that social science majors had achieved greater managerial success than those who had technical training or pre-professional courses. Studies show that social science majors are most suited for change, which is the leading feature (特点) of the kind of high-speed, high-pressure, high-tech world we now live in.
Social science majors are not only experiencing success in their long term company jobs, but they are also finding jobs more easily. A study showed that many companies had filled a large percentage of their entry level positions with social science graduates. The study also showed that the most sought-after quality in a person who was looking for a job was communication skills, noted as "very important" by 92 percent of the companies. Social science majors have these skills, often without knowing how important they are. It is probably due to these skills that they have been offered a wide variety of positions.
Finally, although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don't regret their choice of study.
(1)By saying that "you may have had the last laugh" in the first paragraph, the author means that you may have ________.
A.shared the jokes with computer majors
B.earned as much as computer majors
C.found jobs more easily than computer majors
D.stopped joking about computer majors
(2)Compared with graduates of other subjects, social science graduates ________.
A.are ready to change when situations change
B.are better able to deal with difficulties
C.are equally good at computer skills
D.are likely to give others pressure
(3)The underlined word "land" in the last paragraph probably means “________”.
A.keep for some time
B.successfully get
C.immediately start
D.lose regretfully
(4)According to the text, what has made it easy for social science graduates to find jobs?
A.Willingness to take low-paid jobs.
B.Readiness to gain high-tech knowledge.
C.Skills in expressing themselves.
D.Part-time work experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)All the people present have (要求) that the fresh water should be supplied at once. (request)
(2)The beauty of his paintings is (无法形容). (expression)
(3)The captain (命令他的人) to sail to the port at a fast speed. (command)
(4)I didn't (辨认出他的声音) on the phone last night. (recognize)
(5)This is (和……一样的笔) I bought yesterday. (as)
(6)The famous actor (扮演重要角色) in this new film. (part)
(7) (信不信由你), they will not keep their promise. (believe)
(8) (沿着这条路一直走) and then turn right. (straight)
(9)Head for the 44th Street, (几个街区) east of the building. (block)
(10)The young man has to stay at home. (那是因为) his leg was hurt yesterday. (because)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As we all know, games play a very important role in the growth of children.Children should grow along with playing games; for, playing games, they can not only acquire knowledge, but also develop their abilities to get along with others.
However, most children are (face) with a completely different situation.Most parents fear that games will prevent children from increasing new knowledge and the children willfail in the future examinations.So, instead of (let) the children themselves find and learn naturally from their surroundings, theyforce their children to take part in (variety) kinds of classes,learning English, playing piano or practicing drawing, etc.What’smore, some parents put away the children’s toys which are very useful in developing children’s (imagine) and practical abilities.
Here is a piece of good advice to those parents: you want to expect your child to be able to accomplish something, you must first of all develop his ability to adapt thenew surroundings.That cram (填鸭式的) education can lead to nothing a failure in the children’s growth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mount Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. The 1(erupt) of it is always taking people 2surprise. It is so quick and severe 3the places where it flows are ruined and many houses 4(burn) to the ground. It is an absolute disaster for people 5 live in the paths of the lava. They often get into a panic when they are warned 6 it. But many people who are enthusiastic about it would like to watch it with their own eyes. 7(fortune), when they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it, they always fail 8(notice) the coming boiling lava. So after that, they must make 9effort to escape from it. Is 10 necessary to take risks?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1Where are the speakers?

A. In a clothes shop. B. In a bank. C. In a hotel.

2】【2What does the man want to do?

A. Have a drink. B. Buy a T-shirt. C. Get some money.

3】【3What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The speakers are in Avenue de Suéde.

B. The man should turn right twice.

C. The café is next to the bank.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a cold winter evening, I was walking home alone, when suddenly came screams (呼喊声) from behind some tress.1 I slowed down to listen, and 2 that what I was hearing were the sounds of a fight. A woman was being attack (袭击) not far from where I 3.
“Should I go to help her?” I thought. I was worried about my own 4 , and I regretted having suddenly decided to take a new way home that night. “What if I am 5 too? Shouldn't I just6 to the nearest phone and call the police?” But already the girl's 7 were growing weaker. I knew it was time for me to act fast because I could not 8 the life of this unknown woman, 9 it meant risking my own life.
I am not a 10 man. I didn't know where I found the 11 and physical strength (体力), but once I had finally 12 to help the girl, I changed suddenly. I ran behind the bushes and 13 the attacker off the woman. Struggling, we fell to the ground, where we fought for a few minutes 14 the man jumped up and ran away.
15 heavily, I came up to the girl, who was crying. In the 16 I could not see her clearly, but I could certainly 17 her shock. Not wanting to frighten her any further, I spoke to her from a distance.
“It's OK,” I said 18“The man ran away. You're safe now.” There was a long stop and then I heard the words, said in both wonder and 19 “Dad, is that you?” And then, from behind the tree, stepped my youngest 20 Katherine.
(1)A.Excited B.Frightened C.Interested D.Disappointed
(2)A.knew B.understood C.realized D.imagined
(3)A.stood B.killed C.heard D.caught
(4)A.money B.safety C.future D.family
(5)A.happy B.sad C.excited D.hurt
(6)A.move B.take C.run D.go
(7)A.cries B.noises C.cheers D.sounds
(8)A.save B.ignore C.change D.decide
(9)A.although B.because C.as D.but
(10)A.kind B.powerful C.mean D.brave
(11)A.courage B.belief C.attitude D.idea
(12)A.agreed B.planed C.promised D.decided
(13)A.took B.dropped C.pulled D.got
(14)A.unless B.if C.since D.until
(15)A.Walking B.Drinking C.Breathing D.Looking
(16)A.daylight B.afternoon C.darkness D.midnight
(17)A.feel B.see C.guess D.find
(18)A.angrily B.softly C.sadly D.happily
(19)A.shame B.peace C.pain D.surprise
(20)A.son B.daughter C.grandson D.cousin


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Newton is usually __________(承认) to be one of the most outstanding scientists in the world.

2He loosened his belt for __________(舒服) after such a long journey.

3We need someone with strong enterprise, __________(自信心) and imagination to design a marketing strategy.

4__________(希望) we’ll be in Norwich by early evening by our efforts.

5Students who fail to meet the r__________ of the course won’t succeed.

6We eventually arrived at our d__________ for a long hard way.

7He recommends our a__________ in Rome deal with all our Italian business.

8She has all the right q__________ to be a good manager.

9They have just embarked on (从事,着手) their latest e__________, which is to study abroad in England.

10The leading singer couldn’t appear, and her s__________ clearly didn’t know the role very well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 新校园位于城市东北,占地约16万平方米,兼具文化性和现代性;主要建筑包括教学楼,实验楼,图书楼,宿舍,餐厅和体育馆等等。学校设施齐备,师资优良。

2. 你在新校园的学习生活情况。

3. 邀请Nick来你校参观。


1. 词数:120词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:校园 campus

Dear Nick,

How are things going? Recently we have settled into a new campus. So I’m writing with great excitement to tell you something about it.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua

