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   There's more misery in people's lives than a decade ago. So says a new study on life's negatives from the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center,which conducts social science research for government agencies,educational institutions,nonprofit organizations and private corporations.

  The researchers surveyed 1,340 people about negative life events and found that the 2004 respondents had more troubles than those who were surveyed in 1991.

  "The expectation would have been that problems would have been down," says Tom Smith,the study's author. He says good economic years during the 90s would have brought an expectation of fewer problems,not more.

  Overall,the percentage that reported at least one significant negative life event increased from 88% to 92% . Most of the problems were related to increased incidents of illness and the inability to afford medical care,unemployment,and troubled romantic relationships.

  On a more positive note,fewer of those surveyed reported having trouble with crime or the law.

  Some of the problems outlined in the study were more complicated than just a single bad event. For instance,the inability to afford health care rose from 7% in 1991 to 11% in 2004. Those who said they lacked health insurance increased from 12% to 18% . On the romantic front,the percentage that reported breaking up with a steady partner doubled from 4% to 8% .

  But people shouldn't despair even if there is trouble around them. Bad experiences don't necessarily make people unhappy,says Jonathan Haidt,an associate professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and author of the new book The Happiness Hypothesis.

  He advises a threepoint checkup on the state of personal relationships,the work environment and control over daily life,because improving those areas will boost happiness.

(   ) 5. Which of the following verbs can be used instead of "boost" in the last paragraph?

   A. Increase. B. Reduce. C. Make. D. Find.

(   ) 6. It can be inferred from the passage that         .

   A. the economy has nothing to do with people's happiness

   B. people's problems were probably not only one single bad event

   C. most of the people's personal problems are related to the money

   D. people have a lot of trouble with crime or law

(   ) 7. Which of the following statements may NOT be found in the book The Happiness Hypothesis?

   A. When you come across the trouble,do not lose heart.

   B. Working environment and daily life should be paid much attention to.

   C. It is unnecessary for us to think about the conditions of personal relationships.

   D. Unhappy experience may not surely make people upset all the time.

(   ) 8. In your opinion,the best title for this passage may be         .

   A. Unhappiness Has Risen in the Past Decade

   B. The Problems,the Solutions

   C. The Biggest Problems in the World

   D. What's Your Life Look Like

5. A根据本句的意思,boost在此是增加(increase) 的意思

6. B从第6段第1句话some of the problems ... were more complicated than just a single bad event可以得知B为正确选项。

7. C最后一段提到的三方面包含the state of personal relationship。

8. A全文的主题就是表明最近十年人们的烦恼增多了。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练31-40


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Tall people live happier lives than their more vertically challenged peers,according to a new study. It is 1        that most miserable men are almost an inch shorter than average.

  Researchers found that shorter people tended to be more 2        with their lot in life.

  The study interviewed more than 450,000 adults about 3        they viewed their life.

  The volunteers were asked to 4        themselves somewhere on a " life ladder" and asked about their emotions.

  5       the findings,people who were taller were also more likely to be 6        about their life and were more likely to judge themselves as happy. They were also 7        likely to feel a range of 8       emotions including sadness and physical pain,9       they were more likely to experience stress and anger,and 10       they were women,to worry.

  Men who reported that their lives were the " worst possible" were in general more than eight tenths of an inch,or two centimeters,11       than the average height.

  Women who 12        themselves as " on the bottom step" on the life ladder were shorter than the average woman 13        half all inch,or 1. 3 centimeters.

There was also a (n) 14       between height and education,the findings,published in the journal Economics and Human Biology,found.

  Men who did not 15        secondary school were found to be half an inch,or 1. 27 centimeters,shorter than average and more than an inch,or 2. 54 centimeters,shorter than the average height of those who had gone on to 16        from university.

  17      ,there was no such clear link when it came to 18       ,with just small differences in height. The 19       of the report,from Princeton University in New Jersey,conclude that the link between education,income and height mostly explained the link with happiness and life sat?isfaction. The data was 20        from the Galluphealthways Wellbeing Index daily poll of the American population.

(   ) 1. A. known   B. improved   C. invented   D. found

(   ) 2. A. dissatisfied   B. satisfied   C. comfortable   D. relaxed

(   ) 3. A. what   B. how   C. which   D. why

(   ) 4. A. put   B. set   C. place   D. discharge

(   ) 5. A. Thanks to   B. Due to   C. Owing to   D. According to

(   ) 6. A. positive   B. negative   C. pessimistic   D. gloomy

(   ) 7. A. more   B. less   C. much   D. little

(   ) 8. A. positive   B. negative   C. new   D. old

(   ) 9. A. since   B. because   C. so   D. although

(   ) 10. A. whether   B. if   C. because   D. although

(   ) 11. A. shorter   B. higher   C. older   D. younger

(   ) 12. A. looked   B. proved   C. viewed   D. encouraged

(   ) 13. A. in   B. at   C. on   D. by

(   ) 14. A. difference   B. link   C. gap   D. agreement

(   ) 15. A. finish   B. end   C. start   D. begin

(   ) 16. A. study   B. start   C. graduate   D. learn

(   ) 17. A. However   B. But   C. Besides   D. Therefore

(   ) 18. A. women   B. men   C. boys   D. girls

(   ) 19. A. publishers   B. sponsors   C. readers   D. authors

(   ) 20. A. come   B. taken   C. judged   D. reported


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 The Voice of America began during World War II,when Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international 1        American officials believed they should 2        the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world 3       . The first VOA news report began with these words in 4       The 5        may be good or bad,but we shall tell you the truth. " Within a week,other VOA 6       were broadcasting in Italian,French and English. After the World War II 7       in 1945,some Americans felt VOA's 8       had to be changed,9       the Soviet Union became enemy of America. They wanted to reach Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

  In the early years VOA began 10        something new to its broadcast that was 11 "Music USA". Another new idea came 12        in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know 13        English to completely understand its normal English broadcast. So VOA 14       a simpler kind of English,which uses about 1 ,500 words and is spoken 15       ,of course,it is Special English.

In the 16        of most VOA listeners,the most 17        program is the news report. News from around the world 18        into the VOA newsroom in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in 19        cities and also from other broadcasts like BB C. VOA writers and editors use these materials to 20        news reports,which are being broadcast in 43languages.

(   ) 1. A. business   B. culture   C. support   D. information

(   ) 2. A. reply   B. answer   C. join   D. interrupt

(   ) 3. A. accidents   B. incidents   C. events   D. peace

(   ) 4. A. time   B. short   C. English   D. German

(   ) 5. A. news   B. problems   C. effects   D. opinions

(   ) 6. A. stations   B. news   C. announcers   D. officials

(   ) 7. A. began   B. developed   C. won   D. ended

(   ) 8. A. home   B. position   C. purpose   D. result

(   ) 9. A. if   B. supposing   C. considering   D. in order that

(   ) 10. A. connecting   B. adding   C. sticking   D. leading

(   ) 11. A. known   B. reported   C. called   D. printed

(   ) 12. A. into   B. across   C. down   D. along

(   ) 13. A. American   B. British   C. standard   D. enough

(   ) 14. A. invented   B. discovered   C. taught   D. stopped

(   ) 15. A. slowly   B. rapidly   C. normally   D. loudly

(   ) 16. A. pleasure   B. course   C. opinion   D. advice

(   ) 17. A. difficult   B. important   C. various   D. common

(   ) 18. A. flies   B. sends   C. delivers   D. passes

(   ) 19. A. all   B. major   C. American   D. news

(   ) 20. A. broadcast   B. announce   C. translate   D. prepare


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  He held out the little red felt pillow and pointed to its tiny pocket,which held a quarter,instead of a tooth. "Look,mom!Look what the tooth fairy 1        me. Twentyfive cents!"

  I 2       his excitement,and we chatted for a few minutes about the 3        to which he would put his new wealth. I returned to my kitchen 4       ,but he lingered ,silent,a thoughtful look on his face. "Mom ," he 5      ,"is there really a tooth fairy,or do you put this money in my tooth pillow and take away my tooth?"

  6       I knew I would have to answer such questions,but in spite of seven years of preparation,I hadn't really thought through a 7       reply. I stalled (拖延) for time by asking, "What do you think,Simon?"

  "Could be 8      ," he reasoned. "It seems like something you would do,but I know some things are 9       ,too."

  "What would you like to think?" I 10,still uncertain about whether or not I was about to 11        his heart.

  "It doesn't really matter," he said with 12       "I like it either way. If there is a tooth fairy,that's pretty exciting,and if it's you,that's pretty nice,too."

  I concluded that no disappointment would 13        my answer,so I confessed to being his benefactor,and he 14        satisfyingly. I then cautioned him not to say 15        to his younger brother,explaining , " Each child is entitled to the magic 16        he or she is ready to ask the question that you did today. Do you understand that?"

  "Yes ," he said,17       He took great pride in his older brother 18       ,and I knew he would never spoil anything 19       . I considered the matter closed,but still he lingered in the kitchen.

  "Is there something else,Simon?" I asked.

  "Just one 20        question,mom. Does dad know?"

(   ) 1. A. gave   B. left   C. put   D. laid

(   ) 2. A. shared   B. accepted   C. understood   D. refused

(   ) 3. A. source   B. amount   C. purpose   D. quality

(   ) 4. A. games   B. activities   C. sports   D. lessons

(   ) 5. A. sighed   B. considered   C. confirmed   D. hesitated

(   ) 6. A. In surprise   B. Of course   C. In excitement   D. To my joy

(   ) 7. A. correct   B. wonderful   C. suitable   D. quick

(   ) 8. A. either   B. neither   C. both   D. none

(   ) 9. A. false   B. magic   C. true   D. bad

(   ) 10. A. said   B. paused   C. started   D. continued

(   ) 11. A. mend   B. break   C. kill   D. capture

(   ) 12. A. confidence   B. excitement   C. sadness   D. disappointment

(   ) 13. A. make for   B. result from   C. lead to   D. get from

(   ) 14. A. smiled   B. responded   C. wondered   D. murmured

(   ) 15. A. nothing   B. everything   C. anything   D. something

(   ) 16. A. before   B. when   C. until   D. after

(   ) 17. A. thinking   B. nodding   C. smiling   D. moving

(   ) 18. A. power   B. height   C. grade   D. role

(   ) 19. A. accidently   B. intentionally   

       C. continuously   D. contentedly

(   ) 20. A. much   B. many   C. more   D. most


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Summer reading for kids need not be about summer itself. But is there a better time to read about family vacations,flagwaving,lemonade stands or baseball? USA Today reviews four new books for young readers: Pictures from Our Vacation Written and illustrated by Lynne Rae Perkins Greenwillow,31 pp., $16. 99 (ages 4 ~8) Here's a lovely,picture book that's about all the things pictures can't capture. It,s narrated by two kids whose mom equips them with cameras to record the family vacation to their grandparents' farm. But how do you photograph the past? "Our dad saw happy memories everywhere he looked. All we could see was old furniture and dust. " They learn " it's hard to take a picture of a story someone tells" or of what it feels like " falling asleep in a house full of cousins and uncles and aunts. " But some pictures you can keep in your mind. The Lemonade War By Jacqueline Davies,Houghton Mifflin,192 pp., $16 (ages 6〜:L0) Jacqueline Davies' earnest but entertaining story deals with feelings and money,and how both can get complicated. A business war erupts between   Evan and younger sister Jessie over who can make the most money selling lemonade. Evan,who's heading into fourth grade,is "people smart" but struggles with long division. Jessie,who's skipping third grade,is "math smart" but has trouble figuring out people. They learn lessons about joint ventures,underselling and crisis management. Good reading for young capitalists. You're a Grand Old Flag By George M. Cohan,illustrated by Warren Kimble Walker,23 pp., $16. 95 (ages 5〜8) Who remembers George M. Cohan's 1906 musical,George Washington Jr.?

  But who can forget the show's stirring hit song,You 're a Grand Old Flag? It was the first song from a musical to sell more than 1 million copies of sheet music. Warren Kimble,a folk artist who paints on pieces of 18thcentury wood,puts Cohan's lyrics (歌词) into delightful visual images that include a scarecrow dressed as Uncle Sam.

  The Longest Season By Cal Ripken Jr.,illustrated by Ron Mazellan Philomel,32 pp., $16. 99 (ages 6 and up) By playing in 2,632 continous majorleague baseball games,Cal Ripken Jr. gave new meaning to the concept of showing up. But his book deals with the low point of his career,in 1988,when the Baltimore Orioles set another kind of record by losing their first 21 games. His teammates included his younger brother Bill. Their manager was Cal Ripken Sr.,who was fired after six losses. The book is dramatically illustrated,but Ripken was a far better ballplayer than writer. He explores one of sports' most neglected (疏忽) topics―what you learn by losing―but stays safely within lockerroom cliches (陈词滥调) .Still,it should prompt discussions―about winning and losing. 

(   ) 1.The passage is written to         .

   A. sell the books for the old people

   B. introduce the books to the children

   C. advertise for the Publishing House

   D. teach us how to read new books

(   ) 2. A four-year-old boy who likes reading picture books will prefer to buy         .

   A. Pictures from Our Vacation   B. The Lemonade War

   C. You're a Grand Old Flag   D. The Longest Season

(   ) 3. Which of the following statements is true?

   A. Jacqueline Da vies' story deals with the low point of one's life.

   B. Cal Pipken Jr. never failed in his sports career.

   C. You 're a Grand Old Flag was a successful song from a musical.

   D. Two kids in Lynne Rae Perkins' story found magic things in the old furniture.

(   ) 4. Why are the four books picked out among the others?

   A. Because they are all very cheap in summer holiday.

   B. Because they are all popular topic.

   C. Because they will draw the mother's attention.

   D. Because they are fit for the children to cure summer boredom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  My good friend Will recently asked for some advice dealing with what he calls" The Rush Hour":... now between4:00 and5:00 has become the Rush Hour for me: how many proposals,quotes,emails,phone calls can you get out before most people head home? That hour never has enough minutes anymore.

  For many the term" Rush Hour" refers to the mad rush to get home from work and relax,but many people deal with Will's version every day. It's the mad rush to finish everything you need to get done so that you can get into your car and battle the other rush hour.

  Doesn't sound like a very productive way to work or loads of fun now,does it? For me,having anything wait until the last minute can be a major stress and I avoid it whenever possible. So,having trouble with "rush hour" yourself? I've got a few tips that might help.

  A threestep approach can keep tasks from stacking (堆积) up in the last hour of the day.

1. Plan your day.

2. Do easy tasks first.

3. Don't procrastinate. Proper Planning Is Key.

  Planning out your day(and your week and your month) can be a real help. If you take a few minutes early in the day to get a handle on what you need to do you can better manage your time and keep tasks from stacking up. Tackle Easy Stuff First.

  Once you've done your planning,do yourself a favor and set aside some time to clear any small stuff off your plate. The things that tend to pile up at the end of days are usually smaller tasks,and there are usually quite a few of them. Knocking things out early on will help you build a productive momentum (推动力) for your whole day. The Early Bird Gets The Worm.

  The best way to avoid" rush hour" is to be sure you've finished everything early. Make sure you're getting an early start on all your tasks. I'm a huge fan of the quick start; it really does work.

  You don't even have to make significant progress on your tasks. Sometimes even the smallest effort at the beginning can make a ton of difference in the long run. Just remember,every little bit you can get done early is a bit you won't have to deal with during your"rush hour".

(   ) 5. A good suggestion to dealing with "rush hour" is that         .

   A. you'd better finish all the tasks as early as you can

   B. you'd better get a handle on what you need to do after the task

   C. you'd better get home from work earlier than usual

   D. you'd better come to the difficult jobs first

(   ) 6. Which of the following words has the same meaning as the underlined word "procrastinate"?

   A. Delay. B. Produce. C. Obtain. D. Hurry.

(   ) 7. In which of the following situations the" Rush hour" will come to you more often?

   A. When you make some arrangement before the tasks begin.

   B. When you finish your jobs step by step.

   C. When you manage to solve your problem before the deadline.

   D. When you keep the easier thing halfdone for a long time.

(   ) 8. According to the passage,what does the author probably prefer to do?

   A. To leave everything undone until the last moment.

   B. To battle one rush hour after another.

   C. To finish his task whenever possible.

   D. To have an extra work more frequently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 The African wild dog,also called Cape hunting dog or painted dog,typically wanders around the open plains and woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.

  These longlegged canines (犬科动物) have only four toes per foot,unlike other dogs,which have five toes on their forefeet. The dog's Latin name means "painted wolf",referring to the animal's irregular,mottled coat,which features patches of red,black,brown,white,and yellow fur. Each animal has its own unique coat pattern,and all have big,rounded ears.

  African wild dogs live in groups that are usually led by a monogamous (一夫一妻的) breeding pair. The female has a litter of 2 to 20 pups (小狗) ,which are cared for by the entire pack. These dogs are very social,and packs have been known to share food and to assist weak or ill members. Social interactions are common,and the dogs communicate by touch,actions,and barks.

  African wild dogs hunt in cooperative packs of 6 to 20 (or more) animals. Larger packs were more common before the dogs became endangered. Packs hunt antelopes and will also hunt much larger animals,such as wild beasts,particularly if they are ill or injured. The dogs supplement their diet with rodents (唯齿动物) and birds. As human settlements expand,the dogs have sometimes developed a taste for livestock,though significant damage is rare. Unfortunately,they are often hunted and killed by farmers who fear for their domestic animals.

  African hunting dogs are endangered. They are faced with less land in their African home. They are also quite possible to be infected by diseases spread by domestic animals.

(   ) 1. The underlined word " mottled" in the passage means         .

   A. expensive   B. spotted   C. beautiful   D. colorful

(   ) 2. We can identify an African wild dog by its         .


   A. actions   B. barks   C. coat   D. toes

(   ) 3. We can infer from the passage that         .

   A. farmers often hunt African wild dogs to make them domestic

   B. only the leading pair can breed pups in a group of African wild dogs

   C. the African wild dog look like the domestic dogs except their round ears

   D. African wild dogs do less harm to the domestic animals than they do to them

(   ) 4. A proper title for this passage might be         .

   A. Endangered African Dog

   B. The African Wild Dog

   C. Wanderers on the Plains

   D. Conflicts between the Wild and Domestic


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Although women lead healthier,longer lives,the cruel perception that they reach their sellby date and become "old" sooner than men is widespread in the workplace,research shows.

  A survey of more than 2 ,600 managers and personnel professionals showed that age discrimination is not only popular in the workplace,but is shot through with inconsistencies (不协调) .

  Six in ten managers reported being a victim of age discrimination―usually because they were turned down for a job for being too old or too young. Yet more than a fifth admitted that they used age as a standard for the new.

  Although the survey found widespread agreement that older workers were better than younger colleagues when it came to reliability,commitment,loyalty and customer service,these qualities were not necessarily considered to be deserving of advancement.

  More than half of respondents believed that workers between 30 and 39 had the best promotion chances,with only 2 percent citing 50-year-olds or above.

Dianah Worman of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development said that there was unpublished evidence that people were considered old at different ages in different sectors.

  "We heard of one man working in IT who said he was considered too old by the age of 28, ”she said.

  There was no evidence to suggest that older workers were less valuable to companies than younger workers,in fact the opposite was often true because older workers often brought experience,she added.

  The findings also suggested that the Government's ideas on age in the workforce may also be out of step with reality.

(   ) 1. According to the passage,in most people's minds,women         .

   A. can live longer than men

   B. have the same chance in promotion as men

   C. become old sooner than men

    D. can't work well as long as men do

(   ) 2. What is the purpose of the writer to write the third paragraph?

   A. To prove there is age discrimination.

   B. To tell us some people's experiences.

   C. To tell us age is very important when people look for jobs.

   D. To tell us not to care about your age wherever you are.

(   ) 3. Compared with younger workers,the older workers         .

   A. are better in reliability,quicker in customer service

   B. have fewer chances to get higher positions in the workplace

   C. are less valuable to companies

   D. are too old to work well

(   ) 4. The underlined sentence quoted by the writer means that         .

   A. it is easy for people working in IT to get old

   B. IT business develops too fast

   C. people working in IT are most young people

   D. the man is tired of his job in IT


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. The minority in the primitive forest        of wild animals.(live)


