¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






¡¾1¡¿The new electronic device promoted by the company can¡¯t meet the needs of local students.

¡¾2¡¿Never did it occur to me that so many people were infected with such a serious virus in a short period of time.

¡¾3¡¿No matter what sales strategy it adapts, the project intended to cheat teenagers is sure to collapse itself.

¡¾4¡¿Despite the fact that senior high three students stay at home, they will succeed finally if they have a balanced diet, have a regular routine and do online exercise every day.




¿¼²ì·ÇνÓﶯ´ÊºÍ¼°Îﶯ´ÊmeetµÄÓ÷¨¡£µ±¡°Âú×㡱½²Ê±£¬meetÊǼ°Îﶯ´Ê£¬ºóÃæÖ±½Ó½Ó±öÓmeet the needs of¡­±íʾ¡°Âú×ã¡­¡­µÄÐèÒª¡±£¬electronic deviceÓëpromoteÖ®¼äÊÇÂß¼­ÉϵĶ¯±ö¹Øϵ£¬±íʾ±»¶¯£¬ÓùýÈ¥·Ö´Ê×÷ºóÖö¨Ó¹Ê·­ÒëΪ£ºThe new electronic device promoted by the company can¡¯t meet the needs of local students.


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¿¼²éÈò½×´Óï´Ó¾äºÍ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ¿ÉÖª±¾¾äʹÓÃmatter whatÒýµ¼Èò½×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whatÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷adaptµÄ±öÓbe intended to±íʾ¡°ÒâͼÊÇ¡¢ÎªÁË¡±£¬´Ë´¦È¥µôbe×÷ºóÖö¨Óͬʱbe sure to do±íʾ¡°Ò»¶¨»á¡­¡­¡±£¬collapse oneself±íʾ¡°²»¹¥×ÔÆÆ¡±£¬³ÂÊöµÄÊǿ͹ÛÊÂʵ£¬ÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£¬¹Ê·­ÒëΪ£ºNo matter what sales strategy it adapts, the project intended to cheat teenagers is sure to collapse itself.


¿¼²édespiteµÄÓ÷¨¡¢Í¬Î»Óï´Ó¾äºÍÌõ¼þ×´Óï´Ó¾ä¡£despiteΪ½é´Ê£¬ºóÃæ½ÓÃû´Ê»òÃû´ÊÐÔ¶ÌÓï¶ø²»ÄܽӾä×Ó£¬ËùÒÔ±¾¾äÖÐdespiteºóÒª½Óthe fact£¬È»ºóÓÃÒ»¸öͬλÓï´Ó¾ä˵Ã÷factµÄ¾ßÌåÄÚÈÝ£¬´Ó¾ä³É·ÖÍêÕû£¬ËùÒÔÓÃthatÒýµ¼£¬½öÆðÁ¬½Ó×÷Óá¢ÎÞʵÒ壬¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ¿ÉÖª±¾¾ä»¹ÒªÊ¹ÓÃifÒýµ¼µÄÌõ¼þ×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬×ñÑ­Ö÷½«´ÓÏÖµÄÔ­Ôò£¬Ö÷¾äÓÃÒ»°ã½«À´Ê±£¬´Ó¾äÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£¬¹Ê·­ÒëΪ£ºDespite the fact that senior high three students stay at home, they will succeed finally if they have a balanced diet, have a regular routine and do online exercise every day.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


The spread of the new coronavirus has completely changed ¡¾1¡¿ (people) daily routines around the world. As Americans ¡¾2¡¿ (urge) to stay at home and avoid public gatherings, many are trying their best to find a "new normal" during this time. Beder is hoping to use her musical skills ¡¾3¡¿ (make) this new way of life a little more ¡¾4¡¿ (enjoy). She begins to play at her home¡¯s front porch£¨×ßÀÈ£©at ¡¾5¡¿ (exact) 4 o¡¯clock each afternoon. Neighbors soon surround Beder¡¯s home. They stay at least two meters ¡¾6¡¿ each other. Even people passing by in cars roll down their windows and slow down for a short time. Lara , ¡¾7¡¿ writer and neighbor, came with her two daughters. Her younger daughter, Delphine, even ¡¾8¡¿ (bring) her whistle to play along with Beder for one song.

Beder hopes her live music offers her neighbors and other listeners something ¡¾9¡¿ they may be missing in the age of social distancing . It bridges the space and psychological damage that we¡¯re all experiencing from ¡¾10¡¿ (cut) off from each other.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Each of us has a time of the day when we¡¯re at our best. For some, it¡¯s the morning, and for others, the afternoon or evening. These times relate to what scientists call our circadian clock (ÉúÎïÖÓ). ¡¾1¡¿

The research is the work of two authors, Aaron Schirmer and Benjamin Smarr. The pair used data from a university computer system to study the rhythms and activities of 15,000 students at Northeastern Illinois University between 2014 and 2016. They studied the data to see if there was a connection between the students¡¯ schedules, their natural circadian clocks and their school performance.

¡¾2¡¿ But if students¡¯ clock doesn¡¯t agree with the rest of their lives, their performance was likely to suffer.

According to the study, those students who suffered from a mismatch underwent a kind of ¡°social jet lag£¨Ê±²î£©¡±. For example, some students performed best at night and therefore chose to study in the evening. But if those students had an early morning class, they often felt tired from late night studying and didn¡¯t get the most out of the class. They might then go on to get a lower grade for exams and coursework. ¡¾3¡¿

The authors say mismatches between a student¡¯s schedule and circadian clock can have a harmful effect, and not just in terms of academic performance. Social jet lag can also be bad for students¡¯ health.

The authors don¡¯t claim their study proves anything, but they do say that it provides food for thought for school administrators, who might like to think about special ways to help students who suffer on account of their schedules. ¡¾4¡¿

A.In addition, the findings alerted parents to their children¡¯s sleeping patterns.

B.The study found that the closer a student¡¯s schedule and their circadian clock, the better their grades were.

C.All students in the study suffered some degree of social jet lag, but late-night studiers suffered the most.

D.The clock genes create circadian rhythms in the body, which help control the timing of a variety of biological changes.

E.The findings could also help everyone to be aware, and hopefully take advantage, of their own biological rhythms to lead a healthy life.

F.Now, a new study suggests that the relationship between students¡¯ circadian clocks and their study schedules can have a big effect on their grades.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Science fiction often presents us with planets that speak a single language. However,¡¾1¡¿ humans can express themselves in several thousand languages is a delight. Few would welcome the loss of this variety, and, along with it, a multiplicity of nations and cultures.

Unfortunately, the days ¡¾2¡¿ English shares the planet with thousands of other languages are numbered. A traveler to the future is likely to notice two things about the language landscape of Earth. One, there will be vastly fewer languages. Two, languages will be ¡¾3¡¿ (complicated) than they are today.

By 2115, it¡¯s possible that only about 600 languages will be left on the planet as opposed to today¡¯s 6,000. Too often, colonization has led to the disappearance of languages: Native speakers are punished ¡¾4¡¿ using their own languages. Urbanization has only furthered the destruction by bringing people away from their homelands to cities where a single language dominates.

In addition, it is easy for speakers to associate larger languages with opportunities and smaller ones with backwardness. Consequently, people stop passing on smaller languages to their children.

There are diligent efforts ¡¾5¡¿ (keep) endangered languages from dying. Sadly, few are likely to lead to communities¡¯ ¡¾6¡¿ (raise) children in the languages, which is the only way the languages exist as their full selves.

Instead, many communities create new versions of the languages, with smaller vocabularies and simpler grammar. The Irish Gaelic (¸Ç¶ûÓï) proudly spoken by today¡¯s English-Gaelic bilinguals is an example, something that one might call a ¡°New Gaelic.¡±

Linguists have no single term yet for these new speech varieties, ¡¾7¡¿ from Germany¡¯s ¡°Kiezdeutsch¡± to Singapore¡¯s ¡°Singlish,¡± the world is witnessing the birth of more optimized versions of old languages. This simplification should not be taken as a sign of decline. All of the ¡°optimized¡± languages remain full languages in every sense of the term.

We ¡¾8¡¿ regret the eclipse of a world where 6,000 different languages ¡¾9¡¿ (speak), but fortunately, it seems a decent amount of linguistic diversity will be preserved. Besides, ¡¾10¡¿ languages become easier to pick up, the future may promise even more mutual comprehension.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Slowly but surely, we're moving closer and closer to 5G world. From smart-home security to self-driving cars, all the internet-connected devices in our life will be able to talk to each other at lightning-fast speeds with reduced delay. Objectively speaking, the fastest 4G download speeds in the US top out at an average of 19. 42 Mbps. But by comparison 5G promises gigabit £¨Ç§Õ×£©speeds.

¡°5G is one of those heralds £¨Ê¹Õߣ©£¬along with artificial intelligence , of this coming data age.¡± said Steve Koenig, senior director of market research for the Consumer Technology Association. ¡°The self-driving vehicle is a great emblem of this data age£¬and that is to say£¬it is a sign of time, because with one single task, driving, you have massive amounts of data coming from the vehicle itself, and a variety of sensors are collecting a lot of information to model its environment as it moves. It's pulling in data from other vehicles about road conditions down the lane. It could be weather information, and also connected infrastructure £¨»ù´¡ÉèÊ©£©construction. There is lots of data behind that task, which is why we need the high speed.

And virtual reality glasses and headsets haven't yet broken the mainstream, but tech companies are joyfully betting that these devices will eventually replace our smart phones. With 5G, that could actually happen. This is notable because companies such as Apple are reportedly developing AR glasses to assist¡ª or even replace ¡ª smart phones.

Ericsson stated at February's Mobile World Congress how smart glasses could become faster and lighter with a 5G connection, because instead of being weighed down with components, the glasses could rely on hardware for processing power.

But don't get too excited. There is still a lot of work to be done in the meantime, including various trials to make sure the radios play nicely with hardware and infrastructure construction so 5G isn't concentrated only in big cities.

¡¾1¡¿What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.A right security of 5G.B.The super speed of 5G.

C.A potential dream of 5G.D.The present world of 5G.

¡¾2¡¿What do some tech companies expect of virtual reality glasses?

A.They will be heavier than present ones.

B.They will process power on their own.

C.They will serve people instead of smart phones.

D.They will bring a big fortune to tech companies.

¡¾3¡¿What will the author tell us in the next paragraph?

A.How to fully expand 5G coverage.

B.How to effectively reduce 5G trials.

C.How to nicely operate 5G hardware.

D.How to widely construct 5G big cities.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ The age of technology is a great and convenient thing, but it does have effects on us in many different ways.

It causes long-term memory loss. Thanks to Baidu, we don't really have to remember much of anything. Questions are answered at the drop of a hat because Baidu is all-knowing! Is that a good thing, though? People aren't digging through their brains anymore to find answers. Here's the good news: we can still exercise our long-term memory by simply thinking before we Baidu. If we don't want to go down that road, we can search Baidu for some memory games to play. Turn Baidu into an asset instead of an enemy.

It makes us lack patience. Baidu gives us what we want. Everything is instant. In fact, if we have to wait for even a handful of minutes for anything, we start losing our minds. This idea of instant satisfaction carries through to many other aspects of our lives, too, like when we go out to eat, drive in traffic, or even deal with workplace accidents. Instead of using Baidu to lessen our anger, try searching for some mindful meditations (³Á˼).Focus on our breath and realize everything doesn't have to move at lightening speed. We can actually listen to some peaceful spa or meditation music on our Pandora, too!

It wastes our time. Be honest, how much time are we spending on Baidu every day? Whether we're doing research for our own personal needs, buying clothing, or writing a research paper, we all spend a ton of time on the trusty Internet. Are we always being efficient with this time? For the sake of our precious time, if we haven't used Baidu Drive, we should. Keep spreadsheets, text docs, PDFs, slideshows, and even recordings exactly where we can easily find them. Keep a running list of websites we know we'll revisit.

Overall, things are different these days. Yes, there are noticeable negative side effects because of the Baidu invasion, but we don't have to fall into that trap. Stay sharp and don't let ourselves become imprisoned doing the Baidu god's bidding.

¡¾1¡¿Which of the following can best replace the underlined part ¡°at the drop of a hat¡±?

A.at one pointB.in no timeC.in a wayD.at a loss

¡¾2¡¿Why do we turn impatient in real life according to paragraph 3?

A.We depend on ourselves too much.

B.We can't get everything with Baidu.

C.We can't get quick services in real life.

D.We get used to Baidu's quick convenience.

¡¾3¡¿What is the author's advice on saving time online?

A.Using Baidu Drive.

B.Keeping papers correctly.

C.Being efficient with work.

D.Emptying websites records timely.

¡¾4¡¿What does the text mainly tell us?

A.The side effects of Baidu and solutions.

B.The advantages and functions of Baidu.

C.The technology and influence of the Internet.

D.The disadvantages and risks of the Internet.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Green therapy: how gardening is helping to fight depression

A growing movement is promoting the role gardening can play in patient recovery.

Sydenham Garden feels out of step with its surroundings in urban south London. Surrounded by houses on most sides, with a school on its doorstep, it is hard to imagine that this small patch of green space is bringing a new life to people struggling with their mental health. The site, run by the Sydenham Garden charity trust, is just under an acre and has a well-being centre with gardens, a nature reserve and activity rooms. Therapeutic£¨ÖÎÁƵģ©gardening activities are held weekly, and are run by experienced staff, who are in turn supported by a team of volunteers.

Christine Dow, 63, was originally referred to the garden by her GP to help overcome her depression. After a year of "green" therapy, she became a volunteer, for the past decade she has spent a few hours every week supporting others referred to the project.

During 2017-2018, Sydenham Garden received 313 patient referrals£¨×ªÕfrom health professionals. A typical referral will be between 6 and 12 months. Most people referred will score in the low well-being category-according to the Warwick-Edinburgh scale-when starting, but score in the moderate well-being category upon completion. It is part of a growing movement devoted to increasing the role that gardening and other forms of "green" therapy cam play in patient recovery. It is also one of the 1,500 organizations signed up to Growing Health, a national project set up by the charity Garden Organic and the membership organization Sustain.

"Gardening is not for everyone," says Maria Devereaux, a project officer at Sustain. "But£¬increasingly now, we've got evidence that even people who aren't gardeners are able to harvest the benefits of being outside working with nature and all the things that come with it." Evidence collected by Growing Health found simply viewing a green space trough a window could help people relax and reduce stress levels. Other evidence confirmed that the physical activity of gardening could improve mental wellbeing.

¡¾1¡¿What do we know about Sydenham Garden?

A.Sydenham Garden Can't keep pace with is surroundings.

B.Sydenham Garden is beneficial to people with mental health.

C.Sydenham Garden is very large with a well-being centre.

D.Sydenham Garden holds therapeutic gardening activities monthly.

¡¾2¡¿What can we infer from Christine Dow's example?

A.She helped others overcome depression.

B.She was an experienced staff in Sydenham Garden.

C.She devoted herself to referring others to the projects.

D.She might be grateful to this "green" therapy.

¡¾3¡¿What does the first "it" refer to in Paragraph 4?

A.A typical referral.B.Green therapy.

C.Sydenham Garden.D.Sydenham Garden charity trust.

¡¾4¡¿What's Maria Devereaux's attitude towards Gardening?




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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Team Building

Almost no one can get away from ¡°teams¡± that are supposed to be able to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. There are five measures that need to be taken before you can get the most out of a team:


There must be a clear reason for the team to exist. And all the members should realize the value and significance of their functions. What they are hoping to achieve should be something achievable but at the same time tough and inspiring enough to attract the members and keep their motivation alive.

Open Communication

¡¾2¡¿ For example, they may discuss a sensitive topic. Should they keep their conclusion within the team or share it with other employees? In the case, any individual voice is by no means a sure thing. So an honest discussion is expected to make sure all the members agree on.

Respect to All Team Members

It is easy to think that a junior team member may have less to contribute than more experienced ones. ¡¾3¡¿ People that have nothing to contribute should not have been selected for the team in the first place. Since they have become members of your team, you need to make sure that each of them has an opportunity to add his or her thoughts to discussions.

Conflict Solving

Disagreements are natural and, in fact, heated debate should be encouraged. ¡¾4¡¿ Consequently, there should be rules on how lengthy disagreements should be handled. For example, team meetings may not be the most appropriate place for a dispute that involves only two people, so ¡°under-the-table¡± method may be effective.


¡¾5¡¿ A good organizer should be able to play to individuals¡¯ strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses. He must be skilled in motivating people, sharing responsibility and providing constructive feedback on how the tasks went. Successful team working is marked by how confidently each of its members completes his or her assigned tasks with a sense of achievement and pride.

A.Measuring Progress against Goals.

B.Common Goals with Challenging Target.

C.Most high-performing teams are well organized.

D.This is not only discouraging, it also makes no sense.

E.A team made up only of ¡°yes men¡± can make disastrous decisions.

F.Choose a role on the team that is best suited to your particular strengths.

G.Team members must be able to express their opinions freely without fear of being criticized.

