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12.Getting your teen to think beyond his own immediate needs can be more difficult than cracking a nut with a plastic fork.But don't worry.It's not impossible.There are many ways to encourage your teen to care about those outside his immediate circle of friends.As he begins to have responsibility towards others,he will realize he feels even better about himself.
"Teens are thinking about career,college,and what their future might look like,"explains Michelle Midenberg,a clinical director of Westchester Group Works,a center for group treatment in New York."This is very challenging and just one of the reasons why they are so focused on their own world."Once teens participate h community service,howeer,they begin to look beyond their personal needs.They also learn firsthand about the challenges others face,and they experience a sense of authority as they realize they can make a real difference in others'lives.
Not sure how to convince a teen to get away from the cell phone and into a community project?Teens buy into community service when the project or program is in an area of their interest.
"Finding something in an are of interest for them keeps them motivated and inspired,"Maidenberg says.For instance,if he is interested in culinary (烹饪) school,he could volunteer in a soup kitchen or bake for a project that supports families in need.Volunteer projects in your teen's area of interest will build her knowledge base as well as help others.
Parents can do their part by participating in community service themselves.Teens can learn directly from their parents that personal enjoyment is not,all tha matters.
Let teens know the benefits they will obtain."Give them every reason in the world to volunteer,"Maidenberg advises.She says that working on community service projects builds confidence."By working with others,teens improve managerial,interpersonal and communication skills.Community service helps to approach maturity when they take a step back to see the needs of other people,"she adds.Another reward:service hours look great on a resume!

64.According to Michelle Maidenberg,it's hard to get teens to think beyond their own immediate needs partly becauseD.
A.they care more about their circle of friends
B.they have no interest in doing anything
C.they have to work hard for college
D.they are facing many challenges
65.The underlined phrase"buy into"in Paragraph 3probably meansA.
A.agree to join in    B.spend money on  C.get away from     D.are interested in
66.The writer mntions the benefits in the last paragraph in order toC.
A.make teens feel much better about themselves
B.encourage teens to care about his own needs
C.help parents reason teens into volunteering
D.get parents to do more community service.

分析 让你的孩子摆脱眼前利益的桎梏而去做长远考虑无异于和用塑料叉子去砸开一个核桃一样困难.但是不用担心,这并不是毫无可能的.
"孩子们思考着事业,学业,和他们未来可能会怎样,"Westchester Group Works的临床主任 Michelle Maidenberg解释说.Westchester Group Works是纽约的一个群体治疗的中心.

解答 64-66 DAC
64.D  细节题.由第二段第二句"This is very challenging and just one of the reasons why they are so focused on their own world."可知说明部分原因是他们要面对许多挑战,正确答案为D.
65.A  推断题.由文章第二段倒数第二句"Once teens participate h community service,however,they begin to look beyond their personal needs."可知作者鼓励青少年参加社区服务,由此推断划线词所在句"Teens buy into community service when the project or program is in an area of their interest."意为"当这项工作或计划属于他们感兴趣的领域时,青少年就会投身社区服务",所以 buy into 意为"参与,投身于",故正确答案为A.
66.C  细节理解 由最后一段第二句"Give them every reason in the world to volunteer."可知作者列举志愿服务的好处是为了说服青少参与志愿服务,故正确答案为C.

点评 本文考查细节题为主,细节题可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息或是其变体.搜查信息在阅读中非常重要它包括理解作者在叙述某事时使用的具体事实、数据、图表等细节信息.在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节.做这类题一般采用寻读法即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-Don't forget to write to me,Jack.
-I ______.But let me make sure I have the right address.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3."Ten years ago I could never have imagined I'd be doing this,"says Greg Pal,33,a former software executive."I mean,this is essentially agriculture,right?But the people I talk to,especially the ones coming out of business school,think this is the one hot area everyone wants to get into."
He means bugs.To be more accurate,the genetic(基因的) change of bugs---very,very small ones---so that when they feed on agricultural waste such as woodchip or wheat straw,they do something extraordinary.They excrete (排泄) crude oil.
Unbelievably,this is not science fiction.Mr.Pal holds up a small cup of bug excretion that could,in theory,be poured into the tank of the big Lexus SUX next to us.Not that Mr.Pal was willing to risk it just yet.He gives it a month before the first vehicle is filled up with what he calls"renewable petroleum".After that,he smiles,"It's a brave new world."
Mr.Pal is a senior director of LS9,one of several companies in or near Silicon Valley.The company is not interested in using corn as material,given the much-advertised problems created by using food crops for fuel.Instead,different types of agricultural waste will be used according to whatever makes sense for the local climate and economy:wheat straw in California,for example,or woodchip in the south.
Are Americans ready to be putting genetically changed bug excretion in their cars?"It's not the same as with food,"Mr.Pal say."We are putting these bacteria in a very isolated container.Their entire universe is in that tank.When we've done with them.they are destroyed."
"Besides",he says,"there is greater good being served.""I have two children,and climate change is something that they are going to face.The energy crisis is something that they are going to face.We have a collective responsibility to do this."

72.Greg Pal used toC.
A.have great interest in bugs
B.major in agriculture
C.be engaged in developing software
D.study in a business school
73.To make the bugs excrete crude oil,Greg Pal has toB..
A.keep them in an isolated tank
B.change their genes first
C.change their usual diet first
D.kill them for bacteria
74.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.it is a very complex process for bugs to produce oil
B.it is not worthwhile for Mr.Pal to do the experiment
C.it is safe to use the excretion produced by bugs
D.it is necessary to use bugs to produce crude oil
75.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Bugs Eat Waste and Excrete Petrol
B.Waste Turns into Crude Oil
C.A Promising Business
D.Software Executive Turned to Bugs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Jack was so excited about getting a new backpack because his old one had a broken zipper(拉链) and a hole in the bottom.
Jack's elder brother took him to buy a new backpack.There were so many cool ones.How would he ever decide?He saw blue ones-his favorite color.He saw ones with his favorite action hero on the front.And then Jack saw a backpack with a black square design.When he opened it,he saw it had a hidden,secret small bag.He liked it,which made it different from others.
"This is the one,"he said,then carried it to the check-out counter.
That evening,Jack carefully filled his new backpack with his school things.He put his special pen in the secret small bag.The next day in English class,Mr.Mack said,"Let's write an essay about earthquakes!"Jack looked for his pen in his backpack,but he couldn't found it!He rummagedthrough his desk and his pockets,but no pen.
Jack asked if anyone had seen his pen,but no one had.Mr.Mack lent him a pencil,but Jack was feeling anxious because he lost his pen.When he got home,Jack told his brother he couldn't find his favorite pen.His brother said,"You must have put it in that secret small bag."
Jack laughed and said,"That small bag was so secret that I forgot all about it."
56.Which backpack did Jack buy?B
A.A blue one
B.One with a black square design.
C.One with an action hero
D.A small one.
57.Jack decided to buy that backpack becauseC.
A.it had his favorite color            
B.he liked the black square design
C.the secret small bag made it special     
D.his brother suggested he get that one
58.The underlined word"rummaged"in Paragraph 4 probably means"B".
A.forgot to look at                   
B.searched really well                                     
C.turned sideways                
D.threw away
59.When Jack realized what he had done,he thought it wasA.
A.funny       B.annoying   C.surprising   D.cool
60.This text mainly tells usD.
A.a story of Jack's old backpack
B.that Jack was studying earthquakes
C.that Jack was old enough to do shopping
D.a story of Jack's pen and new backpack.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-Can I come to see you at ten o'clock,John?
-I'm sorry,Jo,but I ______ my uncle then.(  )
A.visitedB.will visit
C.will be visitingD.am visiting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Until I took Dr.Offutt's class in DeMatha High school,I was an underachieving student,but I left that class determined never to underachieve again.He not only taught me to think,he convinced me,as much by example as words that it was my duty to achieve and to serve others.
Neither of us could know how our relationship would develop over the years.When I came back to DeMatha to teach English,I worked for Dr.Offutt,the department chair.My discussions with him were like graduate seminars(研究生讨论课) in adolescent development,classroom management and school leadership.
After several years,I was named department chair,and our relationship shifted(变化) again.I thought that it might be terrible chairing the department,since all of my former English teachers were still there,but Dr.Offutt supported me through.He knew when to give me advice about curriculum(课程),texts and personnel(人事),and when to let me plan my own course.
In 1997,I needed his opinion about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school.If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha,I might have.Instead,he encouraged me to catch the chance.
Five years ago,I became the principal(校长) of DeMatha.Once again,Dr Offutt was there for me,letting me know that I could depend on him.I have learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible wealth of lessons to teach.
36.After graduating from DeMatha,the writer wasA.
A.quite confident     B.rather unconfident   C.really famous     D.very infamous
37.When the writer first taught in DeMatha,Dr.Offutt wasD.
A.a post-graduate                           
B.the school principal
C.a professor in university                     
D.the department chair
38.In 1997,_____ to become principal at another school.B
A.the writer encouraged Dr.Offutt               
B.Dr.Offutt encouraged the writer
C.Dr.Offutt won the competition            
D.the writer won the competition
39.The word which is similar to"inexhaustible"in meaning can beB.
A.unselfish              B.endless          C.unfair               D.unusual
40.The best title for this passage can beC.
A.My ambition     B.My duty       C.My teacher       D.My schooling.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The engineer Camillo Olivetti was 40 years old when he started the company in 1908.At his factory in Ivera,he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter.Today the company's head office is still in Ivrea,near Turin,but the company is much larger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world.
By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13,000 machines a year.Some went to customers in Italy,but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries.
Camilllo's son,Adriano,started working for the company in 1924 and later he became the boss.He introduecd a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and design specialists.The company developed new and better typewriters and the calculators(计算器).In 1959 it produced the ELLA computer system.This was the first mainframe(主机)computer designed and traded in Italy.
After Adriano died in 1960,the company had a period of financial problems.Other companies,especially the Janpanese,made faster progress in electronic technology than the Italian company.
In 1978,Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss.Olivetti increased its marking and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment.Soon it became one,of the world's leading companies in information technology and communications.There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti group---one for personal computers,one for other office equipment,one for systerms and services,and two for telecommunications.
46.From the text we learn thatA.
A.by 1930 Olivetti produced 13,000 typewriters a year
B.Olivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950s
C.some of Olivetti,s 700 staff regularly visited customers in Italy
D.Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning
47.What was probably the direct result of Olivetti,s falling behind in electronic technology?B
A.Adriano's death.
B.A period of financial problem
C.its faster progress       
D.Its agreements with other companies
48.What do we know about Olivetti?D
A.It produced the best typewriter in the word.
B.It designed the word's first mainframe computer.
C.It exported more typewriter than other computer.
D.It has five independent companies with its head office in lvrea.
49.The best title for the text would beC.
A.The Origin of Olivetti          
B.The Success of Olivetti
C.The History of Olivetti         
D.The Producich of Olivetti.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.---Wow,so many new houses!I can't believe that.It used to be a poor village.
---Yes.         has changed here.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.One day when the famous American scientist Edison was on his way home,a young man stopped him and required to have a word with him.Edison accepted his request.
The young man asked,"How can you invent so many things and achieve your fame?"
The scientist said,"It seems that you have been thinking of becoming famous every day."The young man nodded,"Yes.I have been dreaming of being a person as notable(著名的)as you.Every minute I am thinking of how to become reputable.I don't know when I can achieve my fame."
Edison told him,"Don't worry,young man.If you want to be a famous man this way,you will have to wait until you die!"
"Why should I?"the young man was puzzled.
Edison said,"What you dream is actually a high building.You never think of how to build it with bricks.Thus the building will never come into reality.However,your story can serve as a mirror.People will remember you because of your illness and laziness.They will often speak of your name while they give warnings to their children.Aren't you a notorious(声名狼藉)person by then?"
20.What happened to Edison when he was on his way home?C
A.A beggar stopped him.
B.A robber stopped him.
C.A man wanted to speak to him.
D.A man wanted to have words with him.
21.The man asked Edison to tell himB.
A.how to invent new things
B.how to become famous
C.how he became a nobleman
D.how to become a scientist
22.After hearing Edison's talk,the young man was puzzled because Edison told himA.
A.he would die before he was famous
B.he would be famous before he died
C.he would die after he was famous
D.he would never be famous
23.The man didn't achieve his fame becauseD.
A.his wish was too high
B.he was too stupid
C.he didn't learn from others
D.he was short of hard-working spirit
24.The story mainly tells usC.
A.a person needs high spirit
B.one shouldn't dream of becoming famous
C.only by hard work can one's wish come into reality
D.one person shouldn't be idle and lazy.

