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Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesn’t matter where you live ---- in the middle of a modern city, or a faraway village --- the chances are that you’ll be disturbed by jet planes, transistor radios, oil-powered engines, etc. we seem to be getting used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they’re working.

Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be a very frightening experience for a human being. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums (耳鼓). The noise level in some discos is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.

One recent report about noise and concentration suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration, what really influences their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise which doesn’t change too much (music, for example) may even help to concentrate.

1.According to this passage, the noise pollution ____________________.

A. has become the worst in the countryside

B. has become better in big cities

C. has spread from cities to villages

D. has been controlled in modern cities

2.Some people have their hearing harmed _____________.

A. while listening to pop music

B. in complete silence

C. when speaking loudly

D. while watching TV

3.Which of the following isn’t included among the things causing noise?

A. trucks B. motorcycles

C. electric engines D. jet planes

4.Scientists have discovered that what prevents people from concentrating on something is _______.

A. all kinds of noise B. great changes in the level of noise

C. background noise D. popular music


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年内蒙古包头九中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。



1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The students’ union will organize an activity when we can exchange items we don’t need with others. If you are interested it, you can join in between three and six on Saturday afternoon on the Central Road in our school. As a matter of the fact, many of us have difficulty deal with used things that mean little to us. If you take it there, not only can you get anything you want, but you can also help others. Beside, it will be a good chance to communicate and make new friend. Any used items is welcome, such as used books, shoes, watches. The more, the good.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北大附中河南分校高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Actually we have known a lot of examples and meaningful words to support the fact that we should try our best to ease the bad impression of others. Just like the old saying goes, we should give a better assumption to the one than we think he was. But many of us always fail to do this.

Take the situation of my class for example. Right at the beginning of the first semester when we were freshmen we all showed great favor to each other. And when there was an activity that needed some people to join, we would be willing to attend whether it was interesting or not. And we were really like brothers and sisters, and our class was just like a family, a warm family. But now, I feel tired of those meaningless activities not only because of the boring activities themselves but also the cool response of our classmates.

I think the reasons why the passion of most classmates is so low may be as follows:

To start with, many of us take part in more than one organization, which will certainly make us tired. Also, in the study fields, many of us may find that our courses are sometimes difficult to understand or comprehend, especially the specialized subjects. Moreover, "history" teaches us that if one does not study hard, it is possible to fail in the exams. So it is a big and good excuse to say that "I do really want to attend, but I have a lot of horse work to do, so'"."

Last but not least, some people believe that some of our leaders should not be regarded as a leader, maybe I should say we, as leaders, lost the reputation, support and trust of yours. At least I am the warm-hearted one, although I cannot promise you that your advice will be adopted surely, at least I will spare no effort to "give" you the right to be heard, and to serve you.

Be active to show your talents and abilities and to create a better image of our class. Most important of all, work painstakingly for a better condition that we should have reached.

1.At the beginning of the first semester the students were_____ each other.

A. quite curious about B. active and kind to

C. full of sympathy to D. specially tired of

2.Now the students are unwilling to get involved in the activities because they are______.

A. not easy to organize B. costing too much time

C. difficult to comprehend D. meaningless and boring

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Students' passion for activities was high at first but disappeared gradually.

B. Students' passion for activities grew gradually because they were interesting.

C. Students were too busy to take part in activities after their classes.

D. Students were unwilling to participate in activities because of their leaders.

4.We can infer from the passage that the writer must be .

A. a supporter of activities

B. a responsible teacher

C. a top student in class

D. a devoted class leader


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽宿松县凉亭中学上学期高三第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In life people make many decisions, some of what are so important that they affect us greatly.

My latest decision is made when I entered Senior 3 in Miss Zhang's class. Since I was not good in English, Miss Zhang asked me to listen attentive in class and put down some important notes. Therefore, I was never a good listener. I went on in my own way, ignore her suggestions completely until Miss Zhang had talk with me. He made me realize the importance of note-taking.

From this experience, I have realized a good decision benefits from people. We should learn to take others’ advices and do the right things.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽庐江县六校联盟高三第四次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








There are more and more students who are developing eating habits in our school, which has attached widely attention of the parents and our school. Some students often go to school without have breakfast. When they are hungry, they prefer eating some snack. Some of them are even particular with food; they only eat what they like and never touch food they don’t like even if they really need it for their health. What’s worse, some students eat or drink too much at a time, which do great harm to their health.

As it is known, we are what we eat. It’s important of us to form a healthy eating habit. We should have various healthy diets what generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits as well as main food. Only in this way can we built a strong body and enjoy a better life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南陕州中学高二上第二次精英对抗赛英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.

The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.

I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole. And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.

1.Why was the bike so important to the couple?

A. They used it for work and daily life.

B. It was their only possession.

C. It was a nice Kona 18 speed.

D. The man’s job was bike racing.

2.We can infer from the text that ____________.

A. the couple worked 60 hours a week.

B. people were busy before Christmas

C. the stranger brought over the bike

D. life was hard for the young family.

3.What do the couple learn from their experience?

A. Strangers are usually of little help

B. One should take care of their bike.

C. News reports make people famous.

D. An act of kindness can mean a lot.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽钱桥中学泥河中学高二12月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How to protect children Web fans from unsuitable material on-line while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed in the US.

For some parents, the Internet can seem like a jungle (丛林), filled with danger for their children. But jungles contain wonders as well as dangers and with good guides, some education and a few precautions (预防), the wilds of the Internet can be safely navigated . "Kids have to be on-line. If we tell our kids they can’t be allowed to surf the Internet, we are cutting them from their future,” said an expert.

Most kids have started to use search engines. Many of them are great for finding tons of interesting Internet sites, and they can also locate places where you might not want your kids to go. There are search engines designed just for kids. A certain software contains only sites that have been selected as safe. The most popular way would be to use what is known as a “content screener ". But this can’t be wholly reliable, and the best thing parents can do is to talk to their kids and let them know what is OK or not OK to see or to do on the Internet. Another way is that Mum or Dad is nearby when the child is surfing the Internet.

A few other tips:

--- Don't put the PC in the child's room but keep it in an area where Mum or Dad can keep an eye on things. That also makes the Internet more of a family activity.

--- Ask your child what he or she has been doing and about any friend they make online,

--- Tell your child not to give on-line strangers personal information, especially like address and phone number.

--- And tell your children never to talk to anyone they meet on-line over the phone, send them anything, accept anything from them or agree to meet with them unless you go along.

1.What is the best way to protect children from improper materials?

A. To fix a content screener on the computer.

B. To be nearby when they are surfing the Internet.

C. To talk to them and persuade them to tell right from wrong.

D. To buy some search engines for children.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Surfing the Internet is the best way of educating children.

B. Using a content screener is most reliable for keeping children having ways to the Internet.

C. Search engines can help children to select materials fit for them.

D. Children’s not having chances to go to the Internet may have effect on their progress.

3.According to the passage, we can infer that _____.

A. softwares fit for children want programming.

B. the Internet will be protected by law

C. the Internet contains a lot of harmful sites

D. a child who is on-line is in danger

4.What does the passage tell us most?

A. Education. B. Precautions.

C. Search engines. D. Software.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西省南昌市高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假如你叫李华,你和父母在英国旅游期间于1月28日至30日入住Forest Hotel酒店,但对其提供的服务不满意,请发电子邮件给酒店的管理者进行投诉,要求其道歉并改进服务质量。1.搬运工送到房间的皮箱破损;2.卫生间漏水;3.楼下酒吧有噪音,并持续到很晚,影响休息。



3.参考词汇:搬运工porter n; 皮箱suitcase n; 漏水leak vi.

Dear Manager,

My name is Li HuA. I stayed at your hotel_____________________________________________





Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北衡水第二中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





Dear Sir,

I’m writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host family for the British students. Locating in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood, our large fully-equipped apartment meets all their needs. Apart from the conveniently public transportation, our own car can also take them to some nearby places of interests. With fluent English and an outgoing personality, I’m sure I will have no difficulty communicate with them. Above all, we host two British students last year, through that we’ve gained lots of experience. In addition, my mother’s expert cooking can guarantee for them a wonderful chance of taste delicious Chinese food.

I would greatly appreciate if I could have the chance to host them and make friends with them.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

