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20.Here's an unusual story:a diamond ring was recently found in an egg.The magician,Liu Qian,discovered it,in front of an audience of millions at CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.Liu's magic tricks have made the centuries-old art of magic fashionable once again,and made him the hottest magician in China.
As a seasoned young magician from Taiwan,Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows.Countries he has performed in include the United States,Japan,South Korea and the UK.
Witnessing something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of people's love for magic.
Liu is known for his interaction (互动) with his audiences.He has a unique understanding of showmanship (演出技巧).
    It's actually thinking rather than one's operation skills that is more important to achieving a successful magic show.We think carefully about how to design the shows creatively,to make them appear more interesting."Liu said.
Liu Qian's success dates back to his childhood.Born in 1976 in Taiwan,he found himself attracted to a magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old.At the age of 12,he won Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest,which was judged by the great American magician,David Copperfield.
Yet,Liu never planned on becoming a professional magician.He studied Japanese literature at university and only hoped to be a magician in his spare time.However,his failure to find a proper job after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career.He has performed on streets,roads and fields,for passers-by,policemen and farmers.
"Street shows are the biggest challenge for us magicians.We have to deal with unexpected situations and tough crowds,"Liu said.
86.The story is aboutA.
A.how Liu Qian became China's hottest magician   
B.why people love magic
C.what magic tricks are                           
D.how fashionable magic is
87.The underlined word"Witnessing"meansC.
A.Making       B.Proving C.Seeing       D.Signing
88.People love to watch magic becauseC.
A.they can't figure out the secret of magic       
B.it arouses (激发) their curiosity which is good for studying.
C.they love watching magicians make the impossible happen
D.it is a centuries-old art
89.Which of the following is the key reason that Liu Qian decided to make magic his career?D
A.He was interested in magic when he was a little boy.
B.He had won Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest.
C.He became an amateur magician in his spare time.
D.He couldn't find an acceptable job after graduation.
90.From the story we learn that Liu QianB.
A.is at the age of 12
B.is popular worldwide for his magic shows
C.planned on becoming a magician from his childhood
D.does street show to make more money.

分析 这篇文章是讲述刘谦是怎么成为炙手可热的魔术师的,还有他的表演风格.

86.答案是A.主旨大意题:从第一段的句子:Liu's magic tricks have made the centuries-old art of magic fashionable once again,and made him the hottest magician in China.可知这篇文章是讲述刘谦是怎么成为炙手可热的魔术师的.选A.
 87.答案是C.词义猜测题,Witnessing something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of people's love for magic可见不可能发生的事在你的眼前上演是人们对魔法的爱的根源,这种不可能发生的事情是用眼睛看到的,所以猜测witness是看的意思,故答案选C.
88.答案是C. 细节理解题:从第三段的句子:Witnessing(见证) something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of people's love for magic.可知人们喜欢看魔术是因为喜欢看魔术师使不可能的事情发生.选C.
89.答案是D.细节理解题:从第七段的句子:However,his failure to find a proper job after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career.可知是因为毕业后找不到工作刘谦才做魔术师的.选D.
90.答案是B.推理判断题,Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows.Countries he has performed in include the United States,Japan,South Korea and the UK他所表演的国家包括美国、日本、韩国和英国.可以推断他是一位受世界欢迎的魔术师,所以答案选B.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.At just six years old,Joey Kilpatrick is Australia's unofficial hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)champion after he hid in a bedroom cupboard for eight hours while playing his favorite game,causing a big rescue operation.
     The determined little boy's disappearing act led to a careful search,including nice police officers,five State Emergency Service volunteers,tracker dogs and almost all of the people of the town of Goombungee.
     His mother,Chris,says she called the police when Joey disappeared one afternoon after telling his older brother,Lachlan,14,that he was off to play hide-and-seek.
"I called the two boys for dinner,"Chris says."After about 20 minutes I started to worry,I was shouting to Joey,‘OK,we can't find you,time to come out!'"
     But there was no sign of her little boy.Within minutes of Chris calling the police,the policemen started one of the biggest ground searches in the town's history.
"I was really frightened.I rang my husband,Kris,who works out of town,and he immediately hit the road,calling me every 10 minutes."Chris recalls."They searched the house from top to bottom; everyone was out looking for him.When a neighbor asked if I'd checked the water tank,that's when reality hit.I was afraid."
    After hours of searching the town,confused(困惑的)police decided to search the house one more time.
"I just sat there waiting,"Chris says,"Then a strange feeling came over me,and I rushed into the bedroom and put my hand on a pile of blankets in the cupboard.As I pulled then out,there he was---asleep and completely not realizing what was going on!I've never held him in my arms so hard."
Senior officer,Chris Brameld,from Goombungee police,says he is glad that Joey's game had a happy ending:"When we realized he was safe,we agreed that it didn't get much better than that!"
    And young Joey promises that next time he won't be so intent(专注于) on finding the best hiding place."I want to say sorry to the policemen and to Mummy for scaring them,"he says,"I promise next time I'll hide where they can find me and I won't fall asleep!"
55.Why did the boy hide in a bedroom cupboard?C
A.He thought it was a good place to sleep
B.He wanted to start a big rescue operation
C.He didn't think he could be easily found there
D.He is Australia's unofficial hide-and-seek champion.
56.What did the boy's mother do when she couldn't find her son?B
A.She checked the water tank.
B.She called the police and her husband.
C.She turned to her neighbor for help.
D.She searched the town from top to bottom.
57.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.The boy felt very cold when he was found.
B.The boy knew clearly what was going on.
C.The mother usually hugged her boy very hard.
D.The mother was very grateful to find her boy.
58.How did the boy feel after he found out what had happened?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.--English is becoming so important.
--It's true.Many university classes are taught in English ______ the native language is not English.(  )
A.as ifB.what ifC.as long asD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Is it in that factory __________"Red Flag"cars are produced?
 No,they are produced in our factory.(  )
A.in whichB.whereC.whichD.that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Hank Viscardi was born without legs.He had not legs but stumps(残肢)that could he fitted with a kind of special boots,People stared at him with cruel interest.Children laughed at him and called him‘Ape Man'(猿人)because his arms practically dragged on the ground.
Hank went to school like other boys.His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve.After graduating from school,he worked his way through college.He swept floors,waited on table,or worked in one of the college offices.During all this busy life,he had been moving around on his stumps.But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer.He would soon have to use a wheel chair.
Hank felt himself got cold all over.However,the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificiallegs(假腿).Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror,for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be-a full five feet eight inches tall.By this time he was already 26years old.
Hank had to learn to use his new legs.Again and again he marched the length of the room,and marched back again.There were times when he fell down on the floor,but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching.He went out on the street.He climbed stairs and learned to dance.He built a boat and learned to sail it.
When World War II came,he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job.He took the regular training.He marched and drilled along with the other soldiers.Few knew that he was legless.This was the true story of Hank Viscardi,a man without legs.

46.Children laughed at Hank and called him‘Ape Man'becauseC
A.he didn't talk to them
B.he kept away from them
C.his arms touched the ground when he moved
D.he couldn't use his arms
47.It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches tall isA
A.an average height for a fully grown person
B.too tall for an average person
C.too short for an average person
D.none of the above
48.The sentence"he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job"implies that the Red CrossD.
A.was only glad to give him a job
B.give him a job because he was a good soldier
C.gave him a job after he talked to someone whom he knew in the organization
D.was not willing to give him a job at first
49.When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers,heA
A.did everything the other soldiers did
B.did most of the things the other soldiers did
C.did some of the things the other soldiers did
D.took some special training
50.The writer suggests that Ha nk ViscardiB
A.had no friends
B.never saw himself as difierent from others
C.was very shy
D.was too proud to accept help from others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.I drink black coffee ______ he prefers it with cream.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The Chinese girl's father was familiar ________ French before.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Your room is terribly dirty; you _____get it cleaned in two hours,or Mum will be angry.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.I don't want them to remind(使…想起) me of her.

