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【题目】It was the men’s figure skating final of the Winter Olympics when I was 16.I lay on our living room floor excitedly watching the battle between the Brains: American Brain Boitano facing Brian Orser in Canada. Both of them had been world champions. Both of them deserved to win. As a Northern Californian, I was for my fellow countryman. He also grew up in Northern California. We'd skated on the same ice. Brain performed successfully. The champion! I jumped in the air when his score went up.

But what happened next is what I'll never forget. Brain sat in front of the camera, surrounded by a group of journalists. Brain was talking about his career and his medal, talking to the whole world. A terrible sinking feeling went through me. I could never be in the Olympics,

I thought, I loved skating because I could express myself with my jumps and dances better than words.

What if journalists asked me questions like they asked Brain? I'd freeze up like the ice beneath my skates! And yet, there was so much I would love to say, about my family and all the support they'd given me and about following my dream of being a skating champion.

I worked very hard the next few years — on the ice and especially off. After journalists talked to me and although my heart pounded every time I spoke to them, I got to know them. And they got to know me. Slowly I learned that the best approach was simply to be myself, to be honest and gracious and do my best, just like on the ice, to answer their questions.

So when my big moment came four years after Brain's, I was ready. Remember: when you do the thing you fear most, you put an end to fear.

1What information can we get from the first paragraph?

A. The author lives a difficult life. B. The author comes from Canada.

C. The author preferred Boitano to win. D. Orser won the gold medal.

2What did Brain’s press conference remind the author of ?

A. Her fear of public speaking.

B. Her pride in Brain's victory.

C. Her dream of becoming a world champion.

D. Her hard training as an Olympic competitor.

3What does the underlined word “off ” possibly refer to?

A. Challenges in school. B. Contact with reporters.

C. Achievements in skating. D. Competitions with others

4What was the author ready to do according to the last paragraph?

A. Do her best to win. B. Enter the Olympic final.

C. Make friends with reporters. D. Talk to the press afterwards.








推理判断题。根据第一段American Brain Boitano I was for my fellow countryman. He also grew up in Northern California. We'd skated on the same ice.可知作者也是美国人,肯定希望自己的同胞兼队友赢。故选C.


推理判断题。根据第三段What if journalists asked me questions like they asked Brain? I'd freeze up like the ice beneath my skates!可知作者害怕赛后的新闻发布会,害怕接受记者们的提问,害怕在公共场合讲话。故选A.


词义猜测题根据下句After journalists talked to me and although my heart pounded every time I spoke to them, I got to know them. And they got to know me.可知作者除了在运动场上训练以外还在场下跟记者们打交道跟他们交流说话。“off ”指场下和记者们交流,故选B.


推理判断题根据最后一段So when my big moment came four years after Brain’s, I was ready.可知作者已经准备好了在赛后接受记者们的采访故选D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How exciting it is to visit China! China can offer what 1 (appeal) to every visitor, but the crowds can be an issue.

Before getting on the plane, train, or bus, learn from these mistakes to avoid the crowds and make the 2 (much) of your holiday.

There are certain dates throughout the year when the entire country takes a vacation at the same time. If you travel in China during one of these “golden weeks”, you 3 expect never-ending lines, 4 (pack) public transportation, and seas of strangers appearing in the background of your photos. So it is important lo gel familiar with the dales 5 (minimize) your travel stress.

Of course, any trip to China wouldn’t be complete without seeing major cultural landmarks, 6 the Great Wall, or the Forbidden City. However, there are so many worthwhile places lo experience, 7 may not be listed in your tour book.

Also, with a family to travel together, 8 (wake) up early can be a challenge. Do your best to wake up early and take your breakfast to go; it’s worth it. Getting to an 9 (attract) early will allow you to experience it 10 (full) without the inconvenience of a large crowd.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As they walk down the halls during their years together at Shady Side, our boys and girls —— so soon to become men and women —— are learning to think, to work, to question, to be and , towith others, to laugh at their mistakes and to act when comes their way.
Sir William Osler, a famous Canadian doctor, the value of by saying, "No man is really happy a hobby, and it makes precious little what the outside may be."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)They (怀疑)me of having a hand in the affair.
(2)Don't (暴露)your skin to the sun or your will be burnt.
(3)I believe that everyone can (贡献)to the future of the world.
(4)The Group of Eight(G8)c of the eight richest countries in the world.
(5)(粗略地)speaking, I would say that about 100 people attended the exhibit.
(6)Many store have a delivery service for the (便利)of customers.
(7)The reason why the two boy often (争吵)with each other confused their teacher.
(8)The hot weather is partly to bfor the water shortage
(9)After everyone was seated, the chairman started to (宣布)his plan.
(10)What (吸引)me most of the job is the opportunity to travel!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Holiday gift buying can feel a little empty, when all of those endless lists, long lines at the shopping center and dollars spent lead to a 5-miute excitement of flying wrapping paper.The following tips can help make gift giving more meaningful for both the giver and the receiver.
1).Know the person
The most important thing in the exchanging of gifts is that it shows you really know the person well, and you really care about them.
2).Donate in their name
Research suggests that happier people give more to others, and that giving more makes people happier. Moreover, charity-related happiness is highest when people give in a way that promotes social connection. So, try giving to the less fortunate in someone's name this holiday season.
3).Give handmade goods or hand-me-downs
A study suggests that people feel that homemade items show more love, and love is what they want to express to the gift receiver.
Family heirlooms(传家宝)may be another good girl option. A 2009 study found that when families hand down even a very depersonalized thing—money—through the generations, the symbolic value of the cash is greater than the numerical value alone.
4).Provide chances for participation
If there's a golden rule of girls, though, it's this:People who receive experiential girls, such as concert tickets or a zoo membership, feel more connected to the girl giver than people who received material girls.
A. But it doesn't have to be that way.
B. Give experiences rather than objects.
C. New and store—bought is not always best.
D. That is always beyond their expectation.
E. That means catering to another's pleasure.
F. Giving gifts to friends or to charity is linked to happiness.
G. Start listing every person you plan to give a holiday gift


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writer's conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n)1might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I2.
Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I3to catch a taxi to my4and settle in. The next morning, I took another5to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs.6I went to a cafe to have lunch, but all the tables were7. Then I heard a friendly voice saying, "You can8my table."
I gratefully sat down with the9lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the10drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I hadn't11a car, and hadn't realized how12taking taxis would he. After a while she said, "My dear, don't use any more taxis. I'm retired and it would be my pleasure to13you wherever you wish." I told her that I couldn't put her to that14,but she brushed aside my protests(反对). She asked me where I was15and the next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the16time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to17alone. At the end of the day, she18to take me back to my accommodation. I19her money but she refused to take any.
I'll never forget that wonderful lady who, through her20, filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.
(1)A.holiday B.ceremony C.operation D.experiment
(2)A.kept B.went C.dropped D.knocked
(3)A.intended B.promised C.managed D.deserved
(4)A.hospital B.company C.university D.accommodation
(5)A.colleague B.passenger C.suitcase D.taxi
(6)A.Instead B.First C.Later D.Once
(7)A.classified B.occupied C.decorated D.painted
(8)A.share B.reserve C.set D.possess
(9)A.old B.poor C.innocent D.stubborn
(10)A.journey B.meal C.speech D.interview
(11)A.donated B.repaired C.hired D.guided
(12)A.convenient B.worthwhile C.unfortunate D.expensive
(13)A.inspire B.entertain C.call D.drive
(14)A.business B.argument C.trouble D.challenge
(15)A.working B.staying C.moving D.shopping
(16)A.appointed B.limited C.favourite D.regular
(17)A.digest B.explore C.perform D.calculate
(18)A.forgot B.refused C.returned D.preferred
(19)A.sent B.lent C.offered D.owed
(20)A.confidence B.dignity C.curiosity D.kindness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I grew up in a troubled home in the 1970s, on the outskirts of downtown Orlando, Florida. Not far away, a three-story house attracted my eyes.

It was nothing like the one I lived in with my mother, a small dark place with rules about befriending others. “Don’t. Never, ever talk to anyone,” my mother said.

One day, in sixth grade, a black-haired woman was introduced to our class: Mrs. Reese. Reese explained that she was starting Spanish Club. She invited anyone interested in learning Spanish language and culture to stay after school.

I could not take my eyes off her bracelets(手镯) and shining rings. The bell rang, and to my shock, no one went up to Mrs. Reese. I was under strict orders to go straight home. But that day, I stayed. I asked Mrs. Reese when the club started.

“We could begin right now if you like,” she said with a smile. I felt beautiful. That day I learned that the house of my dreams was her house. I learned how to answer questions about my age and my favorite food in Spanish. And I learned, “Do you want to come over tomorrow for cooking lessons?”

I wanted to say “Yes”, but Mom’s words held me back.

I begged my mother all summer and into fall, well after Spanish Club had dissolved. I wept at night sometimes, so worried that Mrs. Reese and her family would move away.

At some point, I managed to wear my mother down and one Saturday afternoon. I rode out to Mrs. Reese’s house.

The details of that afternoon are marked in my mind: We had tea. She painted my toenails red. We made a garlicky picadillo. We spoke in Spanish. In Spanish, my voice was loud and romantic. This is the real me! I remember thinking.

My mother never permitted me another visit to Mrs. Reese’s house. But four decades later, I still remember that day and the life she showed me, proof of a possible future.

1What kind of family was the author from?

A. Hard-up. B. Two-parent.

C. Stress-free. D. Disease-ridden.

2Why did the author choose to join the club?

A. She wanted to stay longer at school.

B. She intended to comfort Mrs. Reese.

C. She was deeply attracted by Mrs. Reese.

D. She hoped to befriend the owner of her dreamt house.

3The author went to Mrs. Reese’s house ________.

A. with the help of her tears

B. while no one was noticing

C. with her mother’s permission

D. just before the lady moved away

4What did the author gain from Mrs. Reese?

A. The beauty of Spanish.

B. The wonder of a new world.

C. The power of self-confidence.

D. The importance of independence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Recently, as the development of the Internet, there is a kind of language called the Web Language. Our class had a discussion about if we should welcome to the Web Language the other day. Forty percent of the students think it ridiculously. In their opinions, it does no good to helping people communicate, nor is it useful for learning English. Besides, it’ll make Chinese less standard, finally ruined our mother tongue. However, sixty percent of our class is fond of it. We think that it is simple, convenient, and helpful in expressing their thoughts. Personally, it’s not good habit to use the Web Language. It may be popular, but you may also make yourself be misunderstand.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Peter,

In your letter you mentioned how to get the preference of Chinese universities.









Best wishes and good luck!


Li Hua

