精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情



1.What can the woman do?

A.Stay at home.

B.Stay out the whole day

C.Go out but come back early.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.The man has to wash the dishes first.

B.The man can’t play computer games.

C.She can’t play with the man because she has to wash the dishes.

3.What does the man mean?

A.Tom doesn’t have to come.

B.The woman shouldn’t have agreed.

C.Without Sally, the party has no meaning.

4.How much is the white bicycle?




5.Who’s Jimmy?

A.The man’s son.

B.The man’s brother.

C.woman’s brother.




6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At a party.

B.In the office.

C.In the computer room.

7.Where does Tim work?

A.In a department store.

B.a research company.

C.In a computer company.

8.Where does Peggy work?

A.In a general store.

B.In a computer company.

C.In a government office.


9.Why can’t the woman meet Sally?

A.Because Sally has changed her plan.

B.Because the has to meet an important guest.

C.Because the boss wants the man to meet Sally.

10.What does Sally look like?

A.Tall with short hair.

B.Short with long hair.

C.Short with short hair.

11.Which flight will Sally take?

A.88 157.

B.AA 175.

C.AA 425.


12.What is NOT among the good points of shopping in a big shop?

A.More choices.

B.Lower prices.

C.Faster shopping.

13.Why does the speaker hate the large crowd?

A.Because one has to wait to pay his things.

B.Because one doesn’t feel comfortable in a crowd.

C.Because the shop will be in poor order with the crowd.

14.When does the speaker go to the corner shops?

A.When their prices are down.

B.In busy hours of the big shops.

C.When only a few things are needed.


15.What kind of hotel did the speaker stay in?

A.It kept old German customs.

B.It was built in the 18th century.

C.It used wood for fire in the guest rooms.

16.How did the fire start?

A.The speaker carried the burning wood outside.

B.The speaker dropped the burning wood on the floor.

C.The curtain caught fire as the speaker opened the window.

17.How was the fire put out?

A.The army came to help.

B.The speaker dropped the burning wood.

C.A group of people put it out under the leadership of the manager.


18.Why is Beijing the right place for the man?

A.It’s the capital.

B.It has a long history.

C.It takes a long time to visit.

19.How can Beijing satisfy the man’s wife?

A.She can buy things she likes.

B.Prices of goods are low in Beijing.

C.There are several shopping centers.

20.Why will the man’s daughter like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City?

A.Because she has heard about them.

B.Because these are new things for her.

C.Because they are the signs of Beijing.



  1.W:What will the weather be like today?I am thinking of going out for a picnic.

  M:The weather report says it’s going to rain late this afternoon, so you will still get enough time.

  2.M:Shall we play computer games this evening?I have just bought a new game.

  W:Yes, but only after you wash all the dishes.I don’t want to wash the dishes every day.

  3.W:Tom just called to say that Sally and he are not coming to our party this evening.He said his car had broken down.

  M:Did you tell him that this is a party for Sally?

  4.M:Sixty dollars is too much for a bicycle like this!Can I have it for fifty?

  W:For fifty you can have this blue one, but not the white one.

  5.M:Have you told Jimmy about our plan to visit my father this weekend?

  W:No, I want to give him a surprise!He’s been missing his grandfather for quite a long time.



  M:Good party, isn’t it?

  W:Yes.Steven always has good parties.To tell the truth, I am enjoying this party very much.

  M:So am I.By the way, my name’s Tim.Tim Jones.

  W:Oh, hi.I am Peggy Sands.

  M:Nice to meet you, Peggy.Are you a student?

  W:No, I am working.

  M:Really?But you look so young!So, which company are you in?

  W:I work for Midtown Computers.

  M:That’s funny.I work for Midtown Computers too.But I don’t seem to have seen you.How long have you worked there?

  W:I’ve been with the company for two months.

  M:No wonder.So which department are you in?I am in the research department myself.

  W:I am in the general office.

  M:Oh, yes, of course.Steven is in the general office.



  W:Would you be free tomorrow afternoon, Jack?

  M:Yes, why?

  W:I was wondering if you could meet Sally at the airport for me.You see, I promised to meet her yesterday, but then the boss told me to meet an important guest tomorrow afternoon.

  M:Well, don’t worry.I’ll meet her for you.I guess I’ve met Sally before, haven’t I?Is she the short girl with short hair that I saw at you birthday party last month?

  W:Yes, and she remembers you very well.She told me after the party that you were the politest young man she’d ever met.

  M:Did she?She must be joking.Anyway, when will her plane arrive?

  W:Her plane will arrive at 4∶25 from New York.The flight number is AA 175.

  M:AA 175 from New York.I’ve got it.

  W:I’ll tell Sally that you are going to meet her at the airport.I’ll also tell her that you are not only polite, but also nice.

  M:No joking.


  Do you prefer shopping in a small shop or a big one?I would usually go to a big shop as there are many more different kinds of goods and you have greater freedom in choosing what you really like.The second reason that I like big shops is that if you buy more you will be able to buy at lower price.This will save you a lot of money.What’s more, big shops usually keep their goods in better order and provide more comfortable shopping areas.This, however, depends on when you go shopping.If you go shopping when there’s a large crowd, you won’t like it at all, as you will have to wait in line for a long time just to pay for your things.So when I do not buy a lot I will usually buy them in one of the corner shops.Although it’s a bit more expensive, it saves time.


  Have you ever experienced a fire?I have.It was quirt a terrifying experience.

  I was staying in a small hotel when I traveled to Germany last November.I t was an old hotel built of wood in the nineteenth century.And it kept a special custom of using wood for fire in the kitchen and the guest rooms.The manger believed that this would attract more people who like the old days.

  Now one evening, when I was busy with nothing, I suddenly grew very interested in the fire.I picked up one piece of burning wood and carried it to the window to check whether I could see the things outside in its light.When I opened the window, however, the wind blew in and the curtain caught fire.I was so afraid that I dropped the wood on the floor.This made the matter worse.The fire soon spread to the whole room.As I said, the hotel was built of wood.I rushed out of the room and cried help.It was pure luck that the manager was in the hotel at that moment and he soon organized a large army of people, who put out the fire in fifteen minutes.I have never dared to play with fire from then on.


  M:I am thinking of taking a two-week holiday with my family in China, can you tell me something about the country?

  W:Well, it’s a very big country and in two week’s time you may be able to visit only two or three places.So, let’s start with this question.What do you want to do when you travel, sight seeing, visiting old places or experiencing new thing?

  M:My wife is most interested in shopping while my daughter wants to see different things.As for me.I like old things more than anything else.

  W:In that case, you can go to Beijing for some time.There are quite a lot of old things to see, as it has been the capital for nearly six centuries.

  M:How about shopping there?

  W:Oh, there are so many Chinese things to buy.They have built quite a few shopping centers in the city and you can buy real things made in China at good prices, silk, china, tea, for example.

  M:That sounds good.My wife likes silk and tea.

  W:And for your daughter, if she wants to see different things, you can take her to many places.For example, she can visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Tian’anmen Square.She may have heard about these places.Anyway, they would offer a really new experience to her.

  M:Hmm, sounds like Beijing is a place for at least one week.

  W:Yes, I spent ten days there last summer.There are just too many things to see, to do and to experience.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修一英语人教 人教版 题型:001


第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.What is the man going to do?

A.To visit the theatre.

B.To see Shakespeare’s play.

C.To take a long walk with the woman.

2.Where do the two speakers probably come from?

A.One is from England and the other is from France.

B.They both come from England.

C.Both of them are from France.

3.What will the man probably do in the end?

A.Go to the theatre on foot.

B.Go to a talk about Shakespeare.

C.Take a taxi with the woman.


4.Why was Joan’s coat dirty?

A.She was pushed to the floor.

B.She fell by accident.

C.The back of her seat was dirty.

5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the street.

B.In the office.

C.On the underground train.

6.Who caught the robber?

A.Two passengers.

B.The conductor.

C.A policeman.


7.Where could you go to borrow a magazine published in 2005?

A.Level 1.

B.Level 2.

C.Level 3.

8.How much is the fine for a book returned 45 days late?

A.$ 22.5.



9.When does the library close on Friday nights?

A.8∶30 p. m.

B.9∶00 p. m.

C.10∶00 p. m.


10.What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.Problems with living in an apartment.

B.A search for a new apartment.

C.The cost of rent near universities.

11.What kind of place is Ann looking for?

A.An apartment which costs $ 300 a month.

B.An apartment with furniture already in it.

C.An apartment within a short driving distance of campus.

12.How is Roger going to help Ann?

A.He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.

B.He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.

C.He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.


13.What is the major problem with the man’s reservation(预订)?

A.There are no rooms available for the 18th.

B.The hotel confuses him with another guest.

C.Rooms are not available for five people for the 19th.

14.How much is the final discount(打折)on the double room for Mr.Nelson?




15.How does Mr.Nelson act when he is told he will be offered a free room on his next visit?

A.He feels he should first receive an apology from the manager.

B.He suggests that the hotel should give guests discount in cases like his.

C.He implies(暗示)that he might not visit again because of his experience.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修一英语人教 人教版 题型:001


第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.When did they go to the store?

A.After breakfast.

B.Before supper.

C.Late in the evening.

2.What did the woman seem to prefer at first?

A.Fruit juice.



3.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man insisted on having milk though the woman didn’t want to.

B.Both the man and the woman preferred the bread.

C.The man bought some bread and fruit juice in the end.


4.What does Helen do now?

A.She is an assistant.

B.She is a secretary.

C.She is a teacher.

5.Why does she look for a new job?

A.She wants a new job that is nearer from her home.

B.She wants a new job that pays her 50 dollars a week.

C.She wants a new job that gives her more holidays.

6.When will Helen start her new job?

A.She can start it right away.

B.She can start it the next day.

C.She can start it only after the test.


7.What do you know about the woman from the dialogue?

A.She is looking for a full-time job.

B.She is looking for a part-time job.

C.She is not satisfied with her present job and wants to have a change.

8.Why didn’t the man’s friend get his first job?

A.Because he was late for the interview.

B.Because he dressed too casually.

C.Because he had poor qualifications.

9.What does the woman think is more important in job interview?





10.What are the Chinese students doing in the U.S.A.?

A.They’re studying in New York.

B.They’re visiting their sister school.

C.They’re visiting the country.

11.What will the students do on Tuesday?

A.Introduce their school to their American friends.

B.Tell some interesting stories.

C.Visit the Statue of Liberty.

12.When will the Chinese students leave for Washington?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening,


13.What is the woman’s problem before she goes to Australia?



C.Her apartment.

14.How long will the woman stay in Australia?

A.Three months.

B.Two weeks.

C.Two months.

15.How will they solve the problem?

A.They try to rent the apartment to the man’s friend, Peter.

B.They try to rent the apartment to their classmate.

C.They will sell the apartment later this week.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



科目:高中英语 来源:2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试、英语(广东卷) 题型:001





1.What does the girl want her father to buy7

A.A ruler.

B.High-tech things.

C.Pencils and erasers.

2.Which of the following does the father consider buying for his daughter?

A.A calculator.

B.A computer.

C.An MP3.

3.Which of the following could be a reason for her father to buy what she wants7

A.She volunteers to use some of her own money.

B.She asks her father to buy a cheap one online.

C.She tells her father she is the best in school.


4.What do the speakers think of San Francisco?

A.It is a big city.

B.They both love the city.

C.It isn't so expensive to live there.

5.What does the woman think of cell phone interruption?

A.She likes it.

B.She doesn't mind it.

C.She considers it rude.

6.What reason does the man give to answer his cell phone?

A.He feels like answering.

B.He wants to know who's calling.

C.He thinks that it could be something important.


7.What is the man complaining about?

A.Not accepting any gift from his friend.

B.Not receiving any answer from his friend.

C.Not hearing any good news from his friend.

8.According to the woman, when should you write a thank-you card?

A.You receive a gift from your friend.

B.You are invited to a birthday party.

C.You spend a holiday with your friend.

9.What's the speakers' attitude towards writing thank-you cards?

A.They think it out-dated.

B.They think it inconvenient.

C.They think it good to keep the custom.


10.What does the speaker imply about traffic in big cities?

A.Buses are slow, but comfortable.

B.Parking in the rush hour is very difficult.

C.All the people use private transport instead of public transport.

11.What does the speaker recommend to do to improve the situation?

A.To enlarge city centers.

B.To move to the areas outside the city.

C.To make good use of existing space.

12.How many aspects of our lives does the speaker mention as affected by overcrowding?





13.Why does the man like The Times?

A.It has 20 pages every day.

B.It carries a lot of sports news.

C.It doesn't devote 5 pages every day to baseball results.

14.In what way is the jobs section on The Times useful to the local people?

A.It carries job ads from the local businesses.

B.It is the place where local businesses hire people.

C.It provides much information about local economy.

15.What does the woman think will happen to job ads if The Times closes down?

A.The other two newspapers will open a local jobs newspaper.

B.The local economy will be much affected but not destroyed.

C.The job ads will be carried in either of the other two newspapers.




科目:高中英语 来源:2009年高考英语(广东A卷) 题型:001


第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30)


1Why doesn't the man chooseJapanesefood?

AHe doesn't like Japanese food

BHe ate Japanese food last night

CHe thinks Japanese food is expensive

2What does the man really want to eat?


BFast food

CChinese food

3Where will the man probably eat?

AIn a steak house

BIn the shopping center

COutside the shopping center


4Why is the man proud of his daughter?

ABecause she's going to college

BBecause she's going to leave home

CBecause she'll save monev on food

5What does the man remind his daughter to do?

ATake some food

BRegister for food

CEat instant noodles

6What is the man surprised to hear?

AHis daughter decides to change her major

BHis daughter has a discussion with her Mom

CBusiness administration is a great major


7Who is the speaker?

AA college student in China

BA Chinese student in the US

CAn American student in the US

8How do Chinese students learn in class?

AThey study textbooks

BThey listen and take notes

CThey review before exams

9What does the American professor want t0 know?

AThe class's opinion

BThe student's research

CThe student's opinion


10Where did the woman buy her new computer?

AFrom a store

BFrom the Intemet

CIn a shopping center

11What makes it cheaper to buy online?

AThe seller has to rent a store

BThe seller must pay its staff

CThe seller can save monev

12Why do many people still buy things in the store?

AThey think it's easy

BThey think it's cheap

CThey think it's safe


13How does the wide use of plastic help in daily life?

AIt makes life convenient

BIt makes life wonderful

CIt makes life enjoyable

14What does the speaker think of things made of plastic?

AThey are cheaper

BThey don't last long

CThey appear attractive

15How do stores promote using reusable bags?

ABy selling plastic bags

BBy banning plastic bags

CBy charging for plastic bags

第二节 听取信息(5小题;每小题1分,满分5)



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市六中2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:001


第一节 听力理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



1.What's the man's major?




2.How can the man find out the time for registration?

A.By inquiring his department.

B.By looking in the class schedule.

C.By inquiring the registration office.


3.Why does the woman come early?

A.To do some cleaning.

B.To see the department manager.

C.To make a good impression.

4.What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Customer and shop assistant.

B.New comer and boss.

C.Visitor and guide.


5.What did the speaker want to be when he was in middle school?

A.A teacher

B.A pilot

C.A tour guide

6.Why did the man give up studying physics?

A.He had to work to support himself.

B.He didn't like physics at all.

C.His eyesight was too poor.

7.Why did the speaker start to teach English part-time?

A.To kill time.

B.To earn more money.

C.To talk over the school.


8.When does the woman get to the pool every day?

A.At 6∶45 am.

B.At 7∶00 am

C.At 7∶30 am

9.How long does the woman swim a day?

A.Four hours.

B.Five hours.

C.Six hours.

10.How does the woman often spend her free time?



C.Watching TV.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


