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1.In the o__________ of many people, the film is well worth seeing.

2.The life boat was sent out to r__________ the sailors from the sinking ship.

3.C __________ should complain if they are not satisfied with the products they buy or the service they receive.

4.Nowadays more and more Chinese students choose to further their study a__________.

5.It’s hard to get all the villages together, because they live s__________.

6.It’s bad m__________ to break in when others are talking.

7.More natural resources should be developed to meet the i__________ need of energy.

8.The shy girl won the speech contest. It was really a c__________ surprise to me.

9.He has d___________ all his life to helping the poor in Africa.

10.You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had b__________ up her children.

1.opinion  2.rescue  3.Customers  4.abroad  5.separately

6.manners  7.increasing  8.complete  9.devoted.  10. bringing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


66. Big cities have many               (娱乐项目) and you can enjoy some of them in your spare time,

67. Mr. Smith is a                      (幽默) person, because he has a born ability to make people laugh.

68. As soon as she got off the plane, she               (联系) me by cell phone.

69. Jim looked into her eyes and said                  (轻柔地) “ I love you”

70. Many young people are                    (痴迷) about Yao Ming, a basketball player.

71. Let’s               (分成) ourselves into several groups.

72.                    (很幸运), a kind farmer passed by and sent him to hospital in time.

73. He is much respected as a very                       (有进取心的) and competitive leader.

74. She is a                  (毕业) of Oxford.

75. You                    (误解) my words.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年陕西省临渭区高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:填空题

66. Big cities have many               (娱乐项目) and you can enjoy some of them in your spare time,
67. Mr. Smith is a                      (幽默) person, because he has a born ability to make people laugh.
68. As soon as she got off the plane, she               (联系) me by cell phone.
69. Jim looked into her eyes and said                  (轻柔地) “ I love you”
70. Many young people are                    (痴迷) about Yao Ming, a basketball player.
71. Let’s               (分成) ourselves into several groups.
72.                   (很幸运), a kind farmer passed by and sent him to hospital in time.
73. He is much respected as a very                       (有进取心的) and competitive leader.
74. She is a                  (毕业) of Oxford.
75. You                    (误解) my words.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省09-10学年高一竞赛试题(英语) 题型:单词拼写



51. We want some _________ (志愿者) to help paint the house.

52. Although he is very busy with his business, he always keeps ________ (有规  

律的) working hours.

We prefer ________ (质量) to quantity.

54. He ________ (接受) a present from his friend .

55. Nowadays with the help of modern science and technology, farming is no

longer ______ (完全地) dependent on the weather.

C______ very carefully before doing it, just to make sure that you will not

regret (后悔) some day.

I have no d______ that he will come to help me repair the damaged house,

because he always keeps his word.

58. The flood d________ a lot of houses and many people became homeless.

59. Father is thankful to me for p________ him to give up smoking .

60. He looks old, but a________  he is in his 30's .



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年陕西省临渭区高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写


66. Big cities have many               (娱乐项目) and you can enjoy some of them in your spare time,

67. Mr. Smith is a                      (幽默) person, because he has a born ability to make people laugh.

68. As soon as she got off the plane, she               (联系) me by cell phone.

69. Jim looked into her eyes and said                  (轻柔地) “ I love you”

70. Many young people are                    (痴迷) about Yao Ming, a basketball player.

71. Let’s               (分成) ourselves into several groups.

72.                    (很幸运), a kind farmer passed by and sent him to hospital in time.

73. He is much respected as a very                       (有进取心的) and competitive leader.

74. She is a                  (毕业) of Oxford.

75. You                    (误解) my words.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


⑴The game was a great success in the United States and it soon s__to Australia and then to other

English-speaking countries. 1______.

⑵The colleges and universities were only for men , and women were not p_ to attend. 2______.

⑶Train services are now back to n after last week's strike in NEW York. 3______.

⑷There's no need to get angry , I m suggested that     you should do that again. 4______.

⑸ Put on your c , it's very cold outside. 5______.

⑹Can I have a glass of t__ juice, please? 6______.

⑺The fish smells; I don’t think it’s quite f___. 7__________

⑻Tom is preparing for an exam .Don’t d____ him. 8.__________

⑼Alice s____, if ever, reads a book. 9__________

⑽We were c_____ to know where she’d gone 10.__________

