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【题目】Every year, TIME editors take a look at the past year’s coolest inventions. Last year, they picked 25 favorites. These inventions are making the world better, smarter and a little more fun. Here are some exciting ones.

A See-through Truck

Too often people meet with car accidents because a large vehicle blocks their view. This is especially true in Argentina. The South American country is known for its winding and narrow roads. However, Samsung and ad agency Leo Burnett have come up with a creative solution: the Safety Truck. The system sends video footage片段in front of a truck to four screens on its back. It gives drivers a clear view of what’s ahead.

A Virtual虚拟的Pencil and Paper

In the 450 years or so since its invention, a pencil has become so common. It’s easy to forget how great technology is. It writes darker words when you press it harder. Its marks can be erased擦掉. It’s difficult to digitally copy the way it works. That’s what makes Apple’s latest effort so impressive. The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen, just as they do on a piece of paper. The Apple Pencil goes for $99, and the iPad Pro is $799+.

Easy-on Shoes

In 2012, Matthew Walzer, a high school student with a disability, sent a note to Nike. “My dream is to go to college,’’ he wrote, “without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day.” Nike appointed a design team to the challenge. This year, they came up with their solution: the Flyease. The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand. A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.

【1】 How does a See-through Truck help avoid the accidents?

A. By putting a big block in front of a car.

B. By sending video footage in front of a truck to four screens on its back.

C. By writing something on a screen, just as they do on a piece of paper.

D. By having to worry about someone rushing out in front of the truck every time.

【2】What makes Apple’s latest effort so impressive?

A. The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen.

B. The Apple Watch gives users exact time when people need to know it.

C. The Apple Pencil goes for $99, and the iPad Air is $799+.

D. The Apple Pencil leaves darker marks on the screen and its marks can’t be erased.

【3】Which of the following would Tom, a disabled boy with one hand, like to own?

A. A See-through Truck.

B. A Virtual Pencil and Paper.

C. A Flying Bicycle.

D. Easy-on Shoes.







【1】B通过对A See-through Truck的阅读可知,The system sends video footage片段in front of a truck to four screens on its back所以B正确

【2】A 根据A Virtual Pencil and Paper中的The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen, just as they do on a piece of paper.可知A项符合题意,故答案为A。

【3】D 根据对文章中Easy-on Shoes的阅读和文中的句子a high school student with a disability, sent a note to NikeThe basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand.”可知D正确


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Are you truly happy? .
. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. On the contrary, if you are surrounded by people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious.
. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.
. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be putting yourself in a better mood.
. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.
Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.
A. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.
B. The following tips may help you to create happiness.
C. Surround yourself with happy people.
D. There are some reasons in life that lead to unhappiness.
E. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your health.
F. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.
G. It‘’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When we think about the dreams we have, it is surprising to see how many people failed even if they could have succeeded. So today I'm going to tell you five ways to kill your dreams.
Believe in overnight success.
Everyone knows the story of a tech guy who built a mobile app and sold it for a lot of money. If you investigate further, you will find that he is well educated and has been working on the project for 20 years. Therefore, your overnight success is always a result of what you've done in your life.

Constantly, people around you always have opinions on which path you should take. But whichever way you choose, there are other ways you have to pick as well. And one day you need to solve those problems yourself.
Decide to rest when success is guaranteed.
When your life is going great and everything is set— time to rest. Actually, when you're growing towards a peak, you need to work even harder and find yourself another peak. If you were content with what you've accomplished, it would stop you from a greater success.

Believe the fault is someone else's.
I constantly see people saying, “I created this great product, but the market is so bad.” If you have dreams, it's your responsibility to make them happen. Yes, the market may be bad. But if no one bought your product, surely there is something there that is your fault.

Believe that the only things that matter are the dreams themselves.
Achieving a dream is a short moment, but your life is not. And the only way to really achieve all of your dreams is to fully enjoy every step of your journey.
A. When we face difficulties, believe in ourselves.
B. The overnight success inspires so many people.
C. The story may seem real, but I bet it's incomplete.
D. Be responsible for your own dreams.
E. Life is never about the goals themselves.
F. There's no time to settle down.
G. Believe someone else has the answers for you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)I u (催促) my students to look through their lessons ahead of my explanation.
(2)Being able to work with children is one of the greatest s(满意) of this job.
(3)Abel asked to be excused from a(陪伴) them and went upstairs to her room.
(4)C(恭喜) on your success last night!
(5)The council's plans have met with the a(赞成) of local residents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I was never very neat, while my roommate Mary was extremely organized. Each of her (object)had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签)everything. I always looked for everything. She would push my dirty clothing over and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other. Finally, a war broke out one evening. Mary warned me against (put) my shoes under her bed. Suddenly, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.
The room was filled anger. We could not have stayed together for single minute but for a phone call. Mary answered . From her end of the conversation,I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬)under her covers, sobbing. (obvious), that was something she should not go through alone.
I realized that I should do something (show) my concern. Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn't notice Mary was watching .She (reach) out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into (she)eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”
Mary and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn't always agree, we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:
.Visit art museums. They offer some activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings(签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.
.Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.
.Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.
.Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.
(1)If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit ________.
A.a natural history museum
B.an art museum
C.a Youtheater
D.a hands-on science museum
(2)What can kids do at a Youtheater?
A.Look at rock collections.
B.See dinosaur models.
C.Watch puppet making.
D.Give performances.
(3)What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?
A.Science games designed by kids.
B.Reading science books.
C.A show of kids' science work.
D.Learning science by doing things.
(4)Where does this text probably come from?
A.A science textbook.
B.A film review.
C.A news report.
D.A museum guide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As I entered into a town I saw a little kid carry a lighted candle in his hands. I asked him, "Can you tell me the source from what light came?" The boy laughed and blow out the candle and said, "You have seen light go? Can you tell me where it had gone?

The boy continued, OK, I would tell you it had returned to the source." This destroyed my ego and that moment I felt how stupidly I was. And since then he just dropped all my knowledge ability. I had not master but this doesnt means I was not a disciple. I accepted this whole universe, whole existence as my master. In this world there are millions of source and you can learn from every possible source. With a master you start learning to learn.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Most maps of the world show lines that are not on the Earth's surface.One line is the equator(赤道).It is an imaginary line around the widest part of the Earth.There are similar lines both north and south of the equator.These circles become smaller and smaller toward the north pole and the south pole.These lines, or circles, are parallel(平行的)—meaning that they are equally distant from each other at any point around the world.These lines show what is called latitude(纬度).
A navigator can know the latitude of his ship by observing the location of stars, where the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, and what time of year it is.With this information he knows where his ship is in relation to the north or south pole and the equator.
Still, there is one more important piece of information necessary for safely sailing the oceans.For many centuries, scientists, astronomers and inventors searched for a way to tell longitude(经度).The lines of longitude go the other way from latitude lines.They stretch from the north pole to the south pole, and back again in great circles of the same size.All of the lines of longitude meet at the top and bottom of the world.
To learn longitude at any place requires knowledge about time.A navigator needs to know what time it is on his ship and also the time at another place of known longitude—at the very same moment.
The Earth takes twentyfour hours to complete one full turn or revolution of 360 degrees.One hour marks one twentyfourth of a turn, or fifteen degrees.So each hour's time difference between the ship and the starting point marks a ship's progress of fifteen degrees of longitude to the east or west.Those fifteen degrees of longitude mark a distance traveled.
At the equator, where the Earth is widest, fifteen degrees stretch about one thousand six hundred kilometers.North or south of that line, however, the distance value of each degree decreases.One degree of longitude equals four minutes of time all around the world.But in measuring distance, one degree shrinks from about one hundred and nine kilometers at the equator to nothing at the north and south poles.
①navigator n . 领航员 ②stretch v . 伸展
(1)What's the main purpose of drawing lines on the map that are NOT on the Earth's surface?
A.To explore the ocean.
B.To observe the stars.
C.To sail safely.
D.To tell the time.
(2)If a ship travels along the equator about eight thousand kilometers, it may pass________.
A.about eighty degrees of latitude
B.about seventyfive degrees of latitude
C.about fifty degrees of longitude
D.about seventyfive degrees of longitude
(3)The underlined word “shrinks” in the last paragraph probably means________.
(4)What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.How to read the map.
B.The equator and the latitude.
C.The Earth's surface.
D.The imaginary lines or circles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, there people were chatting in English.
I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior
students were better than me. I asked them for advise and they told me to practise more on QQ.
But every day after that I would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. Day by day I
learned from many useful words and expressions. With time went by, I found that I could even
communicate some college students freely.

