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________ their faces, the young teacher started to remember the children's names one by one.(distinguish)

答案:Having distinguished

科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

动词填空  (用动词的正确形式填空)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1.Fear prevented him from moving when he heard the sound of footsteps _______(approach).

2.Both the driver’s carelessness and the bad condition of the road that day _______(lead) to the accident.

3.The housing price ______(rise) in the past several months.

4.Those of poor immunity(免疫力), especially children and old people, should go to public places less to avoid _______ (affect) by the bird flu.

5.I hope that you will keep us ______(inform) how you are getting on with the work.

6.No wonder she looked so tired today. She _______ (surf) the Internet at 11 o’clock last night.

7.The box which ______(weigh) as much as 20 kilos is too heavy for the little boy to carry.

8.______(reduce) the risk of getting burnt, you should stay away from fire.

9.By the time the soldiers arrived at the airport, their enemies _______(take) control of it


10.The child slipped(滑倒) and fell, _______ (hit) his head against the door.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏省高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

动词填空请用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)

The report suggests that cars with large emissions __1.___ (ban) in order to protect the environment of the city.

__2.___ (Inspire) by their teacher, they decided to write a proposal calling for action and pushing for a clean-air law in Beijing.

If penicillin had not been available, many people __3.___ (die) from sickness or even small wounds.

-- Have you ever been to the United States?

--Yes, only once. I __4.___ (stay) there only for seven days.

Loulan, which used to be a green land, is believed ___5.___ (cover) over gradually by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.

Listen! The song __6.___ (play) is so nice that it is popular with the students.

When __7.___ (compare) different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.

That is the only way we can think of __8.___ (reduce) the overuse of water in students’ bathrooms.

Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face, they oppose __9.___ (have) telephones in their houses.

One of the engineers gave away top business secrets of the company, thus __10.___ (cost) him his job.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏省高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The workers’ demand that their pay ______ (raise) by 10 percent will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.

2.The man was observed ______ (enter) the room where something expensive was lost, so he was suspected of theft.

3.I intended ______ (phone) you this morning, but I was too busy.

4.We’ve been friends since we met last week. I feel as if we ­______ (know) each other for years.

5.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talk, ______ (add) that he had  enjoyed his stay here.

6.Gift in hand, the man returned home cheerfully, only ______ (tell) that his wife had been sent to hospital because of a car accident.

7.______ (compare) prices of the same goods in the two different supermarkets, and you will find most of them are slightly different.

8.A proper approach to ______ (improve) your learning efficiency is of great significance to every student.

9.At the conference, representatives from different countries pointed out that, unless properly ______ (deal) with, the climate situation would get worse and worse.

10.All the students and teachers ______ (seat), the headmaster began his speech.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届度江苏省江阴市高二上学期期中考试英语题 题型:其他题


1. The 8,892-kilometre-long border is said to be the longest border in the world not __________ (defend) by an army

or the police.

2. I am sure that the people in the disaster areas are on their way to__________ (live) a better life.

3. With all the cartoon books I needed__________ (buy), I left the bookstore.

4. The little girl, who has been spoiled has got used to __________ (offer) everything she needs.

5. After getting lost, the hiker spent several days walking through wild, lonely countryside before __________.(find)

6. It is such a small problem that it is hardly worth __________ (trouble) about.

7. I’d be the first __________ (admit) that I might be wrong.

8. One aim of genetically modified research is __________ (produce)food which will make us healthier.

9. At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up __________.(apologize)

10.__________ (expose)to lead does great harm to children’s learning ability.


