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2.Many teachers believe that hands-on experiences is the (61)best (good) way to learn.A group of students in the United States are putting that belief to the test.They (62)successfully(success) designed and built a robot for discovering unexploded mines(63)at the bottom of the sea.Students made the robot (64)to answer  (answer) a challenge from the U.S.Department of Defense.
The students recently tested the underwater vehicle (65)called (call) Perseus II in a 95-meter-long tank of water at the Stevens Institute of Technology.
The robot costs about 15,000to build.The students use a video game controller to direct its(66) movements (move) in the tank.What's more,devices know as Japters (67)enable (able) the robot to go up,down and toward its target in the water.Video cameras on the robot send images back to a computer through a 13-meter-long cable.Perseus II also has (68)aset of lasers(激光),which are used to measure the size of an object.
The robot is the creation of five undergraduate students.For over six months,they worked up(69)to20hours a week to design and build Perseus II.
DeLome supervised the project from the(70)beginning(begin) to the end.He says the specialized requirements of robot were demanding.

分析 许多老师认为实际操作是最好的学习方式,一群美国的学生对此进行了检测.

解答 61.best  考查形容词最高级.根据题意可以推测最好的学习方法是实践操作,故‘good'最高级形式为"best".
62.successfully 考查词性转换.根据此句看出,所填词用来修饰"designe"为动词,故用副词"successfully"来修饰.
63.at  考查介词."at the bottom of"为固定短语,意为"在…底部".
64.to answer  考查不定式.根据上下文,此处不定式表示目的状语,意为"为了响应美国国防部的一个挑战".
65.called  考查非谓语动词.本句的主干为"The students recently tested the underwater vehicle",故"called"为过去分词做定语修饰"the underwater vehicle"表示被动,即"被称做…".
66.movements  考查词性转换.由"its"可知后需加一个名词,故"move"的名词形式为"movements".
67.enable   考查动词.该句主语为"devices","know as Japters"为过去分词修饰主语,故所填词为句子谓语,将"able"变成动词形式"enable"意为"使…能够做…".
68.a  考查冠词.考查固定短语"a set of"意为"一套…".
69.to  考查介词.up to 多达.
70.beginning   考查名词.此处"the"后需加一个名词,另外,"from the beginning to the end"为固定短语,意为"从开始到最后".

点评 语法填空题.此题话题学生不太熟悉,可能难度有点.但是考试需首先浏览全文,然后联系上下文并注意一些词性的相互转换,以及一些固定短语的搭配.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.---The hospital is on Culture Road.You can take Bus No.8to get there.
________.Thank you.(  )
A.Heard itB.Made itC.Got itD.Known it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

16.If you are human,you can't help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong.You must also (21)D as if your life is completely out of control at times.It is during those"down times"that words of encouragement from family,friends,co-workers or (22)Cstrangers can boost (增强) your spirits.It is also during those (23)Bthat destructive words can be devastating (毁灭性的) and sink you deeper and deeper into depression.
For example,consider this story about a group of (24)A who were traveling through the woods when (25)A of them fell into a deep pit (坑).All of the other frogs gathered around the  (26)B.When they saw how (27)C the pit was,they told the two (28)Dfrogs they would never get out.
The two frogs didn't obey what other frogs said and tried to (29)D out of the pit.The other frogs kept telling them not to jump,(30)C it was in vain.Finally,one of the frogs followed what the other frogs were saying and simply (31)B.He fell down and (32)A.The other frog continued to jump as  (33)B as he could.Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to (34)Cthe pain.The more they(35)C,the harder he jumped and finally he (36)D to safety.
When he (37)C,the other frogs asked him why he continued to jump when they were all  (38)B him to simply quit.The frog  (39)Ato them that he was a little bit deaf.He thought they were (40)A him all the time.

31.A.gave outB.gave upC.gave awayD.gave off
36.A.get itB.forget itC.use itD.made it 
37.A.turned outB.kept outC.got outD.held out
38.A.talking toB.shouting atC.throwing atD.speaking to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Permit(允许) me to lead the way,sir.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

17.He is tiring of all that fat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city and up to now about ten people have died of  starvation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Dear Tom,
How are you?I am just writing to tell you I had wonderful time at your place in New York.
I arrived home,safely and sound.I have something to ask for you.I have been looking through my bags for my favorite red shirt,or I can't find it somewhere.I'm sure I might have left it at your place.Could you look around your house for it?By the way,I am planning my parents'wedding anniversary celebration.I had already invited you and your parent.I wonder whether you would like to come to Chicago this time.What do you think of it?Take care of you and write to me soon.Giving my regards to Uncle Bernard and Aunt Norah.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河北省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空

We're offering free tickets to go and see a film called A Year in Greenland. The film, which 1. (tell) you all about the plants and animals in that wonderful country, has won 2. prize at the national film festival- it's well worth 3.(see).

The film can only be seen at the new cinema that has just been completed inside the Science Museum in the city centre. It's showing this Sunday with 4. (perform) every hour from midday onwards, with the last showing at 5 o’clock, two hours before the museum closes. So there are six times to choose 5. .

So why not take the whole family to the cinema this Sunday. Children will want to head straight down to the basement 6. the computers are kept. I promise you they’ll come away with all sorts of 7.(excite) pictures they’ve created.

Entrance to the museum is free on Sundays, but it would 8. (normal) cost ﹩3.25 to go and see the film. 9. (get)your free tickets, you should e-mail this program by midday on Friday. We've only got a limited number of tickets, so the 10. (early) you e-mail us, the more likely you are to get one.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南省南阳信阳六市高三第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Once Chinese students in American schools were largely limited to graduate students. Gradually that trend shifted, with more students coming from China to earn bachelor' s degrees at American institutions. Now, the population is widening once again, with many Chinese students studying in the U, S. from ever - younger ages.

Bill Zhou, a resident of California, though born in Shenzhen, and his wife are currently housing just such a student: Hsu, also from Shenzhen, who is living with Zhou (a paid arrangement) while he attends a private, religious institution. .

Although Zhou is caring, he knows there are many people taking advantage of the trend

who lack conscience. In a Lost Angeles Times article, Zhou described his reservations about the current system.”They don't know if the school is good. They don't know if the home stay is good. But everyone else is doing it, so they do it, too," Zhou said, addressing the parents of so - called parachute(降落伞) children, who earn the nickname by "parachuting" into the U.S. by themselves, unaccompanied by family.

Based on statistics, Zhou has reason to be concerned. A recent article in Sixth Tone', stated that the number of Chinese students enrolled at U. S. secondary schools increased from just 647 in 2006 to more than 46,000 in 2016. Those numbers are reflected in Chinese society and even popular culture, where a new television drama titled " A Love for Separation" was released several months ago.

"It is a common misunderstanding that studying in a private American high school is easier than in China, a mother told. " My son is under enormous pressure to compete with accomplished peers. He was very lonely during his first year of high school, and found it hard to assimilate into an unfamiliar environment. "

Chinese parents send their teenagers abroad for varieties of reasons. For some students, it is to escape the strict Chinese education system; for others, it is a second chance to recover from bad grades or a low score on China's college entrance exam. For still others, it is simply a lifelong dream.

1.What's Bill Zhou' s attitude towards the trend of growing parachute children?

A. Positive B. Indifferent

C. Concerned D. Opposed

2.What does the underlined phrase " assimilate into" in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. show respect to B. get rid of

C. take advantage of D. fit in with

3.Which is not the reason why increasing parents send their little children abroad?

A. They just follow the crowd.

B. They just show off their large treasure.

C. They want their children to break away from Chinese education system.

D. They want to give their children with poor grades another chance to succeed..

4.What' s the author' s purpose in writing the text?

A. To help these parents to choose a reliable home stay..

B. To remove these parents doubts about studying abroad.

C. To encourage these parents to send their kids abroad as early as possible.

D. To remind these parents to be more sensible before sending their kids abroad..

