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20.Having a large family to support,he took up two part-time jobs in his spare time.

分析 因为要养活一个大家庭,所以他在业余时间干了两份兼职工作.

解答 答案:support.
vt.支持; 支撑; 帮助; 维持;  
n.支撑; 支持者;[数学]支集; 支撑物;  
She sold everything she'd ever bought in order to support herself through art school.

We hope to continue to have her close support and friendship.

点评 做翻译填空的题目要注意解题步骤:1.分析每道题目需要完成部分的语法属性 2.划出已给出部分的中心词.依据空格前后成分,确定空格的语法属性:词性、单复数、时态等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Not having persuaded Helen to change her mind,her parents had no choice but to allow her to go to China to travel alone.(persuade)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.As Yang Liwei returned into the earth's atmosphere,helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready to collect him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Half of the world's population is affected by Asian monsoons (季风),but monsoons are difficult to predict.American researchers have put together a 700-year record of the rainy seasons,which is expected to provide guidance for experts making weather predictions
Every year,moist (潮湿的) air masses,known as monsoon,produce large amounts of rainfall in India,East Asia,Northern Australia and East Africa.All this wet air is pulled in by a high pressure area over the Indian Ocean and a low pressure area to the south.
According to Edward Cook,a weather expert at Columbia University in New York,the complex nature of the climate systems across Asia makes monsoons hard to predict.In addition,climate records for the area are too recent and not detailed enough to be of much use.Therefore,he and a team of researchers spent more than fifteen years traveling across Asia,looking for trees old enough to provide long-term records.They measured the rings,or circles,inside thousands of ancient trees in more than 300 places.
Rainfall has a direct link to the growth and width of rings on some kinds of trees.The researchers developed a document they are calling a Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas.It shows the effect of monsoons over seven centuries,beginning in the 1300s.
Professor Cook says the tree-ring records show periods of wet and dry weather."If the monsoon basically fails or is a very weak one,the trees affected by monsoons at that location might put on a very narrow ring.But if the monsoon is very strong,the trees affected by that monsoon might put on a wide ring for that year.So,the wide and narrow ring widths of the chronology that we developed in Asia provide us with a measure of monsoon variability."With all this information,researchers say they can begin to improve computer climate models for predicting the behavior of monsoons.
"There has been widespread famine and starvation and human dying in the past in large droughts.And on the other hand,if the monsoon is particularly heavy,it can cause extensive flooding."said Eugene Wahl,a scientist with America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."So,to get a sense of what the regional moisture patterns have been,dryness and wetness over such a long period of time in great detail,I would call it a kind of victory for climate science."

50.What's the passage mainly about?D 
A.The effects of Asian monsoons.
B.The necessity of weather forecast.
C.The achievements of Edward cook.
D.A breakthrough in monsoon prediction.
51.It is difficult for experts to predict Asian monsoons becauseB.
A.it is hard to keep long-term climate records.
B.they are formed under complex climate systems.
C.they influence many nations.
D.there is heavy rainfall in Asia.
52.What can be inferred from the passage?A 
A.Long and detailed climate records can offer useful information for monsoon research.
B.The Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas has a monsoon record for about 1,300 years.
C.The trees affected by monsoon grow fast if the monsoon is weak.
D.The rainfall might be low although the monsoon is strong in monsoon-affected areas.
53.According to Professor Cook,the rings of the treesC.
A.determine the regional climate.
B.have a great influence on the regional climate.
C.offer people information about the regional climate.
D.reflect all kinds of regional climate information.
54.What do we know about the research according to Eugene Wahl?A 
A.It is a great achievement in climate science.
B.It should include information about human life in the past.
C.It has analysed moisture models world wide,
D.It will help people prevent droughts and floods.
55.Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?A 
A.Matter-of-fact    B.Pessimistic    C.Humorous    D.Friendly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Yang's ambition was to get an architect certificate or become a bowling master.But when he was c (25)conducting experiments with a microscope in the basement,a tank on the bench exploded,sending him flying outwards through the exit.He was out of b(26)breathwhile knowing he lost his eyesight as well as 70% of his hearing.In other words,he was d(27)disabled.
Feeling clumsy,he was a(28)annoyed at first though nobody made fun of him.He cut out going outdoors and just sat around at home talking to his parrot or tortoise silently.His sister r(29)resigned to help him in many ways.Her assistance and encouragement were so beneficial to his psychology that he adapted to his disability soon and became o(30)outgoing again.In a college accessible to him,he studied politics and literature.He always sat in the front row near the e(31)entry without any absence and,with the help of his handy laptop,he studied well by means of d(32)dictation.His thesis Abolishing Slavery met with all professors'approval.After class,he and his companions often played drum music,which was noisy but s(33)suitable for his hearing.After graduation,he made high p(34)profits by designing software for a firm.All in all,in his community,he won dignity and people's congratulation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.---What do you think of the film?
---Cool!Never before _____ a better one.(  )
A.had I seenB.I have seenC.have I seenD.I had seen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.While thousands of college students headed for warm climate to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes,seven local students had other plans.
The Northern Essex Community College (NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring reak in New York City,helping repair an area (61)destroyed (destroy) by the hurricane.
"I wanted to see for myself what happened,"said Terry."I couldn't  imaginewhat(62)it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the(63)powerful(power) effect the hurricane had on those people.I wanted to do something,to understand their feeling of helplessness."
The group headed into Brooklyn's Red Hook district,which was hit hard by the hurricane.There they met people from other parts of the country,(64)whohad also volunteered to help.Together,those volunteers and the NECC students(65)worked(work) to clear rubbish out of a three-story building.They put on protective suits and gloves(66)beforethey entered the building.
Inside the building,the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building (67)lying(lie) all over the place.
The students returned to school with (68)asense of achievement,a feeling that(69)theyhelped people in need.I was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover,and this left the deepest impression(70)onthe students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.On his first voyage,Zheng He setsail across the Indian Ocean.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.My firstimpression (印象)of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy.

