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Why didn’t you pick up some knowledge of physics?



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省梅州市曾宪梓中学2011-2012学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题 题型:001






生词:down payment预付定金


(1)那么,你为何选择买顶楼呢?So why did you choose the top floor?

(2)可否问一下,房子总价多少?May I ask how much it costs you in total?

(3)搬家是否需要人帮忙?Do you need someone to help you to do the moving?


1.When is Grace moving out?

2.How far is Grace's new apartment from her present place?

3.What is there for each top layer apartment?

4.How much money has Grace payed for the down payment?

5.What kind of help does Grace need during the weekend?

第二节:Retelling the story


  Once a weak old man was living with his daughter's family.His trembling hands and weak   6   made his eating rather difficult.Often his food fell off onto the   7   or his milk spilt on the   8   or he broke his dish or bowl.So the daughter got annoyed and set a small table in the corner for his father.Ever since then the poor father ate   9   and could not enjoy dinner with the whole family at the dinner table.Worse still, his food was   10   in a wooden bowl.


    One evening before supper, when the daughter   11   her   12   son playing with wood, she   13   asked the child what he was doing.The little boy told her he was making a   14   wooden bowl for Mother.He would make his mother eat her food from the wooden bowl in the corner when she was old.The mother was shocked.She felt so   15   that she took her father back to the family table that evening.


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古09-10学年高一下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:其他题



Mr King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager. He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of danger. And he escaped from several accidents. The manager pays him more and the traffic policemen often speak highly of him.

Mr. Baker, one of his friends, works a factory outside the city. It’s far from his house and he has to go to work by bus. As the traffic is crowded in the morning, sometimes he’s late for the work. His manager warns the young man will be sent away unless he gets to his office on time. He hopes to buy a car, but he hasn’t enough money. He decides to buy an old one. He went to the flea market and at last he chose a beautiful but cheap car. He said he wanted to have a trial drive, the seller agreed. He called Mr. King and asked him to help him.

Mr. King examined the car at first and then drove it away. It was five in the morning and there were few cars in the street. At first he drove slowly and it worked well. Then he drove fast. And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street. A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road.

“Didn’t you hear me?” the policeman asked angrily.

“Yes, I did, sir,” said Mr. King , “ since it doesn’t listen to me, can it obey you?

86. Mr. King is paid more because he __________­­­­_________________________________(用英语答)

87. Mr. Baker went to the flea market to _________________________________________(用英语答)

88.The word underlined “have a trial drive” means _________________________________(用汉语答)

89. 翻译句子:And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street.



90. Why did Mr. King fail to stop the car? (用英语答)




科目:高中英语 来源:福建省月考题 题型:翻译题

1. 人们总是爱拿我穿的衣服开玩笑。
    People always enjoy _____  ______  ______ the clothes I wear.
2. 你在图书馆遇到的不可能是约翰。他不在这儿,他在北京。
    The man you met at the library can't be John. He is_____  ____Beijing.
3. 你为什么突然拍我的肩膀,我都吓死了。
    Why did you pat me on the shoulder suddenly? I was______ _______ ______.
4. It is said that the president          _______     _   (有风流韵事)with a beautiful actress.
5. 从假日回来的时候,约翰发现他的工作越积越多。
    John found that his work had been_____ _____when he was back from the holiday.
6. 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。
    I have a very busy life with no time_______ ________ __________feeling sorry for myself.
7. 一刻不停地,我们和其他捕鲸人都跳进渔船,朝海湾方向驶去。
    _____ _____we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.
8. 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。
    From James' face, I could see he was terrified of________ _________by us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Mr King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager. He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of danger. And he escaped from several accidents. The manager pays him more and the traffic policemen often speak highly of him.

Mr. Baker, one of his friends, works a factory outside the city. It’s far from his house and he has to go to work by bus. As the traffic is crowded in the morning, sometimes he’s late for the work. His manager warns the young man will be sent away unless he gets to his office on time. He hopes to buy a car, but he hasn’t enough money. He decides to buy an old one. He went to the flea market and at last he chose a beautiful but cheap car. He said he wanted to have a trial drive, the seller agreed. He called Mr. King and asked him to help him.

Mr. King examined the car at first and then drove it away. It was five in the morning and there were few cars in the street. At first he drove slowly and it worked well. Then he drove fast. And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street. A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road.

“Didn’t you hear me?” the policeman asked angrily.

“Yes, I did, sir,” said Mr. King , “ since it doesn’t listen to me, can it obey you?

86. Mr. King is paid more because he __________????????_________________________________(用英语答)

87. Mr. Baker went to the flea market to _________________________________________(用英语答)

88.The word underlined “have a trial drive” means _________________________________(用汉语答)

89. 翻译句子:And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street.



90. Why did Mr. King fail to stop the car? (用英语答)



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

根据翻译,用now that/because/since/as/for 完成句子。
1. ____ you have finished your work, you'd  better have a rest.
2. — Why did you do this?
    — _____ it is good for you.
3. _____ you have known it ,I won't repeat it .
4. Wear strong shoes____we shall do a lot of walking.
5. It rained last night , _____   the ground is wet.
   昨晚下雨 了,因为地面是湿的.

