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It’s a crime to waste time like that.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Even as Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda wrapped up a tired appearance before Congress,the head of the world’s largest automaker wasn’t leaving his problems behind.

 Toyota faces a criminal investigation by federal lawyers in New York.The company is now being investigated.Its US dealerships in difficulty now are facing repairs to potentially millions of customer cars that have been recalled.The company is offering customers money back for rental cars and other expenses.

 Its lawyers are busy preparing to cope with lawsuits.A new hearing will be conducted. And the cost to Toyota’s reputation is only now starting.

Despite back-to-back hearings this  week,left to be said were a better explanation for slow actions to deal with the faults and believable promises that the problems that led to sudden,unintended accelerations will be fixed.

Toyoda said those changes were being made nearly around the clock,but during three hours of often tense questions and answers he repeated that there was no link to the vehicle’s electronic systems.

Many drivers making complaints against Toyota and the government say their acceleration problems had nothing to do with floor mat interference(油门踏板故障)or sticky gas pedals(刹车).Outside experts have suggested electronic problems.

    House lawmakers expressed serious cri ticism on Toyoda,the grandson of the company’s founder.

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA)is seeking records on Toyota’s recalls and is conducting its own review on whether electronics were behind the car faults.NHTSA also continues to look into steering complaints from drivers of the popular Corolla model.

    Toyota has recalled 8.5 million cars,more than 6 million of them in the United States.

   It may be a while before car buyers believe that Toyota really makes safe cars.

   Toyota’s January sales already fell 16 percent even as most other automakers jumped back from last year’s bad results.Analyst Koji Endo of Advanced Research Japan in Tokyo said he expects February sales,due out next week,to be down 30 percent to 40.Toyota’s sales problem could continue beyond that. 

   It will take some time to feel the full effect of this,he said.

The best title for this passage is            .

   A.Toyota is in trouble       B.Toyota is under hearing

   C.Toyota is finished     D.Toyota is still running

What is the purpose of the hearing?

   A.America hopes that Toyota apologizes to the US customers.

   B.America wants to get Toyota out of the US market.

   C.America wants to help Toyota out of difficulty.

   D.America hopes that Toyota admits their cars have electronic system problem.

What can we infer from the passage?

    A.Toyota provides very good post sale service.   

    B.Toyota’s biggest market is in the United States.

    C.Toyota will be closed soon.

    D.Toyota’s dealership in the US will all be closed.

The last sentence of this passage indicates            .

   A.Analyst Koji Endo is fully confident about Toyota

   B.Toyota could meet a worse situation

   C.Toyota would get out of trouble sooner or later

   D.Toyota would build up a better reputation among its customers


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

                      Friendlies abandoned as name for mascots(吉祥物)

The name "Friendlies" has been abandoned as the organization committee for the 2008 Beijing Olympics silently changed the English name of the Games' five mascot dolls last week. The organization committee decided to adopt the name "Fuwa", which is a pinyin translation of its Chinese name and is more frequently used in China.

However, the organization committee replaced all Friendlies to Fuwa on its official site, but without giving a formal announcement to inform the public of the change. It is said that they received an inside notice about the change last week but don't want to emphasize it for fear of affecting the sales of Olympic goods. 

Li Yanjun, a Legal Affairs Department official, said the decision was made considering a variety of reasons but did not want to comment on them. "You may know about the background and many unfavorable comments concerning the mascots' former name across the web, but I won't comment on them," Li said. "I'm not in the position to make it clear if the change was caused by this."

A report published last week on China Radio International (CRI)made the name change known and listed the reasons why the Friendlies name should be changed. "Firstly, Friendly is somewhat an unclear name, which could refer both to friendly people and friendly matches,"a Dr. Li from Lanzhou University was quoted as saying on the site. "Secondly, the term Friendlies has a similar pronunciation to 'friendless' and thirdly, the spelling of Friendlies could be split as 'friend lies'."

Laura Fitch, a Canadian who works in China as news editor, welcomed the change, saying the name Friendlies sounds a "a little bit childish" and "doesn't really have a meaning."


41. why did the organization committee change the name “Friendlies” into “Fuwa” without giving  a formal announcement?

A. Because it is not important to make it known.

B. Because everybody will know it by surfing the internet.

C. Because it will perhaps affect the sales of Olympic products.

D. Because all the people will criticize them for changing its name.

42. Which of the following is not true as the reasons for changing the name?

    A. Friendly is a name with more than one meaning.

    B. It is very easy for people to pronounce the name in a wrong way.

    C. People are likely to split it as “Friend lies”.

    D. “Friendly” is not a suitable name for Olympic goods.

43. What can be inferred from what Li Yanjun said in Para.3?

       A. He liked the name while others didn’t.

       B. He didn’t know how to comment on unfavourable comments.

       C. It is likely that the change of the name was caused by the unfavourable comments.

       D. People would not make unfavourable comments on “Friendlies” if they knew about the background.

44. What’s the people’s reaction to the change of the name according to the last paragraph?

       A. approving          B. exciting             C. dislike              D. not mentioned



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On today’s show, we’ll focus on how e – business can help change people’s lives, as well as the career outlook of college graduates.

After that, we’ll attend an interesting introductory session that was held earlier here in Beijing. It's an effort by a group of young Chinese who want to introduce Majiang, a traditional Chinese game, to foreigners.

For all these stories and more, stay tuned to Life in China.

Approach Chinese Majiang

Majiang is one of China's most famous games and is popular throughout the world. Dominic Swire takes us to an introductory session organized by the Leadership Club, a Beijing-based group of young Chinese dedicated to introducing their culture to foreigners.

More Chinese Starting up E-Business

With about 30 percent of the Chinese population now online, more and more ordinary Chinese people have realized the potential for e-businesses. With no technological background or experience in running a business, they are eager to venture into the world of online businesses.

Online Marketplace Helps Business Students Better Prepare for Future Job

What worries college graduates the most? To find the perfect job! Many college students started to prepare early to excel in the fierce job market. Some students in Henan province have the opportunity to practice real business through a new online business practice base the school has provided.

And with that we end this edition of Life in China. We hope you've enjoyed it! Questions or comments can be sent to us at life@cri.com.cn or you can log on to our new forum(论坛), “Talk China” at crienglish.com and have your say at the “Life in China” section.

1.From the passage we know that           .

      A.it’s possible for e – business to be further developed

       B.today’s show is mainly about doing business

       C.more and more people are making a fortune online

       D.people can make comments on life @ cri. com. cn

2.The underlined word “excel” in the last but one paragraph probably means “       ”.

       A.come out                                            B.have experience

       C.create an e – form                               D.do better than others

3.The Leadership Club is set up for the purpose of          .

       A.bringing up new leaders for China

       B.helping college graduates find ideal jobs

       C.making Chinese culture known abroad

       D.providing information on running business

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

      A.Plenty of students as college are preparing for their jobs before graduation.

       B.Without experience, common people can’t afford the risk of practicing online business.

       C.In Henan province, some school has online business practice base to train the students.

       D.You are welcome to send your questions about the show via the Internet.

