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The easy way out isn’t always the easiest.I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, my husband of one month, to a special meal.I glanced through my cook book and chose a menu which included homemade bread.Knowing the bread would take time.I started on it as soon as Doug left for work.As I was not experienced in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, two dozen would be better, so I doubled everything.As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl.Soon there was a sticky dough covered with ugly yellowish marks.Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn’t have to face Doug laughing at my work.I went on preparing the rest of the meal, and, when Doug got home, we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice.He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed.Twice he got up and went outside, saying he thought he heard a noise.The third time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing.Looking out, I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container.When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in our rubbish bin.Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up enough for me to see.I felt cold.But I stepped closer and looked harder.Without doubt it was my work.The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast(酵母)made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing.I had to admit what the living thing was and why it was there.I don’t know who was more embarrassed by the whole thing-Doug or me.


The writer’s purpose in writing this story is _________.

[  ]


to tell an interesting experience


to show the easiest way out of a difficulty


to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman


to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books


Why did the woman’s attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?

[  ]


The canned orange had gone bad.


She didn’t use the right kind of flour.


The cookbook was hard to understand.


She did not follow the directions closely.


Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?

[  ]


She didn’t see the use of keeping it.


She meant to joke with her husband.


She didn’t want her husband to see it.


She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.


What made the dough in the bin looks frightening?

[  ]


The rising and falling movement.


The strange-looking marks.


Its shape.


Its size.


When Doug went out the third time, the woman looked out of the window because she was _________.

[  ]


surprised at his being interested in the bin


afraid that he would discover her secret


unhappy that he didn’t enjoy the meal


curious to know what disturbed him


科目:高中英语 来源:人教社新课程2003年审核高一下册练习 人教社新课程2003年审核 题型:050


  By the early 19th century the factory system had spread to the U.S. The first cotton factory was built in 1814, and by 1850 some 24 percent of workers were women. They produced clothing, shoes, cigars, and other things. In the Northeast, newly-arrived women with little education became the factory force. In the South, black women moved into factory and domestic(家庭的)jobs, first as slaves and later as free workers.

  By 1890 nearly 4 million women in the U.S. worked for pay. This represented(代表)18 percent of the female population aged 14 and 17 percent of the total work force. Half the female workers were under 25 years of age, and seven out of ten were single. Most of them worked in domestic service, teaching positions, and textile(纺织的)factories; only about 5 percent were secretaries, clerks, or salespersons.

  Recent years have seen a rapid increase in the number of women joining the paid labour force in the U.S. Today, almost 54 percent of all women of working age are employed. Over 50 percent of working women are married, and 60 percent of working wives have school--aged children.

(1)By 1850 about _______ percent of workers were men.

[  ]


(2)By 1890 ________ of working women were married.

[  ]

A.one tenth
B.three tenths
C.seven tenths
D.nine tenths

(3)Today less than ________ percent of female workers are single.

[  ]


(4)More and more women in the U.S. have worked for pay _______ .

[  ]

A.by 1850

B.by 1890

C.by the early 19th century

D.in the recent years

(5)According to the passage, which of the following sentences is NOT true?

[  ]

A. Today three fifths of working wives have school--aged children.

B. By 1890, 17 percent of the total work force in the U.S. worked for pay.

C. The first textile factory was built in 1814.

D. Black women in the South of the U.S. first worked as slaves.


科目:高中英语 来源:人教社新课程2003年审核高一下册练习 人教社新课程2003年审核 题型:050


    In the 1930's, a lot of people in the USA were out of work. Among these people was a man named Alfred Butts. He always has an interest in word games and so, to fill his time, he planned a game which he called“Lexico”. However, he was not completely satisfied with the game, so he made a number of changes to it and, in time, changed its name from“Lexico”to“Alph”and then to“Criss·Cross”. He wanted to make some money from his new game, but he didn't have any real commercial(商业性的)success.

  In 1939, Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest in the new game. The two men worked together on developing the game and in 1984 it was offered for sale in the United States under its new name--“Scrabble”.

  At first, it didn't sell very well. In the first year it sold just 2,250 sets and by 1951 it had only reached 8,500sets a year.

  Then, in 1952 the manager of Macy's department store in New York, Jack Strauss, happened to play“Scrabble”while he was on holiday. He thought it was a wonderful game and, when the went back to work after his holiday, he insisted that Macy's should stock(储备)the game and make an effort to call the public's attention to it.

  As a result,“Scrabble”became a big success in the United States and it soon spread to Australia and then to other English-speaking countries.

(1)The text is mainly about _______.

[  ]

B.three men
C.a word game
D.Alfred Butts

(2)Alfred Butts invented the game“Lexico” ________.

[  ]

A. to make himself famous

B. to make spelling simpler

C. when he was out of work and looking for a job

D. when he was playing word games to pass the time

(3)Who made“Scrabble”popular?

[  ]

A. Alfred Butts.

B. Jack Strauss.

C. Alfred Butts and Jim Brunot.

D. Jack Strauss and Jim Brunot.

(4)When did Alfred Butts first put his game on the market?

[  ]

A. In 1939.

B. In 1948.

C. Before 1939.

D. Between 1939 and 1948.

(5)What does the underlined word“call”mean in Paragraph 4?

[  ]

C.Say aloud.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广西北海市合浦县教研室高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay(黏土) or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants’ life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants.
The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(无人居住的). People also live outside oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.
The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, put them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable, no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.
【小题1】According to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of ________.

【小题2】The underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being ________.
【小题3】 In the desert ________.
A.It rains in spring only.
B.it rains for a short time every month
C.the rainfall is just enough for the plants
D.there is some rain, but far from enough
【小题4】People live ______.
A.only inside the oasesB.both inside and outside the oases
C.only outside the oasesD.in places with regular rainfalls.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江平阳三中2010届高三下学期第10次周练英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it’s a matter of life of death. The time chosen for the call communications its importance.
In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life. For example, if people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the A.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person who is 5 minutes late will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.
41. If one makes a telephone call at dawn, this would mean ____.
A. the matter is of value            B. the matter is somewhat important
C. the matter requires attention      D. it is a matter of life or death
42. According to the passage, time plays an important role in ____.
A. everyday life      B. school life   C. communications   D. private life
43. According to the passage, the author of the article may agree that ____.
A. it is not appropriate to send your invitation cards only three or four days before a dinner party date in U. S. A.
B. it is impolite to be prompt
C. it is best for one to make telephone calls at night because it costs much less
D. if one is less than 5 minutes late, he has to make a short apology
44. The best title for this passage is “ ____”.
A. Time and tide wait for no man             B. The importance of time     
C. The importance of an announcement        D. The voices of time


科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年广西北海市合浦县教研室高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


   The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay(黏土) or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants’ life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants.

   The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(无人居住的). People also live outside oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.

   The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, put them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable, no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.

【小题1】According to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of ________.

    A. clay         B. rock             C. stones       D. sand

【小题1】The underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being ________.

    A. kind         B. brave                C. cruel            D. strange   

【小题1】 In the desert ________.

    A. It rains in spring only.         B. it rains for a short time every month

C. the rainfall is just enough for the plants

D. there is some rain, but far from enough   

【小题1】People live ______.

    A. only inside the oases                B. both inside and outside the oases

C. only outside the oases               D. in places with regular rainfalls.


