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Nothing succeeds without a strong will (意志).

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One possible version:

Nothing succeeds without a Strong Will

Sometimes, in our daily life, the easiest thing might be the most difficult thing, as in the case of some people trying to quit smoking for hundreds of times and still making endless efforts without any hope of success. The reason for their failure is their lack of a strong will.

In our modern world, nothing is simple and straightforward. Something might appear easy at first, but as we proceed on, we will find that it is actually extremely difficult. Therefore, we must take whatever we do seriously and be mentally prepared to make our utmost efforts. When we come across obstacles and setbacks, we must apply our strong willpower and persevere until we finally succeed.

For us students, in our studies or in our daily life in school, we might also be faced with challenges. But we need to get prepared, right now, to take things seriously, try to strengthen our will, and be ready to pursue our goals through persistence and. I believe it’s the only way we can achieve our success.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省双鸭山一中2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:056








Dear Peter,

I’m writing to express my thanks to you.



Yours truly,

Li Hua





  Dear Peter,

  I’m writing to express my thanks to you.You are both my teacher and my friend.My English has improved greatly thanks to your creative help.At one time, I was too shy to speak English, especially in front of others.It was your encouragement that helped me overcome my difficulties and enabled me to express myself clearly.Now I’ve become more outgoing, and of course speak English much more fluently.

  I’m also grateful for the summer camp at which I got to know you.I learned a lot about American culture there, and will always remember the days we spent together.I hope we can be friends forever.

  Best wishes to you, and have a nice trip.

Yours truly

Li Hu

